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1 - little boy 1 - husband 2 - cats no - tolerance for people who can't figure out that the world is made up of different experiences, preferences, and lifestyles.

  • Things that drive me crazy on here....?

    I'm sure this signifies that I need to get a life, but it drives me absolutely CRAZY when people delete the questions they asked - and especially when I've taken the time to answer them. AND when I'm actually interested in going back to the question to see what other Y!Aers think/submit. Gaaaahhhhh!!!

    Another pet peeve is when someone is CLEARLY only fishing for answers that back their (generally) out-of -whack opinion. I just love it when, say, 90% of the respondents are disagreeing with the poster, and then the poster chooses the one person who agrees with them.

    What Y!A user 'quirk' bugs you?

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting10 years ago
  • Is it possible to copy text from an Access-generated report?

    This may not be possible, but I thought I'd ask...

    Is there any way to copy (and paste to Word) text from an Access report? I know I can export the report to many formats, but it would be so much easier to just 'grab' the text that's on the report.

    3 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • Your thoughts? Flu shot and food allergies?

    (I've asked this is the Health/Allergies area, but I'd be interested in getting other parent's thoughts as well).

    Detailing how my mind got around to making this connection/question would take too long, so I'll cut to the short of it:

    When people (scientists and what have you) try to find explanations for food allergies, has anyone ever taken a hard look at the effects (after effects?) of the flu vaccine?

    And I really am just asking - does anyone know? It just seems to me to be an 'outlying' variable that doesn't seem to be considered when everyone's trying to find reasons as to why food allergies are so prevalent anymore.

    I know the flu vaccine has been around for a while (since the 40s or 50s), but it doesn't seem like it was pushed down peoples' throats like it is now.


    (And I promise, I'm really not trying to start a vaccinate vs. don't vaccinate debate -- this is just a question that's been rattling around in my head).

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Others' thoughts? Flu shot and food allergies?

    Detailing how my mind got around to making this connection/question would take too long, so I'll cut to the short of it:

    When people (scientists and what have you) try to find explanations for food allergies, has anyone ever taken a hard look at the effects (after effects?) of the flu vaccine?

    And I really am just asking - does anyone know? It just seems to me to be an 'outlying' variable that doesn't seem to be considered when everyone's trying to find reasons as to why food allergies are so prevalent anymore.

    I know the flu vaccine has been around for a while (since the 40s or 50s), but it doesn't seem like it was pushed down peoples' throats like it is now.


    (And I promise, I'm really not trying to start a vaccinate vs. don't vaccinate debate -- this is just a question that's been rattling around in my head).

    3 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Ha! So, does this mean I'm official? (And unrelated BQ)?

    I just had an answer of mine reported and deleted - does this make me an official Y!A user now? :-)

    And as a completely different BQ: Do, or did, you kids like to rub the tags on their blankets, clothes, etc.? Our son LOVES to rub the tags of his blankets between his fingers and I've never seen that before.

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What do you parents think of this daycare policy (medication)?

    Our daycare sent out a notice to all parents that they would no longer be administering medication on the basis prescribed by the doctor (i.e., every four hours) and would instead ONLY be administering a dose of medication at 12 noon.

    I thought that was utter and complete bullshit they were trying to pull that and I even wonder the legality of it.

    I'm really interested in your guys' opinions and what your daycare policy is in terms of medication.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Is there such a thing as a stair gate with pet access?

    I've been searching for a stair gate that has a pet access/door flap for our cats. We're getting ready to move our son to a toddler bed, which, I'm sure, will mean some night roaming.

    We'll put a stair gate at the top of the stairs BUT the issue is the cats' litter box is also upstairs. There's no way they could jump over the top of the stair gate to get to their litter box, and keeping the cats upstairs won't work because their food is downstairs.

    So, I've been searching for a stair gate with a pet flap and I've had no luck. Maybe I'm putting the wrong search terms in Google or something or maybe it just doesn't exist.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Did having a child (or children) hurt your relationship?

    I was talking with my friend a while ago, and both of us experienced HUGE marital problems after our babies were born. We both had a good relationship with our husbands before, no real problems to speak of, were excited about the birth of our babies, etc., but then when we brought the baby home, everything just went to hell.

    My husband and I fought constantly, fought meanly (like, worse then we ever had before), and just really 'lost' each other. It got so bad that at one point I was looking up divorce lawyers in our area.

    I'm happy to say that after a handful of counselors and some long talks, we're back on track and doing great. But it took a good year before I felt our marriage was back to normal.

    I was just wondering what everyone elses' experience was like and if you experienced the same problems my friend and I did.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Definition of 'Premature' - Gestation question?

    I could be completely overthinking this, but I thought I'd throw it out there...

    For some reason, I was thinking about this this morning -- My friend gave birth to her son at 34 weeks, so he's considered 6 weeks premature.

    But isn't the period of gestation 37 weeks? Meaning, if a baby is born at 37 weeks, they aren't considered premature.

    Soooo, is my friend's son considered 6 weeks premature, or - technically - 3 weeks premature.


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Birthday gift for my friend's (premie) son?

    It SEEMS like this should be a simple thing, but it's really not.

    My friend's son will be turning one next month. However, he was 6 weeks premature, and rightfully, all milestones and such are referred to by using his corrected age.

    The sticky part of this is my friend is beginning to get a little, uh, 'sensitive' to the fact her son is pretty behind in meeting his milestones (even accounting for his corrected age), so now I'm not sure what to buy him for his birthday.

    If I buy something meant for a child one year and above, I worry her son won't be able to play with, and enjoy, the toy for quite a while. On the other hand, if I get a toy more suited to his corrected age and current abilities (about 6 months to 9 months), I worry my friend will get offended by that.

    Any thoughts? Again, this (buying a child a first birthday toy) shouldn't be a big deal, but she has been really touchy lately about his developmental progress.

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What should I do? Anyone been in my friend's position?

    My friend and I's sons are three months apart (mine being the older one). Actually, my friend's son was born about a month and a half premature, so his corrected age is really about five months younger than my son.

    Everything used to be fine between us. My girlfriend was aware her son would hit milestones at a later date (corrected age or not) than my son due to her son being a premie.

    Lately, however, I've definately noticed an undercurrent of jealousy (or maybe resentment?) from my friend in terms of our sons, and I think a lot of it is due to my son now walking.

    I think, before either of them were super-mobile, the differences weren't that apparent, but now that my son (who's 13 months old) is walking and climbing and just being an active toddler in general, it's just gotten 'weird' between us. There's a snippiness or snarkiness to her anymore that deals solely with what my son is doing (and, I guess, what her's ISN'T doing). I think their differences have just been starkly shown and it bugs her.

    I also have a gut feeling something may be wrong with her son -- Autism or somthing like that. I can't back that up with any medical evidience, it's just a sneaking suspician I have.

    So, anyhow, how do I deal with her? She's still a good friend of mine, and I'm doing my best to understand how it must feel to be in her position, but at the same time, I'm not going to stand around and be her emotional punching bag.

    Any thoughts? Suggestions? Has anyone been in my friends shoes and can offer me some insight or advice?

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What to do: Cutting family members out of your life?

    It has come to the point that my husband and I are so sick and tired of my sister and brother in law's self-centeredness that we finally told them to sod off. If we never see them again, oh well -- it has just really gotten to that point.

    However, that's easier said than done. We all (being my parents, sister, and myself) live within 40 miles of each other. We also have a young son (their nephew) that they're most likely never going to form a relationship with. (They have showed very little interest in him, so at this point, we just figure it's not a loss).

    What about family get-togethers like July 4th? Do we just bag it? Never show up at family functions where they'll be?

    What's been your experience? Any thoughts or ideas are welcome, too.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Baby signing - funny story?

    Not really a question, but more of a comment.

    When I went to pick my (1 year old) son up at day care, his primary caregiver was really excited and proud of him because he learned how to sign for "more."

    I, of course, poured praise on my little guy, but in the back of my mind, I was like, "Uh, how am I going to have any idea when he USES that sign? I have no idea what it is!"

    Kind of one of those where if they're gonna teach the babies, they need to teach the parents. As it is, I'm scouring the internet for FREE ASL signcards, so if anyone has any suggestions for that, I'm all ears.

    To conclude the story, my husband, for some reason, knew what the sign for 'more' was, so I now know that one.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did other parents feel this way (baby's first birthday)?

    My son turns one today, and while I'm happy to see him grow and progress, I've also spent a good part of the day feeling really sad.

    It's hard to think my little guy is really no longer my little, LITTLE guy, but now a little person who walks and tries to talk.

    So, again, I'm happy to see him grow, but I'm really sad (maybe mourning?) the little baby who's leaving me. Has anyone else felt that way?

    Also, as a sidenote, it's hard for me to see him grow up because I feel I didn't get nearly enough time with him when he was smaller. I battled PPD for a period of time when he was about 2 - 4 months old, and I feel like I never got to experience that time with him because I was just out of my head. I try to forgive myself or not get down on myself for that loss, but easier said than done.

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know how to frickin' RSVP anymore?

    More of a rant than a question. I sent out our son's one-year birthday annoucement, asking folks to RSVP via email or phone.

    Not surprisingly, the RSVP deadline has passed and I'm having to chase down a good number of recipients to ask if they're going or not. Does anyone, anymore, realize that RSVP means you are to contact me WHETHER OR NOT you can attend?

    Maybe I need to reword his next birthday annoucement to say, "Just friggin' tell me if you're planning on showing up or not" and leave 'RSVP' off of it. ;-) Ok, maybe not.

    Anyone else want to chime in?

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Like the parents...but not the kids? What do you do?

    I have this friend at work who's son is about a year and half older than my son. While I'm really good friends with her, I've never really got to spend an extended amount of time with her and her son (and her husband).

    Well. I got to last weekend and their son is a holy terror. I had no idea it was so bad. They had absolutely no control over him, and the coup de gras (sp?) was when her son hit her in the face out of frustration, and they both did nothing.

    NONE of his behaviors are anything I want my son picking up on, so....what have you all done in this situation? I can't fathom telling her why we don't want to hang out with them (when has that ever ended well?), but I don't know what else to do or so if/when they invite us to another function again.

    Thoughts? Advice?

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Does this make other parents chuckle?

    Do the rest of you let out a little laugh (or possibly an eye roll) when someone who's not a parent and has never had a baby answers questions with things like:

    "When I have my baby, I'll (fill in unrealistic expectation here)."

    Or they know they're going to do something JUST SO when the baby comes along. Now, those of us who have had kids can say, with good certainty, that whatever you had PLANNED to do is very rarely what happens.

    For example:

    Them: "I'm going to have my first baby without any type of drugs."

    My thoughts: Yeah, okay, you let me know how that first real contraction hits you.

    Them: "I'll never (co-sleep, feed them solids before 6 months, etc.) when I have a baby."

    My thoughts: And you know

    Them: "I plan on (breastfeeding, staying home with the baby, working out daily, etc.) without exception."

    My thoughts: *Sigh* You can plan until the cows come home. However, just in case your perfect scenario doesn't work out, you may want to consider other options.

    Any others I've missed?

    14 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • When did your little one give you a kiss?

    Our son is 7 months old, and I was reading that around this time, babies will begin to show their emotions more, including giving kisses. (I can't wait for that! :-))

    When did your little one begin giving you kisses and hugs?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago