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  • Advice for child with ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder)?

    Anyone out there have any advice or behavior modification plans for a family with an ODD child. My husband and I are fairly youg parents, me 26 and him 32. We have 3 children, girl 6, girl 2 and boy 2 months. Recently our oldest daughter was diagnosed with ODD, this came after 2 years of constant behavioral issues, she has even already been asked to leave one school. So far there has been no mention of her possibly being ADD or ADHD, even though my husband is ADHD and takes medication daily for it. We know we are facing an uphill battle and that there really is no medicaiton that can help with ODD, so if anyone has any ideas, good books to read, or just words of encouragment, it would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • 5 yr old, 2 yr old and 3 month old!?

    Not wanting to expand our family any more at this moment in time and looking for birth control options that work, but are not absolutely permenant. Just wanted opinions and advice. Please do not suggest natural family planning, as we do not have the time or patience for this method. Still not sure about wanting more children in the future either.

    17 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever known anyone who....?

    Has anyone ever heard any stories or known anyone who did not know they were pregnant for the whole 9 months? I just recently learned that an acquantaince of mine and her husband had a baby, but I was not even aware that they were expecting, and apparently neither were they. She continued to get her period the whole pregnancy and did not gain much weight either. She learned of her pregnancy the day the infant was born when she arrived at the hospital and was told she was in labor. I have heard stories about people who were able to hide their pregnancies from people the whole time, but they knew themself that they were expecting. What do you think of this situation and how often does it really happen? I am just puzzled, as my husband and I just had our third baby 3 weeks ago and there was no way that I could have gone through that whole pregnancy without knowing I was expecting.

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does breastmilk contain lactose?

    I noticed that there are plenty of formulas out there for lactose intolerant babies. But I was wondering if breastmilk contains lactose and if it does, then can a baby who is lactose intolerant be breastfed or do they automatically have to take formula. And how would one know if their baby is lactose intolerant?

    Newborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding mommies?

    I am currently breastfeeding my third child (he is just 1 week old). Does anyone out there know of any ways to increase one's milk supply? I have always had a low supply and by the time my girls were 6 months I could no longer keep up with their demand and had to supplement with formula. I would like to avoid that happening this time too. I have tried increasing my fluids and nursing and/or pumping more frequently but it does not seem to help. I am using a Medela Pump In Style breastpump. If anyone has any advice, Please share!

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Mommies who breastfeed their babies?

    I have a 1 week old son that I am breastfeeding. This is my third child to breastfeed, but by far the quickest one to catch on to the whole thing. First, I was wondering about how much milk he should be taking with each feeding? He eats every two hours and usually from both breasts. Earlier today I pumped so that I could take a nap and have my mom give him a feeding but I only got 3 ounces total and he took 2 ounces of this. Is that enough milk to take at each feeding? Also, how long will it continue to be painful each time he latches on? Any advice is helpful.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Thoughts or comments on natural labor and delivery vs. medicine assisted labor and delivery?

    I just wanted opinions or thoughts from anyone who has been through either one or both of these situations. How does the recovery time differ between a non-medicated vaginal delivery or one where an epidural was used. And for those who have been successful with a natural labor, was there a feeling of accomplishement or empowerment afterwards? Also what was the experience with the nurses and doctors, were they supportive of the choice to labor naturally or did they try to encourage an epidural? Thanks for all your help.

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is the purpose of placing an apostophe mark in a child's name?

    I have a friend who works in the nursery at a rather large hospital for women and children and she always tells me about the unusual names people have been giving to their children. I was wondering if anyone knew why a parent might choose to place an apostrophe in a name? Is it something cultural or is it just someone trying to be unique? Some of the most recent names given to babies are as follows:






    Pa'Jama (yes someone did name their child after their pajamas)

    11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever had an amniocentesis to check for lung maturity of the baby?

    I was just wondering if anyone here had ever had one done late in their pregnancy. I make 40 weeks and had to have one done yesterday because of some complications that arose when I was about 35 weeks pregnant that interfered with the development of my baby's lungs. The doctor was hoping to see if the lungs had since caught up with the baby's growth, as he is getting quite large now. The results had not come back yet but I wanted to know what type of result would be favorable? And what would result indicate that the lungs are mature enough for delivery? I am getting quite tired of being home on bedrest and having to take medicine to prevent me from having contrations.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Have most babies lungs reached full maturity at 36+ weeks?

    I know most doctors would consider 36 weeks OK to deliver but my doc sent me for an amniocentesis today to check for lung maturity. There has been a discrepancy in my due date for the entire pregnancy so he said he just wanted to be sure everything would be OK for delivery. If I go by the earliest due date then I make 40 weeks on Sat, but if he goes by the later due date then I am only 36+ weeks right now. I was just wondering, even if the later due date were correct, would the baby have mature lungs so that I could be induced?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did anyone feel just downright rotten prior to going into labor or at the beginning of labor?

    Just wondering if anyone felt really cruddy before their labor got started? My sister is due Thursday and she is so weak and nauseated she can't get out of bed today. Contractions are there, but not regular. I am taking her to the DR this afternoon. Just wanted some input.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Mucous plug question?

    Does everyone lose their mucous plug before delivery? This is my 3rd baby and I can clearly remember losing it with my first but not with the second. I am 39 weeks along right now and still have not lost it. How accurate of an indicator is this of how soon labor will begin? My DR. wants to induce but I have been holding out and taking the more natural approach to things.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Do full moons really induce labor, or is it just coincidental?

    I read somewhere that when the moon is full it exerts some sort of additional gravitational pull on the earth. What does this have to do with causing women to go into labor? I did a little research regarding the subject since I am due with my third child any day now, and learned that there are two full moons this month. The first one occurred at the beginning of the month and the second one will appear May 31 and will be a Blue Moon. I have still been unable to find the answer to the question anywhere. If anyone knows what the relationship is between the full moon and labor is, please answer. Thanks!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How soon is too soon to go back to work after giving birth?

    And, is it wrong to want to back to work so soon after having baby? I absolutely love my job and am bummed out because I had to stop working 2 weeks earlier than planned. I am hoping to go back ASAP, but not full time yet of course. I was thinking maybe just 2 days a weeks and work my way back up to full time. My boss is very supportive of this decision and my doctor says he will give me clearance to return to light duty after 4 weeks. I was just looking for some other opinions. Good advice is appreciated.

    9 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • At what point in a pregnancy does it become too late to decide to give the baby up for adoption?

    My friend's daugther is expecting her third child any day now and she just decided that she may not want to keep the baby. This was an unplanned pregnancy for both her and her husband and they already have 2 wonderful children. Both parents are very family oriented but also career minded as well. She already has an established career but intended to go back to school to further her education and feels having to care for another child will put those dreams out of the picture. Also, due to last trimester complications, she has had to stop working earlier than planned and the family has suddenly become financially burdened. I was just wondering if anyone else thought that this decision was being selfish or if it sounds like it is in the best interest of the baby. And, what does one tell the other two children who are anticipating the birth of a new sibling. Any reasonable advice is appreciated.

    15 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • 38 wks pregnant with 3rd baby and trouble with the in-laws. Help?

    My husband and I are expecting our third child together any day now. I will be 39 weeks on Sat. We have been married for 6 years and have a two daughters, one 5 and one 2. This baby will be the first male grandchild born into his family, however my mother-in-law has done nothing but refuse to even acknowledge my pregnancy, as she thinks it was not "our turn" to have the next baby. My husband is the oldest boy in his family, but was not the first to get married. Also we live 3 hours away from his family, unlike his other siblings. What is the best way to deal with in-laws who behave like this? All I have ever been is nice to them and tried to include them in our family functions but they always refuse our invitations and try to make me feel guilty for arranging a function when they could not come. Please help! My husband does not side with his mother in any way when she does start acting this way, he at least realizes that she is wrong and remains very supportive of me and his family.

    14 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Staph infection at 38 weeks pregnant?

    How can this affect the baby at delivery? Is everyone a carrier of staph at some time in their life and what would cause it to suddenly turn into an active infection?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Staph infections during pregnancy? Can it affect the baby?

    Has this ever happened to anyone you know and what are the treatment alternatives? Will the mother pass the infection on to the baby if not treated by delivery?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Too much stress with pregnancy? Reason to induce?

    Is there such a thing as too much stress in a pregnancy? I am 38 weeks pregnant with third baby, been having mild contractions, but nothing more. I have been under a great deal of stress (more than just the stresses of having two children and being pregnant) and now I am faced with an absolutely life altering situation (that will adversely affect the whole family). Is this reason enough for an OB to induce a little early or should I even bother to tell him what is going on anyway? Please help, and please don't respond with any negative responses.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago