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10 Points for fastest Person and FREE Christmas MUSIC!?
OK, so I realized that amazon is offering 25 days of free music downloads - a new christmas song each day plus a free sampler. The problem is that I can't download it because I live outside the US at the moment. So the first person to download all the songs and send them to me at
gets 10 points for the best answer! Thanks, enjoy the music and have a wonderful Christmas!
Here's the link:
25 days of free:
3 AnswersChristmas1 decade agoIs 62 a good heart rate and 154 after jogging? (10 pts for best anwer!)?
My heart rate is somewhere between 60 and 64 per minute when I measure it in the morning before getting up.
After a jog (about 40 min) it's usually around 154, after 5 min it's down to 85.
If I do an intensive interval training (let's say 3 min fast and a 2 min recover time of slow jogging, this repeated 5 times) my heart rate is 168 and after 5 min it's down to 122.
Is this good or bad, what can be improved?
I've been jogging for almost 2 years now. I go about 3 times a week, sometimes more (on the other days I go walking), for at least 30 min, usually more (40-60 min). Once a week i go swimming and horseback riding, in the winter I ski a lot and in the summer I swim almost every day and bike.
Thanks a lot!
3 AnswersRunning1 decade agohow should I train for a 4.7 km race?
Sofar I've been jogging daily 15 -25 min daily. I've never been in a race yet and I'm not sure what to expect. Also, should I run the whole time or salk for a few minurtes to catch my breath (for example at the end when it goes uphill). Should I drink a lot before the race and if so how long before the race and what should I eat?
If you can give me any other tips I'd be really thankful!!
5 AnswersRunning1 decade agoWhere can I legally download music that is NOT copyright protected (DRM)?
my player doesn't play DRM files, I'm willing to pay as long as it's legal. And I want I large selection
4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoWhere can I download music?
I know that there are lots of sites, but I haven't found the right one yet. My player says doesn't play copyright protected files (DMA) bought on the internet. Where can I find music that isn't protected? (is it still legal?)
What about limewire? I've heard totally oppisite opinions, so should I use it? And is it illeagal? What are the chances that the computer gets a virus?
24 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoNew mp3-player, WMA copyright protected files???
My new mp3-player says that it doesn't play copyright protected (DRM) WMA files bought from online music stores. Does this mean I can only put songs from CD on to it or can I also buy songs online?
3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoI have a problem with my digital camera. The lens cover won't shut anymore.?
I have a problem with my digital camera (canon PowerShot S30 or 40). The lens cover won't shut anymore. Everytime I try to shut it it just goes beep beep beep, the screen is black and in the left corner it says E18. I've tried taking out the batteries and memory card. Nothing works, it's stuck. What is wrong with it, how can I fix it. It would be nice if I could have it for christmas. Thanks
2 AnswersCameras1 decade agoHELP! My computer screen is greenish. How do I get the right colors back?
Yesterday everything was fine and now suddenly today it's like this! HELP!!!
9 AnswersMonitors1 decade agoHow does the battery recharging of iPods/ mp3 players work?
Does it go through the computer or what? I was wondering because of travelling.
5 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoChristmas presents? HELP!!!!?
I need ideas for christmas presents for my mom, dad and sister. I would like to make some. Any ideas? Do you know of a website with christmas gifts to make or could you give me your ideas! Thanks!
8 AnswersChristmas1 decade agoI want an iPod nano. How much do they cost and should I get 2GB, 4GB or 8GB? ,?
Also, how does the battery recharching go, how long does it last and what else should I know about them?
6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago