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  • Bleeding one week after period.?

    Okay so this is the situation.... I had my period last Monday the 26th September. It lasted until that Thursday. I had cramps like usual. The only thing that was not normal was it wasn't as heavy as usual. At some points It wasn't even enough for a pad.

    On the following Monday 3rd October. I had an ultrasound done (just a routine one my doctor wanted me to have) After the ultrasound I noticed I was bleeding. The tech said it was normal and it would go. However the bleed turned into a full bleed. It is day 7 of bleeding now and I've had clots etc too.

    I did see a doctor a few days ago who didn't really give me any answers apart from to go get seen again if it got heavier.

    Nothing like this has ever happened. I am sexally active. Not on birth control. The doctor said that it could be an early miscarriage. However there was no pregnancy seen on the ultrasound.

    Any ideas on what is happening to me??

    I am young, fit, healthy and had my Son a year ago.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • How do I word this properly on an invitation?

    I am doing up my Son's invitation for his 1st Birthday. I need to let the parents know that he doesn't need any toys for gifts. I don't know how to word it without sounding rude. He just has so many toys that they would go to waste. Also I need to include that there will be water games and possibly a pool so kids need to bring swimmers and a towel.

    Any help with this??

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • Is this my bloody show? 37 weeks pregnant?

    I'm 37 weeks, a fingertip dilated and about 60% effaced.

    The other day I lost a little bit of my mucus plug and today, I tried to feel if my cervix was still high with my fingers and I felt that it was. When I wiped my fingers, I noticed pink on the toilet paper, then a bit more pink tinged clear dishcharge.

    Is this the start of my bloody show? I'm not sure since I wouldn't of even noticed it if I hadn't been checking my cervix.

    Should I expect more ?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is this the start of my show?

    I'm 37 weeks, a fingertip dilated and about 60% effaced.

    The other day I lost a little bit of my mucus plug and today, I tried to feel if my cervix was still high with my fingers and I felt that it was. When I wiped my fingers, I noticed pink on the toilet paper, then a bit more pink tinged clear dishcharge.

    Is this the start of my bloody show? I'm not sure since I wouldn't of even noticed it if I hadn't been checking my cervix.

    Should I expect more ?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Does labour sound like it's near?

    I'm 37 weeks today and the doctor said I'm 70% effaced, nearly 1 cm dilated and the baby is 4/5 engaged (but she said babies don't usually become 5/5 engaged until actual childbirth)

    I've been getting lots of braxton hicks, nausea and loose bowel movements...

    Does this sound like i"m going to go into labour soon?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 34 weeks pregnant- discharge day after sex?

    few times after we've had sex this pregnancy, the day afterwards, I'd always get a bit of yellow globby discharge... Not everytime but a few times.

    Anyway, I have no infections and no thrush or anything like that. But 3 days ago we had sex and then yesterday I was walking and I could feel something between my legs and when I went to the toilet there was lots of yellow/white/clear mucus. It's continuing in to today aswell. Like still on the toilet paper when I wipe.

    I'm kind of thinking this is what losing my mucus plug would be like... but because of the sex the day prior to it starting and the past dishcharge from it, I'm really unsure of if it's it or not.

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do I create a mixed column and line chart in mac excel?

    For an assignment I was given instructions to do this....

    "Create a mixed column and line chart inserted into

    the workbook below the data. The rainfall will

    need to be shown on a secondary axis as it has a

    different range of measurements. See example

    chart in Case Study A."

    I have no idea what to do but pretty much I need to make it look like the example they gave me which is here.......

    Also I have mac excel.

    10 points for best answer!

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • How do I create a mixed column and line chart in mac excel?

    For an assignment I was given instructions to do this....

    "Create a mixed column and line chart inserted into

    the workbook below the data. The rainfall will

    need to be shown on a secondary axis as it has a

    different range of measurements. See example

    chart in Case Study A."

    I have no idea what to do but pretty much I need to make it look like the example they gave me which is here.......

    Also I have mac excel.

    10 points for best answer!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What are some signs my baby might be dropping?

    At my ante natal classes the midwife suggested that we sit on yoga balls and always keep our pelvis tilted forward to help open up our hips and encourage the baby into a better position.

    For the last few days I've made a big effort to never be sitting back into things and I went on the yoga ball for a few hours yesterday moving my hips and bouncing etc.

    He was already head down but I was wondering if instead of helping him get into the proper position that this might of made him drop a bit??

    I'm feeling kicks in different places now like my belly button and around that area when they used to only happen up near my ribs.

    Also my belly button is kind of pointing towards the ground and not straight ahead like it was. I've also noticed a massive increase in how much I need to pee!!

    I'm 32 weeks btw.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why is my heart rate so high? Pregnant...?

    I'm 27 weeks pregnant at the moment and my last few visits at the doctor my heart rate has been really high... Like 120-160. I take it my resting heart rate a few times during the day too and it's always somewhere in between those numbers. I've had my thyroid tested which was fine and the hospital took my bloods to try see what was wrong but said everything was fine.

    What could be causing this? My heart rate before pregnancy was always about 90-100. Will this high heart rate effect the labor and birth at all???

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • My friend won't stop harrassing guys she likes. How can I show her she's going to keep pushing them away?

    When my friend likes a guy and he doesn't respond to a text or pick up his phone she starts freaking out thinking he doesn't like her anymore or something is wrong and then will start calling off a private number to try get him to answer and sending him so many texts. The most recent guy she started calling his work and then started sending him texts saying "fine if you're not going to talk to me then never contact me again." and then regretted it and called him up begging to hang out with him and he's told her he doesn't want to see her anymore because it's too overwhelming and he feels harassed but she doesn't stop. She's now messaging his ex girlfriend trying to get information. It's pretty much the same story with every single guy she meets. They back off.

    I've tried to explain to her that guys dont like confrontation from girls and they hate dealing with girls emotions especially if they've been dating for less than a week. I've tried telling her she can't do things like call his work or call his phone over and over on private numbers or give him ultimatums. Nothing I say seems to make her understand. Even my husband has had a go at explaining it to her and has said very bluntly that her behaviour would make any man run. I feel sorry for her because she doesn't understand how to talk to guys properly.

    Any ideas on what I can do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can hcg drop but you can still be pregnant?

    My friend was 5 weeks pregnant and a few days ago had bleeding so she went to the ER her beta was in the 8000's and it had been rising perfectly in the last week. She had no cramping and they did an ultrasound the following day when the bleeding had stopped and it showed a sac, a thick lining and a closed cervix (no fetal pole because it was 4w5d too early yet) and they said it looked fine. So the ER re did her beta and called her saying it had gone down by 300. Now Im confused...

    1. What would the bleeding have been if everything was there on the ultrasound like lining and sac?

    2. Isn't tour cervix supposed to be open if you're miscarrying

    3. Is it possible they could of made a mistake at the hospital with the beta?

    4. Can a beta drop from bleeding but continue to go up if the bleeding wasn't a miscarriage?

    Please help.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Brazilian wax growing back thick and coarse, is it because I'm pregnant?

    I'm 10 weeks pregnant and I got a brazilian wax two weeks ago and it's growing back really thick and black??? I get brazilians all the time and this never happens. Is it because I'm pregnant? This was the first one I had while pregnant.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 9 weeks pregnant, am i depressed?

    I'm 9 weeks along and I feel like I'm going crazy.

    I found out when I was 4 weeks and my Husband and I were happy about this pregnancy but since I found out I started crying every day. Over nothing or just little things. I get extremely upset, highly irritated and angry. I feel so down and bad about myself. It's causing major stress on our relationship and I'm starting to feel like my Husband doesn't love me anymore.

    My emotions are ALL over the place. I just sleep alot, cry and don't do much of anything. I'm finding it difficult to even eat, not from being sick. Just that I don't feel hungry or forget to eat.

    I think I'm depressed. What can I do? I'm trying to arrange counseling but it's going to take a while. I was wondering if it's safe to take any anti depressants while pregnant or not?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 7 weeks pregnant, constant stitch for a week?

    I've had a really bad stitch in my left side of my stomach for about a week now and it's getting worse and worse. I already had an ultrasound and know that the baby implanted in my uterus, so I'm thinking is it possible it could be twins and one is etopic? Does that happen and would they have seen it on the ultrasound? What else could this be? It's so painful!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How far along do you think I am with these U/S results?

    So Today I got my first ultrasound.

    The lady was able to see the gestational sac and the yolk sac.

    The embryo was measuring 4mm. And had a fetal heart rate of 105 bpm.

    I'm not exactly sure how far along I am and the ultrasound tech said the machine was unable to measure that so I'd have to wait until the report which isn't until next week.

    I'm just curious to see how far along you think I am based on the information provided.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Document pregnancy online?? Scrapbooking?

    I'm trying to find a site online where I can journal and add pictures of my growing belly and pregnancy related stuff. I want one that I can print it all out at the end? I'm not having much luck.

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can you help me figure out how pregnant I am and my due date?

    My last period started on the 1st December 2009. I got my positive pregnancy test on the 4th January 2010. I can pinpoint ovulation to around the 23rd from my EWCM.

    Thanks for any help :)

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What could be going on?

    I'm CD9 today and I finished my period CD6 that's when all the blood stopped.

    Now, this is my first month off clomid, just taking a break from the meds.

    So since CD7 I've had EWCM. A lot of it. And I keeps getting spots of brown in it. Then before when I checked it it was tinged pink. This has never happened to me before. On clomid I was ovulating CD18.

    So what are the possibilities? Could I really be ovulating this early? Could something else be wrong? I also should add that I have a cyst on my left ovary from clomid. It's about 3cm.

    Could that have burst maybe? I have no pain but I've been extremely dizzy? But I could be sick so it might not be related?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • My rear right shock makes a horrible clunk noise ?

    SO whenever I drive around, over lines, potholes, speedbumps, or any un-even surfaces , my rear right shock makes a horrible cluttering / clunking noise. The sorta noise you hear when your car is very loaded up with pasengers / weight.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago