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Favorite Answers13%
  • where do I buy a coffee mug with a handle that won't get hot in the microwave?

    I have many mugs, some the handles get so hot you can't touch them when they

    come out of the microwave, is there something I can buy that would guarantee the

    handle stays cool or is there something I can do to the handle to stop it from getting so hot.

    other than making the tea in another container and then pouring it into my mug, I'm at my wits end.

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • on the tv show justified how is it?

    there are so many actors from deadwood the hbo show a few years back.

    i don't think both shows used the same casting director. could it be

    that timothy olyphant got them parts in his current show.

    1 AnswerComedy9 years ago
  • dying your hair grey question.....?

    since i am getting a lot of grey in my hair, i asked my hair dresser to dye it darker grey with

    light grey highlights. thought then the grey coming in would blend. i do like the way jamie lee curtis has her hair.

    i was told that's not possible. there is no way to permanently dye your hair grey. if anyone has grey

    hair like jamie lee curtis, paula dean, even george clooney. it has to be natural.

    is this true.

    4 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • is there a way to block email on a yahoo account.?

    someone got the entire address book of someone who writes to me now and again. recently

    i have been getting a ton of emails using her address selling medication. i wrote to my friend that she should report it to yahoo, but apparently she has not done so. i don't want anything from her

    address coming into my account. must be some way to bounce them back.

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • is there a way to block email on a yahoo account.?

    someone got the entire address book of someone who writes to me now and again. recently

    i have been getting a ton of emails using her address selling Viagra. i wrote to my friend that she should report it to yahoo, but apparently she has not done so. i don't want anything from her

    address coming into my account. must be some way to bounce them back.

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • is there a way to block email on a yahoo account.?

    someone got the entire address book of someone who writes to me now and again. recently

    i have been getting a ton of emails using her address selling Viagra. i wrote to my friend that she should report it to yahoo, but apparently she has not done so. i don't want anything from her

    address coming into my account. must be some way to bounce them back.

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • anyone ever deal with murphy of ireland?

    my friend ordered a $200 sweater the middle of November. they gave her a confirmation number

    when she finished the order email confirmation, she has sent 4 emails to consumer service

    and has left 3 phone calls at their new york consumers number. her credit card said they already charged her account 3 weeks ago. if you have dealt with this company did you have problems?

    she has to go in the hospital for surgery in 2 weeks and wanted to get all her xmas shopping done early. she can refuse to pay with the credit card co. that's not a problem, but should she order elsewhere and if the original sweater shows up, have to pay to send it back.

    every company i have ever dealt with on the internet has always sent a confirmation email and

    tells you how and when it will be shipped and keeps you informed. i even ordered things from tasmania and had no trouble..

    any suggestions would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Ireland1 decade ago
  • who is in charge of this question set up at yahoo?

    i am so tired of answering a question only to find out it has been deleted. if you can put in print that it was deleted, how about just deleting the question?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • my friend in queensland australia can't seem to find an electric heating pad.?

    is it possible they don't actually sell heating pads there? the only thing she is able to buy is some kind of bag you put in the microwave and it heats up for a short period of time.

    with an electric adaptor could she use an american heating pad?

    4 AnswersOther - Australia1 decade ago
  • have HP laptop, hit something i should not have and...?

    all my short cuts on my home page disappeared. not one little box left, just the photo i have in the middle of the page.

    so how do i get them back, where do i look. i didn't hit delete, was trying to get the hp info

    center to come up on the top of the page. so i was down in the lower right side corner, where

    the calendar and other items are listed. don't have a clue what i could of hit down there.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • why can't you get a hot dog at McDonald's or burger king?

    there is just so much you can do with a hamburger. i like that they added salads etc. but certainly there is a big profit margin to be had with this item and you can still eat it with one hand. not to mention how much kids like them. and yes, i know none of this is healthy, but if you don't live at those places, i don't see the harm in once or twice a month.

    7 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • anyone ever have a kitten/cat like this one.?

    found what i thought was a 2 pound kitten last week in my back yard. it would not eat so i put an ad in the paper and took it to the vet. the vet was not sure the kitten would make it through the night had intestinal blockage. well the kitten did survive after two days there, no one claimed it.

    and now i am told he is actually about 9 months old and his growth was severely stunted from malnutrition. i believe the teck said he would not get much bigger. put on weight we all hope, but not really grow. has anyone every had suck a cat and did they have health problems with it.

    am wondering what to expect especially with brittle bones.

    since i have $250.00 invested already, and am attached, he will have to stay in my home.

    just want to know as much info as possible.

    please only helpful remarks, wise a@@ comments are not appreciated.or necessary.

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • regarding your hair salons, what to do?

    i really like the salon and stylist i go to, however, i have yet to see her

    use a new comb or brush after finishing with the previous client. i have seen her on occasion,drop a brush or comb on the floor and pick it up and continue using it. this place is not a dump,and i like the way this woman does my hair, but how do i mention this to her without her

    getting ticked off. maybe i'm nuts, but it does bother me.

    what do you think?

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • poll what if...for some magical reason you had the person of your dreams?

    maybe someone at school, movie star, celeb, whatever, but you were a couple.

    what would be the one thing they could do or say that would disgust you so much you would walk away, without even looking back

    10 points for the best answer with some thought behind it.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • info on voting for an answer, stars, thumbs up/down.?

    i would appreciate instructions where to find these places in able to vote on answers etc.

    i just found where the star is, and i wonder why i get best answer a lot but never a star...what does that mean.

    i have only been doing this for a few weeks, and so far all i have done is answer questions.

    also, i have been getting emails from people who want me to put them in my contact list, how do i go about asking other people the same question.

    sorry, total ignorance here when it comes to this site.

    PS..some of you can get quite mean spirited in your answers,

    i just require some info, not verbal abuse thank you

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago