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  • After removing a band from a transmission, you find it is glazed. What should you do?

    A)Replace the Band

    B)Sand the drum

    c) Both A and B

    D)None of the Above.

    I already answered Replace the Band and got it wrong.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Fallout New Vegas: Honest Hearts question?

    Ok, so i bought Honest Hearts a LONG time ago. finally got around to playing it. So i started up, went in, and first thing i heard was Joshua Graham. Then Burned Man. ****. See, im trying to beat the game siding with the Legion. I'm worried that helping the guy who they burned and threw into a canyon won't turn out well with our relations. Also when i went to meet JG he said the White Legs are Legion supporters. And I'm supposed to kill them. This really isn't looking good and im worried ill have to revert to an old save and wait till after i beat the game to do this DLC.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Phone call from number 1?

    i just got a phone call from a phone number that was literally just "1"

    does anyone have any clue what in the world this is? its freakin me out, half expecting to pick up and hear "do you like horror movies?"

    1 AnswerOther - Education8 years ago
  • What is the spiciest steak seasoning available on the market?

    so i just tried some weird mexican spicy steak seasoning and it was pretty spicy. this got me to wondering what the spiciest seasoning available is.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Where to go to find out about Warped Tour cancellations?

    So im going to Warped Tour at the Palace of Auburn Hills this friday, and the forecast is showing chance of t-storms. normally for a concert i would wait until the day, go and find out. but for warped tour im driving all the way down from Traverse City (a 5 hour drive) to go the day before. it would suck balls if i got all the way down and it was there a way to find out beforehand? like wednesday or thursdayish? thanks

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Need help, kidney stones?

    so a week ago i was having this massive pain in my kidney. a few days later i passed 2 kidney stones. i told my parents and they didnt believe me, said i was paranoid and it was just muscle strain. i woke up this morning with a pain in the base of my penis, looked it up and OH its a UTI, commonly associated with kidney stones! my parents still refuse to believe me. i dont have a car or money for a doctors appointment, and my parents have to approve the insurance. HELP!

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • GTA Vice City not launching?

    ok, so ive had GTA:VC for about a year now and for about 9 months it ran fine. i didnt play for about 3 and i just went to launch it and it wont start. no error, it just bounces and stops. im playing it on a Mac running Steam. no clue...

    1 AnswerPC8 years ago
  • selling bootleg music legal issues?

    so there is this record show that happens 6 times a year near me. now plenty of guys sell bootleg DVDs of broadcast concerts. these are extremely overpriced >$25. i have a lot of bootleg CDs of concerts in the area going back to the 80s and think i could sell them at $5 each and make a killing. but im wondering what the legal issues are with this...whats the punishment? or is it a-ok?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How early should i arrive for record store day?

    So Record Store Day is tomorrow. and man do i want a copy of the Pink Floyd See Emily Play 7" record. unfortunately i only know one store in the area that has it, and they only have 3 or 4. now i was just wondering how early people generally start lining up for RSD. store opens at 9:30 so im assuming 9:00? please help!

    1 AnswerOther - Music8 years ago
  • did i find the ultimate girlfriend?

    1) i got out of the friendzone for this one.

    2) her dad really likes me

    3) will admit when ive won an argument

    4) is perfectly okay with making me sammiches

    is she? am i dating the ultimate girl right now?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • whats the difference between Love you, Luv you and <3 you?

    just sorta wondering if theres any significance of progression. it went from luv ya, to luv you, to <3 you, to love ya.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it wrong for a guy to end a convo with Love Ya?

    dunno. just sorta textin around and the first reply that comes into my head is "aight, love ya"

    keep in mind we are in fact dating. is it kinda wierd as a guy to say that?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I need some dating help?

    ok so heres the story.

    I liked this girl.

    someone close to her told me she liked me back.

    through a freak series of messages, we ended up boyfriend/girlfriend.

    now what? im not really sure where to go with this. it was sort of different as it happened over the phone. are there limits to how far you can go? seeing her for the first time after we started "going out" day after tomorrow. not really sure what to do. halp?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I am afraid of spirals...?

    Hi. I am 17 years old and i have a horrible fear of spirals.

    my father had an obsession with them, right into his grave.

    you see my mother got very angry at him "TOO DAMN MANY!" shed yell. well she went to far when she threw my fathers collection away. we found him the next day in a small wooden washtub, his body contorted into a spiral shape, spine completely removed. my mother went insane the day after we found him. started trying to rid the world of spirals, going so far as to shave her head to get rid of the whorls, and slice off her finger tips because of her finger prints. unfortunately last week we had a doctors appointment, and she saw a picture of the human ear. as you all know the cochlea in the ear is a spiral. we found her the next day with a sewing needle halfway into her head.

    i hear the voices every day now. "uzumaki" they yell "uzumaki!"

    can anyone help????

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • PSP install failed. please help!?

    so i recently got a new psp, hooked up the psn account, and downloaded my first game (silent hill) to a 1gb memory stick i had sitting around. well just this week i got a 16gb memory stick and decided to download a new game (Silent Hill: Origins)

    well when i downloaded it, it completely installed, and then said "Install Failed". i have proceeded to try and download it 5 more times to no avail.

    so i decided to put Silent Hill 1 on there for good measure. well now it wont download either!

    does anyone have any solutions?

    yes i did already check and see if my firmware is up to date, no i do not have a ps3 (in response to the most common solutions)

    3 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Need black metal logo, can anyone help?

    so im starting this black metal band under the title "Hemorrhage" and we want a totally brutal logo to slap on our upcoming record. unfortunately, none of the assshat graphic people can do a proper black metal logo that hails the lord satan. can anyone brew something up and post it here? best gets 10 points

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration9 years ago
  • quick question for the ladies?

    so theres this chick i know. weve started talking, and i gave her my number for school reasons. shes been texting me off the hook now. tonight was homecoming, and she kept dancing really close tom me. she just texted me saying that "the guy she liked was being really cold and ignorant tonight...

    am i being really stupid and missing something? cause i sorta DID ignore her...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • how long does ketchup on clothes smell?

    i was getting my halloween costume (Jason Voorhees) ready and my buddy came up with the bright idea to put ketchup on the shirt tears. problem is is i now smell like ketchup. will the smell go away over night, or am i screwed?

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Strange Shotgun Team Fortress 2?

    im looking for a strange shotgun in team fortress 2. i will trade a Mann Up pass, a Meet the Medic taunt, a series 19 crate, a green Bearded Bombadier, or a track terrorizer for it.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • eating cake 1 week after wisdom tooth extraction?

    I just had my wisdom teeth extracted 8 days ago, and im going in to have the stitches removed in 4 days. well i was at a friends b-day party, and he had this amazing looking cream cheese cake. it was tempting me, but i managed to stop. then i saw they had jello, which i found strange, but i went ahead and had a few...only to find out they had spiked the jello. so i was kind of tipsy at this point, and saw the cake again, and thought to myself (quite incoherently) "it should be okay to have ONE piece". i proceeded to eat 3 pieces. i did go and quickly rinse my mouth out with cold water, but im a little worried now about whether or not they will be infected or this much of a risk?

    PS: the jello shots were good :)

    4 AnswersDental9 years ago