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1992 VOLVO 740 TURBO WAGON A/C STOPPED WORKING FOR NO APPARENT REASON. IT IS A R-12 SYSTEM. I have replaced the control console on the dash. replaced the relays in the fuse box and checked all of the fuses. Also replaced the fan relay behind the head light.
I jumped the a/c compressor with 12VDC and it engaged. Also by passed the low pressure switch and the compressor (did not engage.)
I have also set the control console on defrost mode and the fans don't come on either?
Does anyone have any ideas what I have missed or what else I can can check? If I don't sound frustrated...yes I am. Thank you for any your answer or reply here...thank you in advance.
I have been in Conversation With NASCAR President Brian France to allow Danika Patrick the 14th position in the chase....because there has been increased evidence that the other 42 drivers have prevented her from making the "CHASE".
It is clear that since the inception of the JEFFY POO! To Much Moo-la entitlement to the 13th CHASE position, We Shall Now! comply with Federal Discrimination Laws and give equal opportunity to women....both in Sports Illustrated and Chase events. Sincerely, Senorita "G Justice, F.S.C. Washington D.C.
6 AnswersNASCAR8 years agoMy X keeps driving by where I live?
Why does my ex keep Driving by my home? .He did last night after work. I have his work schedule and was out on my front porch and sure enough he drove by after work. He did on Sunday as well. ugh........He lives in a different town so there is no need for him to be in this location.......I won't ask but some men think you are still their property even after divorce. Any advise or comments would be appreciated. I do not love him anymore...plain and simple...if in doubt. Thanx's in advance!
This is a female ethnicity question to find out what women will say about other ethnic groups and their drama and emotions issues.
Thank you for you time in advance...and I would like to see some SERIOUS answers. If you must provide can...I will just take away the 100 bonus points! LOL
2 AnswersGender Studies8 years agoNeed Ideas for a Bacheloretter Party?
IDEAS The Best/Craziest Bachelorette Party?
Bachelorette Ideas? What was the Craziest Bachelorette Party you have gone to? What was the best game or challenge that you have ever seen at a party like this? Bonus Question...what was the wildest thing that happened or was it something you will never forget? What would you do if you were providing a party for your BFF. My BFF is 29 if age makes any difference?
2 AnswersEntertaining8 years agoThe Craziest Bachelorette Party?
Bachelorette Ideas? What was the Craziest Bachelorette Party you have gone to? What was the best game or challenge that you have ever seen at a party like this? Bonus Question...what was the wildest thing that happened or was it something you will never forget? What would you do if you were providing a party for your BFF. My BFF is 29 if age makes any difference?
1 AnswerWeddings8 years agoWhat do you think about a NASCAR TOP TEN EVENT?
I would like to see a Top Ten event where the drivers run 4 segments in a race....that at the end of each segment race...the drivers would exchange cars. Another idea which is very possible at many large tracks, would be to run both the oval and a road course set up at the same track...and even add a open wheel sprint car event to the format to find the "ULTIMATE" Wheel Person. This would be for a event where the fans pick the top ten drivers by voting. Just a fun question for all to ponder.
2 AnswersNASCAR8 years agoCan You High Jack Someones Wifi Encryption Code?
I was reinstalling my encryption code on a Belkin wireless USB adapter..and when I got to place where they ask for your encryption code I.D. Which I always use the same 26 digits alpa numeric code. When I looked at the encryption already had 8 digits on the box and the verification box both. So I was that. So I decided to just hit enter...rather then delete those numbers and enter my normal 26 digit code. To my surprise the 8 digit encryption that was in the box worked and I went online. I have never seen this before and I am wondering if someone has infiltrated my system and programed an override in the system to access my wifi and computers both? Any Porgrams that you know of....??? Which can check to see if I have been HI-JACKED?
Any ideas? I ran my virus check and Microsoft essentials...nothing was noted. Thank you in advance for any help!
2 AnswersComputer Networking8 years agoTomato Plant Question?
I recently thought what I saw were tomato plants, 9-10 feet tall in a hot house right behind a giant glass.....yet I don't see any red dots or tomato's. This is a real the first thing I was thinking it this is just another dope growing a garden are hot house? Never seen tomato plants get that big with out giant tomatoes when they were only 3-4 feet tall. Any ideas on what I am looking at...or how to tell if this is a special type of tomato? Thanks Goodn
4 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years agoBriggs and Stratton engine wont start?
Asking this question for a friend. He said that the engine acts like it is not firing or getting spark. He replaced the spark plug, also checked the air gap on the magneto...still nothing, he said. Wants to know how much compression the engine should have with a regular automotive Compression gauge? Could the engine be "OUT OF TIME" or have a broken key way??? The engine is on a pressure washer....about 3 years old. CRAFTSMAN. Any ideas would be helpful. Wouldn't fire or try to start using Starting Fluid also, so he doesn't think it is a fuel problem. Thank you for any suggestion or help in advance.
8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoDoes President Obama or the White House get Telephone calls from Telemarketers?
I have tried everything to stop telemarketers from calling me. and also request that these people stop calling? So, How many Calls do the People in Washington get or how do they prevent this from happening? Thank you for your serious reply in advance.
2 AnswersGovernment8 years agoAmish Culture removing womens teeth?
I am reading today online that a 19 year old Amish girl had all of her teeth removed as it is part of the Amish parental culture rules. Does anyone know why they do this? And do the men have their teeth pulled also at 19. The article also goes on to say they are pulled by men who are not dentist...and just use pliers and hand tools found in the barn.
Could someone explain...what is the purpose of pulling the women's teeth out??? Thank You in Advance.
8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years agoWHich College is Best For a Computer Degree?
The Best Computer School in Calif or Oregon.?
I would like to get the name of schools you may have attended or know of in California or Oregon that major in Computer Engineering and or programing for a degree in Computer Science...or what ever the title maybe. Trying to figure a top school as my two years at a local college will be completed soon. I need to transfer and what to pick the best college if possible Thank you.
Thank you for your assistance in advance. Also which schools may have the highest hiring rate? For Students with that type of degree?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)9 years agoThe Best Computer School in Calif or Oregon.?
I would like to get the name of schools you may have attended or know of in California or Oregon that major in Computer Engineering and or programing for a degree in Computer Science...or what ever the title maybe. Trying to figure a top school as two years oat a local college will be completed soon.
Thank you for your assistance in advance. Also which schools may have the highest hiring rate? For Students with that type of degree?
1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years agoHow Woman hide assets before divorce?
I was wondering of a way that I might hide assets~money before I file for divorce? I guess this question could be answered by men who have done this also??? I am open to suggestions on what I should do? Thanxs in advance.
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoEE PAD TRANSFORMER ASUS?
I am considering purchasing a ASUS EE PAD Transformer Model. I have no experience with the IPAD or EPAD devices. I am just wanting any advice I might get....on what to purchase and why. If you have experience or knowledge as a consumer? Thank you in advance. Best Buy is selling the EE PAD that I am looking at? I have not convinced myself yet that this is anything but another fad or gadget that will be gathering dust soon? Any opinion will be helpful...or another brand that you might suggest? Thanks GoodN
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks10 years agoDIVORCE FINANCE ADVICE?
Divorce Financial Steps to Protect Yourself.?
I am trying to get a general idea about the ins and outs of divorce in regards to money in the bank and credit cards.. Is there something a person should do to protect their financial interests. Is Oregon a 50/50 state? Trying to figure out the financial aspects of the divorce and who get what. NO KIDS INVOLVED, just personal property and retirement accounts/ bank accounts ETC. Thanks in advance. Please give any experiences you had in your divorce? Thank you again.
I have considered going to an Attorney, but wanted to see what other peoples experiences have been after they went through the whole process and of course what they learned and how they would do it? If they did it over again.
1 AnswerPersonal Finance10 years agoDivorce Financial Steps to Protect Yourself.?
I am trying to get a general idea about the ins and outs of divorce in regards to money in the bank and credit cards.. Is there something a person should do to protect their financial interests. Is Oregon a 50/50 state? Trying to figure out the financial aspects of the divorce and who get what. NO KIDS INVOLVED, just personal property and retirement accounts/ bank accounts ETC. Thanks in advance. Please give any experiences you had in your divorce? Thank you again.
I have considered going to an Attorney, but wanted to see what other peoples experiences have been after they went through the whole process and of course what they learned and how they would do it? If they did it over again.
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce10 years agoOREGON DIVORCE EXPERIENCE?
I am trying to get a general idea about the ins and outs of divorce in the State of Oregon. Is there something a person should do to protect their financial interests. Is Oregon a 50/50 state? Trying to figure out the financial aspects of the divorce and who get what. NO KIDS INVOLVED, just personal property and retirement accounts/ bank accounts ETC. Thanks in advance. Please give any experiences you had in your divorce? Thank you again.
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoOREGON DIVORCE EXPERIENCES?
I am trying to get a general idea about the ins and outs of divorce in the State of Oregon. Is there something a person should do to protect their financial interests. Is Oregon a 50/50 state? Trying to figure out the financial aspects of the divorce and who get what. NO KIDS INVOLVED, just personal property and retirement accounts/ bank accounts ETC. Thanks in advance. Please give any experiences you had in your divorce? Thank you again.
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago