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Lv 2533 points

jordan n

Favorite Answers31%
  • Iron Maiden Vs Oasis, Lyrically?

    Now I don't mean opinion I mean actual musical theory rules, song composition, technicality and lyrically who make the greater songs? I like both bands I'm just wondering who is technically better?

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy a big axe?

    Can you remember a game called Golden Axe? Well I require a wieldable and usable big double bladed two handed axe. Like pictured here

    Thanks, UK places only please

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy a lance?

    Where can I buy a lance, the sort they used for jousting in ye olde times. If you don't know what a lance is, it is a long metal stick that people used to run at each other with on a horse and try to knock each other off. Where can I get a real lance?


    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • Atari 2600 cartridge slot pins snapped?

    OK, I have 4 Atari 2600's, 3 of them are fine but on one of them the plastic pins on the cartridge slot ,that allow you to play the games with a dust gate, have broken off. I still have the bits of plastic but super glue and plastic glue isn't working. Can i remove the dust gate from the games? If so, how? Is there a way i can make make-shift plastic pins?



    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Music for a movie project....?

    Lately i've been watching a lot of episodes of X-Files and i've noticed that they always have cool music in the background of most scenes and it is never recycled. Where do they get this music/sound effects from and where can I music tracks from like these or are they made specifically for an episode?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Make a font monospace...?

    I have a font I want to use in CMD but it only accepts monospace fonts. This font isn't monospace.. Is there anyway to make the font monospace? Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Mask out letters for painting?

    I have painted something silver. I now need to place lettering ontop and paint over that so that when i remove the lettering the word is silver but everything else is the colour of what I just painted. What can I use that wont damage the silver paint (on plastic btw) and will be easy to cut out lettering and so forth?

    2 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • Record coaxial to pc...?

    I have just found all of my old consoles some of which have rca cables that i have created in the past but some old consoles like my atari 2600 and master system 2 do not. They only have coaxial/RF output. If i buy a tv tuner card for my pc via a pci slot would I be able to record my game play from these old consoles? If so which card do you recommend?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Create an object out of fiberglass....?

    I have made an object out of clay and I want to make it out of fiberglass but it is a solid object. If i were to fiberglass it as is then the clay would get trapped inside giving the object unnessecary weight. How can make the object into a solid from its current form in clay?

    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Trading card game that wasn't Yu-Gi-Oh?

    When I was younger i bought these trading cards that definitely weren't Yu-Gi-Oh, this was in about 1999 so this was before the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG had began so it 100% was not Yu-Gi-Oh. I can distinctly remember one card, it was called Anubis, there is a yu-gi-oh card called anubis something but it wasn't that because like i mention above and also the picture was of Anubis standing in front of a pyramid and the picture was not dark. I cannot remember any more cards properly but they were all based off of monsters, there was a Jackal and a mummy if i remember. Anyone ever had these cards? All information appreciated. But remember it isn't Yu-Gi-Oh!!!

    3 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • .bat move file with admin privileges?

    Ok, I have created a .bat file to move one of my files from the My Documents folder of my Administrator account to the local drive. When i run this .bat file when logged in as a limited user i get access denied for obvious reasons. Is there a way to move the file with admin privileges e.g. I know the admin password and i would like to move the file when logged in as a limited user. How can I do this?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Trading card game with these cards?

    When i was younger i bought a deck of trading cards that weren't rip offs of any other game they were their own card game. I thought they were awesome but i can't remember what they were called. Some of the cards if I can remember correctly were like Anubis, Jackal and Mummy and stuff like that. Anyone ever heard of this trading card game?

    cheers, Jordan

    4 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Dual boot win98 and Vista.?

    Ok I have vista 64 bit ultimate currently installed and i want to use my easycap video adapter so i want to dual boot vista and win98. I DO NOT want to use any form of Virtual machine. I have created a new partition on my c: drive and formatted it as FAT32 as win98 recognizes this only and FAT16. Anyways the problem i see is that once i install 98 it will boot straight into 98 and i want the dual boot menu menu to appear. How will i go about dual booting 98 and vista with vista already installed?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • A PHP script to retrieve info from a databse?

    Ok, I have madea few websites in the past but now i want to move on to create a website that not only I can edit. I have made a basic website for mine and my friend's project at if you look on the right hand side where it says game and movie review. Under there i want it to display our 3 latest reviews of each and hyperlink them to our videos on I understand i may have to use PHP and MYSQL. How would I go about this. I dont actually own a web domain or real hosting yet. I know a little PHP script and HTML and I just wan't to make it so not only I can edit the webpage. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • An orange beyblade, did it exist?

    When i was younger i had a lot of beyblades and I can remember this one i got and it was Orange and if i remember it had a pumpkin as the bitbeast. I'm sure it was called something like Bumpkin?? It was definitely a real beyblade as I got it from Toys R Us. Can anyone enlighten me on the illusive orange beyblade? I lost mine in a park so i no longer have it. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • Where can I get a real cape/cloak?

    I have checked Ebay, amazon and generally searched via Google. Where can I get a Mage style cloak/cape with a hood that is quite thick like a cape/cloak you would see a royal wear?

    Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersSouth Africa1 decade ago
  • Can i use 2 monitors with my 8600gt?

    I currently have one dvi monitor outputting obviously from my gpu dvi port, my gpu also has a vga port, if i connect another monitor to my gpu but to the vga port will the screen be displayed across both? How can i use one vga port and one dvi port for dual display? Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • Create a text document that runs once every monday?

    I have created a server and i have created a notepad .txt document with the terms and conditions on it. All of my band hae access to this server but i want the terms and conditions .txt document to run when they log in to the server on a monday. Is it possible to do this? Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Pc shuts itself down?? Help!!!?

    Ok, my pc was playing up ages ago with shutting itself down so i assumed it was maybe overheating, dust, power supply or operating system. So i bought a new case that has a 25cm fan on the side and a 120mm fan on the front and this case is even bigger, i also got rid of xp and put on vista, i have all the latest drivers updates and hot-fixes, i also cleaned every component and it didn't shut down for ages and now its started to shut itself down again. It is not overheating as you will see in the link screen-shot and it isn't a operating system issue and it isn't a dust issue and the voltages look normal to me. Any thought highly appreciated as this is bugging me to hell. Also i cannot just go changing and swapping parts willy nilly as im on a budget and the problem happens very randomly and infrequently to know to swap a part and see if it happens again. Help me please!! Heres picture i was talking about.

    I have had the case open for ages before and it still shuts down, the air is being circulated, i cant see if the fan stops itself as it happens randomly and that would mean me sitting there for hours watching it. If you have a look at the picture of the stats like a millisecond before it turned off you will see that the fan is still spinning as it is at 3000rpm and i have a brand new 600W Ez cool SLI certified PSU. I dont know what the problem is?

    It shuts down completely, it doesnt restart itself but it can be powered back up straight after it shuts down. One of my fans is really loud when my temps go up and i dont know what fan it is but i have a feeling my psu is dodgy and if it is that means forking out like £70 on a decent new psu. Here is also a picture with my pc specs on

    9 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Pc shuts self down, temps & voltages before shutting down provided.?

    Ok, my pc was playing up ages ago with shutting itself down so i assumed it was maybe overheating, dust, power supply or operating system. So i bought a new case that has a 25cm fan on the side and a 120mm fan on the front and this case is even bigger, i also got rid of xp and put on vista, i have all the latest drivers updates and hot-fixes, i also cleaned every component and it didn't shut down for ages and now its started to shut itself down again. It is not overheating as you will see in the link screen-shot and it isn't a operating system issue and it isn't a dust issue and the voltages look normal to me. Any thought highly appreciated as this is bugging me to hell. Also i cannot just go changing and swapping parts willy nilly as im on a budget and the problem happens very randomly and infrequently to know to swap a part and see if it happens again. Help me please!! Heres picture i was talking about.

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago