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  • Why don't my dad & I have a relationship... is it too painful?

    (Sorry this is so long)

    When I was 8 my parents divorced, my dad remarried and moved out of state. It happened quickly and I had a hard time dealing with my attachment. I was crying through normal events, sleeping too much, eating too little and basically bombing elementary school. The school councilor & teachers sent me home with letters recommending counseling. After I went through some family counseling I was able to adjust and got back into a normal eating/sleeping/school routine.

    The first year or so he made a real effort to stay in touch. I saw him once a month for a weekend and most holidays and we talked often. Then after I went through counseling and started doing better at school communication between us fizzled out. I'd see him once a year. Every other year. And eventually not at all.

    When I graduated I moved closer (mutual agreement - he was excited). And at first we were close again but just as things started getting good between us he dropped off the map. I'm 25 now, married. My dad and I live about 30mins apart. We text "happy birthday" and see each other on some holidays. When we're in the same room together there's a great vibe between us. Like we were never apart. Laughing, joking, and sharing memories. But then communication fizzles out again.

    My stepmom doesn't like me and I think it's because I caused so much grief for them at the beginning of their relationship by not handling things better. I think he felt really guilty for leaving so abruptly to remarry. She has kids and he is very close with her daughter. It's a realtionship I'm a little envious of because they are extremely close. When he dropped off with me, he picked up with her, basically.

    Anyway I know Y!A isn't a therapy session but I'm just curious if anyone else has been in the same position and can offer some insight.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    The company I work for is very small. I work on the sales side.

    The owner of the company is very impatient. When an issue arises with customers rather than working toward resolution his knee jerk reaction is defensive and dismissive. His overall attitude is: He doesn't need their business (we do). He has 1,000s of customers begging for his product (we don't). He knows for A FACT he has the best product in the business. And the customer can just shove their complaint where the sun doesn't shine. Even if it's a small complaint and the customer is willing to work toward resolution. It's embarrassing.

    So we've lost a lot of money, staff and customers this way.

    As for the staff.. There are no raises If you joined on in the 90s you're still working on 90s salary. And "why would you ask for one now during a recession?... I could pay you more if you worked harder & generated a profit! Be happy you have a job!" We've lost employees but haven't hired any new ones to take their place. The staff has absorbed the jobs of 3-4 ppl a piece over time and either took a pay cut (to help out during the recession) or stayed at the same wage.

    So we have 4 people left at corporate doing the job of 12 getting paid next to nothing & are living under the constant scrutiny of the boss. All women. When you walk in they all have these horrified frazzled looks on their face like a bunch of battered women. They come in early, work hard and leave late. Often the owner will pull one of the four staff members away from a vital task to perform a menial task that he happens to be fixated on at the moment (like cleaning the black flecks out of the coffee machine). Then when the vital task slips through the cracks he punishes that same staff member for focusing in the menial task. I feel bad when I drop off new contracts because I know these women get paid the same regardless and they can't handle the workload. As it is errors & delays occur because we don't have the staff to process the regular amount of orders properly. But the owner keeps pushing.... more sales! MORE! MORE!

    So that's my situation. What would you do?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • What would you do in this situation (boss' expectations are unreasonable)?

    The company I work for is very small. I work on the sales side.

    The owner of the company is very impatient. When an issue arises with customers rather than working toward resolution his knee jerk reaction is defensive and dismissive. His overall attitude is: He doens't need their business (we do). He has 1,000s of customers begging for his product (we don't). He knows for A FACT he has the best product in the business. And the customer can just shove their complaint where the sun doesn't shine. Even if it's a small complaint and the customer is willing to work toward resolution. It's embarassing.

    So we've lost a lot of money, staff and customers this way.

    As for the staff.. There are no raises If you joined on in the 90s you're still working on 90s salary. And "why would you ask for one now during a recession?... I could pay you more if you worked harder & generated a profit! Be happy you have a job!" We've lost employees but haven't hired any new ones to take their place. The staff has absorbed the jobs of 3-4 ppl a piece over time and either took a pay cut (to help out during the recession) or stayed at the same wage.

    So we have 4 people left at corporate doing the job of 12 getting paid next to nothing & are living under the constant scruteny of the boss. All women. When you walk in they all have these horrified frazzled looks on their face like a bunch of battered women. They come in early, work hard and leave late. Often the owner will pull one of the four staff members away from a vital task to perform a menial task that he happens to be fixated on at the moment (like cleaning the black flecks out of the coffee machine). Then when the vital task slips through the cracks he punishes that same staff member for focusing in the menial task. I feel bad when I drop off new contracts because I know these women get paid the same reguardless and they can't handle the workload. As it is errors & delays occur because we don't have the staff to process the regular amount of orders properly. But the owner keeps pushing.... more sales! MORE! MORE!

    So that's my situation. What would you do?

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years ago
  • Birth Control pills making me irritable... when will it stop?

    I just started Lo-Loestrin (sp?) and completed one week. I've been off of BC for 3 years and just started again. I'm taking everything people say to me the wrong way and kind of snapping at people before I realize it's me not them. I remember feeling this way last time I was on the pill temporarily... but it went away after a bit. This is my numero uno PMS symptom (besides cramps), and the biggest complaint my parents had about me during puberty, so I know it's hormonal.

    I can deal with it. But it's making me depressed. You could tell me "the sky is blue" and in my head I'll be all offended wondering why you told me that... as if I didn't know... and why you didn't also tell someone else that... etc. A bird can chirp and in my head I'll be like "GOD! SHUT UP! STOP THE NOISE!" When normally I'm like "aww... how sweet... birds are chirping." It's obnoxiuos I know.

    So my question is: how long does it take for your body to get adjusted to birth control again?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • What are some good (general) diet tips?

    I don't want to think too much or count the croutons in my salad or anything. I just want to make better choices. What are some good tips you know?

    11 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Flat tire... who would you call on to rescue you?

    1. God

    2. A family member

    3. Road Side assistance

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What ad do you have rolling (under your avatar) on the left of your screen now?

    I have a weight loss cartoon girl who shrinks a hundred sizes in two seconds.

    Was just curious if some people saw bible ads and stuff.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If God loves america why doesn't he follow the constiution?

    and give everyone the ability to practice the religion they want in heaven.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Are most people living an alternative lifestyle of some sort?

    Homosexual couples

    Biracial couples

    Single Parents

    Single without kids

    Couples without kids

    Adult children living with parents

    Stay at home dads

    Remarried couples with stepkids


    Do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do you think m/f differences are good for the species?

    Or do you think it's better if everyone is as gender neutral as possible?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • My mom is divorcing my stepdad?

    What does that make him to me? My ex-stepdad?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • In sales and burnt out on people?

    What's a good way to snap out of an I-hate-people funk.

    2 AnswersMarketing & Sales9 years ago
  • What do you do with stray animals (besides keeping them)?

    There was a stray dog running around in the rain/busy street this morning. I called him over and got him to follow me into my back yard. He's hanging out under the covered patio. Gave him some food & water & a towel to lay on. I haven't pet him or touched him - his hair is matted and he looks a little malnourised. No collar.

    I don't want to call animal control (they euthanize animals in my county). I dont' want to bring him inside. I have two working dogs who need to stay healthy and I don't want any more.

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • why don't black people vote?


    1 AnswerPolitics9 years ago
  • Are some racial stereotypes earned?

    .... or is that only something a racist would claim.

    3 AnswersSociology9 years ago