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Lv 42,935 points


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I'm 38 years old and addicted to Yahoo Answers. I'm gay but I wish I wasn't. I believe in God but I don't. This should explain my answers and questions on here pretty much. I live in Miami and Cuban.

  • "If the baker doesn't eat what comes out of the kitchen?"?

    Ok folks, I had no choice but to come onto the reliable Yahoo Answers for help. I only heard part of the quote and getting nowhere with Google. I may have part of it right or none of it right. All I know is that it has something to do with not trusting the food coming out of the kitchen if the baker/cook won't eat it. Or, something like that. Thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Is anyone else having a problem with Java?

    It's driving me crazy. I have used Firefox, IE and others. I have the latest Java and still can't use it. I'm trying to play Dominoes on-line and Pogo, Game Colony and others don't recognize Java. Please help and Thank YOU. This is simple stuff.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Video Driver issue with Windows XP?

    I am about to throw this computer off a cliff and watch it hit the ground like Wile E. Coyote, please help:

    First, I am very happy with Windows XP and never had a problem until now that I installed Photoshop Premium 9. It asked me to update the Video Driver, I'm limited with PC skills but, that I can do. Here's the problem, when I go in to see the manufacturer for my current driver it says n/a. Therefor, no download is down-loadable because it has nothing to go on. Am I doing something wrong? How can I go around this? Am I going to have to get a new PC? Can you help me? UGH!!!

    Thank you in advance for your help. Again, I'm not a PC guru but I can follow instructions really well and will be checking back regularly in case you have any specific question I didn't mention here.

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Ezekiel 38-39 The War Prophecy (please read question thoroughly)?

    A Skeptic's view is preferred as I already know the Believer's view. Believe it or not, I have not found ONE view via the internet to start me off on my unbiased study on this subject. I must also admit, it does sound pretty darn clear for something written so long ago. BUT, when you grow up your entire life being told The Bible is the inerrant Word of God with no if's, and's or but's; it's difficult to do a study on both views when only one view has been instilled in your brain.

    That being said and out of the way. what I'm mostly looking for is a skeptic's view. If possible, back it up with facts or personal beliefs. PLEASE, no ranting or preaching, give me something that will facilitate once I start conducting my studies. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Before 1948, has Israel ever been it's own Nation and had control of Jerusalem?

    I know there have been wars and a back and forth battle throughout history over Jerusalem but, the question pretty much says it all. I am going to be doing some study on this subject and will get a HUGE headstart on it with your answers..

    If possible, please refrain from preaching for I am very aware of the popular consensus on the subject. I would prefer non-Biblical facts and dates if any. Again, I am fully aware of the "prophecy." THANK YOU

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Please HELP ME remove Winamp?

    I am desperate here, I have been trying for days now using other people's same question through different sites. Some answers recommend downloading another program to remove Winamp however, after this nightmare with Winamp I am reluctant to downloading anything else.

    In a nutshell, a friend of mine downloaded Winamp into my computer in an attempt to help without my knowledge. I have tried EVERYTHING that I know in order to have this program removed, i.e. Control Panel, regedit, Exporer. No matter what I do, Winamp still stays there controlling all my Media Files. There has to be a way, without rebooting my PC with the Master CD, to remove this awful program from my PC. I am not a computer geek and I'm limited to my knowledge with PC's however, I can follow directions very well. I am using Windows XP (which is the one with the most problems with Winamp) and Windows 7 (which works but I want it OUT.) If you are reading this, even though you can't help, DO NOT download this program. Like AOL (its original parent) it will take over your PC like a virus and you won't be able to remove it without knowledge.

    Thank You in advance :oD

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • What is the Bible verse that says?

    There is a Bible verse in the New Testament that says something like "everything was meant to be enjoyed; but not overly enjoyed" or something to that extent. I believe it was talking about food, plants or something like that?

    Please provide the Book, Chapter and The Verse(s) ....... I read it once and forgot where and what it says.


    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who sings this 1980's song?

    This is all I remember of it, in a woman's voice "Cause I'm searchn....(electronically ta-na-na-na)....searchn' for your love"

    I'm going to assume the name of the song is Searching but couldn't find it on the internet....THANKS!!

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Who sings this 1980s song?

    This is all I remember of it, in a woman's voice "Cause I'm searchn....(electronically ta-na-na-na)....searchn' for your love"

    I'm going to assume the name of the song is Searching but couldn't find it on the internet....THANKS!!

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What Madonna song is this?

    All I know is, that in part of the video she is floating down a runway then she opens her coat and white birds fly out. THANKS

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Scott's Songbird Colorful Bird - Bird Feed?

    Ok, so I saw a commercial for this product, it's supposed to attract colorful birds into your landscape. I went to Home Depot and went all out. Bought bird houses and this product. Got home set it up and it looks SO pretty in the yard. I sit afar while smoking a cigarette and then it dawns on me; "How the heck will these birds know it's here?"

    My question is; does anyone have any suggestions on how to get these birds to know I have this feed in my yard? It's not like it smells like anything for them to know. I live in South Florida by the way, we do have some native and non-native birds that I would like to bring back into my yard that I used to see here as a kid, before the concrete jungle.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Man and woman become one flesh?

    I know in the Book of Genesis and in the Book of Ephesians it refers to a man and a woman becoming one flesh in matrimony. I believe, not sure though, that in some other passages it even refers to the couple becoming one spirit in Heaven.

    My question is, is this belief borrowed from ancient religions and/or cultures predating Judaism/Christianity?

    No preaching please, I'm not in the mood and unlike many believers, I do know for a fact that The Bible has been borrowed from previous cultures. A simple answer with a reference will suffice.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What Industrial/Gothic song is this?

    This is going back to the mid to late 90s. I will try to describe it as best I can considering my question is being posted on the internet with no knowledge of any names, just sounds. So please don't laugh, lol.

    To my knowledge, it's one song because it was always played together, so here it goes:

    ♫Dr. Who-oo, HEY! Dr. Who, Dr. Who ♫ this was followed by heavy beats and then the most amazing continuous instrumental sound imaginable. This is what it sounded like to me and the best I can describe it.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What is the name of this plant?

    This is a plant than can grow up to six feet. It has triangular shaped velvety leaves than grow up to about six inches. The leaves also have visible veins on them. This plant produces a cluster of red flowers, before they turn into flowers though, it is a cluster of red small oblong circles that pop when you squeeze them. Bees and butterflies LOVE this plant/shrub. What is the name of it? It is quite common and grows rampant with no care in South Florida but it is not native. PLEASE HELP!

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • What is the name of this shrub?

    I wish I could post a picture on here, but I will describe it as best as I can.

    This is a plant than can grow up to six feet. It has triangular shaped velvety leaves than grow up to about six inches. The leaves also have visible veins on them. This plant produces a cluster of red flowers, before they turn into flowers though, it is a cluster of red small oblong circles that pop when you squeeze them. Bees and butterflies LOVE this plant/shrub. What is the name of it? It is quite common and grows rampant with no care in South Florida but it is not native. PLEASE HELP?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Testing your knowledge on HIV/AIDS?

    What is the official date of the first reported AIDS cases?

    What is the only proven defense against transmitting HIV/AIDS?

    Does having HIV automatically give you AIDS?

    What are the five main ways of transmitting HIV/AIDS from human to human?

    If you are diagnosed with AIDS, what is the average life expectancy there after?

    People being treated for HIV; can your life be extended these days and in average how long?

    Who is prone to being infected?

    I'll ask more in another post. I am LIVID, especially with you young folks about your views on HIV/AIDS. If you don't know the answer, do yourself a favor and google it.

  • Bottom gay men, what would you do if?

    You meet the most beautiful guy. He's masculine, charming and totally into you. But when you both go to bed he flips over quicker than an Aunt Jemima Pancake and asks you to do him?

  • Project Runway do you agree with the winner?

    Who watches Project Runway? Do you agree with Seth Aaron winning?

    I was rooting for him since the beginning.

  • Gay Pride Knowledge-Do you know the answer to this?

    Ok, this weekend I'm celebrating Gay Pride for the first time since 1996. A friend of mine and I are staying in South Beach all weekend for this and I'm excited. So, a two part question to test your knowledge on Gay Pride.

    1. What US event prompted Gay Pride as we celebrate it today?

    2. In 19th Century Germany, who started one of the first Gay Right's Movements.

  • Mini-story about something that happened yesterday...everyone can comment?

    Everyone can comment, no comments will be viewed as bad by me. Here it is:

    I'm 38 years old and just this year I have accepted my gayness. I'm "technically" not out to my family but I assume they know by now. So one of my sisters comes by my house yesterday before going to church and says "When are you going to have a kid, I had a dream that you were a father." My family is very spiritual, we have revealing dreams, premonitions and some of us see spirits.

    I had a nightmare last night because I had actually come in contact with a vagina. Yes, I'm that gay and vaginas scare me and make me sick. So, I guess there are other options but don't see it happening any time soon. Anyone have a turkey baster that I can use instead?