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  • Why am I having flu like symptoms during my period?

    Okay, just for some background, I'm...

    16, 100% virgin, never been pregnant and no STDs (duh) and I am otherwise in perfect health, although my eating habits aren't the best, and I have a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I don't smoke, don't drink. I don't have any other issues with my reproductive bits, never even as much as a yeast infection, and I had one UTI when I was nine.

    Now, here's my problem. My periods are really short (3-4 days) and on the first day, my symptoms are as follows...

    Cold sweat, lightheadedness/diziness, nausea, lack of appetite, and excruciating cramps from my abdomen, to my back to my shoulders that no pain killer (Not even prescription) can even put a dent in. And some months, I also get diarrhea and head aches.

    Before my period, my breasts swell, and my right breast leaks watery milk. (Even though they both get equally big and painful) It only lasts about 4-5 hours. But it's enough to keep me out of school, because it ALWAYS starts in the morning, as I'm getting ready. It's a problem because I don't have any more parent excused absences left. I used my last one on my last period. In order to be absent anymore, and have it be excused I have to have a doctors note. I can't see any doctor, much less a OBGYN, until October. At this rate, I'll surely fail all my classes. :( But at least I'm not taking any core classes.

    Also, the first time this happened, I was 15, and I was in school, and my teacher said that I was as white as paper. So there's that.

    What does all this mean?

    7 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Why do I bleed when I masturbate?

    [Fair warning, this is gross. Also, serious advice only please.]

    Okay, I'm a virgin, but I've been masturbating for years, and I've never had this problem. I used to do it every day, but then I cut back (2-3 times a week) and since then, I've bled each time. I've always been sort of rough, but like I said, it was never a problem till recently. Anyone know what the problem could be? I'd rather not go to my doctor with this, but I need to know if I need to.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • If you tell your therapist about something illegal you've done, are they obligated to report you?

    I'm not about to say what I did, but this thing is negatively effecting my mental and physical health. I'd like to get to the bottom of why I do it and how I can stop with my therapist, but I'm worried that I can't trust my secrets with her. I really just want to put this stuff behind me without involving my family, and especially without involving the authorities. I'm a minor, BTW. I'm also from Maryland. (I know the laws vary from state to state.) She told me everything would be confidential, but I'm worried that that won't apply to illegal acts.

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • Why can't I pee straight? (I'm a female)?

    This is frustrating as hell when I'm in a public restroom and I don't want to sit on the seat. No matter what I do ( Spread, squatting in all different positions, ect.) I CANNOT pee straight. It always just sprays everywhere, and I'm forced to sit on the dirty *** seat to avoid making a mess. I don't mind sitting when I'm at home, so this isn't a problem at home, but elsewhere... it's a problem.

    9 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • How do I stop this brown discharge? Also, is this normal?

    Okay, well I stopped my period two days ago, and there's no blood flow anymore, but both times I've tried to masturbate since then, some chunky, brown stuff comes off on my fingers, and some blood comes out afterwards. Is this normal? What should I do?

    BTW, this is some what embarrassing, so please don't say anything mean, and if you think I'm just being a troll, don't bother commenting because that won't help me!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • How to get a work out at home with no equipment?

    Well, I live in a dangerous neighborhood, so going out for a walk or a run isn't really an option. There's a YMCA where I live, but a membership is expensive as hell. And I hate for people to see me work out. It's mortifying. Seriously, I'd rather be naked in public than have to exercise in public. IDK why, it's just a phobia of mine. I'm not even 100% confident working in private. But that's beside the point; I'm on break with nothing to do all day, so I think I want to get in shape. But I have no equipment. What can I do?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Is it wrong to like three people at once?

    Also... how do you chose between two great guys and one great girl? Every time I think I like one more than the other two, the other two just do something to impress me! Ugh! What to do? I'm not serious with any of them, just flirting but... idk, I can't make up my mind.

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • What do you do if you know that someone is cutting?

    Well, this boy in my Drama class; I don't know him very well. But today I looked at his arm and it had a couple of "X's" carved into it. You could tell he did it himself because you don't get cuts like that by accident, especially not on the inside of your fore arm. So, I know he's cutting. But I don't think I know him well enough to say anything about it to him. I don't want to be intrusive, but I'm just a caring person by nature. I can't just sit by and watch people suffer. And if he cuts himself REALLY bad and gets seriously hurt, I'll feel responsible for not doing anything. WHAT should I do?

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • I'm 5''1' and about 105 pounds; is it dangerous for me to be pregnant?

    I don't plan on being pregnant any time soon. I'm not going to grow any more, according to my doctor. My mother says I probably shouldn't ever get pregnant, because I don't have a "strong, birthing body." Is she right? I want to know so I can know if I need to avoid being pregnant just now, or for my entire life. Thanks. :)

    6 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Does Maxwell House Coffee use fluoride in it's products?

    I read that a lot of coffee brands contain fluoride, and I'm trying to cut fluoride, MSG, aspartame, and GMOs out of my diet. Please and thank you! :)

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks9 years ago
  • How many rapists were released from prison in 2008? (In the USA)?

    I also need to know how many people convicted of homicide were released from prison in 2008. I've been searching the web, but I can't find the numbers anywhere. I need it for a persuasive essay I'm writing. Thank you. :))

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • What do I do about this girl? (Please read)?

    I've been friends with this girl for a long while. She's been living in Texas, and we got out of touch for a while, but we have been talking and skyping consistently for months now. And, I'm afraid to say, I think I've fallen for her. Of course, she has no idea, but I just don't know what to do; we have a great friendship and I don't wish to ruin it. But it just pains me to even look at her now! It's almost like I wish she would do SOMETHING to make me annoyed at her, or to make me dislike her, so that I don't have to deal with this. I can't persue her because she is emotionally traumatized by a boyfriend (she is bisexual, btw) who cheated on her; she wouldn't sleep with him, so he went and slept with some cheap harlot.. but I digress. I like her a lot; I've done this to myself before, as in wanting to pursue a girl but being to big of a coward to do it and letting her get away. I don't want that to happen again, either! SO, what on Earth should I do?

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Close friend suddenly won't discuss anything personal?

    I've been close friends with this guy for a while now, and we've been able to tell eachother anything and everything. But a couple days ago, as I'm telling him about a fight I had with my mother, he stops me mid sentence and says, "Look, I really don't wanna talk about this anymore. I think what happens at home should stay at home." And I tell him that he always talks about his home life to me. (He does) and he responded "Well, I'm not going to any more, that's what I think now." and I'm just like.. Um, okay? Where did that come from? But I've heard him talking to people he doesn't even know that well about his problems, he won't tell me anything, and he gets offended if I ask. Likewise, he'll totally tune out if I want to talk about something, but he'll sit and listen to other peoples problems.

    So, what is going on here? I'm confused..

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • What does this nightmare mean?

    I've only had it once, but I cat stop thinking about it. It makes me physically ill. So, here's how it went;

    I'm in this dark house, alone with this man and woman. The woman is sitting on a still and the man is laying on the table. They are both alive with rotted bodies. The woman is pregnant. She takes my hand and puts it on her stomach and says "Feel how hard my stomach is; it's to show the life I've lost." She's wearing some kind of blue, cob webby shroud. I swear I could feel how cold she was. The man on the table, who is only a skeleton with bits of rotted flesh on him shutters and yells out in pain. Then I woke up.

    So.. This was a really disturbing dream.. Why did I have it? What does it mean?

    4 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Okay, this is really embarrassing, so please be nice?

    Okay, well, I don't know how to talk to girls. Yeah, yeah, stifle your laughter and wipe the tears from your eyes long enough to finish reading this, please!

    So I'm gay (See section this is in?) and I haven't had any female friends like I was ten (I'm 15 now) and all of my friends are males. Now when I try to talk to girls I'm like.. Uuuuuuuuh, eeeeeeer... Derp. It's just embarrassing..

    Advice please? And no hate! @_@

  • So, I'm considering abstinence..(please read)?

    I'm a fifteen year old gay female, and I've seriously been considering abstinence and here is why.

    1: I finally understand my mom's "Who wants to buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" analogy; think she's 100% right.

    2: It makes your marriage special; like you completely belong to one another. I like that idea.

    3: I'm afraid of STD's

    Well, those are my top five. I know I will be difficult to find another gay woman in the future who has also made the same comitment, so that's one possible downside to this. I just need a little advice. And no, I'm not doing this religious reasons.

  • So my peers all think I'm a lesbian, on account of my being outed a while back... But..?

    But, I honestly have an attraction (though very slight) toward guys. I've pretty much been labeled a lesbian, though I don't think that fits me. Should I just let people think what they want to think, or should I set the record straight? (Pun intended)

  • Can you contract STD's from swimming naked in a pool?

    Okay, my mom works at a condominium where there is a private, renters/owners only pool. It's chlorinated and it isn't heated. Anyway, I come with my mom to work so I can spend the day at the beach and pool and board walk. I like to come to the pool as soon as I get there and skinny dip for a while before people start to come in and while the water is still nice and cool. I've never had problems with it before, but I'm wondering if it's possible to contract diseases from swimming naked in a pool?

    4 AnswersSTDs10 years ago
  • Do you think it is wrong to pray to God for creative inspiration?

    I'm currently re-writing a story I've written because the original was confusing, had two-D characters and had a too fast plot. I keep getting stuck, distracted, and discouraged. So when I pray, in addition to other things, I pray for inspiration and for my writing career to take off someday.

    Is that a selfish thing to pray for?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • I need a list of magazeins that feature short stories/fanfictions and what not?

    I know it's unlikely my story's will ever get published. But I still have to try. So no negativity, please!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago