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Anne kate
I (16F) teen fell down the stairs on June 19th which was like a full week ago but my foot still hurts?
I was going down the stairs to take out the trash and I don't know how I fell but I slipped and fell to the bottom and I couldn't get up after and my neck was killing me and my ankle was killing me. I thought the pain was coming from my ankle but it's like my foot was sending the pain up through my ankle.
I could hardly walk then and my foot was swollen and there was a visible hard lump on it and I could feel my bones. The lump has gone done but it still hurts in the same spot.
I can balance perfectly fine on one of my feet but on the other one that's hurt I can't put my weight on it and balance with it it hurting. My mom brushed it off a week ago and said it was probably a sprain and I'd be fine..but I don't know
1 AnswerInjuries4 years agoMy mom disagrees with me doing a summer job with my bestfriend babysitting because of money splitting. What do you think?
I'd never fight her over money. We are both 14 year old girls. And this is something I'd like to do with her. For money, experience, and to spend time together. Since she will not be going to our school anymore. This will be our first job.
2 AnswersFriends5 years agoSummer job for two 14 year old girls babysitting. Do you think we can handle it? Also, read problems down below?
My mom has been asking me about part time jobs and what not. My best friend wants a summer job to make her own money. My plan for the future is to go into something that has to do with children. My best friend wants to be a doctor..possibly a pediatrician do she sill be working with kids. It will be good practice to get use to them.
My dad is not on board. His first question was "Who'd hire two 14 year old girls who can't even drive legally or work at dollar general yet?"
And "How would you get their and get back?"
He said he thinks I don't need to be working yet. I think i could do it. I think we could do it.
3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education5 years agoSummer job for two 14 year old jobs babysitting. Do you think we could handle it? Help with problems down below?
My mom has been asking me about part time jobs and what not. My best friend wants a summer job to make her own money. My plan for the future is to go into something that has to do with children. My best friend wants to be a doctor..possibly a pediatrician do she sill be working with kids. It will be good practice to get use to them.
My dad is not on board. His first question was "Who'd hire two 14 year old girls who can't even drive legally or work at dollar general yet?"
And "How would you get their and get back?"
He said he thinks I don't need to be working yet. I think i could do it. I think we could do it.
1 AnswerFriends5 years agoIn horror movies when kids are possessed why do parents keep their other non possessed children aroundo the possessed one?
Aren't they worried that the possessed child would hurt the rest? Shouldn't they try to get the other kids to safety?
3 AnswersMovies5 years agoWhy do you think people talk about others behind their back?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoI got my tonsils out as a kid and only ate baby food..why is it so disgusting? (Except for the fruit) why do people feed their babies that?
Do the babies think it's good or something?
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years agoPizza vs Burgers?
8 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoMy mom asked if I liked my dad more (they're divorced) I didn't have the heart to say say yes so I avoided it and I feel bad..?
I avoided her questions by saying "It's not healthy to like one parent over the other.." and then I added that I read it on the Internet.. isn't that kind of saying yes?.. I was always close to my dad
3 AnswersFamily5 years agoOn Family Guy why was Bonnie pregnant for so long?
1 AnswerPregnancy5 years agoHave you ever met people who blindly follows and worships one of their friends? Like they don't have a mind of their own?
For example if their friend dislikes you then they dislike you
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoWhat to say when my old friend asks me why I'm not her best friend anymore(read all)?
After she got pregnant it went down hill.
She got pregnant when we were in the 6th grade and had the baby during the 7th.. sometime after the baby it's obvious we would talk less.
Now we are in the 8th grade..she doesn't go to our school anymore and it's the end of the year and we haven't talked..maybe like once..
She's also making bad decisions such as drinking and smoking then she stays out late and whoever she's staying with ends up taking care of her baby.
I decided it just wasn't worth it I couldn't anymore.. it was pretty good while it lasted though. The only common ground we have now is when I ask how the baby is doing..that's if she anwsers back.
3 AnswersFriends5 years agoWhy do random people and relatives always tell me to smile and ask if I'm mad? Even though I'm happy majority of the time.?
Do I truly have resting ***** face syndrome?
How could I fix this?
It just ruins my mood completely when people tell me I should be happy even though I am!
And if I was mad at you I wouldn't be near you now would I?
People tell me I look mean but I don't think I do
1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago