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  • Is real fruit smoothie healthy?

    So I have been making smoothies latly. The smoothie is made up of real fruits and milk. Like the last one I made was Banana. Is this healthy? AND is it good to drink in the morning??

    9 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Question about Dead Space?

    Ok so I just beat Dead Space for the first time, on easy mode. Now I want to beat it on Impossible mode but when I start impossible mode do I still get my level 5 suit and all the items in my inventory? If so how? I really don't want to have to do Impossible

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • After beating Dead Space question?

    Ok so I just beat Dead Space for the first time, on easy mode. Now I want to beat it on Impossible mode but when I start impossible mode do I still get my level 5 suit and all the items in my inventory? If so how?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Earning respect for Brucie in GTA 4?

    Im trying to get the achievment for unlocking the helicopter thing from Brucie but I have to have at least 75% respect from him. As of now I have 68%, but how do I gain more respect?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • So whats this policy on parents reading your text messages on the bill or somethinng?

    Ok so i hear everywhere that parents can now read kids text message and everything, and i understand that. but how exactly does this work. Like can they just look it up on the computer or do they literally have to go request it from the phone company store?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • A question for anyone in a band and writes songs?

    Ok me and my gf are writing a heavy metal song and she already wrote the lyris but is it easier to write the guitar part like the intro, chorus, and ryhthm first or is it easier to write the singing rythm first? I think it would be easier if she would make a rythm singing then i can just add guitar but what do you think?

    4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Any really good movies about Racism?

    I love the movie American History X, its one of my favorite movies. Is there any other movies that are really good like that and about the conflict of Racism? Thanks

    20 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Why is it bad to call a girl a "Cu*t"?

    Im a guy butlike i never really understood why its so bad, well at least to call a girl it. Isnt it just like saying shes a pussy? Anyways please tell me why and please no stupid answer or obvious answer. Best answer 10 points, thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why is it so bad to call a girl a "Cu*t"?

    Im a guy butlike i never really understood why its so bad, well at least to call a girl it. Isnt it just like saying shes a pussy? Anyways please tell me why and please no stupid answer or obvious answer. Best answer 10 points, thanks

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Am i pregnant?!?!?! Please help!?

    Ok so my boyfriend had sperm on his finger and like 20 mins later ended up fingering me.(yea ik stupid move) and now iv missed my period, its been 5 days, and now im really worried i might pregnant. I read sperm instantly dies when it reaches air, but im still really worried. Please help!?! thanks!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Whats the meaning of the poem, "weekend glory"? by Maya Angelou?

    Can you please tell me what the meaning of this poem is and what shes trying to say in it?

    also if you could connect it to another poem the would be great.

    heres the poem: Some clichty folks

    don't know the facts,

    posin' and preenin'

    and puttin' on acts,

    stretchin' their backs.

    They move into condos

    up over the ranks,

    pawn their souls

    to the local banks.

    Buying big cars

    they can't afford,

    ridin' around town

    actin' bored.

    If they want to learn how to live life right

    they ought to study me on Saturday night.

    My job at the plant

    ain't the biggest bet,

    but I pay my bills

    and stay out of debt.

    I get my hair done

    for my own self's sake,

    so I don't have to pick

    and I don't have to rake.

    Take the church money out

    and head cross town

    to my friend girl's house

    where we plan our round.

    We meet our men and go to a joint

    where the music is blue

    and to the point.

    Folks write about me.

    They just can't see

    how I work all week

    at the factory.

    Then get spruced up

    and laugh and dance

    And turn away from worry

    with sassy glance.

    They accuse me of livin'

    from day to day,

    but who are they kiddin'?

    So are they.

    My life ain't heaven

    but it sure ain't hell.

    I'm not on top

    but I call it swell

    if I'm able to work

    and get paid right

    and have the luck to be Black

    on a Saturday night.

    Maya Angelou

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • how do i start a new game of Guitar Hero World Tour?

    ok so i beat the single player career on expert for guitar but now i want to do a new game but i cant figure out how to start a new one, please help!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Is too much milk bad for you?

    ok so i drink 2 gallons a milk a week. a matter of fact, thats basically all i drink. i dont know why but i just love love love milk. but i recently went to the doctor because she had to examin me before i got my colonoscopy and she said i drank to much milk and i should only drink a maximum of 3 glases a day. however my dads a doctor and my moms an RN and they both said that milk was good for me.

    13 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • why is the ending of Daybreakers so gory and bloody?

    ok so, i was reading the review of the movie Daybreakers and it said that the ending/finale was very very gory, and it was the bloodiest part of the movie. What happens that could be so bloody? and please try to tell me without ruining it for me because i haven't seen it but i just got the movie so im planning too, but im just really curious. thanks.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • is my penis average size?

    ok, im 16, i will be 17 in july and my penis is 7 inches erect and im still growing. is mine average size or is it more then average for my age?

    1 AnswerMen's Health1 decade ago
  • is my penis "too big"?

    ok, im 16, i will be 17 in july and my penis is 7 inches erect and im still growing. is mine average size or is it more then average for my age?

    2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • sims 3 question!?!?!?

    can i more thn 1 profile, or when i start a new game will it delete my previous one?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • sims 4 question?!?!?! please help!!!!?

    ok im new at the game but every way i try to make my city i always end up making my monthly expenses cost so much more then my monthy income. how can i make my city to where my monthly income is more thn my monthly expenses?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago

    ok, so i just got the game today but really messed up my city, i accendently made so many things that my monthly income is -2,000$ and i keep losing money!!!!!

    how do i start and what can i do to make my monthlyy income to start raising up again???????

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago