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Lv 56,717 points

Arch Paladin

Favorite Answers7%

is sick and tired of the ignorence from both sides.

  • To Atheists, What is your argument against Christianity?

    Hey Atheists, This is the question for you, by that I mean the question you FINALLY get to RANT in MASS BLOCKS!

    Give me your: moderate length, insanely long, and very detailed, argument against Christianity. Use every argument you can think of as well as cheap shots (but put your cheap shots in different paragraphs, it will be easier on my eyes, thank you in advance) that come to mind.

    Use it all they way from historical proof, archaeological proof, logic, and theosophical view you can handle.

    The only thing is, Hey Im only asking for one exclusion, This is Your rant against the theology of Christians and not the whole creationist argument deal, (Even though it plays a part of the theology of it) I want to know your comments, concerns, complaints, and so on.

    There will be NO thumbs down by me on this one.

    Christians STAY OUT OF THIS ROUND, please. If you read something and you feel it needs to be addressed then my e-mail and IM works just fine, state your side from there.

    The best answer will be given ten points! Warning, short stupid fail troll answers will not be picked. Answerer's with no explanation will not be picked.

    REMEMBER, this is not a creationist vs evolutionist debate, this is simply the theology spectrum of it.

    Good luck, and may the most logical argument win.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are false teachers on Y!A that Jesus warned us about?

    Many have come to R&S with many of their own interpretations and twists to scripture. Most are trolls like 1Corinthians 14:34, and others take themselves very seriously like RevDrD. Like most people who hide behind false doctrines and hate being called out for it, he has wrote me a letter in an attempt to try and one up the truth. Here is the copy of the letter he sent me.

    "Ah! I see that you hate Jesus! Since you despise His clear word. Besides this you buffoon The Catholic Church brought the heaven Hell ideas in from paganism. The reformers rejected this teaching noatbly Martin Luther Who was brave enough and inteligent enough, see the truth. You shall one day stand before God and you will have to give account as to why you rejected his holy apostle who gave you his clear word and you rejected it You are not despiseing me you are despising the Holy ghost!"

    With little to no more ability to interpret scripture then VinomFangX (may his YouTube account rest in BanHammer) he has shamefully attacked the scriptures that Both Catholic and Protestants have believed in and have answered the same questions he brought up for generations.

    So I ask you the Obvious, are we seeing false teachers on Y!A? How many do you know of? What can people do to help rid of false doctrines because ignoring them and hoping they will go away is not enough.

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why must some of you hinder the Kingdom? Who agrees, and what are your suggestions?

    In a rage against one of the most resent questions I answered that was done by a fellow Christian, I ask this question to him and those like him.

    Why do you ask a question with the intent to hurt others feelings or get them angry? When they answer you, whether it an honest answer or a trolls comment, must you troll back in the rudest possible manner?

    Have you not been taught better by your church and family? Do you not realize that what you do, ANYWHERE, you are reflecting God? When you act ugly to others and show bad form, that they will not only see you as disgusting but our God as well? At times you really can point out who is a troll plain and simple, because even other atheists look down upon trolls and rebuke them for their intended cruelty. If atheists can respect your belief and also detests trolling then shouldn't you, who believes in God, who also does not tolerate malevolent intentions but says to love the human anyhow, do the same if not show more love?

    When you yourself act as rudely and as cruel as those who oppose you and your faith, you have not only lowered yourself to their level, but you affirmed that you are no better then them as they suggested and then they make the assumption that all are like this as well as our God. This is destroying any foothold other Christians, who do not act like you just did, into the lives of other non-believers. It would have been better if they had no idea that you were of the faith.

    I Myself admit to being harsh and at times lash out, and to those I offend by being harsh, lashing out, or even being rude, I apologize because there was no excuse for it.

    To others, what are your suggestions to your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to help them from doing further harm to themselves and to the Kingdom?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has the R&S section gone to the ranters and ramblers on both sides?

    I think it has.

    Not only has it become a place to vent misplaced anger, but also to simply troll it up.

    The difference is one being a person who has some weight on their chest and they just have to get it off in the form of some rant. The trolling is just some figure who gets a kick out of watching the disorder and chaos they made by trying to pull one side or the others string for simple entertainment.

    You may begin your rant, trolling, rave, long winded answer, quick quip, actual answer with thought put into it (Logical or not) and other things that you are able to type in the box when you press answer question.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are the words to Charging Fort Wagner?

    Its not O Fortuna, lets get that strait right off the bat. Though it sounds nearly the same and both are done in latin.

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • What is the Lyrics to Ballad of a Fallen Angel?

    Its from Cowboy Bebop, its not called green bird, or rain, thats 2 other songs. Stupid song has been in my head for weeks...

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • To Christens, do you believe in hell and or the devil. If you do, is it important to know about it and why?

    Even belivers say their is no hell or satan. Not all of them, just some say its not real. Out of those who say that hell and the beast are not real, also claim that it is not relevent to know any of them. Truthful and honost answers only please.....I get the feeling that still wont stop trolls, but at least I asked.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago