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Adding a male and female Betta, problems, help please?
It was easier then describing whats going on over words on here, the video is much easier, please help if you can :)
2 AnswersFish6 years agoGot a spare 30L tank, what tropical fish should i add?
The photo doesn't really do it justice however, it is now un-inhabited.
There was a dwarf puffer in there but she passed away from what i think was old age, she was always eating up to her death and always happy to see me(always chasing me around my room).
I am going to leave it empty(still running as normal)for 3 weeks and carry on with 15-20% water changes every friday just incase it was a disease(dont really think i can test for diseases??) and i will keep water testing with master test kit every friday too.
Any ideas what to put in after the break? I quite fancy a school of say 6 neon tetras, and 2 snails, quite like yellow rabbit snails. Do you think that could work?
1 AnswerFish6 years agoCan anybody tell me where i could get these trainers from?
A location or even better a link would be great, thanks!
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years agoCan anybody tell me what this is?
I just found it on my inner right thigh, it dosent itch but now i know its there i cant stop obsessing over it.
Any help would be great,
2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years agoBought an air disc, but cannot get it to sink?
I have tried weighing it down with big rocks where the tube attaches to the air disc, i put a rock over the disk and it didnt float but no bubbles came out obviously...
Ive always used long air stones before so never had this problem, any ideas??
2 AnswersFish7 years agoIn abit of a pickle with stocking ADF,shrimp and endlers.?
I have got so confused with reading stuff on the internet, as always its conflicting.
Can i keep together endler guppies(5) and ADF(2babys) and amano(2) and little nano shrimps i think 1 bumble bee and 2 rednose something(?) in a 64L/17G?
They seem ok up to now but then again its only be about 4-5 hours, i would like this to be a permanent home for all of them, so is it possible? Have you had any experience personally keeping any of these together?
The shrimp were for my betta tank (20L)however my male just swallowed a nano whole the second he saw it:(...
I do have other tanks they could all go in, but for the layout and decor the shrimp really would be best in the 64L, the 20 was perfect, lots of moss and lovely thick green plants to hide in however the male betta made that impossible to do now..the 64 is definately the best for the shrimp now, but are the guppies and the frogs going to play nice? Does it depend on the temperament of the fish/frogs? I would say they are all harmless(but wouldnt everybody about their own)..
1 AnswerFish7 years agoAdded 3 nano shrimp to my male betta tank and be just destroyed one straight away, why?
He has always been around shrimp, never done this before, i took out the other two as quick as i could and they are ok, but why did he do this?
Did he maybe think it was brineshrimp?:/
Was he just hungry and thought ill have that for me tea?(he shouldnt be that hungry though as he was fed last night)
Could the shrimp have maybe startled him when it swam past and maybe knocked into him so the bettas instincs were to attack?
It was so sad to watch, i couldnt even catch the betta in time to try save the shrimp, it was gone on 2 gulps:(
2 AnswersFish7 years agoI am very agitated all the time, i know why, is there a tablet that will calm me down?
I dont like humans, i cant stand myself never mind someone else. I have well over 400 animals (fish, dogs, frogs, horses) and i get all my companionship and love and a cure for boredom from them, however when i go to work everyday i have to mix with humans and i hate it, i cant stand talking to them, i like to keep myself to myself, and i chose to become a welder because i have to be by myself when working.
I know its not normal to not want to talk to other humans, but i just dont like 'human conversation', i dont want a girlfriend or any friends at all, ever. I know ill grow old and die alone but i dont care because ive got my animals. Sex dosent bother me, i actualy find touching someone else revolting, i dont even masturbate, i dont drink so my spare time is completely animal related and thats the reason why i get up on a morning for work, so i can afford to keep my animals.
I know i have to be pleasent at work to keep my job, i just find it so hard to want to be nice, i just want to say 'F off, leave me alone dont talk to me, i dont want to talk to you' but i cant. I actually like my job, but i hate having to be around other humans.
You may think what a stupid idiot i am, but its just how ive turned out, i have had nothing but betrayal, heartbreak, anger, upset and all round bad experiences with humans.
Long story short, is there a tablet that will carm me down enough to be able to 'bare humans conversation more'? I do want to talk to people, i just simply cant.
1 AnswerMental Health7 years agoWhy do my snails 'meet up' every so often?
They go to the same spot every week or so, they dont come out, they just sit there in their shells..
They arent eating, i picked a few up and they are fully in their shells.
The water is tested weekly and the levels are perfect too, i just dont understand why they meet up every week..
Any ideas??
3 AnswersFish7 years agoNitrAte 0?? Why? Is this bad in any way?
So, i just tested one of my tanks (i test weekly).
The nitrate is reading 0, why is this? Is my tank just super clean? (Second tube from the right)
There is only one male betta and two assassin snails in there, its 20 L.
All my other tanks (33 of them) have never EVER read 0 nitrates, even during cycling.
This tank has been set up around 4 months now.
Any ideas? I'm stumped!
2 AnswersFish7 years agoHow to long till i know i am addicted to tramadol?
I have been taking tramadol 4-6 50mg a day for scoliosis for 3 years, i always miss out sunday because i dont work that day so i can just rest and i can 'deal' with the pain better when i dont have to do any physical labour.
My doctor told me if i miss out that day every week i will nevet get addicted and i can within reason take it safely for many years.
The past 2 weeks it has got so painfull and just simply so uncomfartable i have taken it sunday too, i plan to not take it this sunday (tommorow) but i was just wondering on how long after the last tablet i would start to feel withdrawls?(if i am addicted).
I am not talking mentally , because im not, i can stop every sunday with no problems i just couldnt the past 2 weeks with the pain (even though instead of 4-6 it was 2-3 50mg tablets).
I want to know physical body addiction.
2 AnswersMedicine7 years agoWhy cant i grow algae?
I really want to grow algae, i have tried rocks in water in the sunlight for 4 months and only a tiny bit has grown, i literally have none in my tanks, i want it for my snails and bristlenoses, they are fed wafers now but i just want them to have a change now and then...
1 AnswerFish7 years agoDoes anybody know where i can buy this tank? What do you think of it?
I dont know much about it, i saw it on a facebook post.
Not sure on the size, but i think a nice school of neons would love it..
Just want to know how you clean it and where does the filter and heater go
If you can help then please do, thanks!
4 AnswersFish7 years agoFrom your own experience what fish need actual fish for food or insects like crickets..?
Also, how do you feel about feeding them?
I can cope with the food chain, and i understand if you dont feed your fish they will die.
I just struggle to bring myself up to buying a bigger species of fish because the inevitable of me having to feed more than worms or brine shrimp will arrise.
I have seen videos of people feeding mice to oscars and i just feel sorry for the mouse, i may seem strange asking but seriously, how do you cope with it?
Can the bigger breeds just live on purely worms and such, or do crickets/mice and so on 'have' to be fed too?
Personal experience only please. Thanks!
3 AnswersFish7 years agoGARY C- could you email me please?
I'm not sure wether your allowed to give out email address's here but i took 3 good photos and i dont want to post 3 questions just for the photos.
Could you email me?
Thanks if you can, i appreciate it!
2 AnswersFish7 years agoGARY C - here is a pic of my frog, can you try to help please?
Ive been searching for hours, still cant find anything! He looks a bit spotty in the picture but through the naked eye he is complete black.
He's made himself at home and found a nice spot between the floating plants, i just wish i knew more about him..
Sorry about quality of the pic too, as im sure you know photographing anything aquarium related can be quite a task in itself!
If you see this and answer back thank you!
1 AnswerFish7 years agoIs a 'black aqautic frog' the same as 'african dwarf frog'?
I just bought one to add to my african dwarf frog tank, it was sold as a black aqautic frog and to be honest it dosent look like a ADF..
Its definately not a clawed frog, its just really small and all black, no spots or stripes.
2 AnswersFish7 years agoDoes my tank look nice?
In there is 2 albino catfish, 2 bristlenose (and 1 baby), 8 xray tetra, 3 endlers, 1 female betta, 1 african dwarf frog and 6 apple snails.
Theres is 2 logs, 3 caves(hidden at the back), mopani wood(to the right ontop of the 3 caves to make it into a tunnel or overpass), redwood tree root (in the middle) and there is wisteria (real plant) and 3 fake plants(leftfront,middle top, and back right).
The gravel is black, baby blue and red.
They all seem happy enough and i think it looks great, do you think it looks good?
Anything i can change or improve on?(including tank mates)
Its a 100 L, and they are fed bloodworms, daphnia and brineshrimp on alternate days.
The picture really doesn't do it justice at all!
2 AnswersFish7 years agoCan anybody name this plant please?
Just bought this plant but not sure on name, can anybody help?
4 AnswersFish7 years agoHas anyone tried this water conditioner? Can you recommend it?
I am looking for a new water conditioner, i have been using API stress coat and was just wondering if this is better ?
2 AnswersFish7 years ago