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So I went through my boyfriends phone and found something pretty interesting. Was i wrong for going through his personal things?
He had another girlfriend. Someone he met at his job. I confronted him about it and he was at me for snooping. I hacked his facebook because i don't trust him at all.
8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoMy weight loss methods. Will they help me to reach my goal weight by the end of summer?
20 min treadmill run in the morning
Insanity t25 in the afternoon
Then a run on the beach
- I do these three workouts everyday
My diet consists of chicken and fish only with potatoes vegetables or a salad. I only drink water. I have cut out bread and pasta soda fast food and desserts of any kind.
My goal weight is 130-145 and my weight now is 180.
What do you think?
7 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoGood, fast way to lose weight?
I weigh 183 and my height is about 5ft 2. I've decided to try a new routine where I only eat 1600 calories a day and my workouts consist of 3 days of 30 minute tae bo and 4 days of treadmill walking for 20 minutes. My goal weight is 120.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years agoAtheists, what would you do if you found out God exists?
I mean i KNOW God exists but obviously you don't. How would you react to find out that we christians were right all along?
25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoQuestion for christians about the bible. atheists your answer would be appreciated as well?
My friends and I were having a debate on the bible. We were arguing about why there are different versions of it if it came from God? Could God have made different versions of his own word? or was the bible created by man? One of my friends had said "the bible contradicts itself." Can anyone explain that?
24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoWhy is it important for families to attend church together?
Another essay question from my religion teacher. This one needs to be three pages so yeah....a lot of info would be nice. Your own opinions would be great as well :)
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoHow do i deal with a beggy/needy friend?
My friend constantly asks me for money and it's very annoying. They also ask me for food everyday and expect me to share their lunch with them. It's very annoying and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of spending money on her and I want to eat my lunch in peace without her annoying voice asking me for some of it.
3 AnswersFriends10 years agoIf there was a sudden zombie invasion.......?
Who would you like to be in your army of rebels, people to fight with you side by side against zombie evil?
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years agoWhat is a State University System?
I live in the Bahamas and we don't use this. This is a question for Language and i'm hoping one you American people will help me :)
2 AnswersFinancial Aid10 years agoWhat are the professional certifications required for a Psychologist?
Question for 11th grade English class. Don't ask why it's for Language.
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years agoWhat is the importance of Kohlberg's stages of moral development?
11th grade English question.
1 AnswerPsychology10 years agoWhy do atheists seem to be smarter than Christians?
There was an atheists in my language class who performed better than anyone else. She was the only atheist in the class an she always did things right and because of this she advanced to the top English class. All these great scholars Einstein, Maslow, Edison etc. How come they succeed in life while some Christians are left with nothing? Yes, i'm a bit jealous -__-
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoResponse to my previous question to Christians?
I had asked why Christians were so mean to atheists. I'm sorry but saying things like "YOUR GOING TO BURN IN HELL!" is pretty mean. According to the Golden Rule we should treat people the way we would want to be treated, and that includes atheists. And for the ignorant people who are saying "she's not a Christian" i'm Catholic btw and i wonder how you can bash from behind your computer screens when you don't know who i am. But like i said, yes atheists can be mean and hurtful, but it's our duty as Christians to ignore them and turn the other cheek.
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoHow does living in a single parent home affect the child?
This is a question for my religion class and i need to write a 5 page essay on this. Can anyone give me some information on this topic? Maybe some personal experiences.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoHow do families handle/conquer social problems?
This is for my religion class and i need a bit of help.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoPhysics question, help please?
The focal length of a concave mirror is 18cm. If the object is placed at a distance of 32cm from the pole of the mirror, where will the image be formed?
1 AnswerPhysics10 years agoHow can you tell the difference between a plane, convex and concave mirror?
These 3 mirrors are given to you of equal size.
2 AnswersPhysics10 years agoChemistry Question on Salts?
My textbook says that a salt can be formed with an ammonium radical, but in the given lists of soluble salts it says that when using the ammonium base which is insoluble, the salt itself is soluble. The process of making a soluble salt is by using an insoluble base. So when you add the insoluble base to the acid, it becomes a soluble salt? If you don't understand what i'm talking about, i'll add more details.
1 AnswerChemistry10 years agoQuestion for Christians..Atheists with any knowledge can answer as well?
Is there really a hell? I mean, God forgives all sins, so why would there be a hell? How can someone who gave us a life and all these experiences, send us to an eternal pit of fire? I just don't believe it.
18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years agoQuestion for Christians?
Is it true that we decide whether we go to heaven or not? My family told me this but i don't understand how that works, can someone explain it to me?
18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago