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carlee and kenneth

Favorite Answers18%
  • Ever feel like your too big of a loser to be a good mom?

    I am trying my *** off at this mommy thing but my kids are so shy because they are never around people. I have been trying to get my oldest ready for a big Birthday. A lot f kids were supposed to come but everyone cancelled at the last min. I mean it is 1am and someone just FB me that they weren't coming. I have never been very good at making friends but u don't want this for my kids. I have been busting my butt for this party and now i am just going to have a whole bunch of food to go to waist. And the few people that are coming have bad motives so they are just going to make it uncomfortable. It all just plain sucks. I suck!!!

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Didn't hurt to lose you virginity? ladies?

    Ok so I am 30 and have had lots of sex. But only with my husband. I'm not trying to fool anyone we did the dirty before we were married BUT I keep reading all these novels where the girl has an awesome orgasm from the penetration of her 1st time. My husband was gentle and didn't even go in all the way the 1st 2 times but it still hurt and not only a little bit. Not only that it hurt like the first 10 times. Of course not too bad but there was pain. I just wonder how it is possible all these stories I keep reading all these stories on the internet (tried reading real stories to see if it is possible) about the 1st time being so great. I mean it was but not in the physical pleasure kind of way.

    I am talking about actual penetration, of course the rest always feels good.

    Ladies did it hurt?

  • does anyone know if military Dr.s do VBAC?

    Madigan, At ft. Lewis.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • What would you want your mom/moms to do?

    Long story- short the Bio mom of our little girl asked if we might take her son as well. We said if that is what she decided, then of course. She wrote back telling me that she hasn't decided she is just wondering what she should do and that she would like my input. I told her I was not comfortable giving my input. Anyways, I was just wondering if you learned about this situation as an adult what would you have wished your A mom said to you Bio mom? We had to move away from home because of military other wise I would just help her with her son.:(

    3 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Would this be something people would be willing to help with?

    I am just wondering if/how this might work. The bio mom of our daughter wants her son to come stay with us this summer so that the kids can have time for together. The problem is the plane ticket. My sister is willing to fly with him over here but the cost of those tickets is a problem. Do you think people would be willing to donate money to such a cause? If so where would I go to ask? And how would we go about making it secure?

    8 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • new rules on flying with an infant?

    How do i get formula on? I know it must be hard these days since it is a powder. Does anyone know where online i can get this info or maybe have a number i can call?


    3 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Anyone know where I can get new info on flying with an infant?

    How do i get formula on? I know it must be hard these days since it is a powder. Does anyone know where online i can get this info or maybe have a number i can call?


    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • newborn adoption and attachment. Where are you coming from?

    So I have read on here someone asking about their adopted baby hating them and showing it by crying a lot. People went on about how its a shock to be a baby placed in a strangers arms and yada yada yada. Today I called my cousin who just had her 1st baby. She told me it had been a hard day because the baby wouldn't stop crying. Now this is a baby she had just given birth to. I have the feeling that if she had came on here and asked why her adopted baby wouldn't stop crying you would have told her it was because she missed her mom.

    And on the same line of reasoning i see people on here all the time talking about how different they are from their adopted parents and wish they could have grown up with people like them. I wished the same thing growing up. I wished that me and my family had more in common, btu i was not adopted. Even now as an adult people often wonder how i turned out so much different then my family.

    i have alcoholics in my family so i have trouble understanding why people think that because they were adopted their parents should have been better then mine. No parents are perfect and have their problems.

    So i guess my question is why do people on here always assume everything is related to adoption?

    19 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • what does it mean when a baby drops during pregnancy?

    And why to they do it.

    I would be thankful for any help. Thanks

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do the adoption regulars think of this birth mother thought?

    So I was talking with my friend who is letting us adopt her baby and we got in a conversation about things I can't offer her legally because of the appearance of cohesion. She said "Isn't it something how women fought so hard for our rights and to be treated like equals yet as soon as you place a child up for adoption people suddenly treat you like you are unable to make choices for yourself. Like you are no longer capable and that you can't possibly know what is best for you and your baby."

    19 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Do you know any good adoption books?

    On a serious note (and I don’t ask many normally) does anyone know of any good books about adoption?

    I’m looking for short stories from a birth mother perspective.

    I don’t mean “don’t do it!!!” books but I do need good books on the not so flowery side of things.

    My friend and I are on different sides of the adoption and can’t really help each other but I would like to get her some good books. We can’t really lean on our families being as though they are so close, which by the way has become a reason I would never recommend that someone adopt too or from a family friend.

    Anyways our families are all for the adoption so she would like to read about it from someone who has been there and knows its not easy and not the best feeling in the world.

    She doesn’t want to be told she should change her mind (she gets that enough) but she does want to hear that it’s ok to feel like adoption is not flowers and sunshine.

    Maybe some books about adopting from family would help both of us as it is not an easy situation. Her sister basically set up this whole adoption and I think it hurts both of us that way. I mean she told me “I’m going to be an aunt either way so I don’t care who keeps that baby.” That is crappy for everyone but her, and not an attitude that helps anyone but her.

    She said short stories are best.

    I know as the adoptive parent you are only supposed to feel like you win everything in the adoption but if anyone has heard of books that aren’t so black and white on this topic I would like that too.

    If you have given a baby up were there any books that were of use to you?

    (before I get all the tell her to keep the baby comments please note she gets this all the time, once even from my husband and I. That’s not what she it looking for. She never wanted the baby and keeping the baby would not solve this problem. She was promised by her sister that adoption would be a great deed to man kind and now sees its not that cut and dry.)

    7 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • why do people in the adoption section keep abusing stats?

    I keep reading on here when people post stats about serial killers being adopted. What they seem to forget to post is that this is not infant adoption and the reasons they grow up too do such things has to do with the abuse and neglect from their first parents.

    I mean really when we looked into foster care they warned us that some of these kids have been so badly abused they grow up to be the Charles Manson’s of the world. So why do you use these states to protest infant adoptions?

    16 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • do adoptees always have 2 parents?

    I see it on here all the time people reminding us that the have two sets of parents. I get that i really do, but if you send both your moms a mothers day gift, do you also call on both sets of parents when you need something? I mean do you ask them for money? a ride when your car breaks down? Or are they only you parents in the good times?

    PS. Giving their flesh and blood is not a good argument if you consider them you parents because they didn't really lose anything?

    13 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Why don't YOU do it (adopt from foster care)?

    I feel I need to ask because I never understand when people who have bio children seem to think that people who can’t NEED to adopt from foster care. I get that there are a lot of children in foster care that need homes but they need you too. If you really feel that strongly why didn’t you adopt from foster care? The world did/does not NEED your bio children to over populate so why didn’t YOU adopt from foster care? I never get how people can point out all the children in foster care when it comes to infant adoption, yet seem to forget them when the are popping out children they could have adopted from foster care.

    This question 1st started to get to me when my husband and I were trying to get our foster license (a move made us have to wait a bit). I was talking to a friend (25 year my elder) and I told her due to my age and the possibility that maybe someday we would have more children we thought it would be best for our family (all parties involved) to adopt a Caucasian child or sibling group. She jumped all over me about how there were children of other races that needed homes. This struck a nerve with me because she had never done it. If she had helped children who needed her and told me this I would learn from her, however she never did.

    Please don’t waist you time calling me a raciest we made this decision based on an experience a close friend of the family had growing up.

    If you did adopt from foster care please note that this is not about you but I would love to hear you take.

    14 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • When you started adoption did people "find" you a baby?

    This is a weird question i know but i can't help but wonder if others had the same thing happen to them.

    When we 1st put out that we were adopting it seems that people were looking for children to give us. I'm not talking about asking strange pregnant women to give their baby away, but rather, we got calls from people asking us to adopt their relatives out of foster care. My mom was talking to a friend who was giving her unborn child up for adoption and gave her our number (I told her not to do this again). And one friend of the family worked it out with her sister that she wouldn't have to have an abortion or give the baby to strangers because we would adopt the baby (we are in the middle of this). And to top it all off I have a friend who doesn't want children and although her and her husband are careful she has it in her mind that if it ever does happen she will just have us adopt (no worries she is careful it is just her thoughts). I don't know if this is common or what. I think it is a complement when people who know you so well trust you so much but it is odd. I hear all these awful stories of people trying so hard to adopt so it seems so strange to me. Did anyone else have this happen to them?

    4 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • What is with all the baby buying cracks?

    I agree that it is stupid the way everyone has their hands in the AP pockets, however it seems to be your bone to pick should be with the agencies and lawyers who charge so much. So why does everyone look to blame the people who are forced to pay and not the ones who make it that way?

    If you argument is “because they are the ones who pay into a corrupt system” then please explain why people who put their children into a corrupt system are not to blame. -i don't feel this way i just wonder about the logic- thank you for your time

    9 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Theoretical Question about adoption?

    I was just wondering if people think it is wrong for a family to chose not to do in inter-racially simply because they want their child to be able to chose who they want to know they were adopted? If the child always knew but was told it was their truth and they could tell or not tell anyone they wanted.

    I was just wondering what other people think this is just a question

    8 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • are there any dems out there who?

    Who haven't live off the government or their parents?

    If you ever barrow money from them you live off them.

    If you lived in their house while going to college you've off them.

    I am just wondering because it seems that people who have always lived on their own don't live in a la-la land where if you don't have money someone else should just give it to them.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If obama is so great and lib then why?

    Why are their more troop deployed now then ever before. I mean when President Bush was in office people freaked out at him over the war, but obama? I know I know I know, with drawl plan right? But again there are more toops deployed NOW then ever before. And he is starting his own build up in Afghanistan. Why don't people freak out on him like they did President Bush?

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • If obama is so great and lib then why?

    Why are their more troop deployed now then ever before. I mean when President Bush was in office people freaked out at him over the war, but obama? I know I know I know, with drawl plan right? But again there are more toops deployed NOW then ever before. And he is starting his own build up in Afghanistan. Why don't people freak out on him like they did President Bush?

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago