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  • buying a bicycle what kind/price?

    im looking to buy a bicycle for some mornings when i dont want to drive/bus to work my job is onlt about 2 miles from my house so thats about 4 miles a day if not 5 depending on what else i do, i saw some bikes online for 99-200$, now that i think about it i never actually even had to buy a bike only one bike was actually "bought for me" so what price would be ok (adult male, in good shape)

    9 AnswersCycling7 years ago
  • dont remember my girlfriends college major?

    I don't think its a HUGE deal.....but she gets really angry at me that I cant remember her major in college!!!

    I remember now (as of 2 days ago) but before.... all I knew was that she got a degree in her other major(which I knew) and was doing good in her classes!

    would anybody else on here be mad if their BF...or GF I guess didn't remember their major in school?

    she takes it as me not caring, but that's not the case ATALL I do care about her

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • moving away from my EXgirlfriend?

    we decided to move to another state together and we have been living ALONE together for a little over 2 years, we broke up maybe 8 months ago, but have been still living together for convenience. she finally got a new job and is beginning to make more money and is apartment hunting..... I was going to move back to New York. and do my own thing but the other day she told me "I don't want us to be together but I don't want you to leave because I have nobody else here" im like WTF? why should I stay around you if were not going to work things out, I do feel bad leaving her sort of alone, even though we came to this breaking up conclusion a while back.........I just DONT want to leave her alone, what's your opinion?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • sick since january(its march now)?

    around January 15 I started getting diarrhea and I had it for maybe 1.5 weeks, (i continued to go to the gym since it didn't mess up my workout) then after the 1.5 weeks I started feeling actually sick, difficulty breathing, sore throat, tired that went away after 2-3 days now I only have a sore throat and a stuffy nose, I RARELY GET SICK....maybe once a year id get sick so this is pretty weird for me, I was thinking I might have gotten food poisoning cause I had ate some Wendy's the day before this all happened or I might have like walking pneumonia or something.....thoughts? im actually mostly ok now and I started back working out but my chest still feels not as strong as before

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • losing weight for boxing?

    i fight at 141...but i weight about 145 on a regular basis...its hard to get those last few pounds off...this isnt normal for me to say because i been cutting weight for sports since i was wrestling in HS, but these last 4 pounds are killing me......if i dont drink any water or liquids from 12pm-12am the day before weigh in would that effect me TOO much, with my focus and strength(lets say weigh in is at 9am and my match is at 5pm) i would think thats a decent amount of time in between to rest and drink enough to be situated.......... ALSO this winter i was close to 155lbs so i already been losing weight

    1 AnswerBoxing8 years ago
  • too young for marriage..but not kids?

    alright i am 22 years with my girlfriend for 2 years now, marriage isn't something that crosses my mind too often at all. i would like to EVENTUALLY but right now i think its too soon for that. my girlfriend wants us to get married and have children. the children i don't mind at all i like the idea of it. does that seem weird to anybody that i wouldn't mind children but marriage isn't really a big thing for me

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • dog gaining weight after being neutered?

    i know its true that dogs gain weight after....but this soon?? its been about 4 days and i see a big difference already...normal right?

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • getting ONLY one of my dogs neutered?

    i have an american bully and a pomeranian,,,,,the bigger one is going to get neutered tomorrow....what do you think their attitude is going to be toward each other after the bigger one get his "operation done"??

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • hooking my laptop up to an older TV?

    my laptop screen is blown i want to hook my laptop up to the TV and get a wireless mouse/keyboard....but my tv has no HDMI there a way i can hook it up without the using either the screw on wire/cable connection or the RCA coards? (red white and yellow)

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • laws about building fences?

    if i was to build fence around my yard and there's an empty grass lot on the side of my house.....if i was to build this fence and add an extra 5ft to my yard from the empty fast do you think the city will find out?....and what would my penalty be?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Which job should I go with?

    I am now making 9$ a hr part time(not too many days about 2-4 days a week) new job is offering me 5.75 plus tips but it's 40hrs a week...a lot of People Are leavin my job here so if I stay I might be able to work full time here but I personally like the other place more.....opinions on what I should do???

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • i just recently took my police test?

    i passed EVERYTHING (physical and written) so is there anything i should do after the fact even though they said i was in the running for the job...i'm sure its not like a regular job where you can call after and ask "whats going on"......or should i just wait til i eventually get a call back(they didnt accept anybody same-day)

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • my laptop screen is DEAD?

    OK so instead of buying a new screen for my laptop i ws thinking bout just buying a regular cpu monitor and attaching that cord from my laptop to that monitor....since it would be alot cheaper....and just using my laptop as a desktop CPU.....does that sound like good idea..cause if i buy a screen its going to cost alot(i think) so any ideas?

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • my laptop screen went black!?

    im still able to hear everything through my speakers so some how my screen isnt connected to the other half of my laptop what cound be wrong and how to fix it?(BTW i actually keep my screen on 24/7 im pretty sure that caused it what do you think)

    2 AnswersMonitors9 years ago
  • about used nintendo DS games?

    what type of risks could i have buying a used DS game?....i know with Xbox and PS3 the disk can have scartches and just not work randomly for whatever reason so i dont buy them too often...but i couldnt imagine too much being wrong with a used DS game....or am i wrong?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • neck and back is KILLING ME!!!?

    i woke up yesterday morning with a stiff/sore neck and back and it has happened to me be before almost a year back. i need to know what i can do to get rid of it as soon as possible for a BOXING MATCH SATURDAY. is there a medicine(if any) that i can also take..........its the right side of my neck behind my ear, down to the middle of my back, and over to my shoulder(in a triangular shape I'd say)...I HAVE A WEEK UNTIL THE MATCH

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • i have a question about dogs?

    even though there is not much that i DON'T know about them all ready, there's something that i really don't understand. people say that dogs have a short attention span and that they think based off instincts, but they know to do bad things once you leave the house.....i just don't think they are as dumb as people make them seem...what do you think(my dog tears through garbage the moment i walk out of the house, but hes a perfect scholar when i'm home we dont even lock him up at night and he behaves properly)

    3 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • the name of this haircut?

    okay its like a regular high-top fade...but only the front of your hair by the hairline is longer than the rest is like a regular fade there a name for it?

    1 AnswerHair9 years ago
  • when you lost your virginity?

    were you nervous?...was it the best? was it the worst?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • different species of squirrel in america?

    i am from New york now living in virginia, and i realized that the squirrels in NY are about twice as big as here!!....i would like to know if they are bigger because on the invironment...or is it a different species in certain states

    3 AnswersZoology9 years ago