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Munitions Specialist in the Air Guard. Going back to school, switching from theoretical mathematics to computer science.

  • getline from file stream in c++?

    I'm aware of how to use getline for iostream, such as getline(cin, myint);

    I want to extract from an ifstream file stream variable up until a newline character is encountered, much like with cin and getline.

    But going(my file variable is inputFile)

    getline(inputFile, companyName) doesn't work. Can getline be used with file stream varibiables? How?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Program GUI in C++?

    I'm a computer science major with a solid grasp of control structures, arrays, structs, classes, and the fundamentals of the C++ language. I'm in between classes and want to try programming something useful, but I realize that I don't know how to write anything besides a console program.

    What do I need to do to start programming with a windows based GUI? Is there a library I can I need to download an API?

    If difficult are they to learn?

    Just looking for some initial guidance from more experienced programmers.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • What housing material is used in the Aimpoint Comp M2?

    Ive looked everywhere and all i can find is "extruded high strength aluminum"

    Anyone know what specific aluminum is used?

    4 AnswersHunting7 years ago
  • ++ Operator Question, please help(C++)?

    Whats the difference between saying




    In other words, what difference does putting the increment operator at the beginning vs the end of a variable?

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Is meth really that bad?

    I just watched a documentary about meth, and it makes it sound like an impossibly addictive substance.

    Like, you try it once and you are hooked for life.

    I know a long time ago there was a huge campaign to convince peoole that marijuana was this awful, destructive drug, just like they describe meth today.

    Is it really that bad, or is this just another scare campaign?

    6 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • Comments on youtube flagged as spam...why?

    Every time someone comments on my youtuve video, youtube hides it as potential spam and I have to review it and approve it.

    Is there some security, anti-spam setting that I can turn down? If so, how do I do it?

    Its annoying having to approve every comment on my video.

    1 AnswerYouTube7 years ago
  • What's the point of <iomanip> ?

    I'm taking my third computer course in college, and we're using the <iomanip> library, and it seems pretty arbitrary.

    I mean, so I can easily cout << setfill('x') << setw(10) << blah;

    or I could just go cout << "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";

    Why not do that?

    And it seems like setw in general is useless because it depends on the position of the last thing you extracted anyways, so its not like you can use it as a general formatting case.

    What is the benefit over formatting manually?

    I understand there is a limited use for showpiont and setprecision and fixed, but really what's the use for setfill and setw?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Christians: Do you or do you not follow the old testament?

    I can't tell you how many times I've heard Christians say that the old testament was the "old law" or "old covenant."

    And yet they quote leviticus against gays.

    Some say the old testament DOES apply, but don't refuse to cut their hair, and they don't marry their daughters to their rapists.

    Why not?

    Also, didn't Jesus say that "not one dot, not one iota of the law shall pass away until all this is fulfilled" when discussing the end times and return of his kingdom?

    What's the deal christians? When does the special pleading come to an end?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Oh really, science and religion aren't opposed to one another?

    I hear this one all the time.

    Many types of people say it: Science and religion are compatible. For starters, the only people who benefit from such thinking are religious people, who feel compelled to rationalize things and accept scientific fact and still maintain superstitious beliefs, whereas scientific thinkers feel no such compulsion, but I digress.

    My question is, do you agree?

    I do not.

    Religious thought patterns and scientific thought are completely opposed. Religion is the acceptance of ideas without evidence. Religion promotes superstition as an alternative to rationalism. I.E. if you are sick its because you have demons in you, as opposed to because we have determined you came into contact with sick people and have not washed your hands.

    Science, on the other hand, rejects any idea which is not supported by evidence.

    There is no evidence for religion because it is inherently faith based(aka superstitious.)

    Therefor science automatically rejects religion.

    Who disagrees? Why?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Women will go to great lengths to cover up an affair,?

    The "virgin" Mary's just ended up spiraling out of control!

    Who else agrees?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Refuting a Hindu as an Atheist?

    I am an atheist, and debate religious individuals for sport when they want to.

    I am currently debating a Hindu for the first time, and was wondering if anyone has any experience with quick logical deconstruction of the hindu belief system(I'm experienced doing so only with Christianity and the abrahamic religions, Hinduism is huge and I don't know that much about it.)

    So far I've tried to attack the notion of God, which he refutes with pseudoscience and babble about how god is energy and his energy is the catalyst which binds things and so forth- I've asked him to support it scientifically but he insists that the Veda's are peer reviewed scienfitic literature.

    I don't want to get drawn down his rabbit hole, and was wondering if any of my fellow atheists have any advice or techniques on debating Hindu's.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • C++ Brain Fart, Can you tell me whats wrong?

    This function gets called by another without passing any variables:

    int sectors()


    double radius;

    double radians;

    double area;

    cout<< "Enter radius" << endl;

    cin >> radius;

    cout << endl << "Enter angle in radians" << endl;

    cin >> radians;

    area = ((1/2) * (radius * radius) * radians);

    cout << endl << "The area is " << area << " square units." << endl << endl;

    return 0;


    And it keeps printing "The area is 0 square units."

    I have a whole bunch of other functions running just fine being called by the same main, why am I getting a zero?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • How to clone a web page?

    I'm interested in getting into pentesting, but I'm fairly new to computers(sophomore in my school's computer science program) and I've got a lot to learn!

    As a simple social engineering project, I'm attempting to clone a popular webpage, host it with a similar domain, and request a login that directs the password attempt to me(going to do this with a friend, have no intention of being a black hat)

    My experience thus far is NOT with html or web design, and I've quickly discovered that simply copying the source code gives me a web page full of images that don't load.

    I realize that there are scripts that won't be running, but I only want a PASSABLE clone, not a fully functional one...I'm sure I'm opening a can of worms, but that's the whole point!

    My question is: How do I get images to load? Say that I was cloning myspace or facebook, instead of the logo in the top corner there is just a red x.

    How do I fix this?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Issues Cloning Webpage?

    I'm interested in getting into pentesting, but I'm fairly new to computers(sophomore in my school's computer science program) and I've got a lot to learn!

    As a simple social engineering project, I'm attempting to clone a popular webpage, host it with a similar domain, and request a login that directs the password attempt to me(going to do this with a friend, have no intention of being a black hat)

    My experience thus far is NOT with html or web design, and I've quickly discovered that simply copying the source code gives me a web page full of images that don't load.

    I realize that there are scripts that won't be running, but I only want a PASSABLE clone, not a fully functional one...I'm sure I'm opening a can of worms, but that's the whole point!

    My question is: How do I get images to load? Say that I was cloning myspace or facebook, instead of the logo in the top corner there is just a red x.

    How do I fix this?

    1 AnswerSecurity8 years ago
  • Why is it that for a while I was getting four points per answer?

    And now I am once again getting two?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Why only worship your god?

    You may be a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Wiccan...

    whatever you are, what makes you so sure that its YOUR god that exists, and not some other?

    Say you are a do you know Shiva or Krishna isn't real?

    They feel the exact same about their god as you do...

    Religion is geographic. If you had been born in Afghanistan, theres a strong chance you'd be muslim. If you want to believe in a god...fine. Its what your brain tells you and I can't argue with that, no matter how wrong I think it is.

    But WHY do you have to be so bigotted as to think it HAS to be your god?

    Can't you just worship a generic god and accept that none of you have a very good chance of being completely correct?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians: What do you think of me?

    I experienced god's love.

    I was an evangelist, I went on missions trips, I played in the worship band, and I loved god with all my heart. He was a wonderful influence on my life and I couldn't imagine why anyone would deny his love.

    THEN I grew a brain. I went to school, I thought for myself...and I realized that it was all just a warm, fuzzy, ignorant ILLUSION, and I am much happier without it.

    Do you ever consider the testimony of former christians? Do you ever feel slightly curious about why they are SO HAPPY to have left religion behind and think about doing it yourself?

    If god's love is so real, why are we(myself and people like me) so much better off/happier without it?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What does this verse mean?

    Genesis 1:26

    Then God said, “Let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all[a] the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

    This is when god is creating the universe- whose he talking to?

    Disclosure: I'm an atheist.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What the eff is this?!?

    Posted by a user on another thread just a few minutes ago:

    "God IS love..but If you don't accept his gift of salvation then you are going to Hell.Simple."

    Does anyone else just feel like punching a cute puppy in the face after hearing something so stupid?

    In all seriousness, does the above statement really make sense to anyone?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians: Why do you worship evil?

    Isaiah 45:7

    "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."

    Evil is not the absence of god, as so many would say.

    Indeed, your god says that he creates evil.

    I don't believe a word of it, but you do- why then do you worship him?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago