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  • Which shoes should I wear?

    So its getting cold up in the northeast (Where I live) and it's finally time to break out the warm fuzzy boots. This question is a little weird and dumb, but I would like to hear some opinions.

    Okay, I've always been a big fan of winter boots. But I am having a bit of confusion. So my mom and sister are AGAINST killing sheep for their skins. (Don't ask me why!) And I am literally DYING for a pair of UGG's or BEARPAW's. But I knew that UGG's were made of sheep. I recently just found out that BEARPAW's are sheepskin, too! I know since I'm in my early teens, I unfortunately cannot drive to the store to get my own pair. Plus, I have consideration for others, and they would make me ultra-guilty if I ever bought real sheepskin boots!

    I love fashion, but you know how people get whispered about when they wear knockoff brands like "Ooh! Look at her fake UGG boots!" Or whatever. And my mom said that I have the right to buy them, but she wouldn't be happy with my choice.

    Save neg comments plese

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • When should I start my Christmas shopping? When do you start yours?

    I know it's only July, but I do jobs around the neighborhood, ($15 per week) and when I do my chores, I get ($35 per month) at home. That's $95 per month. I plan on getting my immediate family, and my aunt and cousin. Should I save up and start on the holidays? Or should I start sometime in September to get a head start before the store is too crowded. I made a mistake last year of buying in December, and there was nothing there, but then again, i'm only buying gift cards. My budget is under $300. And prices tend to go up around that time, what should I do? It's 10 people, so 25x10 is $250. When should I start? Definitely not now, because it's way too early.

    P.s. Save the negative comments and no rudeness. Just a question. I know it's a little early to be thinking about this.


    6 AnswersChristmas8 years ago
  • What's wrong with me?

    I don't know I have always been like this. I bit my nails ever since I was 3 years old. I was afraid of the toilet up until 11 years old. (I'm 13 and a half now). I get angry at my father's despicable eating. I just want to scream my head off at him. I get mad when my older sister (She's 18) She loves her stuffed dog so much (There's nothing wrong with her) and makes it bark it's shrill! My other sister (She's 11 years old) Makes her dog bark too. It's so annoying!!! I'm deathly afraid of 10:00 on the digital clock. When the computer doesn't work, I just want to flip the chair and punch a hole in the wall. I can't stand it!!! I still have a giant teddy bear, I chew on his face or throw him against the wall. But I hug him afterwards Then I cry in frustration and then I feel so bad afterwards. I once broke a $50 wifi stick and I felt so bad. Every other day I feel like I want to flip a chair or slap someone in the face. Deep Breathing doesn't work. It makes me want to flip chairs more. I get so angry quick!

    I attend therapy. But none of my family understands. They just get mad and say "Deep breathing" "Relax" But that doesn't work. I get so mad and it takes a LONG time to cool down. . I don't know I just go so crazy. This happens at least every other day. (I DO NOT punch holes in the walls or flip chairs, but I want to) I just yell out in frustration. I just want to chew my pillow or comforter!

    What do I do? My mom thinks its anxiety disorder, but I don't know I haven't told my therapist yet, so I am not diagnosed with anything. (I had a panic attack when I was 8 or 9 once)If this helps

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    6 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Why am I so angry all of the time?

    Well I've been angry a lot my whole entire life, and lately it's gotten worse. I just get so mad over the littlest things. Like when the dog barks, (I don't do anything to the dog) but I just want to flip a chair over or punch the wall. I get mad when my father eats like a cow and food flies all over the place. I just want to scream my head off at him. And when I am trying to say something to a friend or my mom, I try to wait until they are done talking, but they keep talking. I get really hot, my face turns red and I bang on the table. I get like this at school, and I get yelled at. And I HATE when my 11 year old sister makes her stuffed dog bark repeatedly. I just want to tell her to Shut up!!! I hate when my friend cuts me off (Even though I do it all of the time) and she talks with her high pitched- voice. And the computer. It is always slow, but one time I broke a 50 dollar WIFI USB. Then I immediately feel bad afterwards. I tried meditating, but it never works!!! It's like the whole world is driving me nuts! I been to a therapist for my weird fears, (Afraid of 10:00, my reflection, and the sound of my air conditioner) and when I tell her, she says "Deep Breathing will work!" But that doesn't it's like nobody understands me!!!

    I'm 13 and a half. Please save the negative comments. I really need help.

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • I really don't like my school? How to get my parents to let switch schools?

    So I have been at this school for 2 years and I don't like it. This year I was in 8th grade, and they make us take midterms and finals. The up side of the situation is that I can get into a great college and get a good education. But, the down side is that I had no friends, ( And when I try to make friends, they pick on me). I got beat up (I was accused of kissing that girl's boyfriend. I didn't) in 7th grade when I first started. Also, this year in 8th grade I got a black eye for the same situation. Now I get called names and bullied. I get tripped, get dirty looks thrown my way. I try to make a friend but they swat me off like a fly. I got called a creep. I'm sick of this school. I don't even have a boyfriend.

    This school is like 30 minutes away from my house. I also take the bus, and I get tripped and I get kicked, pushed, name-called, but my parents don't understand. They think I should stay and get a great education. How do I convince them to let me switch to a public school near my house? I hate that school, and their putrid students who go to it. And when I tell on them, they retaliate on me. And my grades have gone down because I've missed so much school.

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    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • What kind of gift should I get for a 1 year old boy?

    My sister-in-law and my older brother are throwing a birthday party for my nephew who is just about to turn 1. I am trying to think about what to get him as a gift. My mom is getting him clothes (We are picking out our own gifts), but I want to get him a toy. Any help would be great on what kind of gift to get for him!

    Thanks! Please save the negative comments.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • How could my 11 year old sister lose weight?

    Well being the big sister I am I'm a little worried about my little sister. She's 11 and a half, she is 5 feet and 115 lbs. Her eating intake is fine, she almost NEVER eats cupcakes, cake, and chips. But she drinks Capri Sun's Roaring Waters throughout the day. She went to spend the summer with my aunt when she was 8 years old, and I guess that she picked on her weight and even put her on a DIET. Whoa! She told me all about how my aunt and her cousin made fun of her about it. She weighed around 80 pounds. I don't think it's right to put kids on a diet. Now this is not the end of it. When she turned 9, A kid called her fat at school and she came home crying and asked me for advice about it. I told her that she had to wait a few years before she hit puberty. (Because I was like her as a kid but then I became a healthy weight once I hit puberty). She most likely was going to lose weight. But she gains like 10 pounds every year. But my mom asked the doctor if she was in childhood obesity and she said no. She eats normal, healthy portions. Then one day sometime after she turned 11 (I think February of this year) she joined track at her school. She did it until about school ended (Jun. 14th)

    When she was 6 years old, Our mom, herself, and I would walk around the neighborhood (Back when we used to live in a safe neighborhood) We moved a whole bunch of times throughout her life and they were never houses. We lived in apartments in dangerous neighborhoods (There were gunshots at 10 o'clock one night right across the street) So mom never allowed us kids outside. And back when she was 7 years old , '09, we ate out every night because she worked and she left us with our cousin who was 17, and didn't know how to use a stove. So my mom had to get us McDonald's on her 6 PM break. And there was no one else to watch us except for the 17 year old. I think that was her sudden gain of weight. She had me help her use the scale at home, and she was 52 lbs. she was 4'2 at the time. But when she turned 8, she got weighed at home again after the summer visit at 4'5(I think) (Nov. 2010) and she was like 78 lbs.! She ran to mom and cried and mom tried consoling her. Then my sister had a talk with me asking me what she can do (WE couldn't go outside) to lose weight. I was 10 going on 11 and was a little overweight myself. But she was conscious about her weight. My mom had a workout machine right in our apartment, and she wouldn't let us use it because she was watching it while our neighbor went on a business trip. Now at 11 and a half, she still cannot lose the weight even after limiting her sugar intake and doing track. Should I tell her to weight a few years until puberty, or should she lose weight. Sorry for making you read all of this. But she's been bugging me for an answer. Please save the negative comments.

    P.S.: Our stove recently broke, So my mom is waiting until we can save money to buy a new one and so we live on frozen food and fast food. So what could I tell her?

    (Being a helpful big sister)

    (We get checkups in the same room (Don't know why)

    Once again, No Negative comments.

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • My 7" Android Tablet has a cracked screen? How can I fix it?

    So here's the story. I stayed over my Aunt's house over the weekend and I let my 9 year old cousin use my Tablet and he accidentally dropped it face down onto the kitchen floor. I thought he was ready to use it. It has a big large crack on it. It does not have a warranty because my father bought it over Price for like 60 bucks. I want to know how I can fix my screen. Do I send it in somewhere? Any advice at this point will be useful.

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    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds8 years ago
  • What is wrong with me?

    Well ever since i was little about 3 I had a severe nail biting problem. Well i'm 13 years old. I worry that my house is going to catch fire, deathly afraid that i'm going to get off of the bus and see my house in ashes. I need something in a certain order, like i need my books stacked a certain way or the blinds for the windows need to be shut at all times. I'm afraid of my reflection, because when i'm not expecting it I get all worried and sometimes I make freaky faces to try to be not afraid of my reflection. I'm afraid of a digital clock when it is like 10 o'clock. I'm afraid of a digital clock and get startled every time a new hour arrives. I hate 10:00 and it just freaks me out! Oh and lastly, I wont use any dirty one or toilet with the water moving or auto flushers. I won't use any toilet that looks too creepy. And when i'm doing chores, When i'm putting towels away, they all have to face a certain way or itll look messy. Oh and when I want something I do everything to get it. What's wrong with me?


    P.S. I'm nervous alot (nail biting and anxiety)

    Sincerely, Katie

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Can you please help me with converting?

    So here it is. I found this video on youtube with music in it. But when I save it, it saves as a Chrome HTML file and I really want to turn it into a music file. Can you please tell me how?

    Thank you very much! -Kat

    Oh and one more thing please be nice about it please. Please save the negative comments

    1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago
  • Do I have a pink eye?

    So today around 7 A.M. I woke up and my eye was itching. It was itching yesterday, too. So when I got to school, I went straight to the nurse because the symptoms were getting worse (Eye stinging, gunk coming out.) And since she didn't want to take any chances of me infecting anybody, If I had it, she sent me right home. The symptoms are the same and my eye itches a lot. My sister has it, so did she give it to me?

    1 AnswerOptical8 years ago