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  • How to deal with my bunny?

    So I recently got a cute little dwarf rabbit as a present from a friend and I honestly have no idea how to take care of her/him (the gender is unidentified since (s)he's only about 3 months old). I did some research but due to my inexperience with rabbits, I have no idea of what to do. I got the gist of it, I suppose, but there's still a lot in which I need to be advised on. My bunny is very hyper when I let him/her out, running everywhere really quickly and doing twists in the air. I don't think (s)he likes me, though, since (s)he refuses to allow me to put her/him back into the cage. As soon as (s)he spots me, she dashes off and avoids me at all costs. Can anyone give me some tips on what to do? I'm also wondering what I can do to bond with him/her more? I mean, (s)he licks me when (s)he's in the cage but refuses to let me touch him/her once (s)he's let out. There's one incident in which (s)he just dropped down to her/his side with his/her mouth gaping open and laid there extremely still for awhile. I don't know what that is, but it scared me so badly. Can someone please tell me what that is? Is (s)he sick?

    Thank you for any replies and tips!

    3 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • what should i do with my betta?

    i have a betta that isnt really dead. he got half of his body ripped off by my pair of pink convicts(i finally found out wat it is). i guess they were mating again........ well anyway he doesnt seem to swim very well and cant eat. i suppose he is gonna die. but he just wont! wat do u think is the best way for me 2 deal w/ him? like i know he is gonna die. like should i flush him, wait for him 2 die, etc.? thaks for ur suggestion

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • easy ghost shrimp question?

    i have 10 new ghost shrimps that i added to my 25 gallon tank there were more in the tank that i bought them in. they are currently living with a bunch of baby fishes but don't worry about that. one of them was very large which i think is a female. she has a shaded gray like abdomen that is like dots inside. is she pregnant? if she is, what should i do? i have never breeded ghost shrimp before. this time is an accident. could you give me some tips? ty

    5 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • what is the name of this type of fish?

    i have a yellowish-white 1" by 2" fish. i think it is a cichlid but i tried looking for its name already. can u answer my question and give me a pic of the fish 2 make sure it is right?


    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago