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Nancy asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

easy ghost shrimp question?

i have 10 new ghost shrimps that i added to my 25 gallon tank there were more in the tank that i bought them in. they are currently living with a bunch of baby fishes but don't worry about that. one of them was very large which i think is a female. she has a shaded gray like abdomen that is like dots inside. is she pregnant? if she is, what should i do? i have never breeded ghost shrimp before. this time is an accident. could you give me some tips? ty

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if you can see little dots then she is probably pregnant. many people have a hard time breeding ghost shrimp in aquariums because the fry cant get food that is small enough. if you really want the fry then a pond would be better. the reason is because in ponds you get a lot of sunlight which makes a lot of algae. the algae is then eaten by tiny things called infusorians and thats what the shrimp fry eat. a cheap way of making a pond is get a large plastic tub from walmart and use that. you dont need a filter or gravel. just add live plants like java moss and water hyacinths. water hyacinths can be found at garden shops and are cheap. also make sure the pond gets a lot of sunlight

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My hubby's sister had some ghost shrimps and located a million shrimp eating the different. I had a number of my very own in my tank with the intentions of feeding applications yet they in no way incredibly have been given eaten. 3 out of the six i bought are nonetheless alive at present and that i had them for over 3 weeks

  • 1 decade ago

    you probably need to take out the ghost shrimp into a different tank.

    keep feeding her and just wait until you see little babies or something that looks like them.

    I don't now what else to tell you except good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like she is carrying eggs. If you want them to live, I suggest you separate the pregnant one from the rest of the fish or the babies will be eaten.

  • 1 decade ago

    they will end up as fish food their natural all around favorite snack of the day

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