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Nancy asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

what should i do with my betta?

i have a betta that isnt really dead. he got half of his body ripped off by my pair of pink convicts(i finally found out wat it is). i guess they were mating again........ well anyway he doesnt seem to swim very well and cant eat. i suppose he is gonna die. but he just wont! wat do u think is the best way for me 2 deal w/ him? like i know he is gonna die. like should i flush him, wait for him 2 die, etc.? thaks for ur suggestion


well he is pretty torn up and should i feed him to my arowanas or flower horns? i know it sounds cruel but it such a sad thing to let him suffer till he dies. my arowanas and flower horn with finish him in a gulp.

so, wat do u think i should do?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you put a betta in with convicts lesson learnt i hope

    get some clove oil and get a plastic box fill with water put 3 drops in the water and put your betta in there it will fall into a deep sleep and die its painless euthanasia

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Clove oil isn't even accepted by the American Veterinary Medical Association. It's a nice smell on death but it's still suffocating the fish with a dissolved aromatic substance just as if you'd used gasoline. Someone somewhere decided that clove oil kept babies from crying when teething, so it must be good for fish. Death isn't pretty and I'm not so sure it should even smell pretty, but if that makes people feel better about the whole thing, then go for it.

    Fish will fight death just like your body will when the time comes. Euthanasia is for us, not them, because we don't want to have to watch. Sometimes people just don't want to wait around. An injured betta will still do what it can to stay alive with what's left.

    Fish don't shiver when cold, they SLOW DOWN. When it gets too cold, THEY STOP. Freezing is perfectly humane for cold blooded animals. Personally, I let my fish die naturally, sheltered in a hospital tank, keeping their water quality up in case they miraculously recover.

  • MarkS
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Letting a living animal freeze isn't humane. I hope you learned a lesson. Put the fish out of its misery. Do what BYB's are money grabbing idiots said. Ha, that's a greatuser namee. Sooo true.

    Source(s): Me :)
  • 1 decade ago

    take about 2 cups of the tank water and put it in a plastic bowl or glass, put the fish in the bowl, place in the freezer overnight. you have just saved your fish from suffering.

    I use this method when ever I need to put a fish out of its misery.

    Source(s): fishkeeper for over 5 yrs
  • 1 decade ago

    he shouldn't have been in there in the first place,but i guess it would be best to euthanize him.

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