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Lv 31,306 points

Heathen Mage

Favorite Answers11%

I consider myself, in a religious sense, a Germanic Heathen. Because my ancestors come from many of the Germanic tribes, it's almost impossible to follow any one way. I do what feels right, and the Disir and God/desses have indicated that what I do is fine by them. I also practice magic. I think its a shame that magic has a negitive view to some of the recon religions because of the "New Age" ideas. But our ancestors, a selected few, practiced magic. Again, I do what feels right, and it has worked for me. I like to have religious debates, but I won't say your religion is wrong. It might be wrong for me, but not for you. I appreciate you do the same. It is unrealistic to expect everyone to believe the same. I wouldn't want anyone worshiping my gods by force, why would you??!

  • Does Lint have Pagan roots?

    Most, if not all, things Christian have Pagan roots. Does Lint? If so, what's the pagan story behind it?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are Atheists actually anti-religion?

    I am asking because my beliefs of what an Atheist was isn't what I've seen here.

    I thought that atheists didn't have a religious life - they didn't "not believe" in religion, they weren't religious. People like this, I wouldn't believe, wouldn't be trying to push and persuade anyone to not be religious.

    But, I've seen here that many atheists seem to be anti-religious instead of not religious. They also try to prove their beliefs to others when I would think an atheist (who doesn't worry about religion) wouldn't give two cents...

    So.... are real Atheists no religion or anti religion?

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does "GOD" mean to you?

    I view the term "god" akin to "deity" - something that is more powerful than humans (to put it loosly). I don't view it as any particular god, as there is no name attached to it! Simply saying God doesn't mean the Hebrew god (capilized or not) - it could mean Pagan gods, nature, ect. Depending on your view, it doesn't have to be a living creature or something to communitate with. Of course, this is MY opinion (brought up by how some people get all upity with the "In God we Trust" thing on US currency).

    So, what does the simple term "GOD" mean to you?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you believe Ragnarok is a battle between good and evil?

    I, personally, believe it is more of a battle between Chaos and Order - not good or evil. After all, the "Giants", who represent the raw elements themselves (Chaos) are buffered by the gods (Order). In Ragnarok, the "Giants" and the gods are against eachother - Chaos and Order. Loki is a god of Chaos, and Surt reminds me of uncontroled fire (more Chaos) Besides, I cannot view my ancestors in Helheim (whom are supposed to follow Hel whom follows her father, Loki) as "evil".

    9 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Would Freya/Freyr be who to ask for personal fertility (pregnancy)?

    I know they are fertility god/desses for the land/animals, I'm sure they would be who to ask for personal success on this level. But considering Freya has only one child and Freyr none...that I'm aware of...would it be under their "domain" for human procreation?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why would you care who went to "hell"?

    I'm Heathen/Pagan. I worship the gods of my ancestors - the Germanic/Norse gods. I practice magick. I feel complete with my choice of religion/craft.

    My question is, why do Christians feel the need to "save my soul" and others like me? Why do they CARE what happens to my soul - lost or not? Why would they FORCE me to worship what they worship even if it made me unhappy? Besides, wouldn't it be aweful boring if everyone did the same thing - what would there be to talk about??!

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many times can one individual be "saved"?

    I'm not sure about the whole "saved" process - from what I know, once you're saved you're forgiven of all past sins, right? Since, according to Christianity, humans are always sinning, how many times can someone be "saved"?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does Christianity excuse/permit lack of ethics??

    “This, in truth, was perhaps the reason many Heathens converted to Christianity. Those that were guilty of fratricide, adultery, and other sins had nothing to lose by converting to Christianity, and everything to gain. Their conversion had nothing to do with the afterlife, or even more favour from the Christian God than they got from the Heathen ones. It had everything to do with forgiveness of sins, for that, basically, gave them a free ticket to do as they pleased (whereas Heathen doctrine had not). The way into the Heathen afterlife was clear, do not unjustly commit murder, break oaths, or commit adultery, or commit half a dozen other sins; and live a good, heroic life. Christianity, however, gave folks an easy way out. They could do these things and still go to Heaven. Why risk eternal damnation in the Heathen Hell when one could just say they believe, be prayed for while in Purgatory, and then get an easy ticket into the Christian Heaven? All this for simple belief and nothing more! It is no wonder many of the Christian Anglo-Saxon kings, hungry for power, and lacking in ethics converted.” –

    I read this, and it made sense. After all, take a look at all the Christian kings, they had no one to answer to – they were chosen by “God”. They could do, and did, as they pleased often causing oppression.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Master Spellcraft Series - Thor and Audrey Sheil?

    Has anyone read the Master Spellcraft Series produced by Thor and Audrey Sheil? I'm interested in magic craft with a Heathen backdrop (most books I've found are Wiccan). I don't want something "fluffy" or "Harry Potterish". Any opinions or helpful input?

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Road to Bifrost?

    Anyone know anything about this book? Is it worth the money?

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • What are the "modern" terms used for worshipers of the old Pagan pantheons?

    Such as (not limited to) the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Celtic, Sumerian, Slavic pantheons....etc.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Heathens: What do you say to this?

    Found at

    What I am mainly questioning is the statement that a Jotun (giant) is also Vanir and BOTH fight against the Aesir at Ragnarok...?

    There were three types of giant:

    Normal giants

    Fire giants

    Frost giants

    The giants were all part of the Vanir and so against the Aesir, and at the time of Ragnarok, would cross over Bifrost and break it. They would fight against Odin and the other Aesir at Vigrid. The normal giants lived in Jotunheim, the fire giants lived in Muspelheim, and the frost giants lived in Niflheim.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Pagans, Ladies: interested in a little humor today?

    Here's a cute joke I found in my e-mail - thought some of ya'll might find it funny...

    EVE: "I've got a problem."

    GOD: "What's the problem, Eve?"

    EVE: "I know that you created me and provided this beautiful garden and

    all of these wonderful animals, as well as that hilarious comedic snake,

    but I'm just not happy."

    GOD: "And why is that Eve?"

    EVE: "I am lonely, and I'm sick to death of apples."

    GOD: "Well, Eve, in that case, I have a solution. I shall create a man

    for you."

    EVE: "Man? What is that?"

    GOD: "A flawed creature, with many bad traits. He'll lie, cheat and be

    vain; all in all, he'll give you a hard time. But he'll be bigger,

    faster and will like to hunt and kill things. I'll create him in such a

    way that he will satisfy your physical needs. He will be witless and

    will revel in childish things like fighting and kicking a ball about. He

    won't be as smart as you, so he will also need your advice to think


    EVE: "Sounds great," but what's the catch?"

    GOD: "Well... you can have him on one condition."

    EVE: "And what's that, dear God?"

    GOD: "As I said, he'll be proud, arrogant and self-admiring... so you'll

    have to let him believe that I made him first. And it will have to be

    our little secret... you know, woman to woman."

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Death ritual?

    Do you think it would be possible to override the law (I'm assuming there is one) and have my body burnt on a pyre? I mean, Jews, after all, are not required to be embalmed although it is a law.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • HOW did Jesus "save" us from sin?

    I'm not targeting Christans to answer this, but people who study the Christian stories. No offence, but those "Christians" that call themselves such because they listen to a preacher lecture them once, maybe twice, a week don't really know much about the religion's hows - simply the whats.

    Here's one story I've heard -

    Adam and Eve created original sin. They, and all their offspring, went to Christian hell upon death (except for a few men that were taken directly to heaven). It didn't matter how well they lived, they went to hell due to the original sin. Jesus, being a man, went to hell as well - he was ment to suffer as a man after all. But, becuase he was "God", he was able to open the gates of hell to release all the souls there to be able to go to heaven. This is, supposeily, what Jesus did durning those three days.

    What is your opinion of this?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What if someone dressed up as Jesus for Halloween?

    What would you do/say when/if they came to your doorstep for candy?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • WHEN do you celebrate Samhain/Halloween/Winter Night?

    I heard/read somewhere that most Heathens celebrate Winter Night on the full moon (or new moon) nearest the holiday, or any holiday for that matter except the solsitices. I can't remember where I got this or I'd look it up again. I was just wondering what other Heathens think about this?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago