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Lv 2650 points

Mr Black

Favorite Answers38%
  • A girl won't talk to me after a semi-drunken one night stand and I like her and I don't know what to do?

    We met one Saturday evening through a very close friend, and we hit it off and went out for a few drinks and we ended up having sex without a condom..... She was quite drunk and I was very tipsy... but not drunk.....

    I sent her a text 24 hours after the morning after and I got a short response but I didn't get a response to the next couple of texts.... That was a week ago.

    What would be the reasons she isn't speaking to me??? It was great sex and she was more than satisfied, and she is obviously attracted to me because it only took about 4 hours after meeting her to have sex with her..... I think that she thinks I'm a player :/

    What should I do? Text her more, or call her?? Or give her time?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why do black people in an audience at black comedy shows make a noise like a chimpanzee when the comedian makes a good joke?

    This is not a racist post. It's a serious question and you must know what I'm talking about... They all make a noise like: "Ooo oo oo!"

    Example, a Dave Chappelle stand up show. When Dave says something controversial or extremely funny, the black dudes in the audience will all chant together "Ooo oo oo!"

    What does this mean and where did it come from?

    I remember a Family Guy episode where Peter found out he has a slight black ancestry and he went to a black comedy club and started chanting "Ooo oo oo!" remember? Hahaha the black dudes just frowned at him and Peter felt so uncomfortable he left.

    2 AnswersComedy6 years ago
  • I told a religious person that religious people are stupid people. Does that make me a bad person?

    Anybody who says yes will be a person of "faith" and those who say "nah it s cool" will be atheist/agnostic I m sure, but HEAR ME OUT.

    These are some of the things he said to me:

    1) He said homosexuality was a choice. I said to him "what about teenagers hanging themselves in their wardrobes, if they could change their minds, don t you think they would?" No answer from him.

    2) He said that god speaks to him. When he moved country and asked God which country he should move to, God answered him. He said he had a voice speaking to him. I told him that s YOU, that s intuition.... Nope, he insisted. That s God.

    3) He said miracles happen and he has seen them. He said that those pastors you see on TV putting their hands on blind and paralyzed people ACTUALLY CURE them.

    4) We work together on Sundays, and I said the bible says "He who works on the sabbath [sunday] shall be put to death" and he said "which book of the bible is that from?" to which I replied how the hell do I know, but it s in there. To which he laughed and said "you have no evidence.".... I told him it s IN the ******* bible. FYI, it is.

    5) He is African, and I asked him what he felt about the Pope discouraging the use of condoms in Africa, which is the continent most affected by AIDS and he said "Show me evidence of that." FYI the Pope did that.

    I could write a LOT more but I m getting angry just reminding myself of it.

    Sorry. Christianity and well..... basically religion in general drives me mad.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • STATISTICS question. Determine critical region.?

    Two samples, one is n = 6 and the other n = 7

    t-statistic = 0.5

    significance level = 0.01

    Degree of freedom (df) = 11 ..... That's correct right? For 2 samples of unequal size it is n1 + n2 - 2 which equals 6 + 7 - 2 = 11.......

    What is the critical region? I look at the t-statistic chart and match df = 11 with p = 0.01 and find 2.718 but this is wrong.

    1 AnswerMathematics6 years ago
  • Why is Pi used for INTEGRATION limits and not degrees?

    Integration limits always use PI.... so an upper limit of Pi and a lower limit of Pi/2 would mean an upper limit of 180 and a lower limit of 90.....

    Can somebody explain this to me? I mean the domain (X) is the degrees is it not? So why use Pi????? You have to convert that Pi to degrees at the end dont you?

    5 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • Statistics question. Normal distribution. QUITE EASY. Please help!? Edit?

    The average number of days spent in a certain hospital for a coronary bypass is 11 days with a standard deviation of 5 days.

    What is the probability that a random sample of 64 patients will have an average stay longer than 11.5 days?


    so (11.5-11)/5 = 0.1 which is the z score right? and that is 0.5398 from the normal distribution table? Meaning a 0.5398 chance of having a stay of LESS than 11.5 days.... so the chance of having a stay of MORE than 11.5 days is 1 - 0.5398 = 0.4602...........

    BUT this is wrong.... I think I have to take into account the fact that there are 64 patients. Can anybody explain it?

    2 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • Statistics question. Normal distribution. QUITE EASY. Please help!?

    The average number of days spent in a certain hospital for a coronary bypass is 11 days with a standard deviation of 5 days.

    What is the probability that a random sample of 64 patients will have an average stay longer than 11.5 days?


    so (11.5-11)/5 = 0.1 which is the z score right? and that is 0.5398 from the normal distribution table? Meaning a 0.5398 chance of having a stay of LESS than 11.5 days.... so the chance of having a stay of MORE than 11.5 days is 1 - 0.5398 = 0.4602...........

    BUT this is wrong.... I think I have to take into account the fact that there are 64 patients. Can anybody explain it?

    1 AnswerMathematics6 years ago
  • Why is the derivative of ln(x) === 1/x??? I dont understand how it relates to the rate of change?

    I know how to derive 1/x from ln(x).... but I dont understand how it relates to the rate of change.

    for EXAMPLE... you take f(x) = x^2 and you take the derivate f'(x) = 2x and THAT is the slope at any given point right??? You take x = 3 on the f(x) = x^2 graph and the tangent line has the gradient 2(x) which is 2(3) = 6.....

    I graphed f(x) = x^2 online and sure enough, the gradient (rise/run) is 12/2 which is 6.... so the calculus is proven.

    I DO NOT get the other functions however.... how does d/dx of ln(x) = 1/x give a slope????? They are two completely different graphs.....

    1 AnswerMathematics6 years ago
  • Two simple integration problems but the FRACTIONS are CONFUSING me. HELP!?

    Integrate: (x^6)/2 dx ===> (x^7)/2/7 which can be divided by ONE like this => (x^7)/2/7/1 in which case you have a fraction on top of a fraction so you FLIP it over and it becomes [(x^7)/2]*[1/7] which becomes (x^7)/14 + C

    THAT is the answer, right? I am confused however, I have a problem with an X raised to a FRACTIONAL power.

    Integrate: x^(2/3) dx ===> [x^(5/3)]/5/3 which JUST LIKE the last problem can be divided by one to create a fraction on top of a fraction [x^(5/3)]/5/3/1 which you can flip over ---> ([x^(5/3)]/5) * (1/3) = x^(5/3)]/15 and I KNOW that s not the right answer but what am I doing wrong?

    Should I be treating the fraction a different way? Perhaps thinking of it as an irrational number would help right??

    2 AnswersMathematics6 years ago
  • If you erase a friend on Facebook, do the private messages between you get erased as well?

    I have been talking to somebody and what I have told him could cost me my job.

    If I remove him from my friend list, what happens to the private messages sent between us? No wall posts or anything, just private instant messages.

    Please no smart-**** comments, cos if you knew what I was going through, you would probably want to help me.

    3 AnswersFacebook6 years ago
  • What happens if an employer finds marijuana in an employees system after a urine test?

    The person being tested is a tradesman (baker) in a big factory in Western Australia.

    Since my friend smokes it regularly it will probably be in his system when he takes the test so is it best for him to say "You will probably find weed in my system" or is it best to not say anything and hope for the best with the test results?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • If you take a urine drug test, is it best to admit what they might find? FYI Western Australia and it it's a random drug test at work?

    My friend has to have a drug and alcohol test and he smokes weed every other day and has smoked it for many years on and off. The urine test will be somewhere between 4 to 9 days after his last time getting stoned.

    I think he's in trouble and he will NOT be able to get it out of his system by then. The problem is he is 33, married and has 2 very young daughters and he is a good person.

    What are his options? Should he admit as to what they might find and potentially lose his job, or try manipulating the urine sample at the testing place?

    1 AnswerMedicine6 years ago
  • What happens in Australia if you test positive for marijuana when your company gives you a random drug test?

    I already passed my drug test but a friend of mine is worried he is going to fail because he smokes weed roughly every other day and his drug test is sometime this week meaning it could be anywhere between 4 - 9 days since his last smoke.

    This is just a random drug test, and my friend is married with two young girls. he has a good record, he s reliable and hard working and a good character and popular with the bosses.

    What do you think will happen to him? I ve no doubt he will test positive but marijuana is almost to the point of decriminalization.

    3 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • Find the Laplace transform of (−2*(cosh(5*t)))−((7*(sinh(5*t)))*(e^(−8*t)))?

    Every time I answer this one I get it wrong and its driving me crazy.

    1 AnswerMathematics6 years ago
  • Find the Laplace transform of (-8*(cosh(3*t)))+(8*(sinh(3*t)))?

    Would really appreciate some help with this. Thank you.

    1 AnswerMathematics6 years ago
  • Work and heat transfer question?

    A piston-cylinder device contains 10kg of argon at 30 degrees Celsius and 300kPa (3 bars). During a quasi-equilibrium isothermal (constant temp) expansion process, 25KJ of work was done by the system on the environment and 5KJ of work was done by the environment on the system. Determine the amount of heat transfer during this process.

    Please help, even a method would be appreciated thank you.

    1 AnswerEngineering6 years ago
  • Why can't my boss look me in the eye when he speaks to me?

    I'm 27, Australian male, and he is 30 and he's from New Zealand, and he is one of 6 people in the factory who are the "supervisors."

    I don't have much to do with him but when ever I speak to him he CANNOT look me in the eye when he talks to me, he has to look away for 90% of the time and he only looks at me for about 1 second before he has to look away again.

    I notice whenever he's speaking to other supervisors or employees below him he looks at them in the face, so why the hell can't he look at me in the eye? It's not a big deal but I don't like it. I guess there is a psychological reason for it can anybody provide some ideas why he can't look me in the eye? Thanks.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Is it taboo for a 27 year old male to date a 20 year old female?

    I say that but it's not true. She is 19 at the moment and I am 26 but in 1 years time that will be the case. The leap from being a teenager to being 20 sounds much older doesn't it.....

    What do you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • (a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2(a)(b) + b^2 as you know. What about (a+b)^3 and subsequent powers?

    So when you get rid of the brackets for (a+b)^2 you get a^2 + 2(a)(b) + b^2 because a^2 + b^2 wont get you the same answer. You need the middle term.

    Is there a middle term for (a+b)^3 however? Also, to the power 4, 5, 6 etc?

    It's been annoying me for the last half hour I've tried all kinds of things but I can't get it right. What's the method?

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago