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  • how to stop bullying?

    When I hear in the news of a person being bullied to the point of suicide I feel like I could of helped them if they would have been able to read this. So if you know of anyone being bullied please ask them to read this it might help them. Thanks


    If I ask you a social question and I put these 2 phrases in alphabetical order. Then I ask you to pick the one that means most to you and then rate both questions giving them a number from 1-10, ten being the highest and one being the lowest?

    The question is. What means most to you respect earned or respect given?

    Stop here and answer this before going any further.

    Did you answer the question?

    What I have learned is how and what a person picks and rates each one of these questions shows what they are inside.

    A person that picks Respect Given is bullied or has been bullied in their life. And a person that picked Respect Earned was a bully in their life.

    Now there are 2 kinds of Respect Earned. They see it as either they are out to earn someone’s respect or people need to earn their respect. The most tattooed word in prison is the word Respect. That is why they are there in prison. They have wanted people to respect them and so they do things that are wrong and then they are caught and put with others that are like them. Because like attracts like.

    The minority of people that pick Respect Given are picked on because they are looked as weaker to others. Because they will give respect no matter what happens to them. These people need to read this and learn to earn a person’s respect. The greater the distance in the rating of the 2 phrases makes them a bigger target to the people that pick respect earned as a higher number.

    The majority of people that pick respect earned first have a greater chance of being a bully and or the bystander in a situation when someone is being bullied. Also it is the same as before the greater the distance between the 2 phrases when they rate each one then shows how much more of a bully they are and or will become. The bystander is earning the respect of the bully by not doing the right thing in a bad situation. Because the person that is being bullied never earned their respect.

    Also with doing this test with this social question I have found that the people that are really good in their community that others are drawn to because of how good they are. You know the people that everyone likes, that they have picked the 2 phrases equally or one number out from each other. I believe this goes with the phrase a well-rounded person.

    So to help the people that are bullied and who are the bullies we need to mentor them to raise the opposite of what the rated the highest. So the 2 phrases become equal and hopefully everyone that here’s this tries to bring the other side of them up.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • social question on respect?

    If I ask you a question and I put the 2 questions in alphabetical order. Now if I ask you pick the one that means most to you and then number each question one from one to ten. Ten meaning the highest.

    What means more to you Respect Earned or Respect Given.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • A Social Question for Everyone?

    If I ask a question and put the 2 phrases in alphabetical order which one would would you chose first and what ranking would you give each one on a scale of 1-10.

    Respect Earned

    Respect Given

    Thanks for your response.

    2 AnswersOther - Social Science8 years ago
  • In One Word What Makes A Good Person?

    How can you change for the better in answering this question. So now will you become that person or run away from that person because you feel you can't achieve it.

    18 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • In one word what makes a good person?

    How can you change for the better in answering this question. So now will you become that person or run away from that person because you feel you can't achieve it.

    3 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Is this a good reason for global warming?

    First I will apologize for my view because some people have a lot of emotion when this subject comes up.

    Scientist’s have been able to plot the Earth’s temperature over the last 100 million years or so and I have seen a graph showing this and in this graph there has been the odd down spike in temperature. One year my one daughter was doing a project on Volcanoes and there happened to be a show on TV on that subject. It showed all of the biggest volcanoes that have erupted over the last 100 million years. What I noticed, and did my own research was that where the earth’s temp spiked downward was the same time a large volcano erupted. In 1883 Krakatoa erupted and affected the earths Temp for 100 years and when Vesuvius erupted it affected the earths temp for 175 years. For me to realize this now I understand why it is getting warmer for us. Now that the ash is out of the air the sun is not being screened out. Since we are at the bottom of the earth’s temp curve of a 4 degree swing from top to bottom it will take 2000 years to rise to the top.

    Now with the fear of global warming (that it is man doing this) we are giving a lot of power to man when we do not have any at all. Because people think from what is only passed on to us from our family and what they went through that their life is the norm for the entire planet and its history. “All we Know is All we Know”. But the weather that we are having now is what the normal is. But since mankind has built so much in this time we feel that it is up to us to change it. When we face the reality that we can’t change anything, we are on this large planet and we are nothing on its scale.

    When the ice at the poles melt what do you think will happen. We have been told that the oceans will rise,” but so what”, we are at the bottom of the bell curve of the planets temperature. This is not the median of that temperature swing that we live in. But if you go back in time to 2000 years ago what was the planet like. In Egypt there was grass for sheep and goats to graze in the dessert, it says this in the ancient text of passed cultures. How was there rain in the desert? Since our planet only lets in asteroids that burn up when entering and the only things that leave our planet is what we make to go out. We the earth are in a closed science project lets say. If you cool it down the water changes to ice and if you warm it up the ice melts and condensation starts. There will be rain where there is no rain now and there will be more rain where there is a lot of rainfall. Our planet will get wetter not dryer we are so poor at understanding the world around us. Why do people put so much time and effort into something that we cannot do anything about and we do not put any time into living life? “It is such a great gift”

    7 AnswersGlobal Warming9 years ago
  • what is a psychopath?

    I would like to think that I have come up with a gauge of 1-6 to answer this question.

    When a person is being bad to someone when they are calling a person names/bully etc. they are a level.1.

    When they get someone to help them pick on someone else they are a level.2 and they recruit a level 1or 2. Like attracts like!

    When they get 1-5 people to help them pick on someone they are a level.3 and the others under them are level 1-2. Like attracts like!

    When they are able to get 5-10 people to pick on someone they are a level.4 and the others under them will be a 1-2. At this same time a level 4 will start to find things that will upset you. To try to make you angry eg Pick on your friend, relative, pet to see your response. In a way they will play with you because you have become their tool. Like attracts like!

    And when they are able to get more than 10 people to pick on someone they are a level.5 and the others under them are a level 1-2-3-4. But for the people who are under a level 5 a 5 is trying to get them to move up a level. Like attracts like!

    And if they are able to build up to killing someone or getting someone to commit suicide they are a level.6. Like attracts like!

    But during this time if that psychopath is able to find others of his level 1-2-3-4-5 or 6 they become even stronger. Because they have no empathy for the person or the people they are bullying. Another way they will prove that they are a psychopath is they will justify what they have been doing and back each other up for abusing that person/people.

    So now here is the answer to the question you might be looking for? Are you a psychopath? If you do not pick on anyone and or you do not join in with the psychopathic crowd than you are not a psychopath. You might be just scared to speak up when there are things happening that are wrong.

    You see if a person/psychopath is able to talk someone else into picking on a person for the fun of it with them they have power. And in a way getting someone to become an outcast gives them the power over everyone in that group of friends they have. You see the person that is being picked on has made a different choice compared to others in that group or their religion is different or their color is different than the rest of their group. You see like attracts like and if the psychopath thinks he can get other psychopaths to join him he/she is empowered. One way they do this is to be verbally funny. By demeaning that person or by beating someone down so bad that they either wish to die or actually do die by committing suicide. All this time giving momentum to the group that he/she has developed! So now he has this feeling of power over others more and more. But here is the real kicker if that person leaves that they are picking on the psychopath will start on someone else to keep the feeling of empowerment alive and growing. Do you know of anyone like this?

    But when the bubble finally breaks in this world that they live in, they will disperse quickly. Like the saying “the rats know when to leave the sinking ship”! They do not want the community or the world to see them for what they are because they care about what they look like to others outside their group.

    The way they have been able to gain such power and influence over others with their psychopathic behavior is because no one has spoken up to them in the community. No one knows what is actually going on in their community/group or the community/group looks the other way so they do not get picked on. It is a way to keep everyone in control. This has been a question that I have had since school taking history and watching others in my life. In wondering how could that person gain such control over someone/people and why do they do that. If you asked them to do it to a friend they would not do it? Because they are a level 1-2-3-4-5-6!

    Psychopaths want to fit in with the crowd. But only when it is their world!

    2 AnswersSociology9 years ago
  • How you can tell what a guy's family life is like?

    You see when a guy goes home and he opens the door and something stressful happens. Money needs to be spent here or something is broken or something has happened that he was not planning and is stressed out. He will lift up his hand to his forehead in a stressful way. Now take a look at his hair line it will match his hand or he might be a two hand-er and be really bald. This is how you can tell what a guy’s family life is like. LOL :)

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • How to cure diarrhea?

    Sugar and salt.

    A number of years ago while I was watching TV and flicking through the channels, I stopped at a show that was talking about the plight of children in an African 3rd world country. This doctor was asking for money to be donated so they could purchase supplies. They did not want to buy drugs to help the people there.

    Two children where brought into the tent for the doctors to treat, they had dysentery. Their stomachs where bloated and they where crying but they did not have any tears, showing that they where dehydrated. The doctor gave them this stuff to eat to cure them and save their lives. Sorry to say one of the children died but the other survived. What he gave the children was brown sugar and salt. What this does is as the brown sugar is eaten it automatically goes into the blood stream and draws the salt in with it. It goes to the large intestine and stops the body from releasing the fluids in it. Wow it was amazing. One day I was not feeling well and I tried this remedy out and wow it works, in about 5 minutes my stomach was feeling better. When I started to feel better I began to eat again and I felt great. For years now the rest of my family have asked for it or just went and made it themselves to cure themselves. I have even gone and asked a pharmacy if this stuff can work and they say it is the same as Imodium. But it might have some other stuff in it like electrolytes. But every one has these ingredients in their house to help their family and friends out when this embarrassing thing happens to them. The amounts to use are a tablespoon of sugar and 3-4 shakes of a salt shaker. Mix up and lick or eat it up. If you are out driving stop at a restaurant and use the packets of sugar for your coffee and a salt packet.

    2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Why I do not do drugs?

    I have only ever tried drugs 2-3 times, Marijuana. I remember going out touring with some friends when I was younger and they where smoking up and we where having fun driving around. But I did not feel that it was a great thing for me. Sitting in the car I could see that they where having fun but all I could think was if I have to take this just to have fun. I am a loser and I am telling everyone else that I am one too. Now at the same time I have friends that do drugs and that is OK. Because that is their choice, and why should I or anyone else take someone else’s choice away from them.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • why do woman live longer then men?

    We have all have all heard that woman live longer than men but do you know why? You know that we as men stress out our wives and girl friends all the time. With us doing this on a regular basis they are able to handle stress better than us. So when stressful things happen to them in life they are able to deal with it better. Therefore we are helping them live longer when we stress them out and they should thank us for stressing them out and helping them live longer. LOL

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • how would you change this world?

    In One Word What Makes a Good Person

    All I am asking is for People to post this sign in your car, on the door of your house and where you work. Because I believe this one question will change the world.

    Please do not answer this Question right away. It is a question that takes time and a lot of thinking to answer it. In one word what makes a good person? For me I believe it is the word Tolerance. It should not matter what color you are, what you wear, what your political view is, what your country is, what your religion is, if you are pro life or pro choice, if you have a tattoo or not, what sexual orientation you are, how you eat or who your favorite sports team is. What ever you have chosen “Great you made a choice”- “I am proud of you” I love the choice that you made".

    Now there is always Ying and Yang. When in life should I be the opposite, when should I be Intolerant? I believe I should be Intolerant

    When someone is being a Bully!

    When someone is being abused!

    When someone is being gossiped about just to be put down.

    When someone is being lazy! But not how you are thinking about lazy. What I mean is socially lazy.

    When a person would rather talk to you to find out about another person instead of taking the time to find out about them themselves!

    When someone is Intolerant to another person for what they believe in. The definition in the dictionary of a bigot is a person who is intolerant to another and/or their creed, what they believe in.

    Or when someone is being selfish!

    A good person should speak up because if you only do the first part of just being a good person you are only half a person. What I have also noticed is after I have explained why I have spoken up or what I have done and what that person has shown about themselves is that they change for the better, treating everyone else better than they did before. Because someone has spoken up, people start to look inward at them selves and at the word they might have used to answer this question. I put this sign in my car and at our house. In one word what makes a good person. Overnight people’s attitudes changed for the better. The bullying has decreased towards others, there is no more abuse, the gossip is less and the selfishness has slowed down. At the same time though the people that I have spoken up to and proven one or more of the 6 things about them, is they hate me for the rest of their life. But this is OK they have changed for the better for everyone else.

    If you happen to know of someone who hates me ask them “what did you prove about yourself to Wayne and did he have to speak up to you”.

    “What word would you chose to describe a good person.”

    This is the only thing that I can think of on how to explain why I am so lucky in the things that I do and the things that have happened to me after I have spoken up when someone has been this way. I cannot give any other Explanation. In having the courage to speak out when it is needed.

    (P.S. people ask me why I wasn't in school when they where in school. To help them with the bullies that they had because they where picked on.)

    To many times I hear someone say "someone up there likes you Wayne". And I think that it is because I have had the courage to speak up.

    If you have a problem and you do not know of the solution or you are not willing to do the solution where no one is harmed. You are the problem.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • what are 5 things that parents fear for their children?

    There are 5 things that parents fear when it comes to their children. Kidnapping, School Snipers, Terrorists, Dangerous strangers, and Drugs. These were in a survey done in 2010. But the top 5 causes of children’s deaths are --car accidents, homicide (by someone they know), abuse, suicide and drowning.

    "Wow" is that ever an eye opener. Most of those bad things are caused by you the parent. You did not are buckling up your child in the car. You loosing contact with reality and harming someone that you love. You did not want to listen to your child and or you gossiping about people and putting them down and your child ends up doing the same to others. And you neglecting your child or hovering over your child and not letting them make mistakes and learning how far they can push themselves before they will get hurt. So they see dangers before they and their friends get hurt. We as parents have become paranoid of others when you should be taking responsibility and looking at yourself and possibly fixing yourself before you look at others.

    4 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • what are 5 things woman look for in a guy?

    The first thing women look for in a guy is a guy that can make them laugh. No woman likes to be with a guy that is boring. The second thing that women look for in a guy is when he puts it into his mind to do something he will do his best to achieve it. I do not want to say a good provider. But he does his best to finish what he starts. The third thing is the hardest for all of us men. It is one word but it means a lot of things. That word is Morals, a man that is not selfish, a man who cares more about others and puts others ahead of himself. Morals are a big word and everything that goes along with it. The forth thing women look for in a guy is a guy that is trouble. Because he is exciting and they will try to change him. And the fifth thing women look for in a guy is a guy with a nice ***. Because they all look, not like how a guy looks (when we look at a woman we stare like a dog) but women all look and they use their peripheral vision to look you. LOL

    Now at the same time I have had an older woman say she looks at a mans eyes and a middle aged divorced woman say she looks at a man's crotch. LOL

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • what are the 11th and 12 commandments?

    The Eleventh Commandment is-- have you ever screwed up as a man and your wife, girlfriend, mother, mother in-law, sister or sister in-law ever given you heck because you deserve it. All you should do as a GUY is (put your hands-palms up to the side of you) and say "I am just a GUY." Automatically that woman will roll her eyes and agree with you and the conversation is over. Because you are no better and no worse than any other GUY out there. So stop putting me on a Pedestal. We are put on a pedestal so often when in reality "I am just a Guy" -LOL :)

    The Twelfth Commandment

    You know how Guys’ get the look. But 95% of all men fear the look, but you have it all wrong. What you want to do is go home tonight and do little things in fun with your other half. You want the look, you need that look. Now once you get the LOOK you say. "Yes I got the look". Now you will see right then and there it will hit her right between the eyes like a bullet. “He wants the look” and there is no longer a way to control him with it. Too often someone in the relationship wants to control the other when it should be all about togetherness, with no one in control.-LOL :)

    Now one other reason for doing this is it's the one and only test we have as men if you should marry this woman. If you can do these two things and laugh with each other and she can do them to you also, MARRY her she is a keeper (ha-ha). Now if she gets mad at you and cannot tolerate this. (Have the courage) and say to her "you failed the test". A man's Marriage Test.

    Now on two occasions I have broken up young couple’s because I have taught someone the 11th and 12th commandments. When I talked to them the next day I was informed that they broke up (OH ~~~~). Each time the guy has said that I was right and it did not help when they where laughing at their girlfriend when they where out for their date after saying. I am just a Guy and Yes I got the look. (These girls were very mad at them) The next day after that they had broken up, on entering that business each man came up to me to saying that they where given a call the day before by that girl to go out again. When they did they relayed to me that they had the most fun they had ever had in their relationship. The girl saw what she was becoming. Now you should have heard the ladies in that work place telling him not to tell me what had happened and that they where back together and Happy and what I had said worked. It is important to now that both people need to be tolerant of each other for a relationship to work. LOL

    Oh one more thing this is also the WUSSY TEST. If you cannont do these 2 commandments guy's and say them to a woman. YOU ARE A WUSSY.

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • why is it "you are who and what you protect"?

    Have you ever protected someone that has lied, or someone that has been selfish or a bully? Then that is what you are also. Because if you think about it Hitler had friends and they did things for him so they could fit into the world he had created.

    Have you ever spoke up when someone has been bullied. Then you have been a good person. Ask anyone this and they will agree. That you should speak up when things are not right.

    Unless it is the Bully you are asking.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • what is the meaning of life?

    Wow this is the second biggest question that I can think of.

    I believe it is getting someone to smile and or laugh. Then maybe someone within hearing range will smile or laugh and then I can smile and laugh last, because not enough people smile and/or laugh anymore. People take life too serious and want to control others around them. Instead of taking life at what it is a great gift.

    4 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • when is someone being sarcastic?

    How do you now when a person is being sarcastic? It is when a person laughs first when they make a joke about someone in the group you are in. Or when they are trying to get someone to laugh at someone else's expense is when a person is being sarcastic and they are out to make fun of you or others. Also when they do this they are trying to control you and others around them to keep them from speaking. When someone is actually being funny they laugh last after the joke that they have said.

    4 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago