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Changing my name advice?
I'm thinking of changing my name to Eliza ( Ah-LYE-zuh) Marin (Mare-in, or like Karen/Karin with an M) James (you should already known how to say the name James). Do you think the name is too over the top? Any suggestions for different names? Thank you and have a wonderful day!
1 AnswerBaby Names8 years agoFill in the blank for the new song I am writing?
This is what I have so far. I'm a novice and I do not feel artsy today so do not judge.
We all have our scars
Mine are invisible
We all have our dreams
Mine are unthinkable
We reach for the stars and land on the moon
And I can scream and shout
But will you really hear me out?
Bad right? Anyway, please fill in the blank for 10 points =)
2 AnswersLyrics8 years agoIf you had the chance to change your fate, would you?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years agoFive examples of passive voice?
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years agoWhat Should I Name My Future Children?
I am in love with books and I would love it if my future children had some of the names of the characters in : The Hunger Games Trilogy, The Fault In Our Stars, (All) Sarah Dessen Books, (All) Sara Shepard Books, Divergent Trilogy, and the Matched Trilogy. For the ten points arrange some of the characters names in these books for boys and girls. One rule. NO GALE!!!!!!!! I REFUSE TO NAME MY CHILD GALE!! TEAM PEETA FOREVER!!!!!!!!! Thank you
2 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoCount the verbs for 10 points?
The ants tumble and turn in every direction, the plants around them barley noticing. It seems like there are millions of the same scene displayed all over the forest floor, but look closely. It may take some time, but soon enough, you will see every fragment has subtle changes. The Earth from space can also be viewed in the same way. From afar, everyone is a clone of one another (same mold), but if you take the time to study each closely, the differences will surprise you. Some of the ants, for instance, are brown, rather than jet black. Some could even pass as auburn. Small changes like colors don’t matter in an ant colony though. Survival in the world above is the most important. The now gray skies hovering miles above my head threaten the little world below, and as the ants tunnel underground, I cover the hole they have dug with leaves to give them a helping hand.
3 AnswersLanguages8 years agoHow Do I Gain Weight and Grow Hair At The Same Time?
I have ALWAYS been called 'skinny', anorexic, and bony for my entire life. I hate when I am always starred at during class when we talk about eating disorders. I just want to gain some weight (and grow out my hair) so that I can just be happy. My mom has repeatedly called me an embarrassment, and is always pushing me to eat more. I have a very high metabolism, so gaining weight is going to be a bit tricky. My BMI is 17.0, which is really underweight. For the ten points, please give me some advice on to how I can gain weight (what I should eat and when), and adding in the fact that I would really like longer hair. Thank you very much, and God bless all!
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agoWord Choice Help!!! Complete the sentence for 10 points!?
Okay, so I am starting a role play club. The name of the club is going to be Balise Academy, a Catholic school. I need help in the description, which is basically going to be "This may be a Catholic school, but nothing about anyone here seems to be...." For the ten points, please put in a word that can complete the sentence. For example you can fill in the blank with 'holy', so the description reads "This may be a Catholic school, but nothing about anyone here seems to be holy". Except the description would make sense (and would actually be good), so please don't use my example. Thank you and have a good day!
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years agoRiddle! First Correct Answer Gets The 10 Points!?
I am the only thing that always tells the truth. I show off everything I see. When you first see me, you instantly recognize me. What am I?
3 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years agoSolve This Riddle To Earn 10 Points?
There's a plane crash. Every single person died except for 2 people. How did these two people survive?
4 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years agoWhat's Wrong With Me? Why am I like this?
I have always wanted blonde hair and blue eyes. Always. I just hate my brunette hair and brown eyes. It's curly and just a mess. My eyes are really pretty (or atleast I think so). I just don't know why I care about this so much! Was I wired like this? I mean, I guess blonde hair and blue eyes are pretty but it's something so stupid I would have never seen the point of being sad about it. I have even considered dying my hair from brown to blonde or getting it in the style of ombre. Someone help!
4 AnswersPsychology8 years agoHow can I make my hair longer?
Very fast and very long. I am willing to pay anything.
4 AnswersHair8 years agoMy sister wants to sing the song A Team For Her 6th Grade Talent Show?
I don't think a song that involves drugs and a prostitute would be aloud in school. The link for the song is below.
1 AnswerPerforming Arts8 years agoFriend Issues and Singing Problems! (Kinda Long)?
So, my friend (lets call her Petty Bff Stealer), my bff (lets call her TERRIBLE SINGER) and I decided to try out for the winter talent show which was like 3 months ago. I auditioned with TERRIBLE SINGER and did not get in (she really CANT sing). Petty Bff Stealer did however and was a total **** about it. So there is another talent show in May and I NEED TO GET IN. It's my only shot to fix my singing reputation. This may seem like I'm being dramatic, but Petty Bff Stealer and I are not really friends. My bff is friends with her so we are forced to sit together during lunch. My relationship with her is "frenimies" because we compete with each other with EVERYTHING. I need to get in because I already told TERRIBLE SINGER we would not be singing together so I also have to get in or I will give her the satisfaction of knowing I cant sing to save my life. So that's problem 1. Next, I have no idea what song I should sing. I can kinda actually sing if I have the right song. I can only sing low pitches, so that's a real treat. Anyway, I'm looking for someone to give me tips on singing, what song I should sing, and how to solve my bff problems. Thank you, and have an awesome day!
2 AnswersFriends8 years ago