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  • Why did Obama meet with "black leaders" to discuss jobs and economy? Sounds politically incorrect to me!?

    On the news today that it was the only thing on his agenda this snow day? Were all the white leaders at home or what?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does Young & Restless seem out of place for Wis. city?

    In today's episode, Phyllis appeared in court house carrying her coat and wearing a sleeveless sparkly dress. Does this look like Genoa City, Wisconsin? It is 25 today and snow flurries. Doesn't anyone producing this show check on what really happens in Wis.? The other gals also are wearing sleeveless dresses. We don't even wear those in the evening to a party in the Winter. Katherine Chancellor and Loren are the only ones who look like they are actually portraying the part as being from Genoa City, Wis.-- A small rural town--not even Milwaukee where you might see some of the outfits. We would never be caught dead in the court house wearing a dress showing cleavage like the blonde ditz either.

    9 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Your results using Ageless by Rejuvenate, Worldwide?

    Their advertising said "Look up to 10 years younger from your first application!" Well I have used the whole bottle ($60.00 ea.) and cannot see any lessening of wrinkles and do not look up to 10 years younger--not even one year. Supposedly using it for long term results are even more impressive! But I am not impressed. Has anyone used this and found the results were worth the cost of this product?

    3 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Obama spends on contraceptives, why?

    Obama wants to include hundreds of millions for contraceptives in family planning portion of his stimulus plan. So how does that help jump start the economy?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why "star" another persons question?

    Does the person doing the "star" get any recognition or points or what???

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Are they really "Grandparents"?

    Their son's girlfriend had his baby. They are not married. So are the parents of this "couple" really grandparents or will they be if and when the couple gets married?

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Fun for Christmas Party at Club dinner/meeting /?

    Have to plan entertainment, games or ??? at our organization's Christmas Party lst week in Dec. Members and guests are 30 to 90 yrs of age and mixed group. We have had Christmas Choir, Sing alongs, Christmas games like match santa name with country, etc., duo singing and playing guitar and fiddle, so now what for this year that would be unique. I have planned this party for the past 5 years so looking for different, fun or ???

    4 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • If someone is scamming their insurance company, to whom do I report?

    Person I know is claiming items stolen and has really, really inflated the value of the items. She does not have a rider claiming the values, but she still is trying to get full value for 50+ yr. old items and full value (inflated) on newer paintings, etc. I do not know the name of the insurance company so how and to whom should this be reported?

    3 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • My 18 yr old cat throws up. What to do?

    She prefers canned food, but does eat some dry (hairball control); she's fed 2 tbls morning and evening w/dry available, plus water. Sometime she is fine and others throws up shortly after eating and then howls for more food.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Green Bags do not work as advertised. Why?

    Used bags as directed on box. Tomatoes, brocoli, cucucumbers, etc. did not last 4 - 5 days, box show 14 - 21 days w/produce perfect. used a roll of paper towels keeping inside bag dry. Bananas rotted under 5 days in bags fine in bowl next to green bag. Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago