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Just a guy using this account whenever I need a question answered nowadays.

  • Turtle Beach PLa Headset troubleshooting. Help please?

    I ve attempted to find my problem s solution via google, but nothing seems to help.

    This being said, earlier today while playing CS GO, I hit a button or something (I didn t see which, but it was in the top left-hand corner of my keyboard) and it caused all the sound in CS GO to just cut out. When I removed the headset, the sound would not play unless CS GO was restarted. If I attempted to start it, then insert headset, same problem. Sound would stop and not start when removing.

    After exiting and experimenting, it s been determined that the headset isn t working properly (obviously).

    The headset has two cords, one of which features two of those A/V jack-sized plugs, and the other a USB port. There s a little box that connects the two together, and on this box there s a light. The light normally blinks when it s working, but now it s solid blue.

    I attempted to play the Windows test tone, but it turned up "ERROR, failed to play test tone."

    This is all the information I have on this, and I have failed to find an answer. Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerAdd-ons6 years ago
  • In C#, is there a way to initialize a class using inputted information as the class name?

    Basically, I m doing a nested class thing for Visual C#. The main class has only on member variable, that being String Name. Is there a way to initialize the class so that its name matches its member variable? Or is there a way to initialize a class with a name that is taken from user input (e.g., user creates store named XXX, the class initialization is Store XXX = new Store();"?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • What is it like to live in the UK (Preferably England)?

    There was a question about this five years ago, but I'm looking for more current information.

    I am an American college student currently, so keep in mind, I have a pretty basic knowledge of what's over there. I've always wanted to live in England, and I'm getting close to graduating. This being said, while I'm looking for a possible internship at some company over there, I'm also looking at the possibility of settling there once I'm actually out on my own.

    Basically, I just want to know from someone who lives there, what's it like? What towns would be good places for me to live? How much does a normal unfurnished apartment typically cost? You know, that kind of stuff.

    Thanks for the help!

    10 AnswersOther - United Kingdom7 years ago
  • Microsoft Excel Quotient Decimal help please?

    Creating an Excel 2010 spreadsheet to calculate GPA for any semester, tailored to the different weights for assignments each of my classes. I already have it showing up as [number].0, but the problem comes in when I try to divide my total grade points over my total hours.

    In a test example, added up all the grade points per hour (22), divided it by my total hours (13), and it turned up 1.00 when it should turn up 1.69. Tested it again with different points values (40), turned up 3.00 when it should turn up 3.08.

    The formula in the cell doing the division is "=QUOTIENT(E7, D7)". In those respective cells, the formulas are sums of the five columns above them (Grade Points and Credit Hours respectively) and are turning up 40,0 and 13.0 respectively.

    What should I do to get the program to show the exact decimal, rounded to two places in the answer cell?

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • What are your table predictions, the way the season is now?

    1) Arsenal

    2) Chelsea

    3) Manchester City

    4) Liverpool

    5) Everton

    6) Manchester United

    7) Newcastle

    8) Tottenham Hotspur

    9) Southampton

    10) Swansea City

    11) Aston Villa

    12) Stoke City

    13) Hull City

    14) Norwich City

    15) West Ham United

    16) West Brom

    17) Crystal Palace (on the last day)

    18) Cardiff City

    19) Fulham

    20) Sunderland

    6 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)7 years ago
  • What programming language is the following code written in?

    The following code is a fake virus, designed to teach us how viruses work in my class. My teacher wants us to research what it does, but I don't know the programming language for it, exactly. I think it's straight up Assembly, but something's telling me it's not. When I have the language, I can actually start to decipher it.

    @ECHO SET snowball2=1 >> bat6.bat

    @ECHO GOTO flood5 >> bat6.bat

    @ECHO :flood5 >> bat6.bat

    @ECHO SET /a snowball2=%%snowball2%%+1 >> bat6.bat

    @ECHO NET USER snowball2=%%snowball2%%/add >> bat6.bat

    @ECHO GOTO flood5 >> bat6.bat

    START /MIN bat6.bat


    color 2


    ECHO %Random% (CnP 8 times)

    GOTO Tricks

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • How would I write a C++ function to sequentially increment a character string?

    I'm doing a comparison on password cracking for a class, and the requirement was to write in C++ a program to generate a random password and then have two functions (one random and one sequential) continue to generate new passwords to compare.

    I already have a function that will generate a random character/number string, which will of course be used to both generate the password and random attempts at solving the same password. This generator can be modified to increment the string sequentially.

    Basically, I'm asking for counting logic with letters as letters, not variables.

    What I'm asking for is what would the logic be in telling my compiler "if (string a != string b)" change last character of string a to the next in line, etc. without having to type out change a to b, b to c, c to d, etc.? And then from there, after all characters in the, for want of better term, ones position have been modified and the strings still don't match, increment the tens place and go back to a on the ones place and start over.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Computer making soft, high-pitched whining noise. Help?

    I have a Dell Inspiron N7110. Up until yesterday, it was completely silent when running. Yesterday, I plugged in a non-working microphone, which seemed to trigger it sudden;y making high-pitched whining noises. Didn't know it didn't work, but when I tried to talk into it on TeamSpeak, it never worked, and when I tested it while setting up a new microphone, no sound was picked up.

    Research says that what's causing the noise is the cooling fan, but the noise doesn't seem to be coming from where I know the fan is (having disassembled it in the past multiple times for part replacement). It's also making this sort of sound, like when you blow over the opening of a bottle. Other sites say it's probably caked with dirt and dust, which I'll check on tomorrow, but I'm open to other theories.

    I think it may be related to my non-working mic being plugged in, but I'm not totally sure. The noises started when I unplugged it, an they haven't stopped since. I've also noticed other noises, such as a high-pitched whine that mimics the sounds made from games like "Mahjong Titans" when playing them, if that helps anypony (sorry, had to).

    Thank you all for your help.

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • What are some good dark waltzes?

    I mean, I know people are going to be all like "Yeah, Hayley Westenra" and all, but that's not the dark waltz that I am referring to.

    I'm talking about a literal waltz music with a dark, gothic tone to it. The best thing that I can point to for reference is the link below. I'm looking for music to enhance aspects of a story I'm writing.

    6 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • C++ mathematics errors. Help?

    I have here a program that should read in a number of grades and find their weighted averages. The problem is, the program is reading in the grades correctly, but it isn't giving me the right answer. It's giving me a rounded-down answer rather than an exact answer. I don't know why it's doing this.

    The grades are as follows:




















    Now, here is the code for the entire program:

    #include <iostream>

    #include <fstream>

    #include <iomanip>

    #include <cmath>

    using namespace std;

    // Prototypes

    void header();

    void totalAverage(int x, int y, int z);

    ifstream infile;

    ofstream outfile;

    // Main Function

    int main()



    double homework[7], quiz[9], test[3], sum1=0, sum2=0, sum3=0;

    for (int i = 0; i<7; i++)


    infile >> homework[i];

    sum1 += homework[i];


    for (int i = 0; i<9; i++)


    infile >> quiz[i];

    sum2 += quiz[i];


    for (int i = 0; i<3; i++)


    infile >> test[i];

    sum3 += test[i];


    totalAverage(sum1, sum2, sum3);

    return 0;


    // Prints a header on output file

    void header()


    outfile << "Trey Brumley" << endl;

    outfile << "CMPS 1043-101" << endl;

    outfile << "December 3, 2012" << endl;

    outfile << "Program 5 - Arrays" << endl;

    outfile << "==================" << endl << endl;



    // Finds the weighted and total average of each category

    void totalAverage(int x, int y, int z)


    double a, b, c, d, e, f, g;

    a = x/7;

    b = y/9;

    c = z/3;

    d = a*0.15;

    e = b*0.25;

    f = c*0.60;

    g = d+e+f;

    outfile << fixed << showpoint;

    outfile << "The average for Homework Grades is " << setprecision(1) << a << "." << endl;

    outfile << "The weighted average of homework (15%) amounts to " << setprecision(1) << d << "." << endl;

    outfile << "The average for Quiz Grades is " << setprecision(1) << b << "." << endl;

    outfile << "The weighted average of quizzes (25%) amounts to " << setprecision(1) << e << "." << endl;

    outfile << "The average for Test Grades is " << setprecision(1) << c << "." << endl;

    outfile << "The weighted average of tests (60%) amounts to " << setprecision(1) << f << "." << endl;

    outfile << "The total weighted average of all grades is " << setprecision(1) << g << "." << endl;



    Is there any reason why it's doing this? The answers I'm getting are 71, 91, and 89, which tells me the program is reading in my grades correctly. However, the answers I SHOULD be getting are 71.4, 91.7, and 89.7. Because of this, the weighted average (it should be 87.5 exactly) is coming out as 86.8.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Can I get any C++ coding help?

    I'm working on a program to determine whether or not a number is deficient, abundant, or perfect. Here's the code I have worked so far.

    #include <iostream>

    #include <fstream>

    #include <cmath>

    using namespace std;


    void header();

    char FindSum();

    // Main program.

    int main()


    int a;

    cout << header;

    cout << "Please enter a positive integer greater than 1 to continue, or enter a number less than or equal to 0 to quit: ";

    cin >> a;

    if (a <= 0)

    return 0;

    else if (a == 1)


    cout << "Invalid number. Please enter a valid number: ";

    cin >> a;


    while (a > 1)


    cout << "Please enter another integer to caluclate, or enter 0 or a negative number to quit: ";

    cin >> a;


    if (a <= 0)

    return 0;

    else if (a == 1)


    cout << "Invalid number. Please enter a valid number: ";

    cin >> a;



    return 0;


    // Displays header as seen above

    void Header()


    cout << "Trey Brumley" << endl;

    cout << "CMPS 1043-101" << endl;

    cout << "November 19, 2012" << endl;

    cout << "Program 4" << endl;

    cout << "=================" << endl;



    // Returns single character

    char FindSum(int x)


    char Class;

    int y, z, sum;

    sum = 0;

    for (y > 0; y = (x - 1); y--)


    z = x / y;

    if (x % y == 0)

    sum += z;


    if (sum == x)

    Class = 'P';

    else if (sum > x)

    Class = 'A';


    Class = 'D';

    return Class;


    Now, it keeps turning up these two errors:

    1>c:\users\trey\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\program 4\program 4\main.cpp(35): error C2660: 'FindSum' : function does not take 1 arguments

    1>c:\users\trey\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\program 4\program 4\main.cpp(65): warning C4552: '>' : operator has no effect; expected operator with side-effect

    Can anyone help me figure out what they are and how to stop them?

  • In C++, what constant would I use, and how would I accomplish calculating complex numbers?

    I'm doing homework, and this is nothing more than bonus credit, but it would be useful for future knowledge in Computer Science.

    The idea is to create a program using the Quadratic Formula [(-b +- sqrt[(b*b)-(4*a*c)])/2a] to calculate solutions for zeroes of equations. Simple mathematics, yes? The main part of the homework is to use C++ to determine how many real solutions there are, and that, quite frankly, was laughably easy.

    However, the bonus comes into play with the problems that had non-real solutions. The idea is to find a way to determine the exact complex solutions [a +- bi, with i = sqrt(-1)], and that's where I need help.

    1. What constant would I use? Double? or Int? Or some other one that I haven't seen yet?

    2. How would I use C++ to calculate i? Everything else will just fall into place if I can learn that.

    I've tried google-ing this, but to no avail. Please help.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX shipping, why is (Asuka/Alexis)x(Juudai/Jaden) called Fiancee-shipping?

    I haven't exactly kept up with the anime, but as far as I know, neither the anime nor the manga actually have Juudai and Asuka end up proposing. So, is it just the fandom's wishful thinking, or did Takahashi actually go ahead and say that after GX ended, they get together?

    Thanks for the help.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Toonami 5/26/12 Will this be Friday-Saturday night, or Saturday-Sunday night?

    I mean, They say it's back for 5/26/12, but is it tonight or tomorrow night? Just wondering, I already know the schedule and such, but I wanted to know when.

    2 AnswersOther - Television9 years ago
  • Connectivity issues. Can anyone help?

    I played both these games last night. For whatever reason, TF2 and LoL both started acting up today.

    TF2 won't connect to any server, giving me the "Connection Failed After 4 Retries" message every attempt I made. I reset the router a grand total of six times, and not once was it fixed.

    On League of Legends, the game worked fine, but every few minutes, the game will stop, and the only way I can fix it is to completely exit teh game and reenter, and it still does that.

    Anyone know what's going on? I tried tracing a connection to a random IP, and it worked for a few moments, but started timing out. What's going on?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Is anyone on Pottermore on Chamber of Secrets?

    I just finished Philosopher's Stone, but I can't go on to the next book for some reason. Any clues as to why not?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • On X3Watch, if I change emails between reports, will the original Email Ad still get that report?

    Just a quick question. I don't want my friend to succumb to temptation and find another way around by switching accounts. Will it send the report for that 2/4 weeks to the original email too, or will it notify that accounts have switched?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • B&A Series of Questions. Will you answer?

    Just thought I'd ask you all a few questions.

    1. How many of you started off by writing fanfiction?

    2. Do/did you use any Mary Sues at any time during your writing time?

    3. What is your favorite book series ever?

    4. What do you think of the movie companies splitting their movies into two parts?

    5. How many of you are bronies and pegasisters like me (I'm a brony) (Yes, I do watch it)?

    Answers from me.

    1. Yes, and I still do.

    2. Yes, and I use him to mock Mary Sues now. Hypocritical on purpose.

    3. Harry Potter.

    4. I don't mind, as long as it is justified, which HP and The Hobbit are, but not Breeding Spawn and Mockingjay.

    5. Like I said, I am a brony.

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What is the Latin for "Darkness Reawakens," "Darkness Returns," and "Darkness Reigns"?

    I'm writing a series of stories, and I do not trust translation sites to translate it correctly for me. So, anyone who is fluent in Latin please help me with this.


    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • What would you guys say is the best Final Boss music you've heard?

    Now, this is NOT Final Level, so games like Halo, where there's no real Final Boss cannot be mentioned. Now, Guilty Spark could serve as one, but he had no music. But I'm off-topic.

    I find Dancing Mad to be the greatest ever. Just search for it on YouTube. Puts One Winged Angel to shame.

    BQ1: What is your favorite Nintendo-exclusive Final Boss Music, if different from the above?

    BQ2: Do you view emulation (e.g. VisualBoyAdvance) as piracy?

    BQ3: Who is your favorite villain of all-time?

    BQ4: Which genre of games do you usually play the most? (e.g. Action, Adventure, FPS, Strategy, RTS, RPG etc.)

    BQ5: Which series of games do you think is the most overrated and underrated?

    BQ1 - Ultimate Bowser from Super Mario 64

    BQ2 - Kefka, Final Fantasy VI

    BQ3 - I don't, as long as I owned the game previously or the game is no longer in production and I cannot get a copy any other way.

    BQ4 - Action/Adventure (like Zelda)

    BQ5 - I find CoD and Halo overrated. All it is about is shooting people in the face. Now, Halo has a plot, and they add and drop things. CoD is just the same game with different guns and time periods. I find the most underrated series to be Pokemon. Honestly, no one gives it credit for some of the things it accomplished. It is responsible (almost singlehandedly) for teh success of the Game Boy Color and the future handheld systems. Including the 3DS.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago