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Lv 31,862 points

*Mama To Mia*

Favorite Answers13%

I'm Mia Sophia's Mama. My husband and I welcomed her into our hearts 4 weeks EARLY on September 29th 2008! I breastfeed (and proud of it!) We co-sleep. I'm anti-CIO. We wouldn't have it any other way. My parenting style definitely falls into the Attachment Parenting style. Mia is our tiny little sweetie and our world revolves around HER. I may be a little biased, but I'm fond of bald babies too. Then again, that might just be because of I'm a proud Mama of one and I was once one myself. :)

  • Can an unbaptized person recieve ashes on Ash Wednesday?

    There seems to be some conflicting information on this. I'm currently in the inquiry process at my Parish and will be meeting with my Father next Monday and will be welcomed into the church soon. I will be entering the RCIA program after I'm welcomed into the church. I asked at inquiry, but it was sorta left up in the air on rather or not I should receive them or not. I'm just not sure if i'm able to receive ashes tomorrow or not since I've never been baptized.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which program is best for making slide shows?

    I want to make a slide show to show at my daugthers first birthday party. I want to be able to burn it to a DVD and show it on my TV. What program is the best for making slide shows? I also want to be able to pick my own music, if possible.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Can my daughter and me both get baptized together? I was never bapitzed Catholic, even though my family is.?

    I would like my daughter to be baptized Catholic. Even though, my family is Catholic, I was not baptized when I was born. When I have attended church, I've gone to Catholic mass and I would like to raise my daughter as Catholic. What is the process of this? Can her and I get baptized together? She is almost 1 years old, and I'd like to do this soon. Does it matter that my husband is not Catholic? He would like her to be raised Catholic too, however isn't interested in becoming one himself.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How should you list working at the same job two seperate times on a resume?

    I currently work at a workplace that I've worked at previously in the past.

    How would I list that on a resume? Would I do two separate entries, or would do you something like this: October 2007 - PRESENT & June 2004- June 2006? I'm not sure what the proper way to do it.

    I had one other job in between, and I'm not entirely sure how to list it on a resume. If I put it on their twice, wouldn't it be redundant?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding Moms: What flow nipple do you use when you offer a bottle of EBM to your baby?

    When I'm at work my daughter takes bottles of my Expressed Breastmilk. Right now I'm still using a newborn SLOW flow nipple on a Gerber Nuk bottle (although, I just picked up some Avent bottles at the store and plan on switching to them)

    She's now almost 7 months old and I'm not sure if I should get a faster flow now that she is older. My LC had me use a slow flow nipple so she wouldn't develop a nipple/bottle preference and have it interfere with my breast feeding.

    Now that she's a well established breast feeder, do I still need to use a newborn slow flow nipple? Or can I get a different flow now?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Just for fun: Do you have a nickname for your baby?

    I have a couple for Mia, but I call her Mimi most of the time. In fact, I think I use it more often than her real name. I hope it doesn't confuse her later on.

    Do you have any nicknames for your little ones? Have they ever been confused by it?

    23 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How much did your baby eat the first time you offered a solid veggie?

    Okay, so I'm not sure if she just downright dislikes it, or if it's something new to her so she needs time to get used to it, but how much did your baby eat when you first introduced a solid veggie?

    A whole jar? Half a jar? just a few spoons?

    Mia only ate like 2 spoons(if that), of her Peas (Her first veggie). Today was the first time she had a veggie. I'm just curious what I should be expecting tomorrow when I offer it again.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What are some good toys for a one year old?

    My husband and I decided to start buying birthday gifts for our daughters first birthday on Sept. 29th! It will be much easier for us to just buy the gifts now rather than saving the money up and waiting until the last minute. We plan on buying two gifts with every paycheck we get. Some will be given to her at her first birthday party, and the rest will be given to her on Christmas.

    So what sort of things do you suggest for babies that are 12 months to 16 months range?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When can you introduce Soy Milk into an infants diet?

    I've been given the go ahead from my doctor to start my nearly 6 month old on solids. We've held off until her doctors appointment today, but I forgot to ask when we can introduce something like Soy Milk into her diet. She is breast fed with some formula supplementation while I'm at work only.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can you still get a pap done while having a postpartum period?

    I'm breast feeding and I've only had one other period since September, and that was back in October. I started my period over the weekend again, and today I'm scheduled for a pap smear with my OB/GYN. Do they still do them while you are on a period? I have one of the first appointments of the day, and I can't call until they open, which isn't for another hour or so. I was just wondering what standard procedure was.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What are you doing to preserve memories for your baby?

    What are you doing to preserve memories for your baby?

    I'm looking for some more ideas. I keep a babybook for her, I have a couple of different photo albums going, and I have digital scrapbook that I make at, that I make pages and get printed once a week to give out to my family and friends. My mother is a collage artist, so we often make collages and what not using her pictures as well.

    What sort of things are you doing for your baby?

    I plan on taking clothes that she grew out of during in first year, and turning them into a memory quilt, that way we can be reminded of her favorite outfits later on too.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How do you handle people who want to touch your baby while out in public?

    I have a nearly 6 month old baby that was born premature and I've done my best thus far to limit her exposure to strangers, and people who have been sick and small children. My doctor still advises that I keep her away from all small children just because of all the bugs they pass back and fourth.

    However, it seems whenever we are out in pubic people just flock to her and want to touch her face, hands and feet. It bugs because I, for one, would NEVER touch another persons baby without asking especially to some random person in a grocery store.

    Tonight for an example: We were looking at curtains at Target, and I had Mia in a wrap riding outward, and this lady wouldn't stop getting in her face and touching her hands and cheeks. I didn't say anything, except for mentioning a bunch of times that she was a preemie, and hugging my arms around the front of Mia and moving my body so I was blocking the lady out. When she was younger, I had a lady straight up if she could hold her. Mind you this lady looked like a current or former drug user, and looked at me like I was the most evil person in the world because I would let her (some random stranger) hold my baby.

    How do you guys handle things like this? I obviously don't want to be downright rude to people, because I like seeing the smiles on peoples faces when they interact with her, but at the same time I obviously don't want to risk her health.

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What goes on at a Le Leche League meetings?

    I don't need help with breastfeeding or anything like that, but I was wondering if anyone has ever attended a meeting in their local area. What goes on at these meetings? Is it just teaching and help or is it a way to network and meet other likeminded moms? I see they have them 2 times a week in my area.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Should I start solids now or wait another 2 weeks?

    My daughter will be 6 months on the 29th and she is showing all the readiness for solid foods. She is a supported sitter, has good head and neck control, shows interest for food, grabs for food while I'm eating etc. I always planned on waiting until at least 6 months, and I'm just a week and some days shy of it. Should I just go ahead and start it? Or should I wait until her 6 month visit with the doctor on the 24th and discuss it with him first? I'm anxious and sorta nervous at the same time. Anyone else feel this way?

    Also, which is better to start with Rice cereal or Oatmeal? Also, how much breast milk would I mix with it?

    And when starting out, what sort of feeding schedule do you have? I'm especially interested if you breast feed. Will I need less milk pumped for the short time I'm at work once I start solids?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Speaking of Recalls, Did you know that Old Navy recalled several Baby items?

    They recalled most of the their stuffed animal toys that have rattles in them, due to the button eyes.

    I bought the bunny online for Christmas for my baby since it matched a hat and onsie she had, and as soon as I got it I thought the buttons could cause a choking hazard, so I never really let her play with it (she was never fond of it anyway since it was too big for her tiny hands) Mainly it just sat in her car carrier next to her and she never even paid any attention to it and now today I just got an email about the recall that includes pictures and model numbers.

    Just thought you guys may appreciate knowing this especially, if you shop at Old Navy.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does the county your baby is born in automatically send you their birth certificate?

    We live in California, by the way. So I only need to know if you are from California because what other states do doesn't apply to me.

    It just donned on me, I never received a birth certificate for my daughter who was born in September. I received the one you get from the hospital (which will be useless later on in life), but never an official one from my county with the county seal and whatnot. I received her SS card right away, but never a birth certificate. Do they send you one automatically? Or do you have to go to the courthouse and get it yourself? I was under the impression, I was going to get it automatically in the mail.

    18 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is it necessary to introduce rice cereal first? Or can you introduce something else first?

    Although, my daughter is almost 5 months and I won't be introducing solids until after 6 months, I'm curious which ones to introduce first. Do you need to start with rice cereal? I've heard conflicting things regarding the actual necessity for rice cereal. Can I start with a veggie first? If so, which ones. Or should I do cereal?

    My daughter is breastfed, and is a preemie, so she's on the small side, and weighs just until 10 lbs. So what would be a good option to start her on? Like I said before, I won't be starting anything until she's 6 months because I do believe it's important to wait. I just want some ideas that I can discuss with the Dr. when we go for her 6th month check up.

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How important are the percentile charts for newborn babies? Is it really necessary to use?

    Is it really necessary to use to compare your childs growth to other children?

    I ask this, because I have a 4 month old (who was born 1 month EARLY at 5 lbs 6 oz and 18 inches long, and who is currently at the age of 4 months 9 lbs 12 oz and 22 inches long) and i'm not entirely sure if it's all that necessary. I never really thought much of the charts until now. I've never even discussed the charts with my doctor, or my Lactation Consultant. Should I be?

    I know she is way below on the chart simply because she is a preemie and we had some breastfeeding issues for the first couple of months. I'm just curious if I should be basing everything on what the chart says she should be, because she was born premature and all.

    Also, is there a chart for breastfed babies? I'm not even entirely sure how the charts work in the first place.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Premature Babies ONLY - What was your baby's weight/length at birth and at 4 months old?

    My daughter was born 4 weeks early, and was 5 lbs 6 oz/ 18 inches at birth, and now she weighs 9 lbs 4 oz at 4 months.

    I'm just curious what other premature babies weighed and what their progress was like after 4 months. It seems like we are moving slowly, but the doctor and the lactation consultant seem to be pleased and have no concerns.

    Also, do you formula feed or breastfeed because that's obviously going to make a difference as well.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago