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  • A friend is being blackmailed by a business associate that he made a death threat against. How to handle?

    Please provide options other than "get an attorney" as that one is obvious.

    The one person is very wealthy (Wall Street banker) and the other person is not wealthy and can't afford an attorney.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • When Success Means Becoming a Psychopath ... What Do You Do?

    Mostly theoretical here, so in responding please stick to the confines defined here.

    So, let's say that the definition of "The American Psychopath" is the following:

    - A baby in a diaper.

    - That believes "Love Me ... Or Else"

    - Utilizes sophisticated manipulative and emotional masking techniques to get the 'love' they want through the manipulation and exploitation of others.

    Now, let's say that the very definition of SUCCESS itself within our culture REQUIRES that people transform into the above to be "SUCCESSFUL," or you won't be.

    Given that the above definition is, in some contexts essentially the transformation into the "worst thing in the world" and success itself in our culture may require this transformation ...

    How does a person mentally deal with this transition ... the transition into becoming the "worst thing in the world"? In particular, when that is the only available class ascendency pattern (if you weren't born wealthy).

    Even if you disagree with the premise here, let's assume it is just a theory, how does a person transition in a healthy manner to 'becoming a manipulative psychopath' because that is the only path to being successful?

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Marriage Transition, Style Ideas?

    Someone I know is approaching 40 in a 10 year marriage and (17 year total relationship), some kids. Basically a great family and team ... only the "7 year itch" has set in and personality types have become much more pronounced (and not as compatible as it seemed). The guy is in an exciting career, starting to make a lot of money, new awakening, more women find him attractive. The lady is an amazing, down to earth person but doesn't like to leave the house and is extremely focused on her extended family. Basically a happy relationship but not really activity compatible or aspirationally compatible. Guy has had vasectomy and has no intention to have another family or get married again but doesn't really feel like there is a "partner". Recommendations of trying new activities/etc., aren't likely to work.

    What marriage models or alternative marriage concepts are there for this sort of an extreme extrovert/introvert relationship where everyone is basically happy with the "family" but activities, interests, friends, etc., have reached a point of pretty extreme incompatibility.

    Divorce doesn't seem right because everyone wants the family but being married isn't right either.

    Anyone can offer pointers to different "marriage concepts" that might work in this case or any other advice?

    (Please avoid the stereo-type bashing, etc. ... marriage is dying as an institution but why should families die with the cumbersome-ness of the structure?)

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How can you test if a person can hold two opposing thoughts in their head at the same time?

    Consider the scenarios where you call a fat person fat or say something mean about a persons religion, or like want to analyze the rationality of Hitler with a Jewish person.

    A small segment of the population is capable of discussing these issues about themselves WITHOUT being offended.

    What is a way to test for this mental capability without the risk of offending the person when they are in the 95% of people that can't (i.e., can't hold multiple opposing views in their head at the same time)?

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • How to get over bad business deals?

    What tips do people have to get over bad business deals? I.e., the kind you work on for 6 years, have a lot of good faith wrapped into, managers change, you get screwed/etc.

    What does everyone do to get these things out of your head?

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • Wife wants to move near her parents so they can see grandchildren all the time, but horrible economic choice.?

    Basically given a direct order today my wife wants to move near her parents so that they can spend time with their grandchildren all the time, but this is a poor economic choice for the family and the future in general given where we live currently.

    Thoughts on what should be done or how should be handled?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about Jesse Ventura suing the TSA for forcing him to be either irradiated or molested to fly?

    Jesse Ventura (one of the few real heros we have left) just filed a lawsuit against the TSA protecting our rights to be able to fly without being irradiated or molested.

    How does this make you feel?

    It makes me feel proud to know there are people like Jesse still left that will stand up for what they believe.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How do you mentally trick yourself into being obedient to the TSA's irradiation and molestation project?

    Given that anyone can put a bomb up their *** and walk right through security, there is no justifiable security argument for irradiating and molesting millions of completely innocent Americans just to use public air transportation.

    "Patriotism" won't work, I lost that after Bush's post-9/11 Nazi speech. I won't expose myself to the radiation until they publish the xray dosages and allow TSA workers themselves to wear radiation badges so that I know the real health risks.

    I also don't want to be sent to Room 101 and have rats eat through my face just to make me obedient.

    What psychological arguments are you using to make yourself obedient to the TSA's irradiation and molestation project?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Has there ever been a large government that voluntarily shrunk and increased the freedoms of its people?

    It seems as if governments just keep growing, keep taking more, both financial, assets, freedoms ...until they are overthrown.

    What real evidence or historical cases exist that would falsify this theory?

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • Where is TSA Legislation/Regulations?

    I'm looking for the TSA legislation and regulations related to their sexual assault program.

    I have a flight on Friday and I'm basically not willing to be irradiated nor sexually assaulted by a government worker and am researching the laws.

    In particular if I am selected to be sexually assaulted I want to be able to choose not to fly and get my money back.

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • What are the names for "friendship" around the world (not friend)?

    Looking for names around the world for the concept of "friendship".

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What are different names for "friend" around the world?

    What are some different names for 'friend' around the world?

    9 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Is this a reasonable customer ... or not?

    Some data points:

    - Vendor is a very small firm (1 employee).

    - Customer is a massive world recognized Top-500 firm.

    - Vendor works for customer for 4 years, around the clock, 60-100 hour weeks and builds impossible to build solution to an extremely difficult problem that makes the customer happy.

    - New management at large company takes over group.

    - New management doesn't understand the product, is not experts in the field, and identifies the successful project as a 'dependency risk' to their business and order the vendor to start hiring people and find more customers or they are terminating the project.

    - Current budget only covers 1/3 of one person.

    - Vendor asks for a case study about the project and/or a renegotiation on the deal, preferably both to facilitate company growth.

    - Actual users of the product back a case study. Business leadership blocks the case study because they don't want people to know they are using a small vendor, possibly other reasons.

    - They do one round of negotiations on a pricing model and a model is proposed that would allow the hiring of 2-3 employees and business people pan it as an "outrageous price increase".

    - Large company terminates deal declaring "we don't want to deal with you anymore".

    Is this a reasonable customer, or not?

    If you were in the shoes of the vendor, what would you have done differently?

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Phillips Plasma with Black Horizontal Line?

    I have a 42-inch Phillips plasma. We turned it on today and it has a 4-inch thick black horizontal line across the width of the display near the top.

    This line flickers and sometimes shows a perfect picture, sometimes a scrambled color, and sometimes a perfectly normal picture. Also the pixels appear to be lit (black) when it's black.

    Anyone know more isolation information? Any possible solutions to fix this? When it flickers it shows a perfect picture so I don't thin the display/pixels is actually damaged.

    Anything I can do?

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • How do I eliminate these distractions?

    Okay ... I am a software engineer and I have a huge amount of work to do.

    How do I eliminate these distractions from my life? Note that they are all Internet based and I need the Internet to work.

    - World of Warcraft

    - Eve Online


    - Politics




    - EMail

    - (sorry, but it's true, I'm on here right now instead of working)

    I find that the above things get me in a sort of "distracted cycle" that I can't escape from. My mind wonders away from coding.

    How do I get back on track? I enjoy all of these things and don't want to lose them but they take just way too much of my time. How do I increase my productive time?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How Hard Legally to Sell Private Stock Online to Existing Customers?

    So, I remember reading that one of the founder's of Ben & Jerry's studied for and passed his Series 7 (Stock Broker) license and then issued Ben & Jerry's stock and sold this stock to thousands of people via newspaper ads/etc. even though the company wasn't public.

    So my question ... if you run an online service, how hard legally is it to sell stock like this to existing customers online ... kind of like "Help Finance Us ... Click to Buy Stock Certificates".

    I'm looking for technical/SEC compliance information. I know there are strong rules about this sort of thing but is it possible to set things up to do this legally?

    2 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Where do I download White Pages Raw Data?

    Where can I download the white pages raw data? There seems to be a number of sites selling by-state data for this very cheaply, so where did they get their copies of the data? Anyone know?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Lost my biggest/best client, I feel like a failure, what should I do?

    Owned a small tech business for long time, did really well on the technology, but lost my biggest client (a dream blue label one) ... a client I had absolutely worked my *** off, for many many years and had a done so at a low cost.

    It occurred during a company management change. They told me the technology was fine, even great but that they were basically too dependent on it and that they "had to eliminate the risk in the relationship" and "they just don't want to deal with you anymore."

    I tend to communicate a lot in e-mail and I tend to be very honest and very rational about things. Business people have told me they would invest in me on another project and my background but only if I get a CEO/business partner.

    These experiences have sort of shattered me. Friends have been awesome, but the only thing I've ever been is perfectly honest and rational with people and it gets so misunderstood and people take things personally when there is nothing personal about it.

    I sort of feel lost and doomed here. I am a good entrepreneur, I'm amazing at handling customer complexity and doing really well for them in the process. But I'm still some sort of a failure.

    Should I:

    - Learn not to use e-mail, only use the phone and start another venture?

    - Or just give up on being an entrepreneur and go get a job knowing that I'm not really wired right for the 9-5.

    Are there actually tech/developer jobs out there where high-energy entrepreneur tech-types who are highly rational can be happy?

    Completely successful project on the technical front, heavy discount so I basically just threw away a huge chunk of my life and I feel like a total failure. :(

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago