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  • I cheated on my best friend, and I'm looking to make up in any way possible.?

    I ****** up big. I know this. But I guess I should explain the story first.

    I went to a party, I got really drunk (I'm 17 and have made bad choices when drunk before), and during the night, these two girls more or less climbed on top of me (at separate times) and we made out for anywhere from 5-20 minutes. I'm not sure. I'm not a good judge of time when I'm drunk.

    Anyway, when I woke up the next morning, I came clean. Me and this girl have a very complicated relationship, but we were practically dating at the time. At first she didn't seem too hurt, but later in the day, she flipped, and rightfully so. We're better now, but I still feel like ****, we're still not talking for the time being, and I know that there's no way for me to completely make up for what I've done, but I'm looking to do anything I can to begin to make up for it, and to earn her trust again.

    No cheesy 80's movie style bullshit please, that'd never work with this girl. And so far, all I've done is left her flowers with a short note on her doorstep. 20 minutes ago, so I'm waiting to see how that plays out.

    I need any help I can get. This girl means the world to me.

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Christmas shopping help?

    what do you get the girl who was your best friend, then your girlfriend, then your best friend again, and now you're kinda romantically involved with?

    Seriously. Help me.

    2 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Any good vegetarian meals?

    I have to go 3 weeks as a vegetarian for my world religions class as part of our Hinduism section. However, I'm very picky when it comes to vegetables. I only like potatoes, lettuce, corn, peas broccoli and carrots. I know I can have like pasta and stuff but thats boring to me without meat sauce ahaha. Are there any suggestion for meals that are good but don't involve meat? It's been 3 days and I'm sick of salads already.

    2 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Why is marijuana illegal?

    A) It's better than alcohol, it does not make you violent, so what gives?

    B) It would help the economy, people I know REALLY like weed.

    C) So what if it contains a lot of chemicals, tobacco does too, and if someone wants to occasionally smoke something that might eventually give them cancer or something, its their life so why don't we butt out?

    49 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How to play the melody to Pearl Jam's 'Black'?

    I've been looking around on the internet and on youtube to find anything that can help me learn the melody to 'Black' (the dodo do do dododo thing lol, 3:59-4:36 in this video

    Any help is appreciated

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Is this considered cheating?

    alright so, I'm kinda with this girl (were not officially going out, but she likes me, i like her, the whole 9 yards) and i asked her to go to my schools winter ball. Her mom told her no, because her mom doesn't want her going with me. So i went with my friend's friend who needed a date. meant nothing, we only danced for like 2 minutes. Then later in the dance i met this chick, shes pretty cool, and we start dancing, and we ended up spending the rest of the night all over each other. I didn't even know the girl's name until after the dance when i asked her friend. Now the girl that i like is asking me about the dance, should i tell her? do you think she'd get mad? girls, what do you think?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Question for the girls, preferably my age (14-18)?

    alright, so theres this rather complicated thing goin on with me and this girl. she's really into me and im into her, but shes a freshman (im a sophmore) at a different school, and i cant drive yet, so i rarely get to see her. we talk a lot, over the phone and all that, and my friends live near her so we communicate through them too. so i asked to go to my schools winter ball with me, and everything was going good until and few days ago when she texts and says that her mom says she cant go, because she has to study for finals. so i tried to find another way to hang out with her, my friend suggested a double date, between my friend and her bf and me and this girl, but this girl doesnt know either of these friends.

    First Question: How would u girls feel if a guy asked u to somethin like this?

    Also, her youth group is going up to the snow next month, and one of our mutual friends wants me to go.

    Question 2: If u girls were in this situation, would u think that, being in the snow with a guy u like, would be romantic?

    Any help is appreciated, and I'm friggin desperate (u can tell cuz im askin on yahoo answers) i really like this girl, and i just want to see her more often. Thanks

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Crappy gift wtf do i do?

    Okay, so I just learned that my parents have bought me a really crappy Christmas gift, one they said I was going to love. It's a $70 (WTF?) toy guitar, that "teaches you how to play guitar! With it's light up frets and touch senor pick guard!" for 10 year olds. I'm fifteen, and I can already play. So what should I do about this? Letting them know beforehand is out of the question. And they're always really b*tchy on Christmas, so if I act ungrateful, I'm f*cked, that way too. Please give me some advice is help me get out of this situation. Thanks, because, if I don't get any better ideas, I'm just gonna b*itch and moan about it on Christmas day and be miserable and get laughed at by my cousins for having cheap-@ss parents.

    7 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • What are the requirements for a Greek Tragedy?

    as laid out by aristotle

    3 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Does God Exist? Questioning My "Faith"?

    I'm 15 years old, sophomore in high school, and I have never really been a spiritual person, but I've been raised as a Catholic, so there's always been that underlying theme of prayer and God and Jesus and all that jazz. Lately I've been really questioning the existence of God because it just doesn't seem to make sense to me. I've always wondered "Who made God?" and "How is it possible for one being/deity/w/e the he his to have so much power and authority?" and its just never added up. can anyone offer me any proof to the existence of God plz?

    I also hate being christian because it associates me with all the intolerant christian assholes out there. Don't get me wrong... all of my best friends are christian so I don't have anything against christians in general, just the out-spoken, closed-minded, gay-bashing, everyone-different-than-they-are-hating, christians.

    One thing I notice is how we look back at ancient history, and the beliefs that those cultures had, and we say "HA! they believed in multiple gods! How ridiculous!" but how are we any different? We still believe without proof, and we actually have science to tell us how things work, unlike the ancient people. What exactly separates us from them?

    and please, don't answer hatefully or angrily, I'm not trying to insult your faiths but I really need answers and these are my personal beliefs

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Bible Verses? Help ?

    Yeah... I need two different Gospel verses that are prophetic and said by Jesus. These two verses should illustrate an important message for today's world. Also if you could explain a little bit of the importance, that would help a lot... thx

    PS its for a school project...

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Girl I met once, my friends want me to get with her?

    I met this girl ("Mikaela") at my friends' youth group, I was kinda into her and (according to my friend) she was into me. My friend "Anne" was Im-ing me, and says "o and mikaela says hi!". And Anne started asking me what i thought of Mikaela, if I liked her or not. I told her that I thought she was pretty hot. The next day first period, she and the other friends that kno mikaela were bugging me about her. Sayin (jokingly?) that me and her should get together, or I should ask her to winter ball. Now i kinda like Mikaela, but ive only met her once. and i kinda need to kno her better be4 i ask her anywhere. how should i go about this, getting her sn would make me seem like a stalker, and i dont have myspace or anything like that.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Sex question, for girls, help with a friend I slept with?

    I had sex for the first time over the summer with a girl that I've liked since about 3rd grade. We had been hanging out a lot this summer, and one day, when her parents were gone, it just kinda happened. During the sex, she told me that she loved me and I told her that I loved her back. But since then, she hasn't talked to me. She hasn't returned my texts, calls, or IMs, and when I say hi to her in the hallway at school, the most I get in return is a "hey" and its a really reluctant hey, not a enthusiastic hey. So, ladies, I'm wondering, what gives? why isn't she talking to me? Is it embarrassment that she isn't a virgin anymore, or that she slept with me (I don't think I'm THAT bad), is it too awkward or what? I haven't told any of my friends about it, and I don't think that she's told any of her friends, and I really miss hanging out and talking with her, so if anyone can give me a reason, or some way I can make it better or w/e, please help.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • if you could change one thing about your life?

    would you, what would it be, and why?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How is Prop 8 (CA) Legal, and how do supporters justify it?

    My aunt is gay, and I care a lot about her, and I don't want any rights taken away from her. Though supporters say "It doesn't take away rights from Gays and Lesbians" isn't marriage a right? And why are gays and lesbians not good enough for that right? The same thing was going on with interracial couples years ago. Please, anyone who supports Prop 8, (or in Arizona Prop 102, and Florida Prop 2) explain your reasoning for backing it, because I am confused. (Just make sure your arguments aren't GAYS ARE PURE EVIL or something like that).

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Help with Les Miserables assignment for my World History class!?

    We just finished watching the 1998 film Les Miserables starring Liam Neeson (great movie btw) in my History class and I need a little help on the question my teacher gave out. I get most of them but I need help on 2 of them:

    1) Does Victor Hugo believe that all people are "good" or "evil" or are they capable of both things? Can a person's nature change? What in the film backs your statement?

    2) (I think I get this one but I'm not completely sure about it) Why did Jean Valjean steal the Bishop's silver? How was this act influenced by his experience in prison? Discuss the process of change that occured in Valjean after the Bishop "bought his soul back from Satan" with the silver. Would this bargain have been successful with every person? Why was Valjean subject to such transformation?

    any and all help is appreciated

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • What are your early pick for the Oscars? ?

    I know not much is out yet, but I want to get an early view anyway. Only for the Best Picture, Screenplay (original and adapted), Actors and Actresses, and director.

    ps. Any bets on how many people say "THE DARK KNIGHT!" to all of the above?

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What celebrity should I dress up as?

    Next week at my school is spirit week and we have to dress up as a celebrity tomorrow, I can't decide what to be, but it has to be easy and cheap,and preferably recognizable. I've already gotten suggestions for a bulldog with lipstick on (Sarah Palin), but can't find the mask, or a football player dragging a stuffed dog on a leash (Michael Vick) but I'm white. Any assistance is appreciated. THX

    2 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • I need a halloween costume!?

    Okay, so first a description: I'm 15, 6'1", 140lbs, with Brown hair to about the base of my neck.

    The options:




    Silent Bob

    Nurse Joker

    The Dude (The Big Lebowski)

    Marty McFLy

    Kurt Cobain


    Give a reason why, best reason gets the 10 pts!

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Top Ten Favorite Movies?

    I'm just trying to get a feel of what people's favorite movies are.

    Mine are:

    1) The Godfather

    2) The Departed

    3) No Country for Old Men

    4) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

    5) Fargo

    6) Wayne's World

    7) Shaun of the Dead

    8) Little Miss Sunshine

    9) There Will Be Blood

    10) A Few Good Men

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago