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Lv 31,157 points

Busy Mommy

Favorite Answers18%

Animal Lover and a Mom, A vegetarian and proud

  • Please Help.....Really Freaking out?

    Hi there,

    I took plan b on 13th April, got my period the normal way on 25th April but now after my periods I feel pregnant and get cramps. Do you think I might be pregnant? Is it possible to get your periods the normal way after plan b and still be pregnant? I did my Pregnancy test couple of days before my periods and it came negative. Please help

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Freaking Out....Please Help?

    Hi All,

    My last period was on 27th of March (1st Day) and I had unprotected Sex on 12th April, my husband ejaculated outside but then put it back in right away after wiping, took Plan B on 13th April about 28 hours later. I had some cramps after that for about 3 days but I am really worried now as the pharmacist told me that the period might be a week early. I am very nervous and anxious. I feel very tired and my back is hurting just like it does when I get my period but didn't get my period yet? Please help me and share your experiences. I don't wish to be pregnant and really feeling horrible now.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Why is this happening?

    Please share your experiences. I gave birth via c section in 2010 and pretty much was in control of my weight and flab just around the tummy, on my daughters first birthday I still had a good body and was relatively thin, after that things just took a down fall I have gained lot of weight and more than that my body is flabbier than ever, flab around my face, arms, tummy, thighs you name it. The other day i was just asked by someone as when I am due, i am not even pregnant. This upsets me to core I've never being a chubby person.

    Also, I am a vegan being Vegan for 4 years now, I love it and never turning back. Please suggest me as what to do and if this have happened to you?

    2 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • Why is this happening to Me?

    Please share your experiences. I gave birth via c section in 2010 and pretty much was in control of my weight and flab just around the tummy, on my daughters first birthday I still had a good body and was relatively thin, after that things just took a down fall I have gained lot of weight and more than that my body is flabbier than ever, flab around my face, arms, tummy, thighs you name it. The other day i was just asked by someone as when I am due, i am not even pregnant. This upsets me to core I've never being a chubby person.

    Also, I am a vegan being Vegan for 4 years now, I love it and never turning back. Please suggest me as what to do and if this have happened to you?

  • 2 year old out of control, please help?

    Hi All,

    My daughter will be 2 this April,and she is already out of control with her bahaviour and tantrums. She just doesn't want to eat, no breakfast, no lunch, no dinner, she is just happy with her juice and thats all, she just weights 7.5 kgs which I know is very under weight for her age.

    I suffer from anxiety and she would make me angry on purpose, if I tell her not to do a certain thing,she would do it umpteen times. I sometimes loose my cool when she screams and shouts and I have to hit her.

    Meanwhile she is ok with her dad, listens to him, plays with him, but its just me she got some rivalry with.

    I don't know what to do, please help/share your experiences.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Caramel Slice??????????????

    Hi All,

    I got vegan caramel condensed milk can but don't know what to do with it, can some one please help me with a yum caramel slice recipe using this can.

    Many Thanks

    2 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years ago
  • My 18 month old girl just want to share our bed?

    Hi all,

    Please help, I use to get my 18 month old on bed during winters so she doesn't freeze (as we noticed she use to wake up really cold in middle of the nights) but now she doesn't want to go back to cot, she yells, cries outrageously and goes crazy if I put her in cot even for those morning naps. All I have to do is sit on the bed and make her sleep besides me. This is getting really tough on me as I have to leave all my chores and sit there doing nothing.

    Also I tried letting her cry it out and putting her back in the cot but she just doesn't listen.

    Need Help/Tips please.

    Many Thanks

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Please Help-This is affecting my Marriage?

    I always tend to orgasm first and my husband never orgasms during our intercourse, can someone please give me tips for my hubby to orgasm before me or me carrying on for long time.

    This is really worrying me, as sometimes I don't even feel like having sex with him or shd i say mostly.

    Please help

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Please Help My Cat is acting weird?

    Hi All,

    My lovely Ginger Cookie is acting really strange. I think she is constipated. Since yesterday she goes to the litter box and just moves the cyrstals but doesnt pee or poop. Finally she pooped a bit last night,but today she is doing just the same thing not resting at all just quite restless, goes to the litter area constantly but doesnt do anything. We have some cardboard boxes for her to play and she just went into one of those and peed. I feel very very sad to see her this way. she is meowing alot too showing her discomfort towards something.

    She is nuetered.

    She is 2 and half years old.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Urgent help needed with my cats please?


    I got 2 cats Mani who is 3 and Cookie is 2, they are not related but been together for about 1 yr 10 mnths now. They loved and cared and played with each other as sisters as they are indoor cats, but since a month Mani is been acting bit strangely with cookie, hisses her, hits here and gets irritated at every occassion possible.

    Today both had a hugh fight in which cookie scratched Mani's nose which started bleeding. I am very concerned with whats happened as after that they pounce on each other all the time, they are in seperate rooms at the moment and fine but each time they come in front its the same all over again. Can someone please help me to get them together again.

    Many Thanks

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Dear Breastfeeding/Expressing Moms, Please help?

    Dearest Loveliest Mommies,

    I got a 3 month old baby and I express milk as we both can't cope with breastfeeding, past couple of days I've noticed my breast being very lumpy,but my right breast is worst than the left one, it is v v painful moreover their are several lumps and i guess its blocking my milk supply too.

    I've been to doctors and hence i m on antibiotics. I do have hot showers as advised.

    I am really scared and worried as what would happen, these lumps doesn't look like going away, it is painful, will i need a surgery, are their chances of it to get breast cancer?

    Please Help.

    One worried Mom

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Post Natal, please help :(?

    Hi ladies,

    I had a c- section on 7th of april and got my periods somewhere around 20th May, i am expressing milk and havent had sex too, but this month i m having a very light bleeding and really faint on and off, what could be the reason for this NO SHOW of normal regular period even after having a normal one after delivery. Is this normal?

    Please help.



    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Post Natal, please help :(?

    Hi ladies,

    I had a c- section on 7th of april and got my periods somewhere around 20th May, i am expressing milk and havent had sex too, but this month i m having a very light bleeding and really faint on and off, what could be the reason for this NO SHOW of normal regular period even after having a normal one after delivery. Is this normal?

    Please help.



    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • 1 Worried mom to be, PLEASE HELP,30 Weeks Growth Scan-Placenta Question, PLEASE HELP?

    Hii All,

    I had my growth scan today and doctors said placenta not functioning that well as it has to be.I really am very very worried and concerned, the baby's weight has just slightly increased. Did this happen with u, please please help me.

    Thanks All.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it normal for nearly 30 weeks of Pregnancy?

    Hii All,

    I am currently 29 weeks 3 days pregnant and since past couple of days I've been having this pushy feeling down there, it is like baby is actually pushing there, been having few braxton hicks for over half a month but yesterday I'd this squeezy feeling at both sides of my belly.

    This is my first baby and so i am pretty naive with all this.

    I am scheduled for scan tomorrow and so I might mention this to my doctors too.

    Is this by any chance close to labour?

    Thanks all of u in advance

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I dont feel like eating anything healthy, please help?

    Hi All Moms,

    I am 27 weeks pregnant and dont feel like eating anything, absolutely anything healthy, i can go with timtams, chipies all the day long, but whn it comes to actually food i dont feel like it, any suggestions please?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I just felt like Prawns yesterday and ate-?

    Hi all, I am 26 weeks preggers and i had a strong feeling for prawns yesterday, i ate couple, they were cooked and cleaned but in the restaurant, do u think its safe.

    Please help me

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Please lovely ladies help me??

    I am 25 weeks 4 days Preggers, And today is just not a day for me, I m feeling extremely sick and tired.

    I went for my scan couple of weeks ago and they said that ma babe is under weight, very concerned about that. Also, i have had a terrible morning sickness in the start of pregnancy and no food is still appealing to me.

    I am not eating well since been pregnant and just cant think of food, i force myself for the babies health but enjoy nothing.

    I am also a vegetarian.

    Has anyone felt like I do, angry, sad, etc etc.

    What should i do to force my eating patterns.

    Thanks all

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Calling all Vegetarian/Vegan Moms?

    Hii Mommys, just wanted to know if you were vegetarian/vegan during your pregnancy and is your baby the same, how do you cope and what are your experiences?

    Thanks for sharing :)

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Calling all Vegetarian/Vegan Moms?

    Hii Mommys, just wanted to know if you were vegetarian/vegan during your pregnancy and is your baby the same, how do you cope and what are your experiences?

    Thanks for sharing :)

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago