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  • How is it possible Trump invoked the "Capitol mob?"?

    The Washington Post just reported McConnel said that it was Trump who invoked the US Capitol break ins. How is this possible? Trump was still speaking when the break ins occurred and it's a 30 minute walk from where he was speaking to the US Capitol. It WAS all pre planned and obviously so by the left's ANTIFA as we ALL know now US Special Forces were mixed in with the Antifa group from early summer and were also dressed up as Trump supporters who successfully confiscated Pelosi's laptop and numerous Congressman's laptops which WERE LIVE ONLINE IN REAL TIME WITH CHINESE OPERATIVES while the electoral votes were being counted, and now they are all in jail including Pelosi. These people including McConnel just can't stop committing HIGH TREASON. Do YOU folks out there really think the military buildup in Washington DC is to protect the obvious criminal elect Biden who STOLE the military vote to "win." Yeah right!  Enjoy the show liberals!

    14 AnswersPolitics3 months ago
  • Want to see what the Insurrection Act looks like when invoked?

    Look at the military buildup in Washington DC. Trump is the ONLY one with the authority to command the US military to buildup like this. A military buildup for a virtual inauguration like the dipstick Biden team wants YOU to believe? Yeah right and get real! Many arrests have already been made. Sorry silly liberals, get your seat belts and crash helmets on!

    7 AnswersPolitics3 months ago
  • Pelosi, not to long ago, just said she wants Mike Pence to take over in 24 hrs. Only 9 days till Biden's "inauguration" She must be scared?

    You darn right she is scared, especially after the planned attack on the the most powerful capitol in the world with all of a sudden NO maximum security, and US Special Forces confiscated her laptop and phone. Real hard to see why Trump in preparation for the upcoming days had GITMO expanded a couple of years ago; doesn't it? LMFAO!  (Don't worry liberals there will be no inauguration for Biden at the capitol grounds, White House or virtual) The games are over. 

    6 AnswersPolitics4 months ago
  • Aren't YOU liberals happy US Special Forces were mixed in with the Antifa members dressed up as Trump supporters during the obvious setup?

    by the deep state sponsored by Democrats? These US Special Forces CONFISCATED Nancy Pelosi's laptop and she is freaking out! Crimes galore discovered! Liberals, when will YOUR handlers ever learn NOT to mess with Trump? Sorry, Trump will be inaugurated January 20, 2021. LMFAO! (These people are incredibly STUPID, just like their followers!)

    13 AnswersPolitics4 months ago
  • Why would you have to impeach the POTUS if only ten days are left in his administration, unless obviously fraud is currently being exposed?

    Obviously the people that want to do this are way in over their head in big time government fraud and are scared to death of what is going to be revealed and has been revealed. There is no other sensible, realistic reason why you would have to do this. ALL of the USA and world seen the obvious fraud, the recent and current censorship covering up their fraud and trying to silence 'We The People" Don't believe that? Watch this question disappear.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events4 months ago
  • Is it a BIG surprise that the Dominion voter machines went down at 10:00 AM  in the 3 biggest Republican voter precincts in Georgia?

    Hardly! Oh, no voter fraud here or anything to see. Voters that showed up and told the machines were down said they can put their vote into a envelope and "we will scan it for you."  Yeah right! ROYALLY LMFAO!  Georgia desperately needs some public hangings for TREASON!

    9 AnswersPolitics4 months ago
  •  Why are House Democrats  asking the obvious corrupt FBI for a immediate investigation into the phone call of Trump and Raffensperger?

    Because DEMON RATS are in immediate DESPERATION and are clearly PANNICKING! They have nothing "left."  LMFAO!

    4 AnswersPolitics4 months ago
  • How can liberals actually believe there is no voter fraud/election meddling?

    What I see liberals doing is not recognizing ALL the criminals Trump is exposing from the courts, to election officials (preventing ANY observance, obviously if you don't have anything to hide you welcome observance, don't give me this covid BS that it is the reason for not allowing ANY observance, when you go to Wal Mart anytime and be closer to ANYONE than the GOP were allowed to do observing) to Congress with the ridiculous 600 dollar payments, to the obvious bought and paid for liberal MSM purposely NOT reporting on ANY of this obvious voter fraud/election meddling, to 100s of thousands of votes with irregularities and more votes than voters. This whole thing has Martial Law and the invoking of the Insurrection Act of 1807 written ALL over it. How can you liberals actually be so ignorant to by pass ALL this evidence and continue to support these criminals in the deep state, that are members of Congress and judges in the courts? You call yourself Americans? Not even close! True Americans aren't that STUPID!

    10 AnswersPolitics4 months ago
  • So why hasn't Dominion/Smartmatic sued ANYONE yet?

    Is it because they are wayyyyyyyy in over their head? Is it because they are totally TERRIFIED of DISCOVERY?  You bet it is!

    3 AnswersRock and Pop4 months ago
  • So why didn't Joe Biden show up at the Army/Navy football game yesterday?

    Did you see and hear the roaring crowd of approval when Trump showed up? Biden would have been BOOOOOOOED completely out of the place if not mauled to a bloody pulp is why. Biden will NEVER be accepted as POTUS and neither will Harris. Period.

    5 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • So what is easier to back up, Trump's obvious voter fraud claims evidence everywhere and 40,000 person rallies? ?

    Or a Biden "win" with "80 million votes and 15 person "rallies?"  Now come on liberals this is complete logic which used to be called common sense that this Biden "win" is a complete falsehood with the corrupt courts and the corrupt liberal MSM playing their part in this obvious Biden "win" falsehood. The Trump administration knows this, as does the DNC, all the courts including the Supreme Court, the American People all the NEW RED seats now occupied in Congress and the whole world. So what don't you liberal supporters UNDERSTAND about these obvious and blatant FACTS?

    10 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • When is the obvious FLAKE Chris Wallace going to go join the pedophile Joe Biden news network CNN? (Criminal News Network)?

    After all Wallace said the same thing about Hunter Biden's laptop filled with pedophilia that CNN said. "There is nothing there." Wallace hangs with people that have visited pedophile island numerous times. He knows Joe Biden is a obvious pedophile backed up by dozens of videos of Biden acting inappropriately with small children and young girls on camera, imagine what the screw ball Biden does off camera and with Wallace's obvious approval, it's not hard to imagine, what Wallace does off camera with Biden obviously being his buddy; is it? Yet Wallace says there is no "evidence of Joe Biden is a pedophile.." Same thing he says with the obvious MASSIVE DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD/ELECTION MEDDLING EVIDENCE. Wallace is just clearly another liberal hack beaming brightly with the approval of pedophilia and lying directly to the American Public constantly and consistently across all venues.

    5 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • Notice how LIBERAL Chris Wallace wasn't hosting Fox News Sunday this last Sunday?

    Is this the "new" approach from the newly hired "critical management team" Fox News desperately had to hire after their blatant Un American liberalism exposure this last month to try and salvage what is left of Fox News? Good luck with that, because Fox News is DONE!  LMFAO! 

    3 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • Do you liberals realize Democrats have been rigging elections for 50 years?

    Search: "2016 videos of Democrats rigging elections for 50 years." Many videos will see and hear Scott Foval from the "United Way" clearly explaining how Democrats go about STEALING elections and how they explore different avenues/venues to do it. It is interesting to note that one of the videos, and that is just ONE of the videos explaining how the Clinton campaign plans to steal PA in 2016. The search revealed 16,900,000 results. No election fraud/meddling in 2020 liberals?  Go watch the videos, Democrats have been stealing elections for 50 years! LMFAO! 

    11 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • So liberals, provide a link to prove and back up Biden's VISIBLE human campaign support? ?

    Good luck with that liberal morons! Don't you mindless liberals ever get tired of "winning" in the most suspicious and blatantly obvious time of the day circumstances? Isn't it also odd liberals can never win in the daytime, when most people have their eyes on them? Do you mindless liberals really think you are fooling the absolute GIANT that voted for Trump? Do you mindless liberals actually think you are fooling the world? Don't you think you mindless liberals better come to the realization of just how heavily you are outnumbered? Sorry your slurrrrrring goof ball obvious pedophile Democrat candidate that doesn't know what planet he is on backed up by dozens of videos and even more videos proving his non support with a mountain of obvious and massive Democrat voter fraud evidence is not going to cut it no matter how or if the obvious dipstick Biden is placed in the Oval Office. The majority of this America that LEGALLY voted for Trump is royallypissedoffBIG TIME! Biden is the only presidential candidate in US presidential history that didn't have to actually campaign. Gee, I wonder why that was? Teleprompter "glitches?" LMFAO!

    6 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • Are you liberals going to be watching exposed LIBERAL Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday? Will exposed LIBERAL Carlson and Ingram join him?

    Maybe he will have the NEW crisis management team fox News just hired to try and fix their plummeting and never coming back ratings. You liberals should enjoy your NEW "CNN" channel along with it's ultra low ratings too! LOL!

    6 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • Why does Biden only have 19 million Twitter followers and Trump has nearly 90 million followers?

    Surely Biden would have more followers than Trump if he truly had the support to "win" a presidential election "elected" by the liberal MSM with no authority to do so in the first place. The DNC never did have the support, in fact there is NOT one photo/video proving Biden VISIBLY had more support than Trump. NONE!  Democrats can "win" only when no one is watching with blatant and obvious excuses to create opportunities to pull off their massive Democrat voter fraud like the whole USA and world recently witnessed and continues to witness. Liberal Democrats need to come to the realization of how heavily they are outnumbered real fast.

    9 AnswersPolitics5 months ago
  • Why is Obama going on 60 minutes Sunday night?

    Is he going to try and debunk the obvious widespread MASSIVE DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD? Go to YouTube and watch "Obama's America" If that doesn't explain a extension of this criminal's "presidency" with a Biden "presidency" nothing does, hence the obvious massive Democrat voter fraud to begin with. 

    15 AnswersPolitics6 months ago