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How can liberals actually believe there is no voter fraud/election meddling?

What I see liberals doing is not recognizing ALL the criminals Trump is exposing from the courts, to election officials (preventing ANY observance, obviously if you don't have anything to hide you welcome observance, don't give me this covid BS that it is the reason for not allowing ANY observance, when you go to Wal Mart anytime and be closer to ANYONE than the GOP were allowed to do observing) to Congress with the ridiculous 600 dollar payments, to the obvious bought and paid for liberal MSM purposely NOT reporting on ANY of this obvious voter fraud/election meddling, to 100s of thousands of votes with irregularities and more votes than voters. This whole thing has Martial Law and the invoking of the Insurrection Act of 1807 written ALL over it. How can you liberals actually be so ignorant to by pass ALL this evidence and continue to support these criminals in the deep state, that are members of Congress and judges in the courts? You call yourself Americans? Not even close! True Americans aren't that STUPID!


Beardog: Do you really believe that? If you do you haven't looked at the pardons that came about from these people being railroaded by again these deep state liberal judgers in DC. Go look at the cases. It was obvious and blatantly set up to frame these people. Go look ALL the actual hardened criminals Obama and Clinton pardoned. You can't even come close to comparison of the people that Trump pardoned vs that Obama and Clinton pardoned. Your liberal ignorance is the difference.

Update 2:

Jimbo: Let me refresh your memory and awareness of your obvious and blatant ignorance. You do remember the ranking members in the lower chamber changing their "Obstruction of Justice" to Obstruction of Congress" don't you? Obviously NOT because that is exactly what they did! Both are false and the these ranking members went ahead and obviously and blatantly violated the US Constitution and US Constitution impeachment procedure. 20,000 lies? The bought and paid for liberal MSM does your thinking.

Update 3:

Anonymous: What don't you understand about "the bought and paid for liberal MSM." I pointed out liberal's ignorance by not recognizing these deep state criminals in BOTH chambers and it's assistors the liberal MSM and the courts, and you came along and clearly validated it in your own words. You are a TRUE American? Not even close!

Update 4:

Ferfie: Well duh! This is what you folks need to wake up to! Don't you see any of the clear resemblances of 2016 and 2020 presidential elections? Obvious massive Democrat voter fraud in both elections. Hillary "won" the popular vote with dead and illegal people voting and voting machines changing votes from Trump to Hillary. That's well documented. Both Biden and Hillary had near 0 attendance at any of their rallies. Trump had consistent full blast high attendance rallies all the way through.

Update 5:

scott b: Now isn't this the classic and typical liberal ignorance answer, folks? You just can't think for yourself, can you? Exactly what the deep states wants and gets with morons like you. You question observance with Trump's taxes? Are you stupid? If there was any irregularities with Trump's taxes the IRS would be all over it. So what you are saying is YOU need to call up the IRS and tell them to be more observant? Go for it, let's see how far you ignorant liberal moron gets!  LOL!

Update 6:

Little Ms Sunshine: If Biden was so trust worthy he would have had more than 15 people show up at his events. You certainly did validate the liberal's ignorance with your answer. Go read the statement below my question again, you might learn something but I doubt it because you are just what the deep state wants, ignorant easily steered into thinking anything they want. You obviously need to WAKE up! My God are you people STUPID to think a obvious goof ball like Biden got 80 million votes. LOL!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Because we don't believe PATHOLOGICAL LIARS.

    You idiots on the other hand

    don't seem to understand what that is.

  • 3 months ago

    Plenty of fraud from both sides

  • 3 months ago

    Seems to me like Trump's team had lots of opportunities to prove fraud and has failed to do so because everything was kosher.

     But when Mueller tried to prove collusion Trump had to obstruct justice repeatedly and also hire a corrupt atty gen...oh, and also tell 20,000 lies to destroy truth itself---just so he could keep fooling his base for a few more years. 

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Liberals deep down know they cheated. They just do not care.

    They're deceitful and manipulative. Some are also just that stupid, and in denial.

    You're talking about sheep who never question the media, or their left wing fake news, nor what Democrats say to them.

    The covid hoax for example.

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  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Uhhh...I guess you don’t read the news much but spend too much time on yahoo answers because last time I checked not only do a lot of liberals not believe there was any election fraud/meddling but a lot of conservatives don’t believe it either. Check it out.

  • 3 months ago

    Trump lost the vote count in 2016. What makes you think it would be any different this time?

  • 3 months ago

    "obviously if you don't have anything to hide you welcome observance"

    Yeah.... like, observing your taxes or financials. Nothing to hide there, Trump should welcome observance, huh?

  • 3 months ago

    If you want to talk about criminals, let's talk about all those convicted criminals Trump has just pardoned for "keeping their silence" to protect him and about the parts they played in contriving the 2016 election of that Lazy Mooch in the first place. 

    Me and 81 Million of my friends, acquaintenances, and some folks I haven't met yet all voted for Biden because he is trust-worthy. 

    Trump is not trust-worthy. Lazy Mooch

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Right? Just because I went to court 60 times and only got one decision in my favor, that doesn't mean that I'm a lying con man using the lawsuits as a way to get people to contribute to my "legal fund" that sends most of its money to pay off my campaign debt! You sound like part of my base! Send money! You don't need it, but I do! MAGA!

  • 3 months ago

    What you call “exposing” he called pardoning. 

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