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So what is easier to back up, Trump's obvious voter fraud claims evidence everywhere and 40,000 person rallies? ?

Or a Biden "win" with "80 million votes and 15 person "rallies?"  Now come on liberals this is complete logic which used to be called common sense that this Biden "win" is a complete falsehood with the corrupt courts and the corrupt liberal MSM playing their part in this obvious Biden "win" falsehood. The Trump administration knows this, as does the DNC, all the courts including the Supreme Court, the American People all the NEW RED seats now occupied in Congress and the whole world. So what don't you liberal supporters UNDERSTAND about these obvious and blatant FACTS?


Never Enough: The question is obviously for adults only. Children like yourself, don't need to reply! So YOU are admitting YOU don't understand? No surprise, I guess. Always a liberal moron ready to reply with their usual liberal spew, ya know! Just can't use a ounce of common sense! LMFAO! 

Update 2:

Dan S. So YOU are telling me, the whole USA and world that everyone that just read your silly rhetoric is supposed to believe that a 15 person  "rally" qualifies for a "real silent majority" 80 million Biden vote turnout?  Have you completely lost your freaking mind?  LMFAO!

Update 3:

Anonymous: This "pandemic" that is so widely advertised has a death rate @ 1%. This is the same death rate as the flue. What is realistically going on here with this pandemic is it is used along with this obvious Democrat massive voter fraud, is to get rid of Trump and to convince the American People to "lock down" so the economy goes down and the globalist can institute their one world currency and control the USA and world forever, like what is goin on in Asia and Europe. Time to wake up!

Update 4:

Jason: But that is the point. How can the American People realistically accept a Biden "win" when they already KNOW he didn't win and already KNOW what is going to happen especially with the goof ball Biden coming from the proven miserably failed former Obama administration? A Biden "win" clearly, if you can call yourself a true American obviously cannot accept this BS and has civil war written all over it, which is what I fear the most. The Supreme Court must act appropriately with clear wisdom

Update 5:

Grundoon: Don't worry, you will never be accused of being as rocket scientist, that is for certain! LMFAO!

Update 6:

Don't you folks like the cowardly and ignorant answers coming from the responders that are to scared to post with their real names/handles and have to hide behind the "Anonymous" handle, not all of course but many? Do these people constantly and consistently always have to show their complete shallowness and blatant superficial "qualities." LOL!

Update 7:

Anonymous: Your not very bright are you? Your little speech you just gave is completely fruitless and without merit and clearly have let the obvious bought and paid for liberal MSM do your thinking for you for quite sometime. There was plenty of fraud in the 2016 election also. Clinton didn't "win" the popular vote, she was just like Biden, no one showed up at her "rallies" either. Both Clinton and Biden still have near 0 VISIBLE support compared to Trump and that's the most obvious point.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    So voter fraud is not "obvious".  In fact it's the exact opposite.  It's obvious that Biden won fair and square.  There's no evidence for fraud and no reason to suspect that there would be any.  Literally the only reason you're talking about fraud is because you don't like the outcome of the election.  I understand that feeling.  Welcome to 2016.  It sucks.  But claiming fraud because you lost is wrong.  Someone's got to lose each election.  This time it was your turn. 

    As for the idea that rallies are predictive of overall voting, that's pretty silly.  To start with, Biden's rallies had low attendance because he didn't seek large numbers.  Unlike Trump, Biden took coronavirus seriously from the beginning.  He realized that holding traditional large in person rallies was dangerous.  So he cancelled them.  The in person events he did hold were mostly small venue events with just a handful of people.  He also did some drive in rallies which had more people but still not the thousands which you normally see at rallies.  Trump didn't take corona seriously ever and he doesn't care about his supporters' lives and health so he continued to hold pre-pandemic style rallies.  These rallies ended up, by one estimate, killing 700 people.  But they didn't mean that Trump was going to win.  After all, even the largest in person rally is only a tiny tiny fraction of the people who will cast ballots.  There were over 160 million people who voted in 2020.  So a 40,000 person rally, such as you talk about 0.02% of all ballots cast.  It's statistically meaningless.  We can also see real world evidence of this in the 2016 election, which even Trump doesn't dispute the accuracy of.  Trump held large rallies there, which by your logic means he should have won.  But Trump lost the 2016 election, at least in terms of the popular vote, which is what rally attendance would supposedly be indicative of.  He got three million fewer votes than Clinton and got just 46% of the vote overall.  That right there shows you how little correlation there is between rally attendance and overall popularity. 

    What's actually crazy is to think that Trump would win.  I mean what on earth would ever make you think that?  The man is incredibly unpopular.  He's one of the least popular presidents in American history.  He got only 46% of the vote in his first election.  That's not only less than his opponent, it's less than any other Democrat or Republican this century.  He got just half a percent more than Michael Dukakis, a guy whose name is basically synonymous with "presidential loser:"  One he became President things weren't much better.  In fact, they were usually worse.  Trump holds the unique distinction of being the only president in the history of opinion polling to have never had 50% or more approval during his presidency.  Not once.  Throughout almost all of his presidency his approval rating was below, sometimes way below, his 2016 vote share.  In 2016, literally every national poll showed Trump losing to Biden, some by margins as high as 10 percent.  So why on earth would you ever think that this guy was going to win, let alone that he was some kind of unstoppable juggernaut who couldn't possibly lose?  I mean how could any adult be that disconnected from reality? 

  • 4 months ago

    Was third grade the best five years of your life?

  • 4 months ago

    Eric David Coomer, Vice President and Director of Strategy & Security at Dominion Voting Systems said on an Antifa chat that he made ******* sure Trump wouldn't win. That sounds like a confession to me. When it came to his hatred for Trump and Trump voters he was very public and stupid about it. 12 days before the election Eric David Coomer had the voting machines "updated" via USB which is exactly how U.S. Army Colonel and Cyber Warfare Specialist Phil Waldron who is an expert on automated voting machines said these machines can be corrupted. Coomer claimed the change was "minor" and did not require recertification. Nothing to see here, right? 

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    You're a child yourself dumbass 

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  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    I have not met one person who voted for Trump.

  • Leo
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Your rant is gibberish.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    K. Good .  See ya later 

  • 4 months ago

    LMFAO! Typical Trumpturd logic! Let me spell it out for you: Liberals believe in science/take COVID seriously, and aren't dumb @sses that crowd together during a pandemic.

  • 4 months ago

    Liberals are unable to read and understand what you said.

  • Dan S
    Lv 4
    4 months ago

    I know this is really hard to believe but here we go. People exist outside Trumps Hitler Ego rallies. The real silent majority is tired of Trump.

    Lets explain this so a Trump supporter can understand. We are in a pandemic. Most non Trumpers know to avoid big rallies and to social distance. We also had record amounts of a mail-in ballots. Again due to the pandemic. Hillary had 66 million votes just 4 years ago. Why is it so hard to believe Biden had 80 million? Trump had 73 million. Oh wait all of his votes are legit of course to the Trump supporter mind.

    Seriously why ask a question that is going to make you so angry when reading the responses?

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