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*~Proud Mommy~*

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  • What was your experience with pregnant Cats and early signs of labor and how long it took for active labor to begin?

    I rescue and foster animals, one of our more recent fosters is a female cat about 8-9 months old who is pregnant and we are expecting kittens any day now. We've monitored her Temp which close to 36 hours ago her Temp dropped below 100 degrees Fahrenheit and has stayed low. She has been very affectionate, grooming often, eating small amounts at a time, and sleeping a lot. We have her set up in a nesting area and are well prepared for her to have the kittens. I noticed about 10-11 hours ago that she had lost part of her mucus plug. She is very calm and relaxed but not wanting to leave her nesting area.

    What were signs your Cat was fixing to go into labor? How long did it take from the onset of symptoms to delivery? And what would your estimate be on how long it might be before we can expect kittens?

    1 AnswerCats5 years ago
  • Persistent cough that won't go away, what could it be?

    Persistant cough, fatigue, decreased appetite, and loose stools.

    None of this is like me, I have had this cough for over a month, my lungs do seem congested, I have been fatigued more than usual, I have had a decreased in appetite causing some weight loss as well as loose stools. I've been prolonging going to the Dr. but what do you think? Is this of some what concerning? What does it sound like?

    No negative answers please!!!

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases10 years ago
  • What does this sound like to you?

    A friend of mine has become very skinny. She weighs around 98lbs and is about 5ft 4in tall.

    She skips eating for a day or two, and doesn't eat anything, claiming that she just doesn't feel hungry. And then saying that it can sometimes be hard for her to eat, because she takes a few bites and feels full. And when she does feel full she gets fatigued.

    The only place she really gets most of her calories from is ensure and carnation instant breakfast. She will drink 3 to 6 a day of both. And every now and then she eats 1 to 2 meals in a day, never 3, and she goes days without food, and I'm beginning to worry about her.

    She says she doesn't think shes fat, that she sees shes really skinny, and I believe that but can you be anorexic and not think your fat???

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Financial assistance for Children with special needs?

    Is there any financial assistance for Parents of Children with special needs?

    I am 20 years old and a single Mother to two beautiful little boys, one of them in which has special needs.

    Financially it has placed a burden on me, and I am trying to see if there is any assistance I might be able to qualify for.

    Any information would be helpful!

    And please no harsh comments!

    Thank you so much!

    2 AnswersSpecial Education10 years ago
  • Ankle, Knee, and Hip pain...what could this be?

    For a few years I've been having ankle and knee pain, but nothing sever enough for me to have it checked out.

    The past few months however it has becoming increasingly worse, involving my hip as well as my ankle and knee.

    My ankles are weak and tend to roll when I walk, and I am assuming that this might be the cause of my pain throughout my knee and hip.

    I am considering seeing a Dr. in hope to find some comfort. But I am curious to see if anyone else had pain in these 3 areas, and what the overall issue was and what the treatment might have been.

    7 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • A question about Cerebral Palsy...?

    My son has been referred to see a Neurologist, they think that he might have CP.

    His symptoms are:

    High Muscle tone, stiffness in his legs


    Head tremors

    Weakness on left side

    I was wondering, how you discovered your LO had CP, and what signs they had?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • For those who have had c-sections?

    I can't help but feel a little negatively towards the fact that I've had 2 c-sections.

    Like I can't say that I ever gave birth, I never did, I laid strapped to a table and my children were cut from me. I get kind of jealous when I see or hear other people having babies. I feel like I didn't have mine. I love my children, I just feel so negatively towards their birth. And jealous of others.

    I feel like I missed out on my children's birth.

    Anyone else feel or felt this way?

    What can I do to not feel jealous. or negative about the way my children arrived?

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • How do cope with a sick child?

    I have a son who is almost 9 weeks old. When he was 2 days old he was air lifted to children's hospital because of breathing difficulties. He underwent surgery on his air way at 7 days old.

    Dr's are now discussing him having another surgery on his stomach, because his reflux is so bad.

    We are going to be meeting with General surgery in the next month as well as a neurologist.

    The Dr's keep telling me that something isn't right, but can't give me any kind of idea of what is exactly wrong with him. They say the can only guess, and they don't want to give me any kind of information based on a guess and they refer me to another specialist. They have also suggested I see a Dr concerning my son's vision.

    I never thought I would have to be going through anything like this. I am scared for my son. I don't know what to really expect right now. And not knowing is really hard. But sometimes I fear knowing could be even harder.

    How did you cope watching your child undergo surgeries, and tests...knowing that they are in pain and there is nothing that you can do but stand there and try to comfort them?

    It's really hard and I just need some advice.

    Please no rude comments.

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Potty training tricks and tips?

    Getting ready to start potty training my son. Any tips or tricks?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How could you go about finding out what nursing home a person is in?

    How could you go about finding out what nursing home a person is in, if you were shut off from the family and you only have a generalized idea of where that person may be?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • My baby won't turn his head to the left...any suggestions?

    My 2 month old baby refuses to turn his head to the left, he is constantly facing the right no matter if he is in his car seat, swing, if he is being held, or laying down. The ride side of his head is becoming flat. And I have tried everything except holding him 24/7 to get him to lay the other way. He doesn't track objects yet, so I can't even get him to focus on something to get him to turn his head, I've tried propping him.

    Any suggestions as to what I can do?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do you think...Baby shower question?

    My friend is due in May with her 2nd child a little girl...she has a 17 month old little boy.

    She is throwing herself a baby shower. Which I'm not sure if I want to go or not.

    The way I always heard it is you get 1 baby shower for your first baby, and that is it, and you don't throw baby showers for yourself.

    I only got one baby shower, and my Mother threw it for me for my first. I had another little boy 14 months later, and have plenty of hand me downs from his older brother, and everything I need, so I really didn't need nor want a 2nd baby shower.

    But since she is having a girl, does that make a difference in etiquette?

    What is your opinion???

    And would you go?

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My heart is breaking, what should I do?

    My 16 month old has been waking up and immediately throwing tantrums the last 3 days, and the tantrums continue periodically all day long. I just had a new baby who will be 8 weeks old tuesday.

    Today he woke up and got made when he couldn't get anything out of his sippy cup, so he through it, grabbed his cereal and flung it all over the place and screamed. I picked up the cereal and his sippy cup, and he flung his cereal again and threw his sippy cup screaming waking up my almost 8 week old. I told him that we don't scream and turned off the television, which we usually watch early in the morning together and he threw yet another screaming fit. I cried today, I just broke down. Maybe it's lack of sleep or hormones, maybe both, but I just keep feeling my little man doesn't love me anymore. And it really just jabbed at my heart when he acted this way yet again today.

    What am I doing wrong?

    And why is it that I feel the way I do, that he doesn't love me anymore? He was once so lovable early in the morning and now this?

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What is a funny moment you have had with your toddler?

    I keep a blog called Mommyhood and would like to post some real funny moments to shed some humor on one of the most exhausting, hectic, amazing job that us Mothers do!


    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • For experienced Mothers - Best way of dealing with terrible 2's in a 16 month old?

    16 month old - screaming, throwing fits and objects!

    What are ways you delt with well as what did you do to keep your sanity? lol

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Possible cerebral palsy or something else?

    Weird symptoms my 7 week old son seems to have

    (Note: After birth due to a condition with his larynx my sons oxygen levels would drop several times as low as 40%...after surgery his oxygen level will still drop as low as 70%)

    *Will not focus on faces - looks upward

    *Will only lay his head facing the right, tilted slightly upward...will not lay with his head turned to the left. (in his swing, while holding him, in his car seat, or laying flat...he's always in this position.)

    *Can grasp with his right hand, and have a slightly firm grip...cannot seem to grasp with left hand, and if he does he will only grasp with a few fingers and does not hold on but maybe 3 seconds.

    *He arches his head back, and curves his legs into c shape and becomes rigid...sometimes he will be straight and rigid, to try and get him into his car seat can be difficult because he becomes stiff enough that he can lay over top the bend of the car seat and not sit, just stay straight, and with little manipulation I can get him in there.

    He does not cry of fuss in anyways during the times he becomes just happens.

    I worry a little about cerebral palsy...are these possible signs?

    If not...what could this be.

    Or could this maybe just be normal?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Should I be concerned?

    My 7 week old does not focus on my face, in fact he avoids it. I've tried everything I can think of to get him to focus on my face, but he simply looks upward or kind of around.

    I can't get him to really focus on anything either, even a toy in front of him. And he does not track anything with his eyes. He looks at the ceiling a lot, be it light or dark.

    Should I be concerned?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can anyone get IUI (Intrauterine Inseminations)?

    Can anyone get IUI (Intrauterine Insemination's) or do you have to have a problem with fertility?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What is an average cost of IUI without insurance?

    What is an average cost of IUI without insurance and what is the success rate?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • A few Questions reguarding IVF?

    What is the cost of IVF and can you make payments?

    How many treatments are included if the first one does not take? (for you get 3 chances or just 1 chance and then you have to pay the cost all over again.

    And what are the chances of becoming pregnant when using IVF?

    It's something I'm just considering at the moment, and really do not know much about it. Will be discussing it with my Dr. Monday, but was wanting to know a little before I go.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago