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Lv 32,434 points

Linzi LEW

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  • cat keeps getting matted fur help!?

    please can anyone give me some advice,ive got a 1 yr old male cat he was abandoned at approx 3wks old i adopted him at 9wks old when we brought him home my older cat used to wash him all the time i honestly dont know if this made him lazy but he never washes himself he looks permanently greasy and for the past few months he has had awful matted fur,i have tryed bathing him and it was a nightmare it frightened the life out of him and i felt awful i had put him throu that (i'd never do it again) he hates being brushed and bites and claws me when i try ive also tryed various de-matting sprays(which dont work) and snipping them off but he gets in such a state im affraid im gonna cut be truthful he's looking realy scruffy im not sure what else i can do any hints or tips r much appreciated thankyou xxx

    5 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • new cat owner what is this?

    ive adopted 2 birman cats female aged 6 boy aged 4 they have both been neutered. i noticed last night when having a cuddle the female has these very small almost grit like lumps near her tail and on her back what on earth is this??? the previous owner told me that they had both been frontlined ive got to be truthful i have no idea what this could be ive never experienced this with my other cats ....please help thanks x

    4 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • bankruptcy right or wrong decision?

    i will get straight to the problem myself and my husband are in massive financial difficulties.we are both self employed and have been for the past is nearly non exsistent.we have approx £40,000 of debt between us averaging approx 10 creditors we are struggling to pay for gas/electric etc without the loans,credit cards etc life is a huge worry at the moment especially having two young children to look after (we do not claim any benefits)were honestly not sure wether the best thing would be to declare bankruptcy but are worried sick we will lose our house (we already have a suspended repossesion order house has no equity worth approx £100,000 mortgage of £135,000 also we have 1 vehicle which is a works van which is paid for worth approx £2,500 will we lose that we dont live a lavish life and everything else we own in way of furniture etc is old and worn.please,please help answer my questions im not sure which way to turn .thankyou x

    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • 2 kittens desperate help needed?

    i had my first kitten about 7 weeks ago he's now 4 months old called noah and is an absolute pleasure to have about so much so i decided i'd love another .after a lot of thought and advice on here i decided to go for it.we adopted a little 7 week old orphan kitten.he is also a little delight.we called him oscar.i followed all the advice i was given on here about introducing them slowly,and to say the least it isn't going so worried.noah will have a sniff then walk away he then tries to pounce on top of him and is trying to bite him on the neck,i watch over the kitten at feeding and toilet times as noah tries to corner and attack him,i just put my hand in the way and tell him no but the body language says hes in kill mode!i knew it was going to take a while and im not expecting them to be big friends this soon,maybe they never will but its the aggression im finding hard.please,please help any advice you can give me i will appreciate.thankyou.

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • should i get another kitten?

    ive never owned a cat before and and 6 weeks ago after a lot of thought and consideration i got a kitten .noah is now 14 weeks old and if i had known what owning a cat would be like i would have had one years ago,he is an absolute pleasure to have around and never fails to have us in fits of laughter with his anticts,hes a star!and we love him to bits so much so i would like to get another,i need your advice cat owners as like i said before this is our first cat,and im still learning.noah will be kept as an indoor cat as we live by such a busy road i feel its safer that way ,on speaking to the vet when he had his jabs she did mention that indoor cats are better kept in pairs,and thats what got me thinking seriously about another but im still concerned about things like will they get on?boy or girl?(noah is not old enough to be neutered yet),will noah feel pushed out?do they tend to fight i could go on and on any advice you can give will be so helpful.thanks very much.x

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • getting a kitten help please.? seriously thinking about getting a kitten,i have never owned a cat before and need some advice before i decide i can give it a proper loving home.can you help with advice on things like how many times a kitten should be fed(im talking about a young kitten prob 6-10 wks old) what should it be fed, im worried about things like letting it out,should i look for a boy/girl? how should i introduce it to my 2 dogs? where should it sleep?how often should it be played with etc,etc.i know im sounding realy thick but im totally in the dark,ive only ever owned dogs and think im a very good dog owner.i dont want to get a kitten not knowing nothing about at home all day so company is not a problem,please help thanks.x

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • birthday present husbands 40th?

    hi all thanks in advance for taking time to read,anyway its my husbands 40th birthday in november and i am completely stuck on what i can get for him,i want it to be something special as its a BIG birthday,he has made it quite clear there are to be no partys (party pooper lol) we already have a holiday booked for january so another before then isnt affordable,so that leaves...??????????????????ive realy no idea please,please help all sugestions are greatly received.xxxxxxxxxxxx

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • egypt in january clothes help please.x?

    hi .off to sharm el sheike egypt in january ive heard the weather is supposed to be warm during day but chilly by night .i will take a fleece or warm cardigan but what is suitable to wear with it? should it be summer wear eg/dress,skirt,short trousers,or should it be jeans or long trousers and t.shirt? thanks for ur

    5 AnswersEgypt1 decade ago
  • off to tunisia in june can you translate please?

    hi.ive asked some questions a week or so ago relating to things to expect when on holiday in tunisia.its now entered my mind that it would be nice to learn a few simple words in the language.please can you help.thanks very much once again.x

    HELLO =



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    2 AnswersTunisia1 decade ago
  • what should i do family probs?

    my brother was married just over two years ago.him and his wife both use drugs and drink quite a bit.their relationship has never been the best the week before their wedding they were witnessed fighting outside their home.why the hell they got married i will never know.just after xmas after downing the drugs and alcohol they had another arguement which resulted in him hitting her quite badly ,he is in court next week and by god he deserves everything he has coming to him i dont condone a man hitting a woman nor the other way around.anyway he's now living back with my parents a week ago he tryed taking an overdose and failed because his wife phoned the police to alert them,my parents were shopping at the time and returned to find the police kicking the door down,he was sent to the mental hospital and disscharged after 2 parents had him back.anyway to cut a long story short his wife has started to send me mallicious,rude,upsetting emails,and i cant understand why im not the one that beat her,i know im the sister but ive never got involved with their business,i understand she's angry and upset but i cant take no more why should i?my brother has also now started to tell her things about my parents that are not true shes getting angrier by the minuit and im affraid of what she might dad was diagnosed with cancer not so long back and i feel for him so bad putting up with all of this.ive tryed speaking to my parents i want them to tell him to go but they wont .please help what can i do.x

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • tunisia a few questions?

    hi.we have booked a holiday in tunisia in june we are staying in skanes,it is a place we have never visited before and was hoping for some help with a few questions.

    1) what type of weather should we expect?

    2) how do you pronounce skanes?

    3) how do you pronounce dinas?

    4) how many dinars are there to the british pound?

    5)what is the tobacco allowance to bring back to the uk?

    6)is tunisia expensive for tobacco,alcohol,soveniers etc?

    i know its quite a lot i'd like to know and it is ignorance on my part but any answers will be very much appreciated.

    4 AnswersTunisia1 decade ago
  • what to get my hubbie 4 christmas?

    my husband and i have been married for 6 yrs ,together for 8 yrs and have 2 children.every year at xmas i like to get him a real nice gift,over the years theres always something ive thought have and hes been over the moon with my choices.this year however im completely husband and i normaly exchange pressies on xmas eve when the children are in bed ,its like our little special time, without our giving and receiving getting in the way of the little ones excitment in the morning.please help hes a gorgeous,kind,and extremely loved hubby and i want to give him something special.thanks.

    4 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • can you give me some ideas on colour please?

    my kitchen is in desperate need of re decorating,its starting to look quite the mo the walls are boring old kitchen units are beach wood i have black worktops,black tiled floor ,and black accessories.the splashback tiles are also stuck for a fresh new colour thats gonna look good with the exsisting colour scheme ,i dont want to go to the expense of changing everything else.i also dont want to be painting my tiles which i think looks tacky.thanks for your

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • ive paid £175 deposit but want to cancel do you know?

    hi all.done a silly spur of the moment thing and booked a holiday going to tunisia next may.ive paid £175 deposit the total holiday cost is £1560.ive been on the trip advisor and holiday watchdog sites to look up the resort and hotel.

    the soviva resort port el kantouie.

    my god all the reviews are realy bad and to be truthful the place sounds like a dump,im realy concerned and i now dont want to not realy sure what to do .i rang thomas cook thismorning the advisor said "we have had very good reviews about the hotel and you cant listen to silly reviews" i think she was trying to palm me off...........please help i realy dont want to be wasting our hard earned cash on a holiday were going to regret .what can i do?thankyou for your help/

    4 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • why are turkish men believed to be such perverts?

    just returned from a week in turkey.before i went people would say "dont go to turkey unless your willing to be perved over" the turkish men touch you ,stroke you etc even if your husband is there and be careful with your kids because if their fair they touch them up too.this was on my mind continuously before and during our stay ,but never once did i experience this not myself or my blonde headed kids.infact i think the turkish men were the most pleasant people i have ever met,so kind,and helpful........was i just lucky ....or do people just make these things up......or is it just wishful thinking!!!!i would love to know your thoughts.

    21 AnswersTurkey1 decade ago
  • why did we all get so sick on holidays?

    we have just had a holiday in turkey which we all loved it was fab.however when we were there there were a lot of kids ill .....all had sickness & the kids also got it but thank god not till the day after we got husband and i are also not feeling 100% its now been nearly 2 weeks since we have been back the kids are fine but me & hubby are not eating and are having stomach cramps,we were very careful while out there in what we ate and never drank anything other than bottled water ,no ice in drinks no salads no fish etc....whats up with us i loved turkey so much yet im affraid to return because we have been so unwell.thanks for your help.xx

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • what kinds of tobacco can you get in turkey?

    hi.just wondering if you can get golden virginia tobacco over in turkey and can you get british makes cigarettes?eg/lambert&butler.thankyou.

    1 AnswerOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • turkey weather do you know?

    going to turkey next week ,heard there have been some real bad floods there!!!!is this correct?what is the current situation?we are staying in would be my luck to be honest to go and for it to rain or flood etc.thankyou helpers much appreciated.

    4 AnswersTurkey1 decade ago
  • why do i feel like this after watching flight 93 film?

    posted a question last week on how i could help myself to become less terrified during a flight,i am the world worse flyer i am an absolute state when i am in this situation.i went to see my g.p who offered me valium which i refused because of the fact they can become addictive and the fact that i need to look after 2 children during the flight.probably the stupidest thing in the world you would have thought ,but i watched the flight 93 film about the hijacking of the plane on 9/11,absolutely heartbreaking and unimaginable what the passengers and their family's went through that day,rest in peace to all those who lost their lives and my heart goes out to all the familys of those people.watching that film has made me not more frightened but actually quite relaxed and brave about the flight and i realy dont know why........after years of hate and anxiety comes peace and relaxation!!!!!WHY?.....

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • terrified of flying can you help?

    ive been going abroad for some years now,ive never realy liked flying that much but have done it simply for the holiday!!!we stoped going abroad for 2 yrs as we had very young children,we chose to holiday in britain until they were a bit older.anyway for the past 3 yrs we have started going abroad again,but i have developed a huge fear in flying,everytime we go i feel worse,i realy dont know why,we are going away in 3 weeks time and i am now at the stage where i cant eat,or sleep and my tummy is continuously in knots.i have spoken to my doctor who has said its very common and if you like i will give you some valium!!!!i rejected the pills i know they may help but their also known to be very addictive....i would rather not ......and besides i will have 2 kids to look after on the basicly wanted to know if there was anything else i could do to help calm my nerves,or possibly something herbal,can you understand why ive suddenly become so fearful???? any help will be much appreciated.thanks.xx

    2 AnswersHealth & Safety1 decade ago