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  • Can you help with my C++ homework?

    I promise I am not trying to get anyone to do my homework for me, but I'm not even sure what my instructor mean when she asks for the type. I know what all the declarations mean and I'll be able to find the values but I don't understand what I should write for "type."

    Here's the question:

    11. Given the following variable declarations, determine the type and value of the expressions that follow. (2 points each; 8 points total)

    char c = ‘c’;

    bool b = false;

    int x = 3, y = 8;

    double z = 11.0;

    Type Value

    a.) (x – y) / (7 % 5) _______________ _______________

    b.) ((x >= y) && !(b)) || (c == 'd') _______________ _______________

    c.) (x != 3 && y > -3) || ((3 * 3) > z) _______________ _______________

    d.) (z + 1) / 24 _______________ _______________

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • I was a jerk, but should I call him?

    I have a complicated friendship. I met this guy who was pretty antisocial and it intrigued me. I tried really hard to be his friend and include him in things. BTW he isn't awkward he just doesn't like many people at all. It took a year before he finally called me his friend and he became my best friend. I basically fell in love with him, but he is in love with his ex who still keeps in touch (though usually for manipulative reasons). It's really hard on me to deal with his rejection but I still love him as a friend. Lately he's been pretty hard to deal with though. He has been drinking a lot and in the past just gotten mad at me and said he doesn't want me around but I've always been nice to him.

    I guess recently my patience has just worn out mostly because of his drinking (he gets kind of mean, not physically just being rude) and ex girlfriend. I once told him the same thing he told me about not wanting him in my life because it was best for me but this time I deleted him on Facebook, stupid I know but he had told me it would upset him. The next day I felt so bad because I honestly love him and think he needs a friend and we kind of patched things up, but I didn't press him to readd me (by then he'd blocked me.) Ever since then, I've felt like I'm just annoying him. I always ask him if I bother him (we're extremely open) and he just won't answer which is not like him at all, he loves to be blunt at the expense of someone else's feelings.

    Lately he's been pretty distant so I tried to bring up things we both like. Well the last time I did he just got mad at me and told me I am a pain. Obviously that made mad and I told him to delete my number and that I was sorry to be a pain. He got mad at me for telling him to delete my number and eventually said he would. The next day I told him I felt like he didn't want me around so that's why I asked him to delete my number and I was sorry for being mean. He never replied.

    It's been two weeks since we've talked, very unusual for us and hard for me. We normally talked every day so this is weird for me. I'm going to be in the town where if lives soon and I was thinking of calling him to see if we can work things out or at least get a final goodbye or something.

    What do you think, should I call him or just let us lose contact? We have no mutual connections and we're both moving far away so we will most likely never run into each other again but I'll always wonder about him.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Know of any good matte makeup?

    I have the hardest time finding matte eye shadow in a drug store. I like MAC but I just don't want to spend that much money since I change make up a lot. I have found a matter pallet by Sonia Kashuk with 12 colors for $20 and might get that, but does anyone else know of good matte eye shadow?

    2 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • I found some old stamps, what kinds of stamps are important or valuable?

    I found a book of stamps my great grandpa collected when he was little. The book has a map of various countries from around the world and places for many types of stamps. He succeeded in collecting stamps from all over the world, some stamps have post marks and some do not. They are probably from the late 20's to early 30's, but I'm not exactly sure.

    My great grandma wants me to sell them on craigslist for her, but I really want to keep them. Either way I'd like to know if anyone knows of rare stamps that I should be looking out for. I would really appreciate any help! Thanks

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • Does the no chew spray for dogs work?

    I have the most aggressive chewer ever! I want her to have nice bed, but she wants to chew it up to get stuffing. She sleeps on a torn up blanket now, but I want her to be comfy. Does the no chew spray work? If I spray it on her bed, will it keep her from chewing on it or will it turn her off of the bed all together?

    4 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How should I approach this guy?

    I have played volleyball at the same venue every friday for the past two years and during that time the same guy has worked there. I think he's so adorable and he generally says hi or waves at me as I'm on my way to the gym. I'm just a very shy person and have never said anything more than hi or asked for an extra ball. I would really like to get to know him but idk how to approach him after such a long time of barely speaking to him. I don't even know his name lol Any advice?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Does my dog need Frontline during winter?

    We live in Kansas, it gets pretty cold and snowy for most of the winter. My dog doesn't like being outside too much but we take walks through the woods sometimes. We don't have problems with fleas in our house. Is it necessary to keep applying Frontline while it's so cold?

    6 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • What human foods should I not feed my dog?

    I don't often give my dog food other than dog food, but sometimes I like to treat her (usually only natural foods). So I obviously know about the chocolate thing and chicken bones, but for a while I was giving her grapes and later read they can be poisonous to them. Are they're any other things I should not feed her?

    15 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Help with birthstone necklace for mom?

    I want to get my mom a necklace with me and my brothers birthstones, but the one necklace i really like has space for 4 birthstones. Is it weird to include my mom and stepdads birthstones as well or to do me and my brothers stones with two plain diamonds?

    I'm really set on this necklace, but if I asked them to make it with only two places for stones it would be weirdly unsymmetrical. So what do you all think I should do?!

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • What are some things chosen at random?

    I'm making a parody of a poem which as a main theme dealing with chance, like things happen at random. So I need a topic, any ideas of things that occur by chance? The more out there the idea, the better

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Any tips for making a parody of "Hap"?

    I have to make a parody of the poem "Hap" by Thomas Hardy. Basically, the speaker wishes there were a more powerful figure to explain his misery give him relief by death, but he knows these things are caused by chance.

    Any suggestions on where to start? I have no ideas of what to use as a parody, any suggestions or tips will be greatly appreciated!! Here is the original poem:

    If but some vengeful god would call to me

    From up the sky, and laugh: "Thou suffering thing,

    Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,

    That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!"

    Then would I bear it, clench myself, and die,

    Steeled by the sense of ire unmerited;

    Half-eased in that a Powerfuller than I

    Had willed and meted me the tears I shed.

    But not so. How arrives it joy lies slain,

    And why unblooms the best hope ever sown?

    Crass Casualty obstructs the sun and rain,

    And dicing Time for gladness casts a moan. . . .

    These purblind Doomsters had as readily strown

    Blisses about my pilgrimage as pain.

    1 AnswerPoetry10 years ago
  • How cold is too cold for a dog?

    I have a dog who I keep in doors as I live in an apartment. She is a spaniel mix with medium length hair. I always feel guilty leaving her outside while at my moms house because I'm paranoid she's going to get too cold because she doesn't have a dog house there. The yard is mostly shaded and she sleeps under a bush or right on top of a big plant. At what temperature should I stop leaving her out while I'm in class (about 5 hours)? Tomorrow's high is 57 and I feel so guilty to leave her out.

    6 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • What do you want invented?

    I totally want a heated ice cream scooper, but it's already made :(

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What kind of low maintenance fish should I get?

    I want a pet fish, but I'm out of town about 4 days a week. I also need one that can live in a small bowl with no filter (I am home enough to clean the bowl). Are there any fish that can handle this?? If so, what shall I name it?

    9 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Is Frontline from Walmart less effective?

    I was just wondering if anyone thought Frontline for dogs from Walmart was less effective than from a vets office.

    9 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How to keep my dog from destroying things?

    My dog is about 9 or 10 months old. She has all of her adult teeth and is fairly calm. We've worked on training her and she does pretty well. But she has terrible problems biting and completely tearing things apart.

    Her bites range from small nips to biting as hard as she can, but she seems to realize she can't bite children. We've tried yelping when she does it, thumping her nose, telling her "off" which she knows, and spanking her (lightly). Are there any other things we can try? We don't use her kennel as a form of punishment.

    The other problem is, she destroys things! Thankfully, it's just been her dog toys but the day we get her new toys she completely tears them apart. For example, I brought home a new toy that is a rope with a tennis ball on it about an hour ago. She already tore the ball apart. I mean like in pieces no longer attached to the rope. And last week I got her a rubber toy she tore into tiny pieces the same day I got it.

    She gets lots of bones, treats and food. So she's not hungry and she has appropriate things to chew on. Does anyone have ideas of how to correct her behavior?

    7 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How can I get this guy?

    So, there's a guy who used to work for my mom....her favorite. While he worked for her, I saw him often and kind of bonded with him cuz his taste in music and I liked his girlfriends band. He quit the job to move to another city with his girlfriend who later dumped him. Since he's been gone, we've kept in touch by facebook and he sometimes meets my family for lunch when we're in the town he lives in.

    So over the past few months, he's been commenting on my stuff and talking to me a lot on facebook and I've decided I want to go out with him. He's very very alternative, which I am not. I'm not sure if he would be into me since I'm pretty mainstream. But there are bigger problems.

    First, he worked under my mom. Is that weird? Conflict of interest? I don't know how my mom would take it haha. But biggest problem is, I am 20 and he is 33. I don't really mind the age difference, but he is closer to my moms age than he is to mine. Also, he once commented to his friend that I am "significantly younger" than he is, which makes me think the age difference would be a problem to him.

    So what do ya think about this? Should I just forget about it?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Star wars help please?

    So, I'm into this guy whose very into star wars. I want to attempt to enjoy it without his help. So can anyone tell me like the order of the movies? When I say he's into it, I super into it. I don't want to watch it with him in case I get bored, I won't want to sit through it just to make him happy. So any pointers would be great! Thanks!

    4 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • Anyone know about Art History scholarships?

    I'm majoring in art history and plan on getting a PhD, but I know it will be expensive. I also want to do some research on my own in art crimes. I know some of my friends are paid to do research in scientific fields, but the art department doesn't really have programs like that hahaha.

    Does anyone know of private places or companies that offer scholarships specifically for art history majors or research funding?

    2 AnswersHistory10 years ago