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  • What to do about my family?

    My husband and two teen kids are mad at me because I am sick with lupus and I can't do everything they want of me. I can't drive my kids everywhere all the time and I can't run my husbands errands all over town. I am sick and in severe pain all day everyday and they just refuse to believe that lupus is that bad. I don't know what to do. They see me sick and hurting but they must suffer from amnesia cause they magically forget. What should I do?

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • help! lupus and no one believes me.?

    i have just been diagnosed with husband,mother and sister do not believe mom says i am a lying piece of **** and she can not stand sister says the only illness i have is mental. my husband says that i am making it all up for attention and that i forced the doctors to give me 21 prescriptions a day and that i like to take all the toxic meds with nasty side effects.most days i am so sick i just cant get out of husband says i am just being lazy and dont want to do housework.i have somehow managed to keep up with 2 kids,6 pets and a large house despite how sick i husband is cruel and lazy. i am in tremendous joint pain all day.the pain of hearing my mom and sis call me a liar and the pain of my own mom calling me a piece of **** are enough,then add in my own husband.i can not work because of this disease and so i have no friends,no family and no one at all to talk to.i have never felt so all alone and terrified in my husband comes home from his 8 hour a day job,eats the dinner i cooked and sleeps away the evening on the couch while i continue with dishes,kids,pets laundry and all the other chores i allready have been doing since 4 am.i am exhausted and lonely and terrified and sick of all the meds, and hospitals and doctors.i am just sick of liveing. i ask myself,what for?

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • what to do about mom and sister?

    i am 35 years old,mom of 2.i was just diagnosed with systemic lupus.i have to take high doses of steroids so that my immune system does not attack my organs and kill me.the steroids cause significant weight mom and sister have used this to their advantage to bully me horribly.they call me a fat piece of sh**,chubby and say that if i am so fat and chubby then i must have munchausens syndrome,where you make up being sick for attention.when i asked my mom and sis to please just leave me be my mom said "oh,just bite me" and my sister said the only illness i have is mom then called my utility companies and had my phone,gas and electric shut off to "show me a lesson" and to show me that everyone has a cross to bear.she pretended she was me on the phone, and now i cant get my utilities back on without going to the companies and showing my id. i am too sick from the lupus to leave the house. i have hemolytic anemia and am too weak to leave.i have arthritis in my feet,ledgs and hands and can not my mom and sister are threatening to come to my home and drag me to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation cause they think i am harming my kids by lying about having lupus.i am at my wits end,any ideas?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • what to do about family problem?

    i am 35 year old mom of 2. i have just been diagnosed with lupus. i am very ill from this disease. when i told my mom and sister they called me a liar.they said that i looked "chubby and healthy with a full head of hair" so i couldnt be sick.this hurt,but its not the worst.when i demanded that they quit calling my home and leaving nasty messages on my answering maching about me being mentally ill, and needing to admit that i have munchausens syndrome (which is where you fake an ill ness for attention),my mom called me a piece of s*** and said to "bite me". she then called my utility companies and acted like me and had my phone, heat, water, and electric turned off. i am at my wits end and dont know what to do?


    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • what to do about my evil family?

    my mom and sister constantly berate me.they write evil things all over facebook about mom calls me a piece of **** and says that she is going to have all of my utilities shut off,they are in her name cause i am sick with lupus and i could not afford to have them put in my name after she moved out,cause my meds are too expensive.i am worried.what will i do? they call me mentally ill and say that i am making the illness up.they post this all on facebook.i am so ashamed and embarrassed. i am worried about what i will do when my mom shuts off the utilities,which I pay for,even though they are in her name.i will ahve no phone to call an ambulance if i get ill,no heat for me and my i said, i pay for these.i have never asked her to support me.i just can not afford the deposit to HAVE THEM PUT IN MY NAME.they now have my whole extended family calling me names such as piece of ****,coward and munchasan syndrome girl. i am so hurt.what should i do? isnt there a law against slander on the internet? my friends and colleagues,and my kids teachers can all see this,it is humiliating.i am very ill right now with hemolytic anemia from the lupus and i cant handle this.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • what to do about bullying?

    my teen son age 15 is bullying me,his mom.i live in fear of him every day.he was such a sweet little boy and when he started high school a year afo he changed.he is moody,mean,and a big bully,but only to me.i have a disease called lupus and he tells me everyday that he can not wit for me to die a slow miserable death.he tells me how much he loves his friends moms and what an awful mom i am.needless to say my heart is broke.what happened to my son?he came home yesterday and said that his friend told him that he should file a restraining order against me for psychological abuse,{he claims that i trap him in the house and never let him do anything}.this is untrue.everytime he asks to do anything 9 times out of 10 he is allowed.he says that i am a bad mother because i never got him into sports.i tried.i asked him whenever baseball and football rolled around if he would like to he would say,i am not into that.some people arent so i never pushed it.he is extremely smart and always was an a student in,his grades are slipping bad and i do not even know him.he is not running the streets,i know where he is at all times.i tell him to do his homework after school every day and i know where he is on the weekends.i just dont understand this behaviour.he hits,yells,cusses and degrades me is so bad that i breath a sigh of relief when he leaves for school and watch the clock with dread for him to return home.i am ashamed of this.he is my son and i love him more than life itself.what can i do? what is wrong with him?

    5 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • i was just diagnosed with lupus.idon't know what to do about this with my family?

    i was just diagnosed with lupus 2 months ago.i juat got out of the hospital today after my spleen burst a week ago.after getting home my husband started a fight with me because he wanted to go buy a tool box and i needed medicine with the money.he yalled at me "youre always sick,just go committ yourself!" and then he punched my oven which is a glass top and shattered it.then my 15 year old son and 13 year old daughter came into the kitchen while i was crying hysterically and told me they hoped that i died a slow and miserable son states thet he should get a restraining order against me because of the psychological abuse of me being sick is putting a damper on his life {because i cant drive him anywhere}.my family constantly berates me like this.i dont know what to do.i am getting sicker and sicker.i am scared and mom says to quit whinig ccause there are little kids sick at st. judes who have it worse than sister says that i am delusional and that i made the doctor tell me i am sick,even though i have had all the blood tests come back positive and have been hospitalized with kidney failure and now my spleen.i am on chemo now cause none of the other drugs were hair is falling out and i puke all day.i drive myself to the hosspital and home and carry on with work and housework like usual.i feel like i am going to die.i dont know what to do.

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • anyone know anything about lupus meds?

    i have lupus.newly diagnosed.been on plaqueil and prednisone for 6 weeks getting worse everyday.called doc and told him this and he lowered my prednisone it is terribly bad.doc gave me darvocet for the pain which made me violently ill.i just want to surl up and is feet hurt so bad i can barely knees are giving out under me and my hands hurt so bad they are useless.right hand is constantly numb from carple tunnel from the lupus.swelling and pain deffinitely worse since the prednisone lower.why would he lower the prednisone when i called to say that i was getting worse?shouldnt he have raised it?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • what to do about my mother?

    I am seriously ill with lupus.I was just diagnosed.As I was just in the process of a million medical tests and hospital visits and very ill,my mom decides to take a cruise and leave me with her 9 pet cockatiels to care for for 2 weeks.Then she does not call me once to check on me.When she returns to pick up her precious "babies"[the birds] she doesnt even ask me how I am doing.She complains because some how her bird has injured its wing,it looked fine to me.She goes home and then calls me a week later and says that her bird died,and it is all my fault for not seeking vet care.It got an infection,this is after it was home for a week with her.I tell her that I can not deal with that right now as I am trying to keep lupus from killing ME. She tells me to quit whining,grow up and learn that we all gotta die sometime.She then tells me to tell my problems to the little faces at st. judes childrens hospital cause I aint got it so bad.She tells me that lupus is treatablae and to just take my pills.I have been for months now and I am getting worse,no better.She sent me a nasty email on my birthday saying that I am the cause of her poor birds death,and all she has left is a bag of ashes{apparently she had it cremated].she wants me to repay the hundreds of dollars in vet bills and she went into detail about how she had to watch her poor bird suffer greatly for 9 days and that no one should ever have to watch that.I am thinking to myself,I am your DAUGHTER and I am suffering greatly everyday and slowly dying too! how do I get over the hurt of this?

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • how long is life expectancy with lupus?

    I was just diagnosed with lupus,but have had symptoms for the last 10 years.It seems that I am going downhill a little more everyday.I was just wondering if anyone knew the life expectancy with lupus.I dont want to ask my doctor because I dont want him thinking I am depressed and adding another med to my long list.I was just wondering how long I may have.

    7 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • how to deal with abusive mother?

    i am 35 years old and my mother has always been abusive towards question in how should i deal with her now that i am an is becoming quit painful now as i have just been diagnosed with systemic lupus and i am sick all of the time.she tells me she is ashamed and embarrassed at how i turned out because i ahould just toughen up and realise that no one gets out of life alive.she says that i should look into the faces of the child cancer patients at st. jude and tell my problems to them.she has me in tears.any suggestions? this hurts because she is my mom and i do love her,its unconditional love i guess.

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • what to do about evil family?

    i was just diagnosed with entire family does not give a s***.they all talk about me behind my back and make fun of me and say that because the lupus is affecting my brain that i am dilusional and am making it up.i wanna cry.this is my mom and sister,my husband and kids.they never call or come by,even though i do everything in the world for for them when they are sick,care for their pets and so heart is sad.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what to do about husband and family?

    i was just diagnosed with sle {lupus}. iam in pain and husband is extremely abusive and i have no family support do i get my husband to stop abusing me so that the lupus flares will stop?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What would you like to ask?what is causing these blood test results?

    I have painful joints throughout my body,fever,rashes on my arms and face and lower legs, hair is falling out also.doc sent me for blood tests and it shows positive ana at 1 160 titre with speckled pattern,high neutrophils,low lymphocytes,high ch 50 and low a/g ratio.also alk phos is high.I am waiting for my follow up appointment with the doc and was just wondering if anyone couuld make sense of this?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • just diagnosed systemic lupus?

    i was just diagnosed with systemic lupus.i am devastated and scared and in a lot of pain.came home from docs and told husband-his reply "not my problem".told mom- her reply "look at my pictures from my cruise,can you petsit for me next week?" told sis-her reply "can you babysit?" told mom in law i would need her help with kids and ride to docs-she lives 10 minute drive away-her reply-she forgot to show up to take me to docs.told dad-his reply ' isn't that a deadly disease" havent heard from him since,a month ago.told kids-2 teens-their reply-I wish it would kill are a terrible mother cause youre too sick to drive me here and there.i have no one at all to talk one cares.don't know what to do.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What would you like to ask?should i be angry or just get over it?

    I was just diagnosed with systemic lupus last week. I had to have a kidney biopsy yesterday,which I told my mom about while speaking with her the night before.I didn't get the hint that she was really listening to me because she was going on about a cruise she and her husband had just taking and thrusting pictures at me of it.I was so lucky to babysit 7 pet birds of hers for 14 days,while i was going through all of this illness and hospital tests and devastating news,that obviously did not mean as much to her as her cruise,but anyhow back to my point.She came by the night before my biopsy to pick up her "babies"-the pet birds- and as I said I mentioned to her about how sick I have been and that I would be having the kidney biopsy tomorrow.Well that was yesterday and when she called me yesterday afternoon after I had gotten home from the hospital I thought "good,she was listening,she does care". but instead she immediatly started asking me what happened to her bird,apparently it had some minor nick on its wing or something ,which I did not notice as the stupid thing was acting fine,no blood or anything,flying fine--anyhow she was complaining that she had to tke it to the vet and it cost 300 dollars and it had to have its wing bandaged and yadda,yadda.geesshh I thought I am a human,her daughter and do you know she didn't ask me once how the biopsy went or if I was ok,or needed help that night with my kids? some mother i thought,then I was thinking that I should just quit feeling sorry for myself and that some things are just more important than me.What do you think? by the way my WHOLE family is like this to me,not just husband,kids,in laws and one cares.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • i was just diagnosed with systemic lupus erythmetosis,how do i get help?

    i was just diagnosed with s l e [lupus] yesterday.i am very sick from it.i am scared.i came home from the doctors and tried to talk to my husband to tell him about the diagnosis.he literally would not stand still long enough.i found myself talking to his back whilst chasing him down as he proceeded with lawn chores.he does not seem to understand just how serious it is.neither do my kids,who are 15 and 13.they act like lazy spoiled son is awful.he berades me,calls me names and is just plain daughter is extremely husband doesnt care.i am having a really tough time in keeping up with my housework and such.i have asked my husband to help so many times that i just do not bother any extended family does not care much either.for example-my mother in law was suppossed to take me to my doctors appointment yesterday because i am feelin too ill to drive.she never showed so i drove mother was planning a cruise for the past year and i agreed to petsit 7 cockatiel birds for her.this was a year ago before i got sick.she still forced them on me to take care of for 14 days whilst she went on a cruise,even though i have been living in the hospital for three months,even though she knows how sick i sister calls me to ask me to babysit her 4 kids all the time.she even tried to get me to watch them yesterday after i returned from 5 hours at the hospital having all kinds of tests and the awful diagnosis of lupus! all i wanted to do was go home and go to bed! how do i get people to understand how sick i am,or how serious this is?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • does anyone know of a support group for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers?

    i was just recently diagnosed as having rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.the arthritis attacked my spine and did significant damage. i am going to have to have spinal surgery where the neurosurgeon is going to have to graft a piece of bone from my hip onto my spine and hold it all together with metal plates and screws.afterward i will be in traction and a halo for 3 months.i am so very scared.i hurt all over everyday. i have 2 kids and a houseful of pets. i have the worst husband in the world so i have no one to talk mother is a nutcase in the mental ward,my dad ran off with his mistress, and my in laws hate me because they feel that i am not good enough for their son because i chose to be a stay at home mom and raise my kids.they wanted a career women to help my husband bring in the dough.i have no friends as i do not ever leave my house because i am solely responsible for every chore husband says that since he goes out and earns the money i should do everything here because that is what i chose to do.he constantly throws that in my face.he will come home after working for 8 hours and plop on the couch for the rest of th

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • what could be wrong with me?

    i have been having skin rashes,a rash on my cheeks and nose, an awful looking mottled rash at both ankles,a red rash on the inside of both elbows,my hair is falling out and i have joint and muscle pain all over my body.everything fever.extreme fatigue.tingling and numbness in hands,fingers and feet and toes.doc ran tests for rheumatoid arthritis, was 20,said no,lupus ana was 1:160 doc said that is negative also.lyme test negative. neuro said severe carpal tunnel in right hand,though no idea how i got that as i am stay at home mom.mri tests say i have alot of disc damage from two herniated disca and spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease and a focal kyphosis all in my neck(cervical spine) though the only symptom i have there is a stiff and sore neck every once in a while.doc says it is arthritis of the spine.what kind of arthritis affects the entire body and attacks the spine if not rheumatoid? the rashes if not lupus? i am miserable and confused!

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • is it wrong to treat wife this way?

    my husband arrived home 6 hours late from work,drunk.i was obviously and his 2 young kids thought he was in an accident and imagined the worst.i asked him why he couldnt have called and he screamed in my face outside in front of the neighbors and they had to ask him to quiet down.i apologized to them and went inside with my red face. was it wrong of me to expect a call at least?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago