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Mr. Happy is Sad

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  • Can someone identify this plant?

    -The location is Oakland, CA.

    -The photo was taken today.

    -Hummingbirds visit this plant

    -The seeds are borne in capsules which eventually dry out. The seeds themselves are about the size of a pea, are black and shiny and VERY hard.

    -I seem to have a red and a green form. They seem to breed with each other as I have both red and green forms sprouting once in a while as I've continuously broadcast their seeds over the years.,fFC8dsm

    Please give me the latin name of this plant! I also cannot get these to germinate on my accord, and the dispersed seeds seem to sprout when the please (dormancy?). Would scarification of the seed coat get them to germinate? I really like this plant as it attracts many hummingbirds and bees to my yard year-round, which in turn seems to help my veggies :)

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Can anyone explain the fastest/weirdest "flu" I've ever had?

    I'm an 18 year old mixed Chinese and Scottish/German male who is usually in good health and lives a healthy lifestyle (good diet, I do cardio for 2 hours twice a week, don't drink or smoke much).

    The symptoms were lightning fast. I got up and got dressed to go eat some holiday dim-sum with the family and felt fine the entire morning. During the meal I became very tired, achy, and unable to think clearly. By the time I got home about an hour later (I walked alone since the others went to go to the waterfront for the afternoon) my joints were unbearably painful, I had the chills, I could bearly walk and it was painful though not difficult to breathe. During the entire time and to now I have had no runny nose, sore throat, or red eyes. I seem to remember kind of stumbling around the house muttering obscenities while shivering and in pain looking for ibuprofen and my water bottle. I took a hot bath after taking 500mg of ibu and about half a liter of lukewarm water, and went to bed kind of half asleep with weird delirious dreams. I seem to remember my temperature was about 101F but I can't remember slearly. Now I'm awake 2 hours later after falling asleep and I don't have bad chills, and the aching has gotten a bit better. My fever has also gone down. I can walk around now albeit slowly and I'm now in front of the TV.

    I plan to stay warmly dressed, keep drinking water/non-caffeine tea, and take an ibu before bed.

    Fastest illness I ever remember, can anyone explain?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Any bands like Paramore (preferably also female singer)?

    Hey, just asking out there for any similar band recommendations, preferably with a female singer.

    Just would like a change pace, been listening to alot of music with male singers.

    Thank you for recommendations!

    15 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Moderate joint pain accompanying flu like symptoms.?

    I seem to have developed flu like symptoms today, with a high fever (almost 101F), dehydration, weird dreams, sensitive stomach, and generally feeling like ****.

    I've been taking recommended doses of Tylenol, sleeping as much as my body will let me, and drinking lots of water.

    I am starting to develop really uncomfortable joint pain, with my major joints aching badly whenever I move them. It's also affecting my smaller ones to some degree, typing this is not very comfortable at all.

    What may cause this? How can I treat it?

    PS: I am 17, healthy weight, a non-smoker, regular exercise, and generally in good health and habit.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is the new re-released Fomapan 200 film the same?

    does it have the same characteristics and dev times? or are there changes in the emulsion that I need to be aware of?

    I am soooo happy they brought it back though, such a lovely film, especially when deved in Rodinal @ 125!

    1 AnswerPhotography1 decade ago
  • Would I be allowed to take a camera to an Avenged Sevenfold concert?

    Camera is a 35mm Pentax P30 (Film SLR)

    Venue is Le Zenith, Paris.

    7 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Is it true that Kodak has cancelled the production of Microdol-X?

    It is one of my favorite developers, and if they have do you know of any good substitutes? I heard Perceptol is similar but causes more loss of speed. I guess I should also stock up on what's left...

    1 AnswerPhotography1 decade ago
  • Please take a moment to look at my photography, any type of feedback would be great.?

    I normally never ask this type of question, but I am coming to a major turning point in my life, whether to pursue photography as a profession, or to go down the road of horticulture. I need a few views from the general public. Be as critical as you like, but say what you think. Tell me all that comes to your mind.

    1 AnswerPhotography1 decade ago
  • Nixtamalization of corn, how does the process work?

    Could someone please explain to me the process? I know what it is used for and it involves an alkali soak, but how exactly?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Will 35mm film production severely taper off?

    I know the person who told me that film will cease to be manufactured in a few years is a fearmonger, but I cant help but worry, since digital is taking over, and with companies like agfa bankrupt, and kodak making cuts, how much longer does film have? I know it wont die, but I'm worried variety of types will diminish and prices will skyrocket.

    PS: The price of silver is going up as well

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Is the use of a hardening fixer recommended for efke films?

    I have access to a large amount of efke film, but I often hear the emulsion is very soft compared to other brands like Kodak and Ilford, is a hardener neccesary?

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Why are people so racist against the Chinese?

    I mean, it seems like on almost every corner of the planet people seem to have something against the Chinese. And it appears to be more socially acceptable than other forms of racism!

    I know that the Chinese government does terrible things, but does that mean the Chinese themselves are terrible? What is so bad about them?

    17 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • A job in international agriculture?

    Hello to you all out there, I am only a senior in high school at the moment but I wanted to ask is there a job that involves agriculture internationally, preferably through a humanitarian organization? I would NOT like to work in an office however, I would love to work in different countries on projects for things like promoting better agricultural practices, introducing new types of crops, and food security. I am not looking for a career that will pay lots of $$$, I am looking for a career that will help many people throughout the world to better agricultural practices and in the end, fight hunger. I am planning to go to university and study a subject in agricultural sciences. Any links, telephone numbers, or addresses would be great! And thank you so much for helping. I know of the organizations like the FAO, but I am looking for other choices as well.

    3 AnswersAgriculture1 decade ago
  • How would you name you name a chain hydrocarbon that contains both a double and triple bond.?

    How would you name you name a chain hydrocarbon that contains both a double and triple bond in the main chain of carbon atoms.

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • What are your opinions on my photography?

    Could you anyone, be willing to take a look at my photography page an give me an opinion on my photographs? I am no professional and am looking for constructive criticisms, comments, or suggestions, although just a positive comment is welcome an much appreciated. I am only 17 so don't expect stuff out of this world.


    Many thanks!

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Eating deadly nightshade (belladonna)?

    Now before you say I am really dumb, suicidal, or identified the wrong plant, let me tell the situation. My mother has eaten a certain kind of "black" berry during her childhood, and so have my grandparents since they were a poor farmer family living in the north of china. She introduced me to these berries when I was younger and told me to eat only the ripest ones. I did not know at the time what this plant was and trusted my mother, we ate these berries on occasion whenever we came across them. I only later found out this plant was positively deadly nightshade and I was frightened and even angry at my mother when I read the poisonous effects. But I realised they had never made me sick, and my mother is an extremely healthy 45 year old. Is it possible to have a resistance or even an immunity to this type of plant? I probably will only rarely eat these berries from now on, I just want some answers as my paternal granmother doesnt know. (PS The plant was identified by my grandmother who has a major in botany, so it is definitely belladonna).

    3 AnswersBotany1 decade ago
  • Petition to ban the dangerous greenhouse gas Dihydrogen Monoxide?

    The pollutant Dihydrogen Monoxide (also known as DHMO) is a very potent greenhouse gas causing much of the effects of heat being held in the earths atmosphere. It is highly dangerous to inhale by many organisms INCLUDING us humans and all potential measures must be taken to prevent this. It is also secretly used by the food industry to add bulk to food items, questionably lowering the nutritional value of the food per unit of measurement and its use is not recommended, especially for meat products. This pollutant is created from many industrial processes INCLUDING combustion which in simple terms is the burning of polluting fossil fuels. An effective although expensive way to prevent the inhalation of all types of DHMO is to use a self contained breathing apparatus at all times. Various organisations are trying to get industry and the government to ban the substance, but until then, avoid all possible contact with DHMO and seriously consider purchasing a self contained breathing apparatus. Please "sign" this petition by pledging on this page to ban the use of the dangerous chemical.

    10 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Family life issues? (I know this is a repost, but would like a few more opinions)?

    Just would like to ask an opinion on my family life, I'm currently 16 and live with my dad, stepmother, and two stepsisters. I currently only see my mother 2 weeks out of the year. When I was small I remember from when I was about 3-4 how my mom and dad lived together. There was a lot of fighting (at least one big fight every few days) and sometimes it got pretty violent, one time it got bloody (broken glass from something thrown).It was over the smallest things but also, my mother had to take care of me and support the family while my dad was still in university. When I turned five they finally decided to split up and I lived with my dad for a year, didn't see my mother for the whole time. I found out later my mom was now living with my dads cousin (alcoholic and smokes marijuana). Then from age 6-13 my dad moved back to the bay area, I spent all my time there going in between two houses, one week here and one week there. It seemed good enough but my mother and *uncle* I called him used to fight alot still, I think he loved me but, he always had a bottle in his hand when it got dark, also he kept weird dried things, which I learned later was mary-jane. They "split-up" five times but always came back together in a huge drama. As for my dad he had a few girlfriends, until he married my current stepmother, who now has two kids she really likes to spoil, but oh well, I'm not her kid I guess. Both parents were really hard on me when it came to school and being "normal", If I didn't get straight A's it wasn't good enough, which was often the case, I would get yelled at alot and hit sometimes.Now I live with my dad as said before, abroad, to get a better education, my dads new job is stressful and he always gets mad at me for the weirdest reasons, and it's difficult to keep up with school. My mom finally broke up with my "uncle", and is now with a man who I don't really like and is kind of mean. I know many have it worse but, what do you think?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago