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Lv 2987 points

Deawon C Delaney

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  • Is anyone having internet connection problems with the X-Box 360s?

    I just got the X-Box 360s last week and just got my internet yesterday and I am having connectivity issue no matter if i use the built in Wi-Fi, or the ethernet port.At first it would not work at all but with the ethernet connection I was able to download the Kinect update, and it seems its want to finish the second update but an error always shows up with the internet connection.

    PS: My wireless router works because my computer is running off of it.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Can I transfer saved game info from one X-Box 360 gametag to another using the new memory stick.?

    I got Raw vs Smackdown 2011 this past tuesday and I have been working constantly on fixing the wrestlers move-set (NERD). I have been using a generic gamer tag because i diont get my new internet untill Sunday. Can I save all my data (i dont care about achievements) to a 8gb X-Box memory stick, and transfer it to my main game-tag.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Would these be great ways to improve TNA?

    Fortune/Imortals faction is not bad at all but it does need to be tweaked, and for starters Bischoff nd Hogan need to stay in the back and only have have one or two backstage segments. Flair and Jarrett should be the "field comanders", have Abyss be the enforcer for Jarrett and Hardy,kick Doug Williams out and add in Eric Young (not scaredy cat, or lost his mind eric, but "oh my god he just used the piledriver he cant do that" eric), set it up where Robbie takes the X-Title from Jay Lethal with the help of Kazarian and the next Impact have Kazarian betray Robbie and take it from him (then they should have Kazarian defend it in every main event on Xplosion and the first match of every pay-per view). Have Beer Money win the Tag titles from MCMG with the help of Generation Me and there new manager Jimmy Jacobs (Awesome), Have AJ Styles defend the TV Title on every Impact at the top of the second hour, and the top of the second hour on every pay-per view (also have a number one contenders match for the TV title open up every Xplosion). Have Matt Morgan run through the lower card, become the number one "run in and cause interference guy", and be Enforcer to Hardy (you basically have to have mini feuds with Abyss and Morgan indivisually to get to the champ), this is also a way to build Morgan up even more, so if Hardy does go to jail or lose the title he would be the next heel in line to get the title. And last have Hardy become more of a heel by "pulling a Jericho" by changing his ring attire to tights, wearing standard issue elbow pads, or a regular arm sleeve, give him a buzz cut, have him wear suits with undone ties, and make his move crisp and impactful, instead of flippant.

    Knockouts Division

    Build a storyline were Taylor Wilde feuds with Mickie James and leaves Hamada to defend the Knockouts tag title all by herself. She goes against a remorseful Beeautiful People and wins, She goes against the newest faction of Madison Rayne, Seerena Debb, Tara, and Miss Tesssmacher, and other womens tag teams from the independent circuit, she would defend the tiles on Impact, pay per views, and a few Xplosions, for 3 months until she wins a knockout title in a tag team triple threat at a pay-per view and she falls out from exhaustion, at that time have the road agents and knockouts pick her up and carry her out of the ring while SoCal Val trails behind them carrying Hamadas Tag titles.

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Is it me or are they using Kaval to get everyone else over on NXT?

    I mean I understand that he is the most experienced of all of season 2, and his skill and talent will get him over, but it seems they are using him, to make the other cast of season 2 look better, especially Husky Harris (who has become high on the WWE radar)

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Who else thinksTNA would probably not be the best place for Bryan Danielson to go at this time?

    I am a fan of TNA, I want to get that out in the clear but to be quite honest as of late they have not done a stellar job with the wrestling aspect of there product because they have been focusing on the entertainment aspect of everything. I mean lets face they have probably some of the best performers wrestling wise but what is being done with them, Samoa Joe, and the Motor City Machine Guns is almost an after thought sometimes, instead of Desmond Wolf putting on wrestling clinics (like he started with Kurt Angle), now he smashing brandy bottles in the ring and slicing people open SMH. In my opinion TNA is to worried about the entertainment and shock value of the product that why they have become "Attitude light", trying to feed off the wrestling fans need for blood, violence, semi sexual inuendos etc, I mean take a look at Slamiversary this year this might be the worst pay per view ever.

    Everyone wants Bryan Danielson to go there in hops that he will shine like never before, but in all honesty what makes anyone think they will get with him when they have **** all over a guy who helped create TNA in AJ Styles, because for some strange reason they feel RVD is a bigger star because he was in the Mid-card in the WWE.

    Bryan Danielson best option is to go to Japan, go to Mexico, go to Europe do a couple big shows for ROH, go train for MMA in vegas like he was doing before, anything else would be better than going to TNA in there "finding themselves" period.

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why would anyone knock the NXT Invasion angle, when we have all screamed that the WWE was getting stale?

    Last night during the John Cena vs CM Punk, the former roster on NXT season one came in attacked everyone insight and destroyed ring equipment and the ring itself. When somebody could even reach there computer the first thing that was mentioned is that this will blow it just like the last Invasion angle. Let me give you the reason why the WCW/ECW invasion angle did not work, non of the big wigs came in the angle accept Booker T, we were hopping to see Goldberg, Sting, Flair, Steiner, Jeff Jarrett (all of whom who eventually came to WWE accept Sting and Jarrett), and on the other side ECW deep down there main eventers were mid carders at there best in the WWE, so what it end up being was a WWE vs WWE with the acception of actually a few wrestlers (Booker T and DDP and RVD).

    And allot of other people are foaming at the mouth to see the evolution of Evan Bourne which everyone must understand is going to be a slow and steady process so dont expect him to get a title reign until Ted Dibiase takes the US title off of R-Truth.

    This NXT invasion opens up allot of possibilities for one wait until you find out who is behind all this when WWE is on the ball and do the shock value thing it can be pretty good or very bad lets hope for the former. And as for the wrestlers of season 1 look at the possibilities Wade Barrett already has a storyline to go after the belt and he has a gang to back him up, and if Barrett doesn't go after him you got Daniel Bryan that made it quite clear last night that he was "better than Cena", David Ortunga (who my in my eyes is 3 years away from becoming even a quality wrestler) can be a speaker for the group or even an antagonist. As for the others Tarver and Sheffield boom you got a tag team right there, and you have instant feuds where the Slater, Gabriel, and Darren Young can form a group effort against there former mentors.

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Do you think it would be wise to carry on the Undertaker character even after he retires?

    As oportunistic as the WWE is do you thing they will try to carry on the Undertaker character, and if so could it be successfull with the write character.

    9 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about this storyline (spoiler alert)?

    As we all know Undertaker will be taking time off because of facial injuries, and the storyline is that he was found in a vegetative state, instead of that storyline I wanted to get everyones opinion on this one.

    Undertaker is found is the back beaten up very badly, kane and the druids come out and he states due to the Undertakers injuries he will be out for god knows how long, he can go into how he has never seen him in this shape before, and that looking at his brother in this state scares him and he is never scared (this is when he breaks down and cry) and swears whoever did this will pay. At this time the show goes on as planned with kane blamming everyone. In the battle royal to pick who is UTs replacement Rey mysterio eliminates kane to get the 4th spot.

    That monday on RAW they find Rey Mysterio beat up badly and he will be removed from fatal 4 way and his replacement will be Kane, after this is anounced a video comes on the titantron introducing the "Order of Brimstone" a group of men wearing kane mask dressed in old kane gear covering up there whole bodies claiming to have done Kanes bidding then they show Undertaker getting jumped, and they show Rey Mysterio getting jumped, Kane sees this and states that he is being framed but nobody believes him because they know his "darkside".

    On friday night Smackdown they would show the order of brimstone has jumped the big show but is still able to compete, then came comes out states that he does not need nobody to do his dirty work for him, at that time CM Punk comes out and accuses Kane of become sisnister and calculating over the years and he finally got smart enough to have people do his bidding, a match is scheduled for Kane vs CM Punk in the main event, before the main event they show the order of Brim Stone has struck again and has jumped Jack Swagger but he will still be able to perform at fatal 4 way.

    At this point Everyone think Kane has gone crazy and Kane thinks CM Punk is behind it because he has not been attacked. At fatal 4 way we during the smackdown 4 way, 3 members of the OOB come out and attack everyone but Kane but it is not enough because Swagger sneaks away with the victory, (as of right now everyone thinks kane is crazy, and is behind the OOB).

    Over the next 2 months the order OOB brimstone has wreaked havok over smackdown and unlikely alliances have been formed between big show, christian, kingston and the unlikely CM Punk, Kane tries to join the alliance but nobody trust him. The conclusion comes in September when Hornswoggle (who has been seen sporadically during the summer) goes to christian and talks to him and christian says he has a very important announcement and he needs all the smackdown wrestlers to the ring. Christian comes out and tells everyone that he has had Hornswoggle creating random chaos for the straight edge socciety and he found something interesting in Luke Gallows bag back in july, so hornswoggle has been following him around until he seen gallows with someone outside of the SES and thats Dolph Ziggler, so he decides to follow Ziggler, who in turn has been hanging out with Drew McIntyre. Hornswoggle sneaks into Drew McIntyres dressing room while Drew is participating in Money in the bank and finds a video camera, Hornswoggle takes the tape runs to production has it coppied and puts it back into Drews Camera and gives the copy to Christian. He plays the tape and it shows the OOB beating up undertaker and as they run of to a secluded area the OOB unmask and they are Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, Luke Gallows, Shad Gaspard, and Cody Rhodes as the tape is being shown the OOB retreats to get away as Christian, Big Show, Kingston are in pursuit as CM Punk falls to his knees in the ring in Disbeliefas one of his desciples has betrayed them.

    The next Smackdown OOB come out dressed in suits with tons of security around them and each member cuts a promo/shoot on how the old guard has to turn over the reigns, all of the sudden The Brothers of Destruction come on the screen and state that this is there yard and come time the OOB will be no more, the lights go out and when they come on Big Show, CHristian, kINGSTON, and other Smackdown stars rush the ring and clean house. Over the next few months the OOB ( who ill have gotten there name change) will feud with other Smackdown stars during this time Swagger, and Mcintyre will haved solidified themselves main eventers, Cody Rhodes establishes himself as a high midcarder, Dolph Ziggler becomes a momentum changing heel, and Gaspard and Gallows make a formitable tag team and even get the tag belts (hopefully if they are de-unified), and gain serena as there valet after she betrays punk, this will be the final straw that will turn Punk face.

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Is Raw running out of ideas was John Lovitz, worse than ZZ Top, and Al Sharpton, & are they milking Bret Hart?

    Looking at RAW last night it seems that they are running out of ideas, the celebrity host gimmick officially run its course, they need more DIVAS, or they need the ones they have to get there act together. By making Bret Hart GM is just the WWE milking him for everything he got ( I feel its the 90's all over again), Batista quits (yawn), John Cena says "no more Mr Nice guy", Edge and Chris Jericho bicker, and Mark Henry jobs again.

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Do you think the wrong "future stars" of the WWE are being pushed at the wrong time?

    Its getting to that time where future stars have to start making an impact, but lets face it the impact they make is based on how good the WWE books the stars of tommorow, here is a short breakdown, of my opinion.

    Jack Swagger: Allot of preople think he sucks, In my opinion he has proven himself and I am glad he is getting a title run even if it is the worse title run known to man (they have "booked" him to loose to everyone and i mean everybody and why would you do that to the title it basically devalues it)

    Cody Rhodes: Anybody who appreciates "old school" wrestling and "wrestling pshychology" should love Cody Rhodes. On RAW he was the odd man out but on smackdown his wrestling skill can flourish. Him or Ziggler should be getting pushed for the IC belt asap.

    Dolph Ziggler: Sometimes i wonder who Ziggler piss off, so he can be used as John Morrisons personal jobber, this man has brought back the sleeper let me repeat "the sleeper", like i saidd before him or rhodes should be getting IC title shot asap.

    Koffi Kingston: He should be wrestling for the world heavyweight belt bottomline, give him the 5 star frog splash, and start letting him wrestle for the big gold belt.

    John Morrison: Bad idea putting him on RAW, all he did was replace Koffi Kingsston (young guy on the cusp of making it but never reaching it), and the Miz vs Morrison feud would not be entertaining because you have them wrestle each other to many times already. The best thing to do right now is put Miz and Morrison back together as a team.

    Ted Dibiase: Right gimmick wrong approach he needs henchmen not a flunky, virgil is a flunky, he needs a henchman and as of right now Primo Colon fits the bill perfectly (heck by being Teds henchman he might can parlay his career into a Cowboy Bob Orton type)

    Drew McIntyre: I think his entrance and entrance music is the best thing about him, word of advice if you want to make him into the next Orton, you have him wrestle and show his craft, and have him feud with a more upper deck wrestler to get him over.

    Chris Masters: He paid his dues in the lower card time to force him down are throats or turn him into an Enforcer.

    Evan Bourne: Needs to go Smackdown and start gaining some wins against jobbers then go into the IC title hunt.

    Zack Ryder: start gaining some wins against jobbers then go into the US title hunt.

    Yoshi Tatsu: start gaining some wins against jobbers then go into the US title hunt.

    8 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Gone, not forgotten and not needed where they was.?

    If you were under a rock for the past hour you have recently found out that WWE future endeavors club might have gained the most shocking and latest members in Mickie James, Shelton Benjamin, Funaki, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Ray Gordy. Allot of us will say that WWE ****** up royally but remember this besides Mickie James none of them have been on television, lets look at the list a give a breakdown.

    Mickie James: By far one of the most beautiful Divas they have had, but by far no where near the level she was when she came in though (the nail was probably this last Europe trip when she was out partying to hard and held up the bus) with this move even though controversial felt it was necessary because Vince is finally cleaning the locker room of the Party animals (melina and carlito are the last ones), plus when she announced her singing carreer she basically spit in vinces face. She will have a good singing career, but she will be in TNA in 90 days especially with the light schedule.

    Shelton Benjamin: This move was not only controversial but also shocking because it shows how much Vince is not worried about TNA because we all know he will have a TNA belt in 90 days.

    Jimmy Wang Yang will end up back in Japan were his wrestling skill is appreciated.

    Ray Gordy will be in ROH before you know it

    Funaki will be the patron saint of Michinoku Pro

    Katie Lee will go be in TNA with Desmond Wolf.

    These are just my opinions i would like everyones insight on this is it a black mark more for WWE or it will really not affect them

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Who else feels that the WWE or TNA does not no how write quality storylines for champions or contenders.?

    Have championship belts litteraly become a prop in wrestling, because in all honesty having the belt does not mean spit anymore. Prime example Jack Swagger has been on a losing streak and has not defended the title in a 1 on 1 since he got it. Having him face Undertaker was stupid and having him lose to the John Morrison is idiotic to, and to be honest they did it to CM Punk, the champ is supposed to be built as strong and unbeatable whether he is cheating or dominating. This comes to my other problem the belts constantly being used as props, dont get me wrong i am Cena fan but this title reign is just to continue the feud with Batista, I mean by the time he is 40 he will have held that belt 22 times, they could have continued there feud and let someone else carry the belt (Big Show has not had the belt and MVP is waaaay overdue) and tag team wrestling is basically dead and burried there. Now lets flip it over to TNA, TNA wants to beat the WWE so bad they changed there Champ on free TV with no storyline whats so ever on the aspects that RVD equals ratings (sorry I like the guy but the man cant cut a decent believeable promo, almost as worst as the "excuse me as the champ takes off his 30,000 dollar earing"), and the only reason Kazarian has the X-Belt is because he is pretty lol Hogan and Biscoff said it themselves when they took him out of the Suicide suit, and dont get me started on the global champ Rob "I was terrible on 4/19" Terry. What are your thoughts

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Did TNA show any professional courtesy to Doug Williams and is RVD title win come to soon?

    Doug Williams was stuck in Europe because of the volcano so instead of having a number one contenders match, and possibly set up Doug Williams a future storyline, they put the belt on the line and book Kazarian (who has been high on TNA radar because of looks) to win the belt. Now lets be honest nobody in the upper brass cares about the Global title (by the way Rob Terry looked terrible last night) and the X-Division title, but in all honesty if it was AJ Styles who got stuck would he have gotten the same treatment.

    As for the second part of my question AJ Styles bust his tail at the pay per view only to lose it somebody on free TV, on the next show and to RVD of all people. I know everybodys an RVD mark, but come on Burke and even Abyss or Samoa Joe should have been in line before RVD, and the only reason it was not Hardy because they do not no how long he will be available.

    What are your thoughts

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • What in gods green Eartth is going on in TNA, I mean seriously?

    I am a wrestling fan and in all honesty I believe in giving people the benefit of the dought, and lord knows I am trying with TNA, but last night had to be one of the worst 2 hours in wrestling history. The Orlando Jordan scene was just flat out eary, and disgusting (I understand what they are going for but its better if they were subtle about it). The Monster Abyss has become the lackey Abyss, red face mask, red and yellow stripes an everything, Devin Wolf and Dinero match was only 2 minutes (2 minutes are you ******* kidding me), The NWO spray painting everyone, Sting is a badguy a bad guy, And in an attempt to garner ratings the best match of the night Angle and Ken Anderson was put at the 8pm mark instead of the main event (which was a predictable Knockouts gauntlet pick a box match whatever). TNA all in all is believing there own hype and worrying about a war they more than likely cant win, they put the global impact title on Rob Terry and lord knows he should not have the belt (by having the belt on him your giving the rest of the seasoned roster the finger), and if thats not bad Chris Daniels is done with the company, and is back with ROH ( a while back TNA management in there divine wisdom told there wrestlers you can only wrestle for us cutting them off from the vast resource of the independents), I added this for all those who think that he is still apart of the company. Allm in all TNA are trying to do a poor poor mans excuse of the sttitude ERA and they are failing, to add insult to injury the WWE product is not that good at this time, and the funny part is ROH was more enjoyable than TNA in one hours time. I would like to know all your thoughts

    4 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • What in gods green Eartth is going on in TNA, I mean seriously?

    I am a wrestling fan and in all honesty I believe in giving people the benefit of the dought, and lord knows I am trying with TNA, but last night had to be one of the worst 2 hours in wrestling history. The Orlando Jordan scene was just flat out eary, and disgusting (I understand what they are going for but its better if they were subtle about it). The Monster Abyss has become the lackey Abyss, red face mask, red and yellow stripes an everything, Devin Wolf and Dinero match was only 2 minutes (2 minutes are you ******* kidding me), The NWO spray painting everyone, Sting is a badguy a bad guy, And in an attempt to garner ratings the best match of the night Angle and Ken Anderson was put at the 8pm mark instead of the main event (which was a predictable Knockouts gauntlet pick a box match whatever). TNA all in all is believing there own hype and worrying about a war they more than lik

    1 AnswerWrestling1 decade ago
  • Who else feels that Vince McMahon gave us all "the finger" at Wrestlemania 26?

    Maybe its just me but this wrestlemania had the feel of a lesser Pay Per view or dare I say it a RAW. The tag match was to short as well as the triple threat, Rey vs Punk and Edge vs Christian, HBK vs Taker was a let down now you have to deal with HBK retiring, there was no celebirty feel, the womens match was a train wreck, and McMahon vs Hart was a flat out BS of a match. What is everyones thoughts

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why do you think they have not come out with Downloadable Content for Raw vs Smackdown 2010?

    I know this question has probably been asked time and time again, but I am just wondering why they have not come out with downloadable content besides Austin and the Rock.

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Who has come out better from there split Miz or Morrison?

    I want everyones opinion on who has benefited from the split up of John Morrison and The Miz and is it to soon to see Egde and Christian vs The Miz and John Morrison at Cyber Sunday (if there still is a cyber sunday)

    13 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • If Samoa Joe was kidnapped why has no one went looking for him or called the police.?

    The jury is out on TNA and sorry its not looking good, I know I should give Bishoff and Hogan more time but i do not see it getting any better. You turn Styles into Ric Flair junior (excuse me while i take out my thir-t-y thousand dollar earing is the worst line ever), Chris Daniels has fallen into Jobber status, Samoa Joe got kidnapped (please), Abyss went from a Kane wannabe to Mick Foleys protege to Hulk Hogan mentoring him (why does a former TNA champ need mentoring), the X-Division is nothing but filler, Rob Terry is the Impact champ, the tna knockouts are non existent, 2 singles wrestlers got the tag belts when you have nothing but legit tag teams, Jarrett the Jobing Janitor, the wolf-band-pack, steiner not on television (funniet segments ever), Bret Hart being made to look like a ******* idiot and a cripple(sorry thats craps on the other show), the out of place swearing (i guess they are not the PG era), The Nasty Boys getting TV time, Bischoff taking cheap shots, Orlando Jordan, and to top it all off Hogan wrestling...................again. The only realistic thing was bubba the love sponge soing the somewhat "shoot" on hogan lol. Monday night wars my *** (especially with Tivo and DVR).

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Is The Miz is the top heel on the WWE RAW brand?

    Randy Orton is basically a tweener, It is definitely not Sheamus anymore since he lost the title, and I wouldnt pick Batista either since we are not sure what brand he is on.

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago