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  • DOOL...Who else is sick and tired of?

    Who else is sick and tired of the weird looking Nick storyline and the idiotic gay storyline?! I've quit watching because of it and the other ridiculous crap on there. It doesn't look any better than when the old writers were writing the old crap stories. The last two weeks, I've tuned in and immediately changed the channel when they start up with Nick or the gays. Is everybody else annoyed and disgusted as well?

    7 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Yet ANOTHER kidnapping and hostage situation!?

    Who else is sick of this same storyline over and over?! And Ian just flits around town doing anything he wants, like he's all powerful. These writers are really getting on my nerves.

    6 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • Who else thinks Abigail is a total idiot?

    I wanted Jack gone but not like this. It really pisses me off that he died because Abigail was too stupid to get out of the elevator when they opened the doors for her. I can't stand the writers and their stories and half of these stupid characters. I'm about ready to quit this sorry excuse for a show.

    6 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...According to this show,?

    According to this show, doesn't everybody have a room in their basement suitable for holding a kidnap victim? How many times are they going to use this crappy, tired old plot line? Proof positive that this show is on it's last legs, and probably soap operas in general. Why can't there be some original material anymore? And, it's also true of Hollywood too-no creativity anymore in television or the movies! What do you all think about it?

    5 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Are you kidding me?

    These writers are certifiably insane if they think the police will let random people sit in on a polygraph examination during a murder investigation! What's the reason for creepy little Will being there-because he "works" for E J? And to top things off, Rafe comes dragging in after they'd already started. Who else think this show is degenerating into a huge, hot mess?!

    9 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Do the writers on this show think all these people constantly switching bed partners is cool?

    This hot mess they've got going on is far from romantic or even dramatic-it's just pitiful and disgusting. Apparently nobody on there has ever heard of AIDS or STD's. I'm glad these writers and half the cast are leaving.

    3 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL... Why was E J keeping that incriminating letter lying around?

    The first thing I would have done would be to burn it! Who does this other than the mentally challenged writers on this show!? It's like none of these people have any common sense.

    3 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Why are the writers on this show so stupid?

    I don't know ANYBODY in this day and age who always leaves their doors unlocked for anybody, including their enemies, to walk in whenever they please. Or anybody who lets random people have keys to their house and walk in all the time. E J is a Dimera, which the writers want us to think is akin to a mob family. This makes NO sense for random people to be coming in and out of his house and be snooping around, like the sniveling little idiot Will so he can blackmail him.

    1 AnswerSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Can you believe DOOL won the Daytime Emmy Award for writing?!?

    Are they rigged or do they all just have bad taste in writing? What do you all think?

    5 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...The Melanie kidnapping story?

    The Melanie kidnapping story is so unbelievable. She is a nurse and has a job at the hospital and just because she has a fight with her boyfriend, she takes off for Europe-just like that?! These writers are seriously messed up, along with all the other idiotic storylines. Does any of this crap make sense to anybody else??? Oh, another thing, when is idiot Abigail going to out Gabbi and her obsession and meddling with Chad and Melanie?

    5 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...All of a sudden Chad loves Stefano and is defending him to everyone?

    The level of over acting is pretty high on here. Chad is so annoying with the over acting and the goofy hairdo. I find it odd how he's so over the top about Stefano all of a sudden. He knows all the bad things he did, but now he's acting like he was a saint and attacking everybody over this. Yet another tiresome and stupid storyline, I think.

    3 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Who else saw this coming a long time ago?

    When idiot Gabi hired a "stalker" I knew what was coming. He'd turn out to be a real stalker and then we have to put up with yet another stupid storyline having to do with the silly irrelevant teenyboppers on this show. How hard is it to write good, original storylines?! I guess it's asking too much on this show. Getting rid of the stupid teenyboppers, most of which can't act, would go a long way towards better storylines.

    5 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Who else is tired of Will and his skulking around?

    Between his nasty, rude and hateful behavior to his mother and the constant sarcasm and the skulking around, I'm just sick of him. The gay storyline was awful and now they're driving us crazy with this crap. I'm starting to really dislike Will and the actor playing him. What do you all think?

    3 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Who else is tired of....?

    Who else is tired of everybody in town being shown with a gun? This is just too ridiculous and it reminds me of the crappy soaps from the 50's or 60's. This is just all too overly dramatic and it's like just running it into the ground. I'm glad these incompetent writers are being replaced and so many of the actors are leaving now. What do you all think?

    6 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Is anybody else really mad about Lexie being killed off?

    This is just ridiculous. I know the actress is retiring, but they could have had her and her family leave town or even recast the character. This is just crazy the way they're handling this and dragging it out. I mean, it's just one maudlin tearjerker scene after another. As far as I'm concerned, it's a total insult to the fans-along with all the other stupid s/l's going on right now. I am so disgusted with this show and the stupid writers.

    10 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...When I saw crazy Carrie get sick at her stomach on today's show, I knew she was pregnant. Do you think?

    Do you think that's how they're going to get rid of both Carrie and Austin, that they'll both leave town together?

    7 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Once again, how stupid do the writers think the fans are?

    Bo and Hope are supposed to be in hiding, but they're allowed to go to the police station or whatever to help get Stefano?! And, the blinds in the room are even open. This is all too much. How much longer are they going to insult their fans with this idiotic drivel?

    5 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Does anybody else think today's episode was a waste of time?

    These writers are so full of it! The usual tired old storyline-they're all dead and the obligatory emotional memorial service, blah blah blah. What a total waste of air time. What do you all think? Btw Chad and his stupid hair is starting to REALLY bother me.

    5 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Do the writers really think their fans are this stupid?

    OK now, they've got the ones in danger from Stefano in a safehouse and they have an agent who has "worked with Stefano", whatever that means. We have this secret agent organization or whatever this bogus thing is and they've never thought this guy could be a double agent, especially when everybody knows how clever Stefano is?! Another thing, they let Carrie who has the hots for Rafe come randomly in with groceries so she can make meaningful looks at Rafe. The whole point of a safehouse is for it to be a secret! Not to mention the creep factor that Carrie is mooning over Rafe while she's married and while he's her sister's husband. The whole thing is so beyond stupid and insulting to the fans' intelligence. What do you all think?

    10 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • DOOL...Are they getting ready to kill off Stefano?

    It just occurred to me that he's made an enemy of everybody in town. I thought I heard the actor is having health problems. I'm just wondering if they're gearing up for a big murder mystery and then a big murder trial! What do you all think?

    9 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago