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Lv 43,424 points

Lisa Gold

Favorite Answers12%
  • Will Loan Officer Bring Up My Credit Card Balance?

    I've been paying a little over the minimum on credit card bill but it's not paid off ($5,000 limit, owe $2,100) I need to take out personal loan to place bid on home but I'm wondering if this credit card balance will be taken into consideration, even though I'm making payments??

    Credit score is 750

    2 AnswersCredit4 years ago
  • Southerners: Why Don't You Claim Oklahoma?

    I know folks in the REAL Midwest don't claim OK cause of Southern influence/Redneck Culture.......I am also aware that OK wasn't a state during the Civil War......but there were folks here with those same ideals that the more "traditional South" had.....

    1 AnswerPolitics4 years ago
  • Southerners: Why Don't You Claim Oklahoma?

    I know folks in the REAL Midwest don't claim OK cause of Southern influence/Redneck Culture.......I am also aware that OK wasn't a state during the Civil War......but there were folks here with those same ideals that the more "traditional South" had.....

    4 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • How do I report an foreign worker for potential embezzlement?

    I know of a person, let's call him "Stan" he is currently working for his company under a working Visa. When he was in undergrad he once or twice attempted to embezzle money from unsuspecting victims but for whatever reason it didn't happen.

    His father in law who he is living with, is a CONVICTED felon charged with embezzlement (he stole nearly $200,000 from a home health patient he was caring for)

    My question is, is it my civic duty to report Stan? If so how do I go about doing it? Should I contact immigration or homeland security or the company he works for?

    I am genuinely concerned because Stan is a sneaky and greedy person and this father in law is acting as his "mentor".

    Stan works for the oil industry and as we all know that industry is taking a huge hit right now. They don't need potential thieves working for them while good workers are being laid off everyday.

    Thank you in advance for your feedback.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Can I Pay Off School Debt?

    During college I took summer classes and ended up owing my university $8,000. I graduated in 2008.

    From 2008 until now I've been paying my university a monthly fee to pay off the balance. The bursar employee told me it was okay for me to pay the University even though the debt was sold to a collection agency.

    That employee has since retired and there is a new person there that said I should pay the collection agency and not the school. She said all the school does is forward my payments to the collection agency

    I now owe the school $1,500 and really just want to pay that off but I want to send the money to the school just like I've been doing in the past.

    What will happen if this new employee doesn't accept my payment?

    What will happen if I have to pay the collection agency?

    Will they add on interest?

    1 AnswerOther - Education7 years ago
  • Should I Continue Paying School or Start Paying Collections?

    During undergrad I took a few summer classes that weren't covered by fin aid, loans etc. When I graduated in 2008 I had $8,000 I owned to my school. Unbeknownst to me my school sold the debt to a collection agency. I received a letter from them in 08 and I sent one back saying that I would start paying my SCHOOL when I found a job.

    I spoke to the bursar's office at my former school and specifically asked her if I could pay the SCHOOL and not the collection agency. She told me yes and for the past five years I've been paying my school. I would get calls from the collection agency but would never talk to them.

    There is a new person in the bursar's office and she told me I should pay the collection agency and not the school because all they (the school) does is forward it to the collection agency. I REALLY don't want to pay the agency. I now owe $1,100 and I'm wondering what would happen if the new bursar employee refuses my check next month?

    Can the collection agency take me to court? I mean there are people that owe that school thousands and thousands of dollars and make NO effort to pay. I've been paying since 2008 and I feel it would be stupid to sue me if I've been paying

    Also am I entitled to a 1098-t since I'm paying my school?

  • Have I Picked the Wrong Career?

    I currently work in the library field as a Children's Associate, I like the job but my library branch (and many other libraries across the US) seem to only offer part-time work. My library system uses full time positions as a promotion and I have applied to at least four positions this year and they all said I was great in the interview and to "keep interviewing" My company also turns many full time jobs into part time positions

    According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics the job outlook for this profession is only 7%,

    I have a BA in Psychology and have worked as an Early Head Start teacher for three years (I'm not certified) I do like the library and even have 13 hours of graduate coursework completed (Master's of Library Science). I am tired of being broke and I really feel as though I made a mistake: this field does not show a lot of promise in more and better jobs being created.

    I always wanted to be a librarian but it feels that it's better to be a volunteer in certain occupations than an employee.

    What are some similar yet better paying jobs that I could apply for? I don't mind going back to school if the job outlook is higher than 7%.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Will She Find a Good Man Despite Her Dysfunctional Family?

    I have a friend Sandy, she recently asked me for some advice and I'm not quite sure what to tell her....First of all Sandy is a very hard working and smart girl. When her mother had a mental breakdown and left the family when Sandy was a pre-teen, Sandy stepped up to the plate and helped raise her younger brother while go to school (she has a BA and is now working on a Master's) Luckily she has a good father that has kept her on the straight path.

    This leads me to my question:

    As I stated before, Sandy's mother does NOTHING to help her kids or herself. She is on Social Security and basically lives off the taxpayers. She calls Sandy and her brother every now and again but doesn't really do anything for them.

    Sandy really wants to be in a relationship but is afraid that no man will want her because of the way her mother is and that her potential mother-in-law will not approve(this happened to her recently)

    What can I say to her that will help her realize that there is a man out there that will see her for who she is( a sweet and caring person)?


    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Will She Finda a Good Man Despite Her Dysfuntional Family?

    I have a friend Sandy, she recently asked me for some advice and I'm not quite sure what to tell her....First of all Sandy is a very hard working and smart girl. When her mother has a mental breakdown and left the family when Sandy was a pre-teen, Sandy stepped up to the plate and helped raise her younger brother while go to school (she has a BA and is now working on a Master's) Luckily she has a good father that has kept her on the straight path.

    This leads me to my question:

    As I stated before, Sandy's mother does NOTHING to help her kids or herself. She is on Social Security and basically lives off the taxpayers. She calls Sandy and her brother every now and again but doesn't really do anything for them.

    Sandy really wants to be in a relationship but is afraid that no man will want her because of the way her mother is and that her potential mother-in-law will not approve(this happened to her recently)

    What can I say to her that will help her realize that there is a man out there that will see her for who she is( a sweet and caring person)?


    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Will She Find a Good Man Despite Her Dysfunctional Family?

    I have a friend Sandy, she recently asked me for some advice and I'm not quite sure what to tell her....First of all Sandy is a very hard working and smart girl. When her mother has a mental breakdown and left the family when Sandy was a pre-teen, Sandy stepped up to the plate and helped raise her younger brother while go to school (she has a BA and is now working on a Master's) Luckily she has a good father that has kept her on the straight path.

    This leads me to my question:

    As I stated before, Sandy's mother does NOTHING to help her kids or herself. She is on Social Security and basically lives off the taxpayers. She calls Sandy and her brother every now and again but doesn't really do anything for them.

    Sandy really wants to be in a relationship but is afraid that no man will want her because of the way her mother is and that her potential mother-in-law will not approve(this happened to her recently)

    What can I say to her that will help her realize that there is a man out there that will see her for who she is( a sweet and caring person)?


    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • How Long Before Universities Send Unpaid Tuition to Collection Agencies?

    I have a friend, right now she owes almost $4,000 to her Grad school program for this Spring semester. She plans to pay for it all before the semester is over but I'm not sure if she has enough time because I know schools send unpaid bills to collections. Once the bill is sent to collections can she still file a 1098-T on her taxes or not? What is her time frame? Thanks

  • How Long Before Universities Send Unpaid Tuition to Collection Agencies?

    I have a friend, right now she owes almost $4,000 to her Grad school program for this Spring semester. She plans to pay for it all before the semester is over but I'm not sure if she has enough time because I know schools send unpaid bills to collections. Once the bill is sent to collections can she still file a 1098-T on her taxes or not? What is her time frame? Thanks

    3 AnswersCredit7 years ago
  • How Long Before Universities Send Unpaid Tuition to Collection Agencies?

    I have a friend, right now she owes almost $4,000 to her Grad school program for this Spring semester. She plans to pay for it all before the semester is over but I'm not sure if she has enough time because I know schools send unpaid bills to collections. Once the bill is sent to collections can she still file a 1098-T on her taxes or not? What is her time frame? Thanks

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid7 years ago
  • Is Getting a Credit Card the Answer to Paying Tuition?

    $3,000 is owed to a graduate program for the Spring semester. There is not enough money in cash and or savings to pay it off. Could the person get a credit card to pay off the tuition? Let's say the money is paid off in April with the credit card, will the credit card company expect a full payment of $3,000 plus interest in May? If not can the person make monthly payments to the credit card company rather than paying the whole bill off?

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid7 years ago
  • Is Getting a Credit Card the Answer to Paying Tuition?

    $3,000 is owed to a graduate program for the Spring semester. There is not enough money in cash and or savings to pay it off. Could the person get a credit card to pay off the tuition? Let's say the money is paid off in April with the credit card, will the credit card company expect a full payment of $3,000 plus interest in May? If not can the person make monthly payments to the credit card company rather than paying the whole bill off?

    3 AnswersCredit7 years ago
  • How Can I Help My Guy Friend With His Gold Digging Wife?

    A few days ago my friend (Clark) asked me for relationship advice but first let me give you a little background info: (Please forgive the length of this question)

    He met a girl (Sienna) and they dated for four months. (They are both 29 years old) Four months into the relationship Sienna becomes pregnant and they become engaged. Clark lived in the Northwest and she lived on the East coast. Sienna moved in with Clark for a few months but moved back in with her parents to have the baby in September. (They got married a month before the baby was born).

    Clark got a promotion a few months ago, but he is on a working Visa and had to stay in the Northwest until his Visa was re-written. That took a few months and he asked his wife Sienna to live with him while he waited for the okay from immigration, but she complained that if she moved in with him there would be no one to help her with the baby so she said she wanted to stay with her parents.

    Clark has gotten his new Visa and now lives in the South. He wants Sienna and the baby to move in with him but Sienna said she wanted to get her Ph.D in her home state on the East coast, my friend is very upset about this and he hopes she changes her mind and decides on a Ph.D program in the Southern state where they live.

    To me Sienna (I haven't met her) seems very shady. He has invited her countless times to meet his close friends but she declines his offer yet she expected him to meet ALL of her friends, which he has. She told him never to contact his ex-girlfriend nor give her a picture of their new baby yet her ex boyfriend offered to take Sienna and the new baby to lunch. Let me add that Clark makes well over $80,000 a year and Sienna since getting pregnant and having has baby has stopped working. Clark foots the bill for EVERYTHING and all Sienna seems to do is shop and leave her baby with her mother while she goes shopping with her friends (according to Clark)

    He asked me for advice, and I really don't know what to tell him that won't offend him, because she sounds like a total control freak gold digger!!!

    Please HELP!!

  • How Can I Help My Guy Friend With His Gold Digging Wife?

    A few days ago my friend (Clark) asked me for relationship advice but first let me give you a little background info: (Please forgive the length of this question)

    He met a girl (Sienna) and they dated for four months. (They are both 29 years old) Four months into the relationship Sienna becomes pregnant and they become engaged. Clark lived in the Northwest and she lived on the East coast. Sienna moved in with Clark for a few months but moved back in with her parents to have the baby in September. (They got married a month before the baby was born).

    Clark got a promotion a few months ago, but he is on a working Visa and had to stay in the Northwest until his Visa was re-written. That took a few months and he asked his wife Sienna to live with him while he waited for the okay from immigration, but she complained that if she moved in with him there would be no one to help her with the baby so she said she wanted to stay with her parents.

    Clark has gotten his new Visa and now lives in the South. He wants Sienna and the baby to move in with him but Sienna said she wanted to get her Ph.D in her home state on the East coast, my friend is very upset about this and he hopes she changes her mind and decides on a Ph.D program in the Southern state where they live

    To me Sienna (I haven't met her) seems very shady. He has invited her countless times to meet his close friends but she declines his offer yet she expected him to meet ALL of her friends, which he has. She told him never to contact his ex-girlfriend nor give her a picture of their new baby yet her ex boyfriend offered to take Sienna and the new baby to lunch. Let me add that Clark makes well over $80,000 a year and Sienna since getting pregnant and having has baby has stopped working.

    He asked me for advice and I really don't know what to tell him that won't offend him, because she sounds like a total gold digger.

    Please HELP!!

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Should I Quit My Library Job?! Need Advice Please?

    I really want to be a librarian and for years I've been trying to get a job but it was very competitive. Two years ago I interviewed to be a Children's Librarian and got the job. Unfortunately the job is only part time (with no benefits) and it has been a financial struggle for me to keep up with my bills and my other expenses. I want to get my MLIS but really can't afford Grad School with the money I'm making at the library (scholarships are only for full time library employees)

    I've applied and interviewed for other full time positions at the library but haven't gotten them. I have a Psychology degree and I applied to be a Family Support for a social services company in my town. I was thinking I could do that (it's full time with benefits) so I can afford Grad School. I really don't want to leave but I don't know what else to do without much money. I was thinking I could do the social service job Monday-Friday and work as a library shelver on weekends. Am I making the right choice???

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Should I Quit My Library Job?! Need Advice Please?

    I really want to be a librarian and for years I've been trying to get a job but it was very competitive. Two years ago I interviewed to be a Children's Librarian and got the job. Unfortunately the job is only part time (with no benefits) and it has been a financial struggle for me to keep up with my bills and my other expenses. I want to get my MLIS but really can't afford Grad School with the money I'm making at the library (scholarships are only for full time library employees)

    I've applied and interviewed for other full time positions at the library but haven't gotten them. I have a Psychology degree and I applied to be a Family Support for a social services company in my town. I was thinking I could do that (it's full time with benefits) so I can afford Grad School. I really don't want to leave but I don't know what else to do without much money. I was thinking I could do the social service job Monday-Friday and work as a library shelver on weekends. Am I making the right choice???

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Should I Quit My Library Job?! Need Advice Please?

    I really want to be a librarian and for years I've been trying to get a job but it was very competitive. Two years ago I interviewed to be a Children's Librarian and got the job. Unfortunately the job is only part time (with no benefits) and it has been a financial struggle for me to keep up with my bills and my other expenses. I want to get my MLIS but really can't afford Grad School with the money I'm making at the library (scholarships are only for full time library employees)

    I've applied and interviewed for other full time positions at the library but haven't gotten them. I have a Psychology degree and I applied to be a Family Support for a social services company in my town. I was thinking I could do that (it's full time with benefits) so I can afford Grad School. I really don't want to leave but I don't know what else to do without much money. I was thinking I could do the social service job Monday-Friday and work as a library shelver on weekends. Am I making the right choice???