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  • is it normal that I don't always hang out?

    So I'm friends with most of my school, I just started middle school and in elementary school I never hung out and I felt like a total loser. This year I'm going to try to hang out more often, but the main problem is all my friends live next to each other and I live in the middle of no where. Anyways most people hang out everyday. If you do how old were you when you started to hang out so often? If not how often do you hang out?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • What does it mean if i ask someone to hang out and they say maybe?

    So i asked my friend if we can hang out and she said maybe idk. To me that sounds like no and I said if you dont want to hang out with me you can tell me and she said no its not that i don't care if we hang out or not. I see her tonight at cheer and idk if i should ask her about it or not.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Why wont he add me on facebook?

    It has said in his feed that he has added several other people and I think we are okay friends but he wont accept my request. It actually says he hasn't responded but its been like 2 months since I've sent the request. I had a feeling that hes just not interested so I cancelled the request and now I keep saying his account under:people you may know, because hes friends with a lot of my friends. It annoys me a tiny bit and I don't want to send a request again because I think he will think of me as a stalker, obsessed with him or think that I like him.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • TV show Awkward: Are you team matty, team Jake, or Team collin?

    I honestly love Jake and Matty but I hate Collin. I always have.

    Matty: I always liked Matty. He's pretty attractive, he can be a badass but also he can be sensitive. He's funny and I always loved him with Jenna. A lot of people think that Matty is only using Jenna for sex though and that does make scene considering hes always sleeping with her...

    Jake: Hes the sweetest guy ever. When Jenna chose Matty over him, he handled it well. He stayed friends with Matty AND Jenna, but I have a feeling he's using Tamara to make Jenna jealous. Everytime Jenna's talking to Tamara Jake comes over and starts making out with her. So either he is MADLY in love with her or hes trying to make Jenna jelous.

    Collin: Where do I begin with the reasons why I hate him? First off he was flirting with a girl who has a boyfriend, and consonantly flirting with her. I find him creepy and stalkerish (like when he went to go see Jenna tell about how she lost her virginity like wtf how creepy is that?!) and he does not get the point that Jenna has a boyfriend. If you guys saw the season finale, not only did he kiss Jenna, hes the reason why I don't like her anymore. In the trailer for season 4 he ruins her life by having her turn against all her friends and turning her into a pothead. Even though he makes the season more interesting he really gets on my nerves.

    5 AnswersReality Television8 years ago
  • Why does it say my ipod has no more space left when I still have a lot of space left?

    Like I said in my title, my computer says there isn't much space left. I know a lot of my space is taken up because I jail broke it, and I have a lot of apps but it says most of my space is taken up by my songs, and I only have 426 songs. I have an an ipod 4g and 8gb.

    Photos:260.8 mb (328 photos)

    Other:1.24 GB

    Apps:1:90 GB (31 apps)

    Audio:2:80 (426 songs)

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Is it bad that I care too much about being popular?

    First off I'm not those kind of girls who are obsessed with being popular, but I just want to fit in and doesn't everyone else? This part may be long but: I don't think anyone can give you actual advice to how to become popular because its not always going to work out but sometimes I feel like I care too much about being popular. I can easily say I'm friends with most of the school but usually if we were being picked onto teams I end up being one of the last people picked and the popular girls are of course the first ones picked. I usually spend the most time with the popular girls but I don't always get treated like most of them.

    The main part that I get upset about when I'm with those popular girls is how they talk about all these fun things they do together. It sucks because they all live near each other and I live next to neighbors about 5 years younger and the rest are all old people. I would like to move out but if I do I don't want to stress about making new friends all over again. Your probably thinking: If you get upset when your around these girls why do you hang out with them? Well first off they are nice to me usually and this may sound weird but I fit in with them the most. I don't like the nerdy girls and the average ones are eh.

    So sorry this is really long but like I said sometimes I think I care to much about being popular but I think its normal for me to care because honestly think about school with no friends what so ever? I really just wish I could be treated like the popular girls and that I could become better friends with them but do you think that I care to much about it?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Would you date someone younger then you?

    I always end up liking guys older then me but everyone says "your not going to be dating a hot senior when your just a freshman" and everyone thinks its completely impossible to be dating senior because they are older. I kinda understand why they think that. I've always thought that if I were to date a younger guy, I would look really desperate because I'm not able to date a guy whos my age (and like I said I'm more into older guys) but I'm wondering, if you would date someone younger then you and what do you think is the biggest age difference you should have with them?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to get a guy to like me?

    So I have this huge crush on a guy and I've liked him for awhile. He is funny and cute and he can be a tiny bit shy except hes a player. He always dates all these girls and one of them are one of my really close friends. She was the one who broke up with him but I don't want our friend ship to become all awkward because of him. I really like him but I don't know if he likes me back. We aren't even really in the friend stage yet and I don't know how to start a conversation with him without looking like a freak. He usually jokes around a lot and hes really funny but I don't usually talk to him and if I do its usually with a group of friends. How do I get him to like me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Good summer songs 2012?

    Okay so I'm looking for some good summer likes, like something you could play at a beach. Here are 2 examples;

    Till I die Chris Brown

    One more night Maroon 5

    So if you have any good songs please let me know

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Anyone have an instagram or tumblr?

    Please follow me? My instagram is Zoryanaa (I follow back) and my tumblr is thatss-what-sshe-ssaid

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Does anyone know a photoediting website than can do this?

    So picnik closed down and there was this one effect that I can't find in any other websites. There was this one effect where there was a picture of the galaxy and it combined with your picture and its really hard to explain but its really cool. Heres a good example

    if anyone knows any websites please let me know. Thanks!

    3 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • Please help me find cars from different countries?

    So I have an assignment where i have to find different cars from at least 10 different countries and I'm looking for pretty awesome cars. So far I found 5; CherryQQ,Lamborghini,Lexus,Hyundai,Audi. I'm really hoping I can find an awesome car from Ukraine or USA

    3 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Someone Please help! I need suggestions.?

    So I got a bad grade at school and I haven't told my parents yet, so to make them less mad at me I'm going to bake them something. Here's the problem: My parents are on a diet and they can't have carbohydrates and they can't have meat. I'm hoping you guys can give me some ideas for me. Also I'm hoping its nothing to hard to make because I'm not very good at cooking. I'm hoping to make either dinner or a tiny dessert for them. Someone please help because I don't have much time!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Any Hollywood undead fans?

    If you don't know who Hollywood undead is, then theirs no point of answering this question. So I was wondering, is HU always around girls, I know that Charlie Sence loves to talk about how he always gets buzzed then screws girls, and I know that they love to hang out in California, so if I went to california do you think I would see them around girls?

    2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • What hair style is this?

    I doubt you have any idea what I'm talking about but their is this one hair style I love and I don't know what its called. Its where you have one part of your hair flipped onto the other side. If you don't know what I'm talking about then watch this video : . This is a series if your wondering and I'm talking about the blonde girl with the long hair. Please help me I'm really wondering!

    1 AnswerHair9 years ago
  • I'm doing a poster about drugs and I need some ideas?

    So I'm doing a poster about drugs for school and I need posters. Remember this is a big poster. I know that I'm going to do before and after and I might do celebrities who did drugs too but I don't know what else to do and I need more ideas! If you have any please help!!!! Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities9 years ago
  • Does anyone have sony vegas 10.0?

    So if you don't have Sony Vegas then this will not make any scene to you so don't bother asking but when ever you put effects on your clip a box comes in and you can change the settings and tones and all that and so I cant seem to find that box that allows me to change the settings. So if anyone knows how to get the box back?So here's how it happened. I accidentally moved the box somewhere below and its hidden and I cant get to it. I need someones help so someone please help!

    1 AnswerLas Vegas9 years ago
  • Why do I keep crying even though I'm not sad?

    For some reason I feel like you are crying... heavy chest and all that but I'm really happy right now. I'm not sad at all. I'm very happy right now. Do you think it may be hormones?

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago