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Ronni( Im female)

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  • Attachment image

    Why are some ferrets fuzzier than others?

    some ferrets look more like Opossums while others look more like an otter. Because their furs very in thickness. Why is this? How can I get one that is fuzzier than others? the picture is the fuzzy one im talking about.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets6 years ago
  • Best way to take Molly?

    Parachuting? Lick the powder? In a gel capsule? I want the STRONGEST . If it takes longer to happen but is stronger when it does, that's fine. I just want to know the STRONGEST way

    4 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • I'm having trouble making a new best friend?

    I've had a best friend since 6th grade up until the beginning of my first college semester. We were two girls who ended up becoming more in high school and dated for three years. After we broke up we were still best friends, of course we still loved each other. Hell, I still do. But then she got a boyfriend in our first semester of college and she kind of became all about him, we've talked maybe a total of 20 times in the last year. I never see her. and since then, I've made new friends. But never a BEST friend. I miss the closeness I had with her. I can't seem to get close to another person like that. I have one friend that I talk to everyday. But I just don't feel that close. I feel like shes just another person in my life. I care about her, for sure, but it still just doesn't feel like what I'm looking for.

    Help? Suggestions? Something?

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • What hair color would go best with me?

    I have tanned skin tone. My mexican friends call me too white to be mexican but Im too tanned to be white. I have colored contacts that a lot of people say look real and they always have to ask me if they are my real color, its a darkish green/gray. I want an out their color like bright red, blue... anything but pink. What color do you suggest?

    7 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Good hair salons in san antonio?

    I'm new to the area and don't know a good salon to get my hair cut at. Any suggestions? Also, some pricing would be nice. I'm used to around 65 for a cut

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • I want a dancers body...?

    But I can't dance and will not be able to keep an interest in palates, any suggestions?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Any medication to help "weaken" emotions?

    I seem to have strong emotions about EVERYTHING. No matter what. I have high anger, say I accidently drop something that isn't even of importance, like a chip... I'll get super angry and want to punch something. Then when some little thing happens like I pill off a hangnail and it starts to slightly bleed ill get super depressed and have to hold back tears and one text from a friend that has slightly no meaning to it will make me extremly happy and giddy. I just need something that will help weaken my emotions. I was only diagnosed with Anxiety but I didn't go to my psychologist more than 1 time because my family can't afford it. So my family doctor has put me on prostiq, prosac, and now wellbutrin and none of these have helped me at all.... is there a medication I could possible ask my doctor if I can try out?

    2 AnswersMedicine9 years ago
  • What is a good camera to buy?

    I want a good photography camera. I have one but the pics don't come out as clear as I would like. So I would like a better camera. any suggestions? Especially from anyone with a tumblr.

    5 AnswersCameras9 years ago
  • What stores sell stress relief toys?

    I can only find online stores that have stress relief toys but I'm having a bad time with my anxiety and im hoping one of these toys will help keep me from picking at my hands when it gets bad. I was looking for a Tangle, but any store that sells a stress relief toy (not the ball) would be nice. I live in Texas, corpus christi. If you don't know if I have a store that sells them localy, if you have a store that does, describing what "type" of store it is will help me get a better understanding of where to look for them. thank you.

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Psych ward... Should i go?

    So today i threatened to hurt my ex. I stole my dads car and went over to her house. I was pissed. And everytime i get pissed i seriously want to hurt someone if not kill them. Sometimes ill punch random things like walls, and i have a ton of scars and i just got over a broken hand 2 weeks ago. Idk if i should go to a mental hospital tonight or go to a counselor instead. I dont know what to do and its stressing me out more. I feel like being in a place away from everyone i know will help, but idk if thats just a dream picture of the psych ward or what. ive cut before but its not a daily thing, its just a thing that i get overemotional and have an urge to hurt someone. Usually its someone else i want to hurt but mostly ill just result in hurting myself. Idk if this means i should go to a counselor or check into a ward. It seems to be getting worse. I just have no idea what to do.

    6 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • How much does a psychiatrist cost for a frequent visitor?

    Frequent being, they ask that you see them twice a week. It's not a whole "I need to see someone today so ill make an appointment at will" thing. Do they get discounts or do they really have to pay the 100 dollar hour sessions everytime they go.

    4 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Who to see about a personality disorder?

    I think i have borderline personality disorder and its greatly effecting my life. Do i call my family doctor, a psycaitrist or psychologist? Idk where to go to get help... And how much do you think this will cost cuz im running into a lot of money issues but im about to go off to college and i need to take care of this before then.

    2 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Where can i buy/watch You and i: Finding t.A.T.u.?

    2006 is when it was released to be a movie. Then it was realeased in Moscow or something... but the move was filmed in english, so why is it taking so long to come out? or has it and im just missing it???? If someone can tell me where i can see it, or buy it, please tell me!!! At this point i dont care if its in russian or in french (if i buy it at least cuz im sure i can at least put english subs on a dvd) so if you know some foriegn online store that has it so i can buy it in a different language, please tell me. its been years and i still want to see this!

    2 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • Can't understand what happened in Spanglish (2004)?

    In the movie Spanglish, the blonde has sex with adam sandler. but while they are having sex she gets on top of him and he starts screaming no no no and then he automatically knows shes been cheating.... what happened? I'm so confused.

    1 AnswerMovies10 years ago
  • You can't handle the youth LMN?

    I saw the trailer for it unfortunalty on one of the last movies they are showing, well I was wondering what movie was it that had a girl with short black hair dancing on a pole, and then that same girl walking down a runway starting to undress (im guessing it was the same scene)? I THINK it's the same movie that has a girl face down floating dead in a pool, but I can't tell if its the same girl. any help?

    1 AnswerMovies10 years ago
  • Can you name this YA fiction book?

    So I can't remember any names. Just random things about this book but I've been trying to figure out the title. So all I remember is a girl is the oddball in her family. Her family all has powers but she never got hers. Her grandma is suppose to be the "leader" of them and she predicted this girl was suppose to be the most powerful of them all but she was really the biggest disapointment. And she had a said that had the power to minipulate people. And an older gentlemen comes to the girls work to find a book and he cuts her wrist. (May seem random but for some reason I rememberthis was an important detail) and then an old friend comes to help this girl and his power is traveling in time. And for some reason I think something was trapped in an old clock.. so they had to go back in time for the clock. This is pretty much all I remember. Oh! The grandma gets sick... I think that's why they go looking for the clock, while looking for the clock she runs into a "young" grandma and she introduces herself as her name (the girls name not the grandmas) and in the end she asks her grandma why she named her whatever her name is and the grandma tells her "cuz that's who you introduced yourself as 50years ago, I thought that's what you wanted to be called"

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • How much can I sell my James Avery True Love Waits ring 4?

    I am trying to get 80 dollars by this weekend and get 125 before the 15 of July. So I have an old purity ring that I bought from James Avery. James Avery is a great brand, and I looked on Ebay for True Love Waits rings but none are from James Avery. So I don't know if the price would be the same that I would sell mine for. I bought mine for about 60-70 and the ones on ebay sell for about 30 but they have a lot less sterling silver weight to them.

    5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance10 years ago
  • How can I make 250 dollars in about a week?

    I'm 17 and quit my job because business was very slow so I wasnt getting paid like I shouldve been but I need 250 in about a week. Any ideas how I can do this?

    6 AnswersInvesting10 years ago
  • Korean (maybe) Song name?

    I think it's korean. And it has a music video. and the music video is of the singer, in her bed room. starts off with her looking at a glass clock. and then it shows her walking in the rain with a present, and her remembering how she met her ex boyfriend when it was raining cuz he shared his umbrella. and then at the end she shows up at his party and see another girl bringing him his cake and remembers how it used to be her doing that and then she smiles and gives him his present and walks away and then the very last scene is showing us what she gave him and its a crayon coloring of the singer and the guy.

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago