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  • Will he come back or is he done?

    I m 18 and was in a bad relationship for two years with an emotionally abusive and controlling guy. He destroyed my confidence and manipulated me. I didn t leave because I loved him and always hoped for change. He broke up with me once before, said extremely hurtful things, acted like he wanted nothing to do with me again, then texted me a week later, being cruel again. Once I told him I had no interest in him anymore, he wanted me again and I (stupidly) got back together with him. He broke up with me again a few days ago, saying cruel things again, and told me he doesn t love me anymore (but a few minutes before that he said he did love me). I m wondering if he will come back again like last time or if he s truly done. I KNOW it s for the best that I m not with him but it doesn t feel like it because I can t get out of bed or eat, and I feel completely lost and alone without him. Any advice appreciated

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Period question.?

    So I really don t know who to ask about this so I m just gonna ask here. My period only lasted one day and it was very light, when usually it lasts about 5 days. I got it the day after messing around with a guy, but we did not actually have sex so it has nothing to do with pregnancy. I m a little freaked out because this has never happened before, and I don t understand why it only lasted one day. I had just been put on antibiotics for tonsillitis at the time, and had not eaten the whole weekend because my throat was so painful. Could this have contributed to it? Thanks for any help

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • Emotionally abusive boyfriend still wants to be with me, why?

    We're both 17 and been together almost 2 years. He's very controlling, I have to tell exactly where I am at all times, and if I leave, he needs to know exactly how long I'll be. He makes me block guys who message me on Facebook. He insults my appearance and wants me to look like Marilyn Monroe (?) because he likes blonde hair and a woman who is "more feminine." He said if I looked the way he wants me to, I'll "have better chance" with him. He calls me ignorant every time I disagree with him, and he calls me all sorts of other names. He even says I don't deserve any love from him because of how I am. He plays the victim all the time and says it's my fault for the way he treats me because of how I am. The reason I haven't left him is because I'm ridiculously in love with him. I left him before, but I was so miserable, and I got back together with him. I tried again to leave him the other day, but he said he loves me and really wants to be with me and that we'll get better, and I just fell for it all because I'm so pathetic. I don't understand how he can treat me like he hates me all the time, and like I'm not even human, and then tell me he wants to be with me? Any advice is appreciated, thank you

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Catholicism seems like a cult.?

    Not a question exactly, but I'd like some insight. We had a group of Catholics come into our (non-religious) school for weeks, and preach about religion to us. They would then go around each of us and ask us our opinions on various things, such as do we create our own luck, or does God? I am agnostic, and I answered respectfully, but honestly on each question, but they didn't want to hear it. It was clear they were annoyed at me and had no interest in discussing anything that wasn't in their rigid path. They brought us to a church for the day, and when we came out of the church, many people started bawling their eyes out and saying things like they "saw the light." I found this creepy as hell, as if they had brainwashed the students. What do you think? (By the way, I respect any believers, as long as they respect people too).

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • How to get away from him?

    So I was friends with this guy while I had a boyfriend, but we didn t really talk much because I worried he had a crush on me, and I didn t want to talk to him if he did because I had a boyfriend. But as soon as my boyfriend and I broke up, this guy came on to me, and told me he liked me and got really clingy and obsessive. He gets angry when I don t reply soon enough, and I m still trying to get over my ex. Initially, I thought I had feelings for this guy but now I have more clarity, and see that I was just lonely and vulnerable. I need to get away from him, but I don t know how. I m 17, and I work hard in school, because I want to go to college, and he s 19 and lives with his mother, dropped out of school at 16 and has never had a job. This is a huge turn off, as I m ambitious, and he just appears to be, for want of a better word, a loser. I have no idea how to tell him so without sounding really mean though..suggestions? Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How to try getting better after a break up?

    My boyfriend broke up with me a few days ago, and I can honestly say it s been the most painful experience of my life. I haven t been able to eat, or leave the house, or talk to anyone and I ve been crying every hour. Parts of my body like my legs and neck are physically aching, and I m so tired all the time, despite getting sufficient sleep - probably too much sleep. I no longer have interest in anything or any hope for the future. I don t know how to get better, and it feels like nothing will be okay again. I love him so much, and I miss him. I don t wish to be dramatic, but he was, what some might consider, an abusive person (emotionally). He was very controlling, jealous and manipulative, and I know I shouldn t be with him, but I desperately want him back. He was my best friend, and we were together for ten months. I m only 17, but please don t think this makes how I feel any less adequate, as I really am not coping without him. Please, if anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships5 years ago
  • Biology question?

    Relate the following events to either light dependent or might independent stage of photosynthesis:

    1. Where does the absorption of light take place

    2. Formation of ATP in cyclic phosphorylation

    3. Use of c02

    4. The purpose of nadph

    5. O2 production

    1 AnswerBiology5 years ago
  • Throwing up after eating?

    Over the last few minutes, everytime I eat a meal I feel really queasy during it and I often have to run to the bathroom to throw up after. It's not on purpose though, believe me I would love to be able to keep food down with no problems. But because of this problem, I've started eating less because I get so nervous about throwing up. This probably makes things worse though, as I'm already slim. I also get terrible headaches almost everyday. I'm not sure what is wrong with me, but would it be time to visit a doctor? I'm 16 and female.

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care6 years ago
  • Is it normal to be very upset that your boyfriend has an ex...?

    We are both 16 and have been together 3 months and we have a very good relationship. The only thing that bothers me is that he has been with another girl before for over two years - I know it is petty and immature and shouldn't matter, especially since he doesn't even talk to her anymore, but it really bothers me. He still has all messages to and from her on his phone. I've never mentioned this jealousy to him, as I don't want to be a crazy girlfriend. I hate the thought of him touching another girl, and it just hurts. What can I do to erase these negative thoughts from my mind? (Once again, I'm fully aware of how immature this is, but I can't help it). Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Why do I feel so sick when I think of him?

    I'm 16 and I've been with my boyfriend a month, and everytime I think of him, I get this awful squeezing sick feeling in my stomach. Not because he's bad, but because the feeling is so overwhelming. I love him. I find it hard to eat when I think of him, because of this feeling. It's more than butterflies, and it makes it hard to go through my ordinary day. Why is this, and is there anyway to stop it?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I have a great interest in morbid things..?

    I don't think I'm a particularly strange person. But for some reason, I have huge fascination with strange things, which some might say is unhealthy. I'm deeply interested in necrophilia, serial killers and things related to death. I have to make it clear that I have no desire to become involved in those things; it's just that I'm really interested in the topics, and cases involving those things.

    I watch numerous interviews of serial killers, and I find it amazing how their brain works. But I also find myself attracted to some of them, such as Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez, etc (although that's possibly just a phase).

    I am NOT a necrophiliac, I'm simply fascinated by the subject. But if I were to confess any of these interests to my friends, they would think I'm a nutcase. My family are concerned about these things that I'm interested in.

    I also read many books about crime, or murderous acts. I do like blood and gore, but so do many other teenagers, I don't find that to be a big deal. And of course I think any acts of murder are disgusting and cold-blooded.

    I've tried explaining that i simply have an interest in the darker side of the world, and I would love to study something to do with forensics. It's an interest, and nothing more.

    I'm 16 and female.

    Is this normal?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Gametes produced by BB and bb?

    I also need the genotype of the offspring and phenotype. (Guinea pigs homozygous for black coat with a guinea pig homozygous for white coat: offspring, heterozygous).

    1 AnswerBiology6 years ago
  • I'm not a 'normal' person?

    I'm 16, and whenever adults meet me, they say 'she doesn't seem like an ordinary teenager, does she?' or something of a similar nature. They always say I appear years older, and it's perfectly fine to be mature, but I think my maturity is working to my disadvantage.

    My grandmother is always encouraging me to be more 'sociable' and more like other teenagers. I don't do anything wrong - I like to read, write, write songs and play my guitar and piano. It's true that I don't have many friends - but I like it that way. She acts like me being interested in doing well in school is a bad thing; god knows why. She doesn't like how I dress either - I like sombre, Victorian style clothes. She often gives out about me being pale (yes for real) because I don't wear fake tan like most people around my area.

    I always get comments on how different I am; I would say I probably come across as eccentric.

    But it seems that people don't usually like me very much in school. As I mentioned, I don't have many friends, as I'm quite quiet and I keep to myself. And of course, I'm apparently 'weird.'

    I'm wondering if it would be good for this non-existent social life, should I change my ways at all? I'm always nice to people nonetheless, and I'm quite content being as I am, but I'm tired of being penalised at home for it.

    Any advice? Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Can you label this heart?

    It's a sheeps heart, I think I know what A and B are but I can't figure out what C is, and I'm not sure about D

    1 AnswerHomework Help6 years ago
  • What are all possible gametes that can be produced by an individual with brown eyes?

    It's for biology; only requires a short answer I think.

    1 AnswerBotany6 years ago
  • Do you like Nirvana?

    If so, what's your favourite song of theirs?I think they're overrated, even though I like them.

    27 AnswersRock and Pop6 years ago
  • My best friend has gone missing?

    She hasn't been in school for over a month, which is very unlike her as her parents are very strict. She's 15 and very innocent, and she had a much older boyfriend for a while, but they were banned from seeing each other the week before she went missing. She hasn't been online, or answered any texts since then.

    I talked to the head teacher in school about her, who told me the school had rang her house numerous time, and emailed them but got no response. We drove past her house one day at night on the way back from somewhere, and there was three cars outside, and lights on, so her parents are definitely home.

    Her parents are very intimidating and hard on her, and I'm scared to actually call to the house in case a private family issue is going on. I'm really worried about her, and not sure what to do next. I would like for someone to be sent out to the house to check up on her, but I'm not sure how to do that. A few scenarios crossed my mind, one of which was that she could be pregnant, and that might be why she's banned from seeing him. Another was that she was sent away to live with other relatives because they're angry at her. The week before she went missing she said to me 'everyone hates me at home now, but that's a long story..' And that's all she said.

    What should I do next? Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • What would happen to a teacher who has been caught having an inappropriate relationship with his student?

    Like say if there was only a few years between him and the student, and the student didn't even have him as a teacher herself; if he was just a teacher in her school.

    Is it really so morally wrong? After all, teachers are human too and it's a natural response if there is so little age difference. I'm just curious as to what would happen exactly to the teacher if they were caught, and how far their relationship would have to go for imprisonment etc.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Do you think it's strange when someone's family member dies and they post it on Facebook?

    I just think it's kind of weird how when someone's brother, sister, aunt, uncle, parent etc dies and the first thing the person does is write a status on Facebook, followed by crying and broken heart emojis. It makes me feel very uncomfortable, and I'm not sure why.

    I think it's because if someone close to me passed away, I would be in too much grief to even think about my phone and logging on to Facebook to tell everyone.

    Also, some people only get likes and comments on a post on Facebook when it is to do with someone close to them dying.

    It's the weirdest way ever of paying your respects.

    Anyone else feel the same, or is it just me?

    2 AnswersFacebook6 years ago
  • Can you ever truly get away from high school friends and people you knew from that time?

    You know, after you've finished high school. Will you stay in touch because of all the social media and so on? I've always had this idea in my head that once I'm finished school, I'll move far away and hopefully lose touch with everyone, as school is my personal hell. But i'm worried that might not be with case, what with being from a small town, high school reunions. So is it easy to immediately lose contact with everyone, or what? Thanks

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago