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  • What kind of relatives or rather how closely are we related?

    Me and a person are trying to find out how closely we are related. Our great grandmother's were cousins. Are we even related? And if so how much?

    3 AnswersGenealogy4 years ago
  • Should I read the new 52?

    I wanna get into comics (specifically Nightwing and Red Hood), but I don t know where to start at. Should I just read the New 52 since it s relatively new? I don t know what to start on.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation6 years ago
  • How Can I Get Comfortable With Dancing!?

    I have a graduation party comin up and this girl I really like is gonna be there. If people end up dancing (which probably will happen) I wanna be able to dance with her if I get the chance or if she bugs me to dance. Problem is I just can't feel the music. I can dance sittin down for whatever reason but if I have to get up it all goes out the window. What can I do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Do I Have Depression?

    So I feel like **** all the time anymore. I'm constantly feeling lonely and unsatisfied with my life. I actually had a really good day. Went to a few parties which were fun but after that I just went back to feeling empty as usual. What should I do? I have a great family and a great life. But I always feel empty and like something's missing.

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • What is there to do at prom? I don't care to dance.?

    I'm going to prom on Friday but I'm not dancing with my date. I don't enjoy dancing, or want to. She's fine with it. So what else is there to do?

    In case you're thinking, "Well why are you even going then?" There's two reasons:

    1: My date asked me. And our prom is date mandatory. I didn't want her to not be able to go cause she couldn't get another date.

    2: I know how much it means to my parents (more specifically my mom) that I go. It's a part of growing up and I know they'll enjoy seeing me all dressed up (which I also hate doing) and going to prom.

    So in general, I'm not looking forward to going, and for various reasons which I don't want to get into. All I'll say about it is prom just isn't exciting to me to be honest. But I want to go and have a good time. What is there to do there?

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Would I be considered depressed?

    So the past few months I just really haven't felt like doing anything. It's not that I'm upset or sad about something, I just don't feel any motivation to hangout with my friends or go to parties and stuff. I have my senior prom on Friday and I don't even care to go. I'm fine talking to my friends and having a good time at school or if I do go out. But otherwise I just have no motivation and I don't know what to do about it. I almost don't care anymore but I don't like feeling like this. :/

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Any way to fix broken apps? Jailbroken Iphone ios 7.1.2?

    I can t use snapchat anymore on my phone because everytime I try to open it my phone just restarts. Any way to fix this?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Elgato HD 60 won t stream PS3!?

    So I want to stream on my PS3, but my Elgato HD 60 won t bring up the video in Game Capture HD. I got an HDMI splitter, my second one. And it works fine. It bypasses the HDCP, and it comes up. But the screen shows up black. And when I hook up the splitter to Game Capture, the light for the Elgato on the splitter goes off.

    What do I do? Is there any other software I can try?

    1 AnswerPlayStation6 years ago
  • Can someone help me with my anxiety?

    I've had anxiety for a long time. It used to be really bad, but I've worked very hard to try and get rid of it. I've gotten rid of it almost completely at times, but it ends up coming back really bad sometimes.

    It wouldn't be bad at all without the symptoms. I get really bad shaking, my chest beats really quick, my face sometimes turns red, and worst of all, my eyes tear up. I don't know why this happens. It's not like anyone is even making fun of me. It just happens.

    Lately I've felt my chest beating hard and fast a lot. Even when I'm at home where I really don't have any anxiety. I'm afraid it's going to turn into a full on panic attack. I actually had a mini one over the weekend. How can I get rid of these symptoms (or at least the teary eyes)? Things would be so much easier if I could overcome this.

    8 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Can someone give me their opinion on what this means?

    I have a theology project on this topic we have to prove wrong.

    The Church, indifferent to earthly welfare, stands in the way of freedom and happiness.

    I think it's about morality, and teaching the Church has about certain things. But I'm not totally sure.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Snapchat won't open?

    I have a jailbroken iPhone. And snapchat is crashing for some reason everytime I open it. I've had this happen before. But I just delete it and reinstall it and it works. For some reason nothing I've tried works. Any ideas on how to fix this?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • What are some pros and cons of having a girlfriend?

    Put as many as you want. And please be specific!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Did Satan want to be equal with God?

    I'm curious as to what Satan supposedly wanted to do. Was he removed from Heaven for wanting to be equals with God?

    56 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • How can I get back into my workouts?

    So for about half a year now I've been in what I'd call a workout depression. I used to workout all the time, 7 days a week. I loved working out, and it was more part of my life than it was a hobby. But during the summer I didn't workout for a while for a few reasons. 1) I was in the middle of my baseball season so I didn't wanna be sore during games. 2) I was very depressed for quite a few months and nothing was fun anymore. Baseball's over for me, and I'm not depressed anymore, but I can't get into my workouts. I go to do pullups ans pushups in my room, and I just stop after even doing a set because it just doesn't feel right. I have motivation and a desire to workout, but I just can't get into it. I don't know what to do. I miss working out.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Can someone recommend a high proteined diet?

    I'm trying to get more fit and maybe bulk up a bit. Im 17 and don't have a job, and my family usually gets junk foods, but I'm trying to eat healthier. I wanna start working towards a six pack, but I know there's no point unless I'm eating right too. What can I eat daily that will help me build up and eat better? I'm sort of picky.

    If I ate eggs almost every day and ate fruits like grapes or oranges, along with meats and protein shakes, etc.. How big a difference would that make in my diet?

    I really appreciate any advice you guys give me.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Did the A's get rid of their gold jerseys?

    I'm just wondering. I know they have green alternates now but I'm not sure if they replaced the gold ones with those. Have the A's worn the gold at all this year? It's my favorite jersey in baseball.

    2 AnswersBaseball7 years ago
  • Is she trying to ignore me?

    There's this girl that I met a month or two ago. I know her through one of my friends. She added me on Facebook about 30 minutes after she left. Then she posted on my wall, "I added you because I can." We talked a little bit for the next week or so. I added her on snapchat too.

    Recently we started snapchatting a lot. Over time she became my #1 on snapchat. She usualy snapchats selfies of herself and we'd end up sending pictures of ourselves back and forth. About two weeks ago I came to realize I had feelings for her. So we were snapchatting one day and I decided that I was going to ask her out on a date.

    So I snapchatted her, and said "Can I ask you something?" Then put, "Would you wanna go on a date.?" (I know I should've asked in person but I had only seen her once in person. The night I met her. I didn't think I'd see her for a while.) She answered a minute later saying, "I would but if I wasn't talking to someone." She said she didn't want to lead me on and how sweet she thought I was.

    Coincidentally, two days later (last Saturday), she's at the mall me and my friends usually hangout at. She's on a date, with the guy she said she was "talking to." She doesn't say hi or anything. Probably because it would've been awkward for her.

    She's still my #1 on snapchat. Though she rarely answers when I try to start a conversation. She'll snapchat me selfies and always answer. I thought she was taken, but on her story she put "Tired of this single life."

    Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago