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mr awsome

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    Bug bite rash thing help please!?

    Okay, so I was at a friends house and we spent a good portion of the day in the woods. I went in to take a shower and I saw these four bug bights on my thigh. Now 24 hours later it has a rash and some other bigger dots have appeared. There is also a distinct line, and s shape which I read may be scabies. Help me what is it!

    2 AnswersFirst Aid7 years ago
  • Do you need to get a girls number before asking her out?

    There is a girl I like and I sit by her in school. I am a freshman in highschool so is she. I used to be very shy (not anymore) and I have no idea what to do. I have never really dated anyone before. So I am wondering if I need to get her number or if I should just ask her out THEN ask for her number if she says yes. Or would that be a no no. I really like her but I am really unsure and nervous and I am afraid I will not do it until the last day or if the oppratunity practicaly screans it in my face. Please help

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Stupied question but girls only awnser please?

    Okay so there is this girl i like and i got her snapchat and i snapchatted her on on tuesday like maybe 5 snaps then i snapchatted her during class the next day and of course we had to go on spring break and i am wobderif if i should snapchat her or not. The reson why i ask is that i have been the first to start each snapchat convo thing but should i just start another or would it e weird to always be the first one to snapchat. Sorry i k iw it is a stuiped question but i really need some advice because my friends are no help with this kibda stuff lol. Also what kind if stuff should i snapchat ? Examples are helpful. Thanks !

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Buying flys, help please !?

    I am looking for assorted flys to start fly fishing. I am new to fly fishing and plan on fishing for mainly bass, but I would like to try trout and steelhead fishing. I have a 8 wt rod. I would like to buy assorted flys that can be used for all three of those fish species. There are a few problems, I have no idea what fly sizes correspond with my wt rod and if certain fly assortments i am looking at will work for all three of those fish.

    My current finds, not exactly any clear winners

    Which would be the better buy ? Would they all work for bass, trout and salmon ? And are they the correct sizes ? If thise would not work or you may know of a better assortment, please tell me ! Thanks :)

    2 AnswersFishing7 years ago
  • Is this a acceptable saltwater fishing combo for a week trip to Florida?

    Going to Florida in a few weeks. Want to know if this combo will work okay. I will be fishing for just about anything that bites and will be from the shore.



    Line (30 Pound test )

    And how many feet do i need my rod to be? I do not really want to get a 12 foot rod , but I will if nessescary. Thanks!

    2 AnswersFishing7 years ago
  • Do I need a metal leader for saltwater fishing?

    Going to Florida soon and I am wondering if i need a metal leader for pier fishong. I targeting whatever bites and it would be a disappointment to loose a fish. I have that putting a leader on gets less bites but is it required to catch fish with teeth? Thanks!

    By the way i heard you and put a 40-50 pound mono leader on and it will work as Alexander also but wouldn't the thicker line scare the fish?

    8 AnswersFishing7 years ago
  • First time saltwater angler help?

    Hello, I need some help salter water fishing. I am going to Keywest over spring break this year and would like to go fishing. I freshwater fish a lot but have no clue about saltwater. So in short this question will have three parts

    1. Can my current rods handle saltwater fish or should I buy a cheap combo

    2. What do i need for saltwater fishing? Like bait or leaders or line etc etc

    3. What do fish for for a noobie at saltwater fishing (and what I need to fish for it)

    1. I have three rods that I think would possibly be able to handle saltwater

    Bps proqualifer reel/ ST croix bait casting rod

    Not including link to the rod I'm not very concerned about it, it has a lot of back bone

    Shakespear catch more catfish combo

    The biggest fish i have caught on the bps /st croix is a couple carp i suspect to be 10-15 pounds (didnt have scale) and on the catfish combo a couple bass around 5 pounds. Please tell me if my current rod (s) will work or if i should get a cheap saltwater combo ( recamendations with links would be nice if that's the case)

    2. What do i need for saltwater fishing ( line, leader, kind of bait etc etc) . I have 30 pound test braid on my bps /st croix and 14 on my catfish atm. Should I go higher? Do I need a leader? What size if so ? And do i use worms or shrimp or what kind of bait? Bobber Or a sinker? What type of rig just stuff like that.

    3. What type of fish should i go after? I have not very much knowledge of saltwater fish so a technique and what to use kind if thing would be nice . I open to just about anything that bites 'n fights.

    4. Lastly is there anything else i need to know?

    By the way i will be likely fishing off of a pier

    Thanks !

    2 AnswersFishing7 years ago
  • Is this a good fly fishing rod please help?

    Hello I would like to get into fly fishing and mama wondering if this is a good fly fishing rod/reel/line combo or if there's re any better ones for 200$ and under

    Rod reel combo


    2 AnswersFishing7 years ago
  • Parent problems...............?

    Ok so this may not be very orginized or in the right order but i will do my be

    So or some background info my parents are vegans and i am not and we fight and argue a lot about being vegan and gun control and stuff like that. I do not like my mom very much, i tolerate her but not to say i hate her either. It would be better to say we have exact oppiste opions about almost everything and that makes it harder to connect and i dont hate her but dont really like her that much but she is the one who takes me places and buys me stuff. I hate my dad however, he is very mean at times and grabs ne by my neck and smacks me for the littlest things. If i say anything that he dosent like or want to hear, i am in big trouble. He is gone at least 3 days a week usaly and he dosent get home until late. On the weekends he works. I can go das without saying a word to him. They are both stubborn and ignorant, every argument i plan beforehand and know what u am talking about and back up my points with

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Would it be possible for a 15-16 year old to save up 15,000$ in one summer?

    Hi i would really like to get a fishing boat and am only 15 at the moment. I was wondering if it would be likley to save up 10-15k if i worked for one summer. Thanks!

    7 AnswersFishing8 years ago
  • Good .22 cal Air rifle under 300$?

    I am looking for a Powerful (20ft pounds or more ) accurate (can hit 1inch groups at 25 yards and 3inch at 50 yards) spring .22 air rifle for under 300$. I have been looking at the benjamin trail Xl but I have found out it has accuracy issues, mostly to be blamed on the scope. Thanks!

    2 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Can i call the cops on my parents?

    Alright so my weird *** vegatarian parents alaways try to make me eat gross stuff. ( tofu, salads soymilk etc) of course the key word is "try." But they have been getting more sierous lately and i did some research and made this connection:

    Force-feeding is the practice of feeding a person or an animal against their will. I am not willing to eat the gross food and they force me too.

    Force feeding is a form of torture

    Torture is illegal

    My parents are commiting a crime

    So can they legaly make me eat tofu and stuff?


    Defintion of force feeding

    Torture list (including forcefeeding)

    And i dont really need to cite a source that torture is illegal, as that should be common sense -_-

    A commin argument is that theres a big differnce between having someone force food down my throat and making me eat tofu, but that is simply, per say a differnt form of forcefeeding, it still matches the defintion word to word.

    15 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • Did tou hear about the man that...?

    Mad his children worship him (he had lots of kids) and made them built monistaries and places of worship to worship him! They based a religon off of him! Isnt that ridickulose! Someone tell me that is unveliveable please...

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can someone tell me what i need for a aquirium?

    Im looking at raising minnows for bait for fishing and breeding them etc etc. i would like it to look nice and a real aquiruim with plants that i can enjoy and stuff. My question is mainly the cost of the following:




    Tank (10-20 gallons)

    Rocks and sceneriary

    Other things i may need

    I would like to keep it under 50$, but no more than 75$ if neccasry.

    How long do minnows take to grow to about 2 inches?

    Do i need a heater so they will span year-round?

    Are there any tops with lights that are under 20$?

    Anything else i need to know?

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Give me proof that god exists?

    Give me logical, credible proof that god exists. Any god infact. I dont want any bullshit awnsers either i.e. " you just gotta gave faith." Also, i already know that jeusus was a real person, did he have "superpowers" or whatever is another story. The bible is not a source because, guess who wrote it, religous people. I also do not want any anwsers criticising (spelled it wrong) the big band theroy ( not the TV show) either because we have proof of it. If no one can give me proof that god exist then i guess religon is just a hoax then.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Do you guys agree with me?

    You know the fish that bite, but the hook dosent set. Or that get of the hook? Well, i have come up with a name for them... Jack-basses! Spread the word!

    13 AnswersFishing8 years ago
  • Why do people think banning assualt weapons will prevent mass murders?

    Banning assualt weapens will not prevent them. There is ALWAYS a way to get what you want, whether legaly or illegaly. All it would do would simply delay them. It seems like a good idea, but really, once you think about it it will do no good. If you hadent noticed drugs are illegal and a good amount of people still have/do them. Yes, i agree we do need tighter restrictions on them, but banning them will do no good. And i know there will be at least one person who says " why do you need a assualt gun," and quite frankly i only think most men will get it. But for shooting compitions, for outdoor recreation (yes guns are outdoor recreation, and yes this ties in with compition) and for self defense. And yes iknow that chances are slim that someone would need it as self defense but the possiblility is still there. And i understand lots of people think guns are unhealthy for people ( mostly dumb people think that) but really, would you rather see your kid playing Xbox all day or trap and skeet shooting with friends or relatives. If presented wrong i can see why some people are anti gun but i also hear those people saying we dont need a military so they are obvisly stuipied. Please, i would like to hear your imput.

    10 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • I heard this really goodT song can someone tell me what it was?

    It was like

    Dum dum dum de dum

    Dum dum dum de dum

    Dum de dum dum

    De dum dum dum

    Dum dum dum de dum

    Dum dum dum de dum

    And then it reapReated. I really like this song and I'm sorry I mitve forgottOen a dum or de here or therLe but you should still Lbe able to figure it out.

    1 AnswerLyrics8 years ago
  • Can i save games on my xbox?

    Like so i can go to my games and play it without requiring a disc. If i can do that... How to do it? I have alot of spCe on my xbox. And im not alowed to play COD cuz my parents are hippies but i want to see if i can rent it for a night then save it on my xbox so i can play it when there not around. Is this even possible? Im 14 btw

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago