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Lv 55,645 points


Favorite Answers16%

I take your questions seriously. You will get a straight answer from me. I am a retired Paralegal having worked in law firms for 30 years. I am a mother and grandmother.

  • I received a Sony Reader PRS300 for Xmas and don't know how to use it?

    I wanted an Amazon Kindle that would read to me. The Sony does not. I put it away and now decided to see what the Sony is all about and there is no manual or cord with it. Help in any way you can, please, like instruction how to download a book. Thanks!

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • I am trying to sort a column alphabetically on my computer...?

    I have a long list of names that are in random order now. I know that somewhere on the computer there is a code to sort them into A, B, C, etc. order. Can you tell me where it is? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Can I bring a civil suit for dilinquent rental payments while evicting for non-payment of rent?

    I have a hearing date to evict tenants. They said they have no intention of paying what they owe. Can I start a suit now for back rent or do I have to wait until they have vacated?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Any ideas how to get 2 sons to agree to disagree?

    Situation: Son #1 got nephew of Son #2 a job where he works. #1 saved nephew's job three times. #2 never knew that. (The next time the boss asked what to do #1 said ok fire his azz.) Nephew overheard Uncle tell the boss to fire him. Nephew told his dad his Uncle GOT him fired. Son #2 thinks his brother should have come to him at some point & told him his son's job was in jeopardy. They have never had a blowup since they were teenagers and this is a doozy! They aren't speaking. HERE IS WHY IT CONCERNS ME: Son #2's daughter is getting married in June and #1 won't be invited to the wedding unless he admits he is wrong. I will be travelling to their state for the wedding and their stalemate is breaking my heart. I was to spend most of the time with Son #2 and the night before the wedding with #1 who does not yet know he isn't invited to the wedding. Any suggestions? Please don't be rude. I can't afford to go to a motel and I won't have a car out there. See my prediciment? What to do?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Can i paint over a ceramic piece? How?

    I have a ceremic wall panting that my now deceased mother made for me 15 years ago. My kitchen has been remodeled and I would love to hang the matching folk & spoon pieces but it has orange in it and my kitchen has apples. I would love to repaint the oranges to red. It was originally baked in a kiln and I am afraid I will ruin it. Has anyone done this? How? Serious replies only, please. Sincere thanks!

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • When harbour seals come from Canada to Buzzards Bay, MA.?

    do they go through the Cape Cod Canal or do they swim all around it to get to Buzzards Bay (and then to Mystic,Connecticut) Their 'ancestors' used to swim around and now that the bay is there, have they figured out that is a shorter route?

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Do you leave comments to the answer you liked best? I enjoy letting people know why their answer helped me?

    Whenever my answer is chosen as best I look to see their comments on why they chose it over others. So, if you ever pick mine for the 10 points Id love to know how it helped you. Thanks for always sharing your thoughts with me! (I put this in Family because here is where I go the most.)

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • When my answer is picked as best, I like?

    to have the 'asker' comment on my answer - why my answer was picked and how it helped her/him. Do you like that, also? And do you write something to the 'answerer' that you picked as best?

    18 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • I just found out I am going to be a great-grandmother.?

    I have such mixed emotions. A new baby in the family will be so wonderful! But, it makes me o-l-d and I'm only 66. To all you great-grannies, how did you feel when you heard the news about your grandchild having a child?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Boy did I do a dumb thing!?

    Background: I had to hide money and pain pills from my x-husband. Five years later I am still 'putting things away' and I live alone! (That's not even the dumbest part!) For example, just the other day I put money 'aside' for a rainy day and today I CAN'T FIND it! What dumb thing(s) have you done lately? (I COULDN'T FIND an appropriate catergory to put this under - it figures! LOL)

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • If I asked you to carve me a spectacular jack 'o lantern,?

    describe what it would look like all finished, Oh gosh, I'm all excited! Make it REAL good, please, just for me. (nothing nasty, please - just clean fun.) Don't forget to dry out the seeds so you can grow more pumpkins next year! THANKS!!!

    3 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • On a scale of 1 to 10?

    how sick and tired are you of the saying; "Have a nice day!"? Rate it a one if you still love it, a 10 if you never want to hear it again. Any other number please explain why you picked that number. (Me? A definate 10 because it's just words now - without feeling. But don't let me influence you.)

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you think Yahoo Q&A should give more incentive to get high scores?

    Sure, they give more emails a day, etc. But there should be some kind of reward for getting 3000 and up. I don't like the Top Contributor, either. If you don't stick to one catergory you'll never make it because it is judged on how many answers in one catergory. I like to jump around and read different catergories. Tell me your feelings on my comments, please. And I don't know where or who we file our suggestions with.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • This question is from my grandson about his girlfriend...?

    He recently started 'dating' a girl in his class and home room. He just found out she is a relative to his best friend. He wants to know if he should break up with her to save the friendship or talk to his friend about it. Any good advice?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Need info on how male kitten acts after being 'fixed'?

    When I had my female cat fixed she calmed down to a slow waltz from a hip-hop cat. LOL The vet said she would calm down but I didn't expect her to go so far in the opposite direction. Now here is my dilemna: Her 6 month old son is spastic and a whole lot of fun. I need to get him fixed, also, as he is now terrorizing her. Will he lose his enthusiasm to life like she did? Please don't tell me to ask my vet. Have you had experience with getting cats fixed and if so, how were they different afterwards. Thanks for any advice.

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Today is my 66th birthday and I'd like to get 66 birthday wishes :)?

    I am a YOUNG 66 and if you could give me a present, what would it be? (Please no girdles or old granny stuff - I told you I am young! :) ) Best answer will get 10 points (of course) and a personal email from me. OR, if you would rather tell me the best birthday gift you GAVE, that would be cool, too! Go ahead, fill up my incoming email box. The challenge is on as of right now.....

    44 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • 'Be the first to answer' but you're not. Why can't we see others that answered before we give our opinion?

    Sometimes the answers before mine were typed a good 5-8 minutes before me, yet it said I was first. I searched this question and saw that as far back as a year ago people were complaining about this. It makes it look like we have copied others answers. If it bothers you, tell me and do you have any advice who we can complain to and try to get this changed? If all you want is the 2 points just write 2 points because I want some real answers and then I won't have to read yours. Thanks.

    12 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Can you believe a pastor raped an 11 year old, got her pg. & denies it all?

    I'm watching the news and Pastor Reyes raped this little child, got her pregnant, and she delivered a baby. He denies it all! He rejected a plea bargain in spite of the fact two DNA tests proved it was him. What could anyone possibly do to him to equal the pain and suffering of this girl and her family!!?? I'm angry!!! Your opinion, please.

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago